61 Affirmations for Beauty to Look and Feel Amazing!

Affirmations for beauty are positive statements designed to help you transform your self-image and radiate the energy of confidence.

They can also help you let go of negative self-talk and replace it with positive feelings of complete acceptance and control- after all, you are the creator of your own reality, and you decide what beauty is. 

This post will give you the most effective beauty affirmations so that you can embrace the transformative power of positive self-talk. You’ll also discover why beauty affirmations can play a significant role in your manifesting journey!

Affirmations for Beauty

How Affirmations for Beauty Really Work?

The most important thing is to decide what beauty really is. You see, the true meaning of beauty is how you choose to define it. Yes, it’s totally up to you and your standards.

Do not let society or advertisers tell you what the latest beauty standards are. Let go of all their agendas and create your own.

Affirmations for beauty are powerful and positive sets of words you can repeat in your head or out loud. Their main benefit is that they affect your subconscious mind. Now, your subconscious mind is always affected by something…

However, if you don’t claim your power and full control over your reality, chances are that your beautiful subconscious mind will be affected by negative affirmations, such as negative thoughts running on autopilot or negative, fear-based advertising..

(As someone who studied marketing and advertising, I can tell you this- many advertisers don’t care about ethics and even use subliminal messages in their campaigns, just to increase their conversions and make you feel bad if you don’t buy their latest solution).

This is why one of the core pillars of my Law of Attraction teachings is becoming aware of the difference between love and fear-based mindsets. If you want to create the life you love, deserve, and desire – choose a love-based mindset.

It will serve you amazingly well on your journey, and so will releasing fear-based mindsets!

Affirmations for Beauty and the Law of Attraction

The words you say, think, or simply choose to feed your mind with are strong enough to create your reality.

Your mind is more powerful than you think…So how does this apply to beauty and positive affirmations for beauty?

Well…whatever you think about yourself plays a significant role in who you are today.

At the same time, anything that anyone has ever said to you, whether good or bad, has also contributed to making you who you are today…

In alignment with that, any negative comment you have ever heard plays a significant role in defining yourself now…

Unless you take control, re-claim your mind, and choose to feed it with positive affirmations

Yes! You decide. And you can protect your energy…

By protecting your energy with positive self-talk, and positive affirmations in general, you change your mindset and your aura.

As your aura becomes stronger and you emanate the energy of confidence, you become energetically protected!

How to Use Affirmations for Beauty for Maximum Results

Take a look at the beauty affirmations I created for you in this post and pick up those that speak to you and your current situation.

Simply choose several beauty affirmations you really like and repeat them throughout the day, as much as you can.

Make sure to relax and enjoy the process. Don’t force it, just let it be.

You can also use your beauty affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Another great idea to use beauty affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice. 

61 Beauty Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Beauty Affirmations to Feel Young

#1 Every day, I get younger and younger.

#2 Everything I do, is highly therapeutic for my body, mind, and soul.

#3 I bless all my foods and drinks with positive energy, and they make me feel and look younger.

#4 Every day, I have more and more energy…

#5 I love giving my body powerful messages to follow.

#6 My body is in perfect balance.

#7 My body is perfect and works for me in beautiful harmony.

Beauty Affirmations for Confidence

#8 I feel great in my body.

#9 People feel attracted to my natural confidence.

#10 I feel and am beautiful.

#11 I love radiating the energy of confidence, kindness, and love.

#12 My body is love, and it attracts love.

#13 My body is kindness, and it attracts kindness.

#14 My body is harmonious, and it attracts harmony.

Beauty Affirmations for Amazing Skin

#15 My skin is glowing and emanates the unlimited energy of natural beauty.

#16 It feels so good to love my skin.

#17 I feel good in my skin.

#18 My skin knows how to stay in harmony and balance to look nice and fresh every day.

#19 My skin is amazing, it knows exactly how to heal itself!

#20 My skin is attractive and magnetic.

#21 My skin is full of beautiful, highly vibrating cells filled with positive frequency.

#22 My skin is a magnet for love, kindness, and compassion.

Beauty Affirmations for Self-Acceptance

#23 I love myself just the way I am.

#24 I am beautiful, kind, and confident.

#25 I attract high-vibe, compassionate and kind people who love me and accept me for who I am.

#26 It feels so good to have a look at me in the mirror and say: I LOVE YOU.

#27 I love my intuition. It always guides me to choose the best for my body!

#28 Taking care of my body is fun!

#29 I am a self-love warrior.

#30 Everyone begins to notice the new, more confident, and relaxed me…

Beauty Affirmations for Self-Care, Fitness, and Natural Motivation

#31 I love taking care of my body with mindful and joyful self-care.

