35 Empowering Affirmations for Manifesting Personal Success with Ease

Empowering affirmations and the Law of Attraction go hand in hand. What we attract into our lives is a reflection of our inner world. And this can work both ways- positive and negative.

For example, if we think we are not worthy and deserving, we will keep attracting people and circumstances that will confirm our negative affirmation: “not worthy.”

But, by becoming aware of our negative self-talk, we can choose to use an empowering inner dialogue, therefore shifting our energy and mindset to a state of being confident, successful, and abundant.

This is the essence of conscious manifesting; we become aware of what is happening inside us (our inner world) and then transform our inner world using positive and empowering affirmations.

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The Simple Truth about Empowering Affirmations

They work. They always do. And you’re being told this by an ex-affirmations-skeptic…

I had a negative story in my head, and that story would tell me that nothing would ever work for me.

It was only when I dived deeper into self-development that I realized how many limiting beliefs I had.

I also realized that affirmations always work. Just like the Law of Attraction always works. We get what we put out through our words, thoughts, and feelings.

Commit to making most of your inner dialogue positive. Treat yourself well.

Be kind to yourself. Appreciate yourself for every little step taken on your journey of conscious manifestation and positivity.

Stick to positive self-talk and empowering affirmations, and something amazing will happen in your life.

You’ll feel authentically confident and radiate amazing energy that other people will be drawn to.

Manifesting your goals and dreams will be easier and faster. And, even if you encounter an obstacle on your journey, thanks to your new, genuinely positive, and empowered mindset, you’ll see it as a blessing.

And so, it will become a blessing. Because when your mindset is positive and always looking for more positive things to be grateful for, your reality becomes positive.

It all starts with positive, empowering affirmations, so- give them a go!

35 Empowering Affirmations to Instantly Shift Your Mindset and Feel Positive

#1 I am capable of achieving whatever I focus on.

#2 Every setback I encounter on my journey is just a lesson from the Universe to help me learn and grow.

#3 I am 100% worthy of the abundance I receive daily.

#4 I use my thoughts in a magical way to lift myself up and feel good about my desires!

#5 I choose to be mindful, present, humble, and honest because I know that like attracts like.

#6  I choose to see kindness in myself and in every person I meet.

#7 I’m fully committed to my personal growth, and every day I’m getting stronger and stronger.

#8 I love creating and playing positive movies in my mind because eventually, they become my reality!

#9 I love taking aligned, positive, and consistent action towards my dreams!

#10. I am compassionate towards myself and others. I love making myself and others feel good!

#11 I choose laughter and humor over negativity.

#12 I always do the best I can, and I love the person I’ve chosen to become.

#13 I am proud of myself and my growth!

#14 I deserve good things, and good things deserve me.

#15 I have the ability to create amazing things in my life.

#16 If there’s anything I don’t like in my life, I see it as a reminder that I can change it with positive intention!

#17 I am full of joyful, authentic confidence, and everyone around me can feel my positive energy!

#18 Every day, I am becoming more and more empowered!

#19 I can always change my story and design my life the way I deserve.

#20 My life is getting better and better every day!

#21 I let go of playing small and open myself to manifesting big miracles in my life.

#22 I love myself – my body, my character, my mind, and my soul.

#23 My mind is strong, powerful, and creative. I use it to create the life I want, love and deserve.

#24 My skills are valuable, and I always get paid more than well for what I do.

#25 I have the courage to leave my comfort zone and learn new things.

#26 I always take action from a place of courage and good intention.

#27 My inner strength is growing every day!

#28 I release my past fears and embrace anything that life unfolds for me.

#29 I am exactly where I need to be to manifest my desires with joy and ease.

#30 I have everything I need to be successful, confident, and wealthy.

#31 I am full of the unlimited potential and positive energy.

#32 I love growing and learning every day.

#33 I naturally attract success and happiness.

#34 My positive energy attracts positive, loving people into my life.

#35 My passion for living my best life is stronger than my fears.


So, I often get asked about the “best” way to use affirmations. And my answer is always: the best way is always your way!

That being said…the most important thing to make your empowering affirmations work for you is through repetition. There are several methods to use affirmations, such as:

-write them in your journal (at least once a day, and when you do, feel every word you write and embrace the positive emotion, such as gratitude for what is just about to come!)

-repeat them every day in front of the mirror

-create your own affirmation cards and spread them around your workplace or apartment

-record them in your own voice and listen to them at least once a day (for me, personally, I love listening to my affirmations at night, just about to fall asleep, they really relax me!)

To record your affirmations, you can use a free program called Audacity (it’s very easy to use) or record them on your phone.

I would also recommend ZenHarmonics mp3 tracks, because their revolutionary MRT audio technology can help you activate your 4 holistic intelligences (mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical) and make your affirmations and auto-suggestions much more effective.

These tracks are also great to quickly get into a super relaxed state, so check them out HERE 🙂

As with everything in life, it’s all about commitment and repetition.

I’d also recommend you give yourself some time to figure out which affirmation method you enjoy.

I see so many people give up on affirmations way too early because they get bored or feel weird when repeating them in front of the mirror.

But from my experience…trying something new very often feels weird. And there’s nothing weird about it, haha!

Then, some people really enjoy writing affirmations in their journals.

Some prefer to do mirror work. Some just want to set it and forget it (record their affirmations and then listen to them).

Personally, I often do my affirmations when hiking or doing things around the house!

Of course, you can always combine different methods.

Choose what works for you.

As long as you stick to your empowering affirmations, something magical will happen.

Your inner world will begin to shift…and your reality will keep changing for the better!

Final Words

Practicing positive affirmations and positive self-talk is one of the best ways to break the cycle of negativity and self-doubt.

I hope this article inspired you to dive into the world of empowering affirmations!

If you want to take your self-talk to the next level, I highly recommend you check out my book:

Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life
