3 Secrets to Supercharge Your Money Mindset Fast!

Are you ready to get rid of limiting beliefs and old money traumas that are holding you back from manifesting your dream, financially abundant life? If you feel like you’re prepared to open yourself up for unlimited abundance and a great financial future, you’ve come to the right place!

Discover my most powerful money mindset secrets that combine the metaphysical with the practical, which is the fastest way to transform your money mindset!

Everything is energy, including your money mindset. There are a few spiritual laws you can consciously use to support your money mindset. My intention is to show you the most essential metaphysical laws to help you become an unstoppable money magnet.

Now, if you really want to master your money game, you’ll get better and faster results by combining the spiritual laws of attraction with some practical steps and aligned, inspired action 🙂

The way I like to call it is- the Law of Attr-Action, or in other words, combining the action (and your conscious mind) with attraction (spiritual laws of the Universe and your subconscious mind).

Now, it’s time to transform your money mindset forever and never look back!

Money Mindset Secrets

Money Mindset Secret #1 Be Grateful Like Your Life Depends on It Because It Does!

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations and, in my opinion, the most effective spiritual law out there. I’m sure you already know about gratitude.

But how often do you practice it? Specifically, how often do you practice gratitude around money?

You can practice gratitude and transform your money mindset by:

-starting a gratitude journal

-talking to yourself (out loud or thinking about what you can be grateful for today)

-creating gratitude affirmations (you can also record them and listen to them while driving or doing things around the house)

When it comes to money, and money mindset you can be grateful for:

-your current paycheck, income, and clients (seriously, be grateful for every cent and dollar you earn!)

-the house you live in (even if you’re renting or staying at someone’s, be grateful for the roof, the food, the running water, everything, never take anything for granted)

-the air you breathe and nature around you;

-people you work with.

The primary purpose of gratitude is to consciously keep rewiring your brain so that it keeps searching for abundance no matter what’s happening around you 🙂

It’s all about repetition! As you keep training your mind to search for abundance, gratitude, and new opportunities in every circumstance, it will start working for you (not against you).

Successful people know this little secret. And yes, I know, I know, it’s nothing new.

So what? 99.9% of my success was created by consciously practicing the old information and making it work for me (instead of chasing some new, shiny object and the latest manifestation method!).

After practicing a ton of LOA, mindset, and spirituality techniques for years, I can tell you this- GRATITUDE is the most potent attraction technique ever.

You can practice it through different channels (writing & scripting, visualizing, affirming).

The method/modality doesn’t matter that much. Just choose the one you enjoy most and stick to it. It’s all about mindful implementation.

If you want to attract more money, and improve your money mindset, then focus on practicing gratitude around money, including:

-The money, assets, and material things you have now (it will also help shift the “shame” some people have around material things);

-The money you desire in your life (be grateful for it, even before you attract it because remember, everything is energy, and, at this moment, everything is possible!).

-Your dream lifestyle (your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between your current lifestyle and your dream lifestyle, and the Universe always listens).

-Rich and successful people and their achievements (so much more powerful than jealousy and envy…when you feel grateful for other people’s successes, there’s no space for envy, doubt, and resentment).

-Past “failures” – remember, you don’t fail, you succeed, or you learn. So, stop dragging those “past failures” around you, release them from your life (and energy field) by allowing your mind to focus on the lessons learned.

In other words, gratitude can help you go from a “victim” to a “victor.”

Aside from gratitude, you can use other conscious manifestation methods to transform your money mindset story and attract more abundance into your life.

Money Mindset

Money Mindset Secret #2 Remember That Money Can Be Very Spiritual (and Use It to Manifest More of It and Faster!).

Have you ever been told that money is evil or that it doesn’t grow on trees?

I know that I had… from my loved ones and many family members.

Now, I don’t blame them. They were just repeating what they were taught, and they had good intentions.

People always do the best they can with what they know and the resources they have available.

While some people obtain money by taking advantage of others, stealing, or lying, not all wealthy people are like that.

Money can be good. It can be spiritual. Money is just an exchange of energy.

If you want your money to be spiritual, simply remember to keep asking yourself:

“How can I offer more value to the world?”

“What can I do to be of more service to others and get paid well for it?”.

Most financially abundant people I know are:

-creative – they know how to use their minds to come up with new and fresh ways of generating income while adding value to the world (by creating products and services that help people with something);

-productive – they understand they’re here for a reason, and time is precious, so they use it to create and grow, not to complain /waste their talents;

-very spiritual and always willing to give back – after all, even if you don’t care about expensive cars and big mansions;

(money can also be used to help your family, give to your favorite charities, travel the world, and discover new things).