#32 I prioritize my self-care.

#33 I love nourishing my body with nice, relaxing baths and showers.

#34 I hydrate my skin with beautiful, natural oils to give itself the nourishment it deserves.

#35 I feed my body, mind, and soul with beautiful, colorful, tasty foods I love.

#36 Self-care…joyful self-care…I deserve self-care.

#37 I love moving my body in a way that feels good.

#38 I release any need to force myself to do things, instead, I choose mindful and joyful self-care.

#39 I always attract the best self-care ideas that are great for my body and make me look and feel amazing!

Beauty Affirmations for Fashion

#40 I always attract beautiful, high-quality clothes that feel and look good.

#41 I effortlessly combine different clothes to make me feel confident, joyful, and beautiful.

#42 All my clothes are beautiful and high-quality.

#43 I deserve the best clothes, and I attract the best clothes.

#44 I release any guilt around wanting to have nice clothes. I deserve only the best clothes on my body.

#45 I create my own fashion, I decide what I like, and I always look great.

#46 I have the confidence to wear exactly what I want and how I want it.

#47 I love looking at my wardrobe…it’s full of beautiful clothes that smell of my favorite perfume.

#48 I have my own style, and everyone loves it.

#49 Everyone is inspired by my natural confidence, and it makes them feel good and empowered.

Beauty Affirmations for Amazing Hair

#50 My hair is naturally strong and shiny.

#51 I effortlessly and beautifully style my hair.

#52 My hair always looks great, no matter what I do.

#53 I am very good at finding new ways to style my hair, and it feels effortless to me.

#54 I always attract great products to take care of my hair.

#55 My hair is healthy, and it is a reflection of my health.

Beauty Affirmations for a Perfect Body and Ideal Weight (without “dieting”)

#56 My body knows what’s good for me.

#57 Listening to my body and loving it is my favorite diet.

#58 I release any guilt and shame around eating my favorite foods.

#59 My body is loved and in perfect balance. It always intuitively guides me towards healthy foods and activities I enjoy!

#60 I now release any “musts”, “should”, and “have to’s”, instead I mindfully choose to fuel my beautiful body with joyful self-care and healthy nutrition.

#61 I release any guilt around rest and cheat days. Instead, I choose mindful balance!

Other Positive Affirmations You May Enjoy:

I Am Affirmations List to Amplify Your Positive Manifestations

36 Nourishing Night-Time Affirmations for Relaxation, Peace of Mind, and Subconscious Reprogramming

42 Soulful Self-Care Affirmations for Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Wellbeing

35 Life-Changing Marriage Affirmations to Manifest the Marriage of Your Dreams

67 Powerful Career Affirmations to Manifest More Confidence, Success, Money & Appreciation

Conclusion- Use Affirmations for Beauty Every Day and Watch the Magic Happen!

How you see yourself is how others will see you. So, set your own standards and stick to your empowering beliefs.

If you believe that you are not beautiful enough, others will feel the same vibration and respond accordingly.

However, if you feel the real, authentic you, you KNOW you are beautiful and carry yourself well. You will radiate positive vibrations of true self-love and self-acceptance.

Others will see the beauty in you.

If you love yourself, your inner and outer beauty will reflect on your aura, vibration, and…your looks…

Everything starts with energy!

Hence, by repeating these positive affirmations for beauty, you can turn your thoughts into reality.

Recommended Reading

Want to master the art of positive self-talk?

Get my book, Speak to Manifest, and transform your self-talk in 7 days or less…

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside:

-why “trying to stop being negative” can turn against you and how to really manifest positive outcomes (even when you’re not feeling so good)

how making friends with your inner critic can be the most powerful manifestation tool you’ll ever discover

-exactly how you can trigger powerful intentions using nothing but words

-why affirmations don’t work for most people and how to create your own personalized affirmations (that the Universe will listen and respond to!)

the 4 words you absolutely must eliminate from your vocabulary ASAP (this simple shift alone has the power to help you manifest faster!)

-how to re-write your goals to completely dissolve any subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from manifesting your true potential

-when you should never talk about your desires with other people (and a few exceptions to this rule)

-the 3 letting-go mistakes you may be making without even knowing (and a much powerful way to release negativity for good and start manifesting your true desires)

-an almost instant way to raise vibration (no complicated rituals needed) and why most people never even try it

+ much, much more powerful tips, techniques, and guidance to help you become a vibrational match to what you desire … just by changing your self-talk!

If you’re ready to join thousands of others who are already using this life-changing system and start manifesting your true potential, order your copy of Speak to Manifest today!

You, too, can start manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams using positive and empowering words!