If you want to change something on the outside, you must start out by changing from the inside. Money affirmations are a fantastic tool to overcome limiting beliefs and negative money mindsets and habits.
For example, many people do not realize that talking bad about money doesn’t bring more money. Entirely, on the contrary, it amplifies the vibration of lack of money. Positive money affirmations are a super powerful way to start cultivating positive self-talk and treat yourself and your money situation kindly.
Imagine that money is a friend of yours. And that you keep telling this friend: “You’re so bad, you’re the root of all evil, and everyone who likes to be around you is evil too, go away!”
The question is, what would your friend do? Stay or try to leave as soon as possible?
I’ll answer with another scenario (much more positive and empowering).
Imagine you keep telling your Money Friend how much you appreciate them and everything they do for you.
And you also give them some space to be free and “flow around” (instead of getting too attached to them, which is also a negative money mindset)…
Your Money friend will love to be around you (and call more and more of their Money Friends).
Well, let’s focus on the second scenario (make your Money Friend want to be around you and make both of you feel good) using positive money affirmations!
Table of Contents
6 Often Forgotten Facts about Money Affirmations
If you’re still feeling doubtful about using money affirmations (my only regret is that I wish I’d started using them ages ago; not only to attract more money but also to feel good about myself), let’s explore some interesting facts about money affirmations and how they can help you.
#1 Positive Money Affirmations Help Us Stay More Motivated & Energized
The negative beliefs and self-talk about money suck our energy and motivation.
The things we tell ourselves repeatedly become our predominant vibration (how we actually feel about ourselves).
The article: The Toxic Effects of Negative Self-Talk, written by Elisabeth Scott, MS, and Published on VeryWellMind.com,
reports: “Negative self-talk can affect us in some pretty damaging ways. One large-scale study found that rumination and self-blame over negative events were linked to an increased risk of mental health problems.
Focusing on negative thoughts may lead to decreased motivation as well as greater feelings of helplessness. This type of critical inner dialogue has even been linked to depression.”
Elisabeth also states that: “”One of the most obvious drawbacks of negative self-talk is that it’s not positive. This sounds simplistic, but research has shown that positive self-talk is a great predictor of success.”
The article: Mayo Mindfulness: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk on www.MayoClinic.org
“Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. Health benefits that positive thinking include:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical wellbeing
- Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress”
So, it’s not just some wishful thinking…positive self-talk and positive affirmations can really add to our quality of life and wellbeing.
And isn’t that what we all want?
To live a happy, joyful, and abundant life where money is there to support us rather than to make us feel stressed and unhappy?
#2 What Most People Miss When Doing Money Affirmations
Money affirmations play a huge part in helping you create more money and abundance. But, remember that becoming financially free is a journey, and aside from money affirmations, you also need to explore practical ways to make money or allow money to come to you. The possibilities are endless. Don’t limit yourself to just one money-making stream.
Start actively brainstorming about different ways to generate more income streams. Be open to different ideas and opportunities. Money affirmations will help you think differently. And so, your thoughts will be attracting new ideas and circumstances. Be sure to explore them and take action on them!
Also, explore your money mindset and how you really feel about money and people who have them.
Are your thoughts and actions contradicting the beautiful, empowering money-affirmations you’ve just started to practise?
For your money affirmations to work quickly, you need full alignment.
These articles will help you align your money mindset, energy + actions:
3 Secrets to Supercharge Your Money Mindset Fast!
5 Ways to Align with the Energy of Money Fast (to Manifest More of It)
#3 Your Money Habits and Systems (how much you earn, spend, keep and invest)
This one is very often overlooked. Most blogs and money experts talk only about saving money. Now, of course, saving money is very important.
But.. it’s also essential to unleash your ability to attract more and more money and creating MSI (multiple streams of income).
Imagine that your goal is to enjoy a nice, warm bath for many, many hours.
Well, you need 2 things- the flow of hot water and bathtub stopper.
