The Hidden Power That Makes the 369 Method So Powerful (2023 Update + Channeled Divine Messages)

Hello Beautiful Soul! So, you have been researching the law of attraction and manifestation.

Perhaps you feel intrigued by the so-called 369 manifestation method, as it’s been trendy on Tik Tok, Instagram, and other social media channels…

Let me guess…you are looking for a fun and proven way to take inspired action and test this mysterious 369 manifestation technique yourself. You may even find yourself thinking: “Will it work for me?” or “Isn’t it too complicated?”, and finally: “Am I doing it right?”.

In this post, you’ll discover what really makes the 369 manifestation method so powerful and how you can use it to reprogram your subconscious mind, empower yourself like never before, and get closer to your desires with joy and ease!

***I originally wrote this post in August 2021, and I am updating it now (October 2023).

I have experienced many energetic shifts and “aha moments” since 2021 and have also strengthened my connection with my angels and guides.

Therefore, I am updating this post now with new, divine tips and messages to supercharge your manifesting journey; whether you choose to do the 369 method or not, it is my intention that after reading this post, your energy and mindset will shift to help you get closer to your desires❤️. Enjoy!***

Too Busy to Read? Listen on YouTube Instead 🙂

The ONE Thing You Absolutely Can’t Miss (and 369 Manifestation Mistakes to Avoid)

Relax, my friend, you have come to the right place! Not only will this post reveal the exact steps to follow to help you use the manifesting 369 method to get closer to your dreams…

It will also reveal the biggest secret that most people who get into the 369 method (and any other manifestation method, really) MISS!

This secret alone will amplify your manifestation journey and help you release many doubts and fears (these are the biggest manifestation blocks, by the way).

Does the 369 Manifestation Method Really Work?

Several months ago, I saw how the 369 manifestation method was trending, and many of my readers were asking me about it. Oh, this “new method”. “Will it work?”.

But the exciting thing is that the 369 method is not that new, and it’s been around for a very long time.

However, it only became famous in recent years, thanks to many social media influencers who began sharing their experiences with it.

OK, so before we get to the juicy part of the 369 manifestation, the exact steps to follow, as well as different variations of the actual 369 manifestation method and practical examples (I actually used 369 manifestation technique to manifest this blog, and this is the very first article I’m writing for it!), and the most common mistakes people make when getting started on manifesting through writing (whether they use the 369 method or not), here’s the ONE thing to understand.

Unlock the Power of Authentic Manifesting

When it comes to authentic manifesting (and this is what it’s all about, you want to manifest your own goals, not someone else’s goals, and you want to feel empowered knowing that you can do it again and again!).

In alignment with that, here’s my bold statement- you ARE the best manifestation method. In other words, it’s all about your mindset and energy.

The philosophy I share in all my books is that it’s NOT about chasing the latest technique or manifestation method, “hoping” it will work. It’s all about doing the inner work while striving to raise your vibration, energy, and mindset 🙂

And this is where various manifestation techniques, such as the 369 manifestation technique, come in handy.

They can help us align. They can help us feel GOOD. They can help us experience the feeling of living in a different reality and motivate us to keep going 🙂

Now, I also believe it’s essential to choose the method that works for you, and you enjoy doing 🙂

For example, I really enjoy writing in my journal, so, naturally, the 369 manifestation and any other Law of Attraction writing techniques are definitely my thing.

However, some people may choose to visualize instead or record their own affirmations and listen to them on their way to work or during meditation.

Channeled Messages from the Angelic Realm

Here’s how to approach the 369 manifesting method or whatever method you choose…
Show up as someone who has already manifested their desires and allow yourself to feel grateful.
Use writing, affirming, or visualizing to dive deeper into your new reality. It’s, now, it’s done, it’s yours. Embrace love and gratitude❤️

And..the Law of Attraction will amplify your inner state. Because you will speak the language our realm understands. As with any language, it takes patience and practice to master. But we believe in you, and we know you can do it. Practice makes perfect. So, keep going by becoming mindful of how you show up for your manifesting practice.