In other words, making more money can help you be a better person, help yourself and the world, and enjoy more freedom and fulfillment.

It all starts with making a choice.

So, no more resentment towards the wealthy!

No more categorizing and generalizing (“oh but all rich people are…”)

Instead, ask yourself: “What can I learn from them?

Are there any skills, mindsets, or spiritual behaviors I can adapt from them to learn, grow, and expand?”

Recommended for You:

How to Manifest Money When You Don’t Have Enough

In this article, I dive deeper into how to release negative emotions of resentment, not having money, and comparing yourself to others (who have more than you).

I come from nothing, I wasn’t born into wealth, and I didn’t receive any life or financial guidance from my family. I come from a dysfunctional family where there was no clear communication, guidance, or direction. Now, the word “dysfunctional” is relative. This is how psychology describes my family system, and it helped me understand what I needed to focus on to heal.

However, from a spiritual perspective, I see my family as very functional 🙂

Because, they got me on a path of self-healing, self-growth, and now – helping others.

In an indirect but so, so effective way!

So, what you see as “dysfunction” or “not enoughness”, can be your biggest blessing 🙂

Read this post to discover how you can manifest more money and abundance when you don’t have enough.

Secret #3 Discover Your Money Attraction Channel and Keep Showing Up UNTIL it works!

Never underestimate the power of consistency and passion.

I learned this from Aaron Daughty, a very successful YouTuber in the self-development/ personal success / LOA and spirituality space.

He had a dream of becoming a full-time YouTuber.

I remember watching him back in 2017/2018 and thinking: OMG! He’s moving so fast!

He’s doing videos every day. And he keeps creating new courses and launching them.

How does he do it? How can he be so productive?

The answer is simple: PASSION.

He was really passionate about making videos (daily videos).

Back then, I decided to “try” (I no longer use this word because, to me, it equals the lack of belief, but back then, it was still in my vocabulary, haha) and start a YouTube channel well.

But here’s the thing: I wasn’t passionate about making videos and interacting with people on social media. Yes, I was (and still am) passionate about LOA, self-development, mindset, and spirituality.

However, sharing my passion, experience, and expertise via videos wasn’t my thing. And so, I couldn’t be consistent with it.

Finally, I went on a journey of self-exploration and authenticity and discovered that I wanted to be a writer. So, for me, my channels of expression are Amazon Kindle publishing, blogging, and newsletters.

And I stick to what I’m passionate about – writing, and I can be consistent with it 🙂

Ask yourself, what can you do?

Is there a creative way you can combine your passions with helping other people by sharing your knowledge and experiences?

A friend of mine loves talking to people, so her channels are coaching (1:1 and in groups), speaking at conferences/events (on and offline), and she is thinking about podcasting, too.

Now, you may be thinking: “OK, Elena, but what if I’m not an entrepreneur and I work for a company?”

Well, it still works the same way. Talk to your manager or employer first.

Tell them that you would love to grow within the company and help grow their business.

Ask them: “Are there any new skills I can master to be a better employee and help this company?”

I’m sure they will appreciate your goodwill and give you more ideas to help you open yourself up to new channels of receiving money.

And if they don’t, then don’t worry. As long as you approach a different company or organization with such a mindset (“How can I add value to your company?”), you will grow and make more money as a result.

Another solution you can explore is to start a side hustle (aside from your main line of work) by focusing on the creative mix of doing what you love and helping other people with your skills and knowledge.

Read More: How to Manifest Money When You Don’t Have Enough…

This is how it works. This SECRET is about taking mindful and inspired action and embracing the GROWTH MINDSET no matter what.

Keep showing up consistently, with good energy and a smile on your face, until it WORKS and you MANIFEST your goals.

And when you do, repeat the same process with a new goal!

Money LOVES mindful action takers.

And you already know that you can’t fail, you succeed or you learn!

Keep going (and in alignment with secret #3 keep showing up daily, no matter what you do!)

Much love,


Your friend and mentor in conscious reality creation

Money Mindset Book by Elena G.Rivers

Money Mindset: Stop Manifesting What You Don’t Want and Shift Your Subconscious Mind into Money & Abundance (Law of Attraction Short Reads Book 1)

Now available on Amazon (Kindle, paperback, Audible & Hardcover).