As your water cools down, you’d keep adding more hot water and probably releasing some of the “old waters” (such a nice metaphor for letting go of what no longer serves us!). Then, you’d use a bathtub stopper. And repeat the process.
The point is, saving alone might not be enough to become wealthy (unless you save and invest; in other words, you make your money work for you).
One of the concepts I’ll be diving deeper into in my future articles is manifesting different streams of passive online income through sharing and monetizing your passions, skills, and unique gifts.
I believe this is something that many of my beautiful readers will benefit from!
#4 Attracting Opportunities to Make More Money
For example, investing in your skills and creating valuable offers to your clients, marketplace, or a company you work for; or looking for creative ways to monetize your passion.
Successful people such as Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Bob Proctor, and Tony Robbins use positive money affirmations.
For example, Bob Proctor is famous for his money affirmation:
“I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.”
But, they also take positive and aligned action focused on adding value to the world, sharing their gifts with others, and creating products or services that help people achieve their goals or entertain them.
I know that many of my readers already know this.
After all, this is one of the main pillars of my book: Money Mindset: Stop Manifesting What You Don’t Want and Shift Your Subconscious Mind into Money & Abundance.
However, if, at the moment, you think that monetizing your passion, learning new skills, or adding value to the world seems too much to handle, don’t worry.
Simply focus on money affirmations to shift your mindset to a more creative and powerful state.
When inspiration and ideas come- you’ll know you’re ready to take action!
#5 Money Affirmations Will Rewire Your Brain
It’s all about mindful repetition!
Money Affirmations are positive statements about your ability to manifest money. The power of positive words will build up when you repeat them over and over again, so your subconscious mind picks them up.
When you first begin doing your money affirmations, you may feel a bit strange.
But don’t give up. Stick to your money affirmations while using your mind creatively- keep looking for positive evidence that shows your money manifestation is near.
Remember that the thoughts you think with your consciousness make up for about 4% of your actual thoughts. And 96% of your thoughts are subconscious.
When you think about it… we’re only using 4% of our potential.
Well, money affirmations, with patience, can help us unleash our full potential.
Money Affirmations rewire the brain. They restructure our thinking process that influences our energy, mindset, and behavior.
Positive money affirmations will help you be your best cheerleader and have deep faith in yourself.
You’ll radiate the rich energy of wealth and abundance while becoming a vibrational match to your financial desires.
#6 When Using Money Affirmations, Always Focus on Positive Words, Positive Outcomes, and Present Tense
–I am great at managing money.
NOT: I’m going to be great at managing money (after all, you don’t want to get stuck in the energy of wanting and waiting).
–I attract great clients into my business, and they love paying high prices for my services.
NOT: I don’t attract needy clients with no money to pay for my services.
(your subconscious mind will hear: I attract needy clients with no money to pay for my services)
–I am a great giver and an excellent receiver.
NOT: I could, should, would, or will be a great giver, and I might be an excellent receiver.
111 Powerful Money Affirmations to Magnetize Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity
#1 I accept and receive unexpected money.
#2 I am a magnet for money.
#3 Prosperity loves me.
#4 Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
#5 Wealth constantly flows into my life.
#6 My finances improve beyond my dreams.
#7 I am attracting money at this very moment.
#8 I am open and receptive to all the wealth life brings me.
#9 I attract money happily in my life.
#10 I attract money beyond my wildest dreams.
#11 I am always open to receiving money in my life.
#12 I love attracting more and more money.
#13 Money falls into my lap in miraculous ways wherever I go.
#14 People love giving me money, opportunities, and good energy.
#15 I trust that more and more money is coming to me.
#16 I am forever aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance.
#17 I allow money to flow easily to me.
#18 Money is being attracted to me in every moment.
#19 I am so grateful for the ability to manifest money whenever I need it.
#20 I always have more money coming in than going out, every day and every way.
#21 Wealth constantly flows into my life as money, experiences, and unlimited opportunities.
#22 I joyfully embrace new avenues of income.
#23 I always welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
#24 I allow my money to work for me.
#25 I’m willing to think differently about receiving money starting right now.