Don’t do it to try to attract or manifest because you’ve already manifested. Your inner state needs to be one step ahead (or more) of your current reality. What you focus on expands!

Elena, the writer and creator of this blog, does an excellent job explaining how to stay organized when manifesting, and she speaks your human language. Now, it’s time for us to use her as our channel to help you transform your inner state and claim your God-given ability to manifest because you were born a manifestation master; it’s just that you’ve forgotten about it…

So…don’t show up as someone who doesn’t have what they desire and is now trying to attract using methods or techniques…because then the Law of Attraction will keep amplifying that inner state.
That’s all there is to the Law of Attraction techniques.

You use methods to express your gratitude and love (the highest and most powerful vibes in the Universe) and keep releasing any doubts and fears.

The difference between the 2 approaches makes a huge difference.
It’s all about your energy and predominant vibration.

The energy behind your actions. We are here to help you re-learn how to use your energy consciously****

The Hidden Benefit of the 369 Manifestation Technique

So, keep this in mind because it will help you so much on your journey- you are the BEST “method”.

It’s all about working on your mindset and energy.

Methods and techniques are just tools. For example, talking about the 369 manifestation method, imagine it’s like a bridge…

A bridge that takes you from your current mindset, energy, and vibration to an entirely new location where you vibrate higher and your mind is in a much better place.

So, you find it much easier to find new opportunities. As a matter of fact, new opportunities find you 🙂

This is how I manifested the joyful creation of this blog.

Something that used to scare the heck out of me, such as all this tech stuff, went super fast because my mind and my energy were in a new place, and so I took action that felt almost effortless!

In fact, I had lots of fun with things that my Old Self didn’t really enjoy that much (or would just procrastinate about).

It felt like I was being guided, and my old fears and doubts gradually melted away 🙂

Now, it is my intention that you, too, experience the same level of inner transformation that translates to amazing outer manifestations.

The 369 Manifestation Mindset – You Are the Power!

So, in alignment with our philosophy that you are the best manifestation method, you are the secret sauce, and you are the power, let me share another misconception (not so much about the 369 method specifically, but about LOA in general).

For example, when I say: “You are the best manifestation method,” or: “You’re always manifesting”, and a person is in a dark place, or they fear that whatever method will not work out for them, they automatically assume that the Law of Attraction is about blaming or shaming them.

But it’s all about true empowerment. Understand this: there is no such thing as failing.

And the Universe wants you to succeed. It wants to guide you.

Also, you succeed, or you learn.

So, never feel bad about “not manifesting fast enough” or needing more time. It’s all about the journey, and yes, sometimes, we may encounter some obstacles.

But these can make us stronger if we choose so!

Letting Go of Doubts and Fears Before Getting Started on the 369 Manifestation

So, with this new 369 manifestation method mindset, you should feel excited and empowered while automatically letting go of all the doubts and fears, such as: “What if it doesn’t work, and I waste over a month just writing things down in my journal?”.

This is a fear-based mindset. But it’s good it’s coming out to be fully released:)

Whatever comes to the surface can be healed and transformed.

Also, the 369 manifesting method is an amazing opportunity to practice being patient with yourself while growing your mindful discipline muscle by showing up for yourself and your desires daily!

You see, as you go through the 369-manifestation method yourself, you will realize some doubts and fears coming. Don’t push them away.

While I’m not suggesting you dwell on them, I definitely do recommend you investigate them from a place of love and curiosity 🙂

So, once again, you can’t fail with this method. Even if you don’t manifest your desire after finishing the process (this is what holds so many people back from trying this method), you will still learn a lot about yourself.

Here’s another great mindset shift that greatly improved my conscious manifesting ability:

When you truly believe in something, you don’t give up. You trust the Divine Timing and know that all your positive intentions and actions will eventually compound into something truly amazing because the Universe works in miraculous ways 🙂

I’ll give you an example: I once used the 369 manifesting method to manifest extra money.

My intention was to manifest 1K in 33 days.

