22 Winning Wealth Affirmations to Attract Unlimited Abundance

Not all wealth affirmations are made equal. In fact, some “wealth” affirmations may unconsciously amplify the feelings of scarcity, not abundance. Why?

Because they were not created from an abundance mindset and don’t reflect the positive belief of “there’s more than enough.” Or the only thing they focus on is how to spend less money instead of how to attract more and more of it.

This post is designed to help you leave your comfort zone and the feelings of lack and scarcity with 22 winning wealth affirmations to open yourself up for unlimited abundance and infinite possibilities of prosperity.

Only for those who desire to use the Law of Attraction to accomplish amazing things while leaving all the limiting money beliefs behind.

How Positive Wealth Affirmations Really Work

As a Law of Attraction and Manifestation author, the number #1 Law of Attraction question I get asked from my readers is: how to manifest more money…

What’s interesting is that some readers keep telling me they don’t really care about money. But at the same time, they wish to manifest more of it.

This is the best example of how to confuse the Universe.

Imagine you have a friend, and you keep telling them you don’t really need them and that they can’t make you happy. But then, the next day, you call them and try to arrange a meeting.

Here’s another interesting thing…

When you Google “how to make money”, or start searching for YouTube videos on “how to make money”, “How to attract wealth”, etc. you will get millions and millions of search results.

Attracting wealth is something that the majority of people are searching for.


Because money, while definitely not necessarily the #1 thing to make us happy, can give us a sense of security, safety, and comfort.

But here’s the biggest truth to understand when it comes to manifesting more money and attracting more wealth.

Most people don’t believe they deserve more money.

This is where wealth affirmations come in.

Wealth affirmations are designed to help you replace your old limiting beliefs such as (“I don’t deserve more money”) with new, powerful beliefs such as: “I’m open to receiving more money”.

A powerful wealth affirmation acts on all your senses. It helps you visualize positive images of you having all the money you desire while feeling positive emotions around wealth.

Some wealth affirmations can even help you embrace unlimited wealth by smelling or tasting it.

For example, as you go through your favorite wealth affirmations, your mind may immediately start translating the amount of money you desire to make to your favorite vacations, hotels or lifestyle you wish to live.

If you do it every day while in a relaxed state, you can start reprogramming your subconscious mind for wealth and abundance.

Your subconscious mind loves positive images, good feelings, nice smells, and sceneries.

However, before diving into our wealth affirmations, it’s good to explore other common limiting beliefs that people have around money. If you identify you have some of them, for example, you think that money is bad, you may start exploring a new belief, such as: “I can be both wealthy and spiritual”.

Another option we highly recommend is guided hypnosis.

Below are the most common limiting beliefs and money blocks:

-You don’t want to make more money – you’re perfectly happy with your income.

-You don’t think you deserve it even though you’d never admit this to yourself or others.

-You don’t think it’s even possible for you to make more money.

-You think money is bad and poverty is spiritual.

-You think that if you make more money, you will lose your friends.

-You feel guilty about your desire to be wealthy because your family is not wealthy.

-You blame your parents for not giving you a better education about money.

-You think the only way to be wealthy is to win the lottery or marry someone rich.

To learn more about limiting beliefs around money and wealth (and how to eliminate them) check out our articles:

Can Hypnosis Really Help You Manifest More Money & Abundance?

3 Steps To Activating Your ‘Wealth Brain’

Now, let’s dive into our wealth affirmations…

22 Winning Wealth Affirmations to Align with Infinite Prosperity

#1 I fully deserve unlimited financial freedom.

#2 I feel excited about my financial freedom.

#3 I love creating different streams of passive income.

#4 The more wealth I attract, the more I can help others.

#5 My experience with wealth is always positive.

#6 I’m open to receiving financial success through different avenues.

#7 I know I can easily turn my skills into unlimited wealth and abundance while making the world a better place.

#8 New income and wealth channels come to me on a continuous basis.

#9 Every day, I get better and better with money!

#10 Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

#11 I am open to opportunities that will make me more money.

#12 I am able to handle large amounts of money.

#13 I am more than worthy of having more money.

#14 My money situation is getting more and more excited.

#15 I feel confident in my ability to attract and invest money.

#16 I’m open to creating new streams of passive income that work for me every day, even when I sleep.

#17 I always have more than enough money.

#18 I always attract my money in expected and unexpected ways.

#19 My life is rich and abundant in every way.

#20 I always follow through with my wealth goals.

#21 My money is the powerful energy that helps change the world for the better.

#22 It’s safe for me to attract more and more money and financial success.

How to Make Wealth Affirmations Work for You

It’s all about mindful repetition!

Wealth Affirmations are positive statements about your ability to manifest money. The power of positive words will build up when you repeat them over and over again, so the subconscious mind picks them up.

When you first begin doing your wealth affirmations, you may feel a bit strange.

But don’t give up. Stick to your wealth affirmations while using your mind creatively- keep looking for positive evidence that shows your money manifestation is near.

Remember that the thoughts you think with your consciousness make up for about 4% of your actual thoughts. And 96% of your thoughts are subconscious.

When you think about it… we’re only using 4% of our potential.

Well, wealth affirmations, with patience, can help us unleash our full potential.

Wealth Affirmations rewire the brain. They restructure our thinking process that influence our energy, mindset, and behavior.

Positive wealth affirmations will help you be your best cheerleader and have deep faith in yourself.

You’ll radiate the rich energy of wealth and abundance while becoming a vibrational match to your financial desires!

Working on your vibration is also very important when manifesting money with the Law of Attraction.

I have a free 5-day program (eBook + audio) to help you raise your vibration in 5 days or less and become a vibrational match to your desires!

Get Your Free Copy HERE!

Free book and audiobook to raise your vibration in 5 days or less!

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Do You Have A ‘Rich Brain’? (and how to manifest money with ease)