#26 I love manifesting different streams of passive income.
#27 I love making money while I sleep.
#28 I constantly attract opportunities that create more and more money and wealth for my loved ones and me.
#29 I always discover new, creative sources of income.
#30 I love monetizing my skills and passions and sharing them with the world.
#31 I love marketing my unique gifts to the Universe.
#32 My income is growing higher and higher.
#33 I have nothing to worry about, only good things to look forward to.
#34 I love being in the cycle of giving and receiving.
#35 I attract enough income to pay for the lifestyle I want.
#36 I get wealthy doing what I love.
#37 My bank account is constantly filled with money.
#38 There are no limits to the money I can make.
#39 The more fun I have, the more money I make.
#40 My income is constantly increasing.
#41 My income will exceed my expenses.
#42 Money is an abundant resource that I can tune into whenever I want.
#43 My income has unlimited potential.
#44 I use money to improve my life and help others.
#45 I have more than enough money.
#46 I deserve money and abundance in my life.
#47 I am grateful for all the beautiful experiences that money brings me.
#48 Money can bring me comfort whenever I want.
#49 Every day I’m attracting and saving more money.
#50 I always welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
#51 I release all negative energy over money.
#52 I have a positive and high vibe money mindset.
#53 Money is good, money is energy.
#54 Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
#55 I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
#56 Unlimited wealth constantly flows into my life.
#57 I love checking my bank accounts and see them grow.
#58 My actions create constant abundance and prosperity.
#59 I am aligned with the energy of abundance, wealth and prosperity.
#60 I constantly attract lucrative opportunities that create more money.
#61 My finances improve beyond my dreams, every day in every way.
#62 Money is the root of joy and comfort.
#63 It’s safe for me to make money.
#64 Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.
#65 Money and love can be friends.
#66 Money loves helping me.
#67 I am the master of my wealth.
#68 I am able to handle large sums of money.
#69 I am at peace with having a lot of money.
#70 I can handle massive success with grace.
#71 Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences.
#72 Money creates positive impact in my life.
#73 It’s enjoyable to spend my money responsibly.
#74 I trust myself to make smart financial decisions.
#75 My money helps change the world for the better.
#76 I am allowed to have success and happiness.
#77 My money will do good for me and the people I love.
#78 I let go of all my limiting beliefs around money.
#79 I change the world with my money.
#80 I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.
#81 I love money, and money loves me.
#82 Money comes easily, frequently, and abundantly.
#83 Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and more prosperous.
#84 I think like a millionaire. I act like a millionaire, I feel like a millionaire, I am a millionaire.
#85 Abundance is within me, abundance around me and for me.
#86 I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.
#87 I love to give money a good home.
#88 I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
#89 The money I contribute always comes back to me multiplied.
#90 The more value I share, the more money I will make.
#91 I am grateful that I can contribute my money to the economy.
#92 I am happy to pay my bills for all that they provide me.
#93 The money I spend and earn makes me happy.
#94 I respect the flow of money.
#95 I let go of all my fears around money.
#96 I release shame and guilt around money and wealth.
#97 I know anyone can be as wealthy as they desire, including me.
#98 Every day, I choose money and wealth.
#99 All the money I have brings me joy.
#100 I am worthy of a wealthy life.
#101 My wealth comes from being honest and authentic in everything I do.
#102 I deserve a prosperous life.
#103 I am worthy of a solid financial foundation.
#104 I am on the path to a wealthy life.
#105 I am worthy of financial security and freedom.
#106 The Universe provides enough money for everyone, including myself.
#107 I am now financially free.
#108 I have enough money to enjoy my day-to-day life freely.
#109 I have more money than I could ever spend.
#110 I choose to stay focused on abundance no matter what.
#111 As I earn money, I am equipped to give and serve generously.
How to Use Money Affirmations Successfully
-Create your daily affirmation ritual by focusing on one (or more if you choose) options:
-write your affirmation several times (you can also use the 369 method or the 5×55 method)
-say your money affirmations in front of the mirror (I always say mine after brushing my teeth)
-record your affirmations and listen to them while walking, doing things around the house, or relaxing
-create your own money affirmation cards and keep them on your desk, vision board, fridge, etc.