I finished my practice after 33 days, and nothing happened 🙁

On top of that, the advertising bill for my publishing business increased, so I had to pay $300 more for advertising fees on the main publishing platform I use for my books.

And I felt a bit disappointed…but only for a few hours 🙂 because I reminded myself of those powerful teachings that I am sharing with you now 🙂

I knew, the Universe was giving me a choice and I could choose my focus 🙂

So, instead of giving up (like my Old Self would gladly do), I held a vision of manifesting an unexpected 1 K. I also added an intention of reducing my business expenses.

I kept replaying the images of me doing the 369 manifestation practise in my imagination and maintained the inner state of gratitude. I visualized myself writing about how grateful I was because everything turned out absolutely OK eventually.

At the same time, I took inspired action, and I did my best to show up for myself and my business. I promised myself to do the best I could with what I knew, and I allowed myself to be guided.

I believe that divine guidance and inspiration comes to those who do the best they can with what they know while allowing themselves to be guided, so…

I embodied the version of myself who could easily manifest extra money while keeping her expenses low.

Because I knew that the Universe and Divine Timing admin spoke a different language than I did. I knew they would not understand my deadlines and dates and numbers…but they could understand my imagination, beliefs, and embodiments.

So, I didn’t give up. And…I did manifest unexpected money after 3 months of finishing my 369 practice. Not only that, but I found new advertising solutions that were less expensive and more effective.

Yes, I had to go through 3 months of what most people would call – financial stress and insecurity…

But…I didn’t see it that way. I saw it as a beautiful lesson from the Universe to be more grateful for what I had, while unlocking my inner resourcefulness.

For example, after discovering my new advertising solution, I organized a small class for local business owners and charged a consulting fee. This is how I could manage yet another amazing opportunity for manifesting money while also being of service to others.

So, now I see obstacles as opportunities. I thank the Universe. I focus on manifestation prayer and ask for Divine Guidance.

The lesson learned here is – don’t spoil your manifestations with fears and doubts, and allow them to come in a way that will serve you and others. Believe even if it seems like it’s not working.

Know and understand that you may be looking at things from your limited human perspective…

Once again…ask yourself if you can master the language of the Universe and admins of the Department of the Divine Timing 🙂

This is how you will learn how to show up for yourself and the Universe. You will discover the power of inner work, self-love, and self-care through creating your own affirmations.

You will understand what is going on inside you while developing what I like to call Mindful Discipline. And the MOST important part – you will be raising your vibration and shifting your mindset and energy.

Now, that you understand the biggest secret and that the true power is in your hands…

Now that you know there’s no such thing as failure, and it’s all about enjoying the process…let’s do this 369 manifesting method, shall we?

I know I’ve been rumbling for too long on here, but I really wanted to make sure you get your mindset and energy right first. And I hope my story can inspire you 🙂

So, this is the original 369 method guy…:)

The Nikola Tesla 369 Manifestation Method Is the Real Deal

Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American engineer (1856-1943) who made dozens of breakthroughs in the field of electric power.

He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.

The number 369 is also called Tesla’s Divine Code and can help you manifest your desires by unleashing the sacred power of numerology.

Hence, the 369 manifestation technique!

Let’s have a look at the meaning of the numbers 3, 6, and 9:

Number 3 – is the number of wisdom, harmony, communication, creativity, and optimism.

Number 6 –  is the number of family, harmony, great relationships, and healing. 

Number 9 – is the number of love, Karma, spiritual enlightenment and awakening, and faith.

As you can see, all the above numbers vibrate really high!

Related Posts:

933 Angel Number-Stop Escaping Your Soul’s Purpose!

0303 Angel Number – 7 Divine Messages for Manifesting Abundance, Love, and Success

Oh, and have you noticed:

3 + 6 + 9 = 18

Number 18 resonates with independence and building something of lasting benefit to those around you. It’s the number of creations out of a love-based mindset. Creating something that will benefit you and others. Number 8 vibrates the energy of infinity and abundance. Number 1 is associated with new beginnings.

If you’re in business, it can also be a number of creating win-win deals and long-lasting partnerships that result in abundance and happy money (by saying “happy money”, I refer to money earned ethically by providing value to others).

