22 Mind-Body Soothing Affirmations for Health

Affirmations for health are positive statements designed to inspire you to take care of your body, mind, and soul. They can also positively re-program your subconscious mind to stimulate natural healing.

This post will give you the most effective affirmations for good health so that you can embrace the transformative power of holistic healing. You’ll also discover why health & healing affirmations can play a significant role in your manifesting journey!

How to Use Affirmations for Health

Take a look at the affirmations for health I created for you in this post, and pick up those that speak to you and your current situation.

Simply choose several health affirmations you really like and repeat them throughout the day, as much as you can.

Make sure to relax and enjoy the process. Don’t force it, just let it be.

You can also use your affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Another great idea to use affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice. 

Can Health Affirmations Help You Enhance Your Wellbeing?

Is there a way to use health affirmations to improve your manifestation process?

Well, from my experience, good health and manifesting go hand in hand!

Here’s why: I see so many people get started on the Law of Attraction and manifestation. They learn about the importance of staying focused on their desires.

However, the mistake they make (I have been there too, and sometimes I catch myself going back to this old pattern) is that they get too obsessed with their desires and put them on a pedestal.

And so, the main message they send to the Universe (and their precious subconscious mind) is that they