Want to Master the Art and Science of Money Affirmations?
Read my post:
7 Powerful Secrets to Create Manifestation Affirmations That Work!
Money Affirmations Q&A
Empowering Q&A on Money Affirmations
Q: Can money affirmations really make a difference in attracting wealth, even if I’ve struggled financially for years?
- A: Absolutely. Many people have experienced financial breakthroughs after consistently using money affirmations, even those who once struggled deeply with scarcity mindsets. By shifting your focus to affirmations like, “I am open to limitless wealth flowing into my life,” you begin to dismantle the beliefs that keep you stuck in financial hardship. One success story involves a woman who had been financially struggling for years. After incorporating money affirmations and visualizing her financial freedom, she noticed an unexpected job opportunity that not only improved her income but allowed her to pursue her passion. The key is persistence and allowing your affirmations to reshape your mindset so that you’re naturally aligned with financial abundance.
Q: What’s the best way to make money affirmations more powerful and effective for advanced practitioners?
- A: Advanced practitioners can amplify money affirmations by pairing them with emotional visualization and embodiment exercises. For example, while repeating affirmations like, “I am a magnet for financial prosperity,” take a moment to vividly imagine the feelings associated with having wealth—peace, security, freedom. Another powerful approach is using scripting alongside affirmations. Write in detail about the life you’re living now that you’re financially free. One person who used these techniques found that her financial mindset shifted so dramatically that she started attracting multiple streams of income. When you feel the emotional reality of abundance, you’re signaling to the universe that wealth is already yours, which opens you up to receive.
Q: Can money affirmations change deep-rooted beliefs about financial worthiness or “deserving” wealth?
- A: Yes, money affirmations can be transformative for deep-seated beliefs about financial worthiness. Many people have subconscious programming from childhood that creates a barrier to feeling deserving of wealth. Advanced affirmations like, “I am inherently worthy of wealth, and I attract it effortlessly,” help to rewire these beliefs over time. One success story shared by a man with long-standing feelings of unworthiness shows that after several months of dedicated affirmations, he noticed a complete shift in how he felt about money. This change was followed by significant financial improvements in his life, including unexpected financial gifts and investment opportunities. Repeating these affirmations daily helps reinforce self-worth, making it easier to attract wealth naturally.
Q: How can I stay consistent with money affirmations when I’m not seeing immediate results?
- A: Consistency is critical, and it’s common to feel impatient when results don’t manifest instantly. One advanced tip is to practice affirmations with detachment. This means repeating them without constantly “checking” for results. Instead, shift your focus to the process and enjoyment of affirming wealth, allowing the outcome to take care of itself. You might also add gratitude into your practice, such as affirming, “I am grateful for the wealth that flows to me.” People who practice this approach often notice small financial shifts—like unexpected savings or sudden business growth—that build up to larger results over time. Trust that your mindset shift is paving the way for your financial abundance to unfold in its perfect timing.
Q: Can I personalize my money affirmations to target specific financial goals or income levels?
- A: Yes! Tailoring your affirmations to specific financial goals can be extremely powerful, especially for advanced practitioners. For instance, instead of using general affirmations, try something more specific like, “I earn $10,000 per month doing work I love,” or “I am consistently receiving $100,000 each year in my business.” One entrepreneur used highly specific affirmations to manifest a steady increase in her monthly income. Within a few months, she achieved her targeted income level and found herself surrounded by unexpected business growth. By adding specific goals to your affirmations, you give your subconscious a clear target, which helps focus your thoughts and actions on creating that financial reality.
Q: How can I enhance my money affirmations with other techniques?
- A: Pairing money affirmations with other techniques like visualization, scripting, and abundance journaling can amplify their effectiveness. For example, after repeating your affirmations, try a short visualization where you imagine your bank account balance growing, or yourself enjoying financial freedom. You can also incorporate scripting, where you write out a day in your life filled with abundance, as though it’s already happening. Many people have found that combining techniques creates a multi-layered approach that deepens the mindset shift needed for abundance. One advanced practitioner used this method and, within six months, went from living paycheck-to-paycheck to having a full emergency fund and investments.