Oh, and 1 + 8 = 9 again!

I hope you’re now excited to tap into the power of the numbers: 3, 6, and 9 through the 369 Tesla, aka the 369 Manifestation Method!

The Exact 3 Steps to Follow to Use the 369 Method with Joy and Ease

But…it’s not only about the numbers. Yes, these numbers can amplify your manifestations.

However, it’s also essential you understand how to create your affirmations and which words to avoid.

To be successful with the 369 method, you need to:

Step#1 State your desire in an empowering, love-based, and specific (but not too specific way; more on that in a second).

Step#2 Purchase a journal or notebook you like that you will use only for this technique for the next 33 days.

Step#3 Write your desire 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening (and repeat this process for 33 days).

Words to Avoid When Writing Your 369 Manifestation Affirmations

When I first tried manifesting through writing, I “failed” miserably (well, as a matter of fact, I didn’t fail, I learned, and now can help you on your journey, so all good!), I included words such as “want” and “try” in my affirmations.

And these are all very disempowering and success-annihilating words.

Also, I stated my affirmation in the future tense, so I just kept pushing it away. I got stuck in the energy of waiting for something or someone to come and save me…

Not to mention taking action from a fear-based mindset of lack (instead of a love-based mindset of joy, mindful experimentation, and curiosity).

So, to avoid my early mistakes, be sure to state your affirmations in a way that makes you feel good, empowers you, and uses the present tense. Because your power is in the present moment!

Example of a high-vibe, empowering affirmation:

“I’m so happy and grateful that I’m now making (add your desired salary) from my dream job”

Embrace the feeling of: It’s already happened, and you’re grateful! It’s done.

Embody the energy of having and living your desire.

Don’t worry if it’s hard at first, it may be, because your brain is not used to it yet. But, as we learned from the channeled messages I shared above- you need to master the language of the Universe.

The fastest way to manifest is to embody the energy of having your desires, and so, manifesting techniques are great for that. The 369 manifesting technique is particularly effective here because, since you write about your desires 3 times a day, you get more practice when it comes to learning to speak that new language we are mastering- the Language of the Universe (and this is one of the best skills you can master!).

Not that I say that more is better for manifesting. Because we are not in the mindset of not having and trying to attract. Nor are we trying to prove ourselves to the Universe.

We do it, because we are celebrating our manifestations (they already happened) while choosing to embody the best version of ourselves. And….the energy of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 can only amplify our joyful and super successful, empowered inner state.

The 369 Manifestation Method Examples

Over a month ago (that is – back in July 2021), this blog was just an idea I had in my mind, and I kept procrastinating and pushing it away: “Will I have time to write for the blog? I mean, I am writing books anyway…and right now, many of my books are being translated into Spanish. I have a team to lead. Will I have the time to create content for the blog?”

But then, I began studying the 369-manifestation method and the power of the 3, 6, and 9 numbers.

I have already manifested many beautiful things through writing my affirmations. As a matter of fact, I am a great fan of journaling and scripting…

But I felt curious about this 369 thing. After analyzing the numbers, not only the numbers 3, 6, 9, but also 18, I realized that this voice “You gotta start a blog and write articles too). I just knew it was my higher self, and I had to take inspired action.”

But my old self hated setting up blogs and websites. So, I kept postponing it. And again, I kept getting those intuitive downloads: “Come on, you can do this yourself. It’s not that hard!”


Little, self-sponsored plug 😉

In my book, Script to Manifest I share more on different manifestation techniques you can use if you like manifesting through writing 🙂 ***

I decided to use the 369 method to manifest this blog!

“I’m so happy and grateful that I now set up my blog all by myself, people love it, and I’m very, very excited for what is yet to come”.

I kept visualizing happy, inspired readers and how my content would help them raise their vibes…and the effect it would have on them, their families, and their communities 🙂

A side note- tapping into the number 17…does it really matter for the 369 manifestation method?

Some Law of Attraction influencers recommend your written affirmation lasts 17 seconds for more benefits.