Q: What should I do if old scarcity thoughts come up while practicing money affirmations?
- A: It’s natural for old thoughts of scarcity to surface, especially if they’ve been part of your mindset for years. When this happens, gently acknowledge the thought without judgment, then consciously replace it with a positive affirmation. For example, if a scarcity thought like, “I’ll never have enough,” comes up, acknowledge it, then immediately affirm, “I am always provided for, and wealth flows to me easily.” Over time, you’ll notice that these scarcity thoughts diminish. Advanced practitioners often pair affirmations with breathwork or tapping techniques to release resistance and reinforce abundance thinking.
Q: Can money affirmations attract wealth from unexpected sources?
- A: Yes, when you affirm your openness to receiving wealth, you’re also creating space for it to flow in from unexpected sources. Affirmations like, “I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways,” encourage your subconscious mind to welcome financial gifts, opportunities, or other unexpected forms of abundance. One person who used this affirmation regularly received an inheritance from a distant relative she hadn’t known well, a testament to how wealth can flow from unforeseen places. Staying open and flexible with your affirmations allows the universe to deliver prosperity in the most surprising ways.
Q: Can I use money affirmations to support a wealth-building mindset beyond just “having” money?
- A: Absolutely. Money affirmations can be tailored to focus not only on having wealth but also on creating, growing, and managing it effectively. Advanced affirmations like, “I am a skilled and intuitive wealth builder” or “I invest my money wisely, growing my wealth consistently” support a long-term mindset for abundance. Many people find that when they affirm their role as creators and stewards of wealth, they naturally adopt better financial habits, attract investment opportunities, and feel more empowered around money. This approach helps you think beyond “having” wealth and encourages a proactive, growth-oriented relationship with your finances.
It’s Time to Overcome Negative Thoughts with Money Affirmations
Money and wealth affirmations have the power to help you break free from a negative downward spiral, by letting go of the limiting thoughts that wander around in your subconscious mind.
By systematically repeating your positive money affirmations, you are training your subconscious mind to really believe what you are saying.
In alignment with that, your beliefs will change, resulting in the things that you desire to manifest in your life!
Recommended Reading to Master the Law of Attraction to Attract More Money and Abundance
Here’s Exactly What You Will Discover Inside Law of Attraction to Make More Money:
-why most people have no idea what they really want
-are you making this mistake with your vision boards?
-how to quickly attract your Manifestation Messengers (and what they REALLY mean)
-the hidden LOA flaws that make you stressed out and burned out (and what to do instead)
-how NOT to confuse the Universe
-why most financial gurus’ advice only makes you stuck in a scarcity mindset (and how to shift to an abundance mindset)
-the perils of the “shotgun approach” to manifesting (made me stuck for years)
-the dangers of “trying to diversify” your income
-how to check if your vision isn’t out of alignment (with just a few simple questions)
-the Fused Alignment method to manifest faster
-the wrong method behind picking up an income goal (yes, 99% people fail because of that and their affirmations actually make things worse)
-the proven formula you can use if you are too busy for complicated LOA rituals (with this formula 5 minutes a day is more than enough, I call it the Quick Coffee Formula)
-the one word you need to overcome fear, doubt, and limiting beliefs
-why so many entrepreneurs get stuck at the same income level for years (even though they hustle harder and harder) + the remedy
-why so many people never get a pay rise /promotion even though they invest in themselves and help the company they work for + the remedy
-how skeptics and critics can help you manifest faster –
-how to unleash the LOA domino effect (a client of mine was able not only to raise her income, but she also manifested the Love of her Life)
-why linear thinking keeps you away from success (and what to do instead to align yourself with powerful possibilities)
-the mindset formula to instantly start charging higher prices and/or attract a high-paying job + unexpected opportunities