Number 17 =  compassion, self-confidence, spiritual consciousness, and strength

1+7= 8 , Number 8=  balance and harmony

Personally, I think this is totally optional. It is human nature to add more layers to any method because then it’s sexier to market it (people always like “something new,” right?)

For me, personally, it’s about simplicity and intention.

If something is too complicated, we may end up too confused and not doing it 🙁

But at the same time, I have nothing against the number 17. What I would do is- make your affirmation sound good and natural to you 🙂

Recommended Post:

The Astonishing Power of the 17 Second Manifestation Technique

Not too short, and not too long. If it takes 17 seconds to write it, great. If it’s a bit longer or shorter, don’t worry about it, as long as it feels right to you.

My affirmation wasn’t exactly 17 seconds long, and I still manifested because I knew how to focus on the fundamentals – my mindset, energy, emotions…and goals aligned with my higher destiny.

Now, I want the same for you, because it feels so good!

You already know the most essential secret here, right? It’s You.

Your mindset and energy, yes, tap into the power of divine numbers if possible. But don’t get in the mindset of absolutely depending on them or feeling paralyzed because writing your affirmation doesn’t take 17 seconds exactly. If you’re too much in your head, focus on your heart instead. It knows!

It’s all about mastering the fundamentals (which we already covered at the beginning of this post), instead of chasing details that very often distract us from what really matters here- our energy, mindset, and vibration.

As you can see, my 369 manifestation affirmation was specific:

“I’m so happy and grateful that I now set up my blog all by myself, people love it, and I’m very, very excited for what is yet to come.”

I knew what I wanted to manifest 🙂

But it wasn’t too specific, as being too specific can make you close your intuition to other avenues and possibilities that perhaps could benefit you more in the long run (your higher self always knows, so stay humble).

Now, the feeling is so important! I chose to feel light, happy, and empowered. I had the sense of “it’s done, and I feel so good”.

So, I kept writing…. 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening…for 33 days…

As I went through his process, I kept getting intuitive downloads, too, for example: “Do a quick Google research or watch a particular video” which would guide me through setting things up very quickly.

I also manifested many amazing discounts for different software products or other products I needed to purchase to set up my blog while offering the best user experience I possibly could.

And most importantly, I fell in love with all this tech stuff and learned new skills that will help me spread my message.

I overcame my resistance. I considered this a huge win. Even better than a lottery win! Yes, I genuinely believe that your skills, mindset, and energy are the best “lottery win” ever because they will allow you to manifest beautiful things while being of service and feeling fulfilled over and over again – but this is a topic for another day).

And, as I said, I used to fear this stuff, and because of that, I could never reach as many people as I wanted.

Yes, I kept taking INSPIRED action. I intended to do it all by myself (other blogging attempts of mine, well, I usually would ask my partner, and because of that, I could never learn how to set up and run a blog myself).

But it felt fun and went very smoothly; I learned a lot and enjoyed it…and most importantly, I CHANGED my mindset and OVERCAME resistance!

How the 369 Method Helps You Shift to Infinite Possibilities

So, I definitely encourage you to apply the 3 6 9 method yourself.

Remember, you are the most significant secret here.

A manifestation method is just a tool, a bridge to help you change your mindset and energy so that you can be the person who easily attracts and accomplishes whatever it is that your current desire is.

Talking about desires…don’t put yours on a pedestal. And don’t put any method on a pedestal, either.

Yes, I genuinely believe that the 369 manifesting works, if you actually decide to go all in and do it with the right mindset and energy.  I also think it’s important you choose a goal that is truly yours and is aligned with your higher purpose (or leads to it).

Sometimes, you may spend some time writing your affirmation and then realize that it’s not really what you wanted. And that’s fine, too; it happened to me many times, and I’m so grateful!

To sum up, you don’t fail. You succeed, or you learn. You have nothing to lose but a lot to gain, so definitely get your own 369 manifesting party started!

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

PS. Get my free eBook and audiobook to raise your vibration in 5 days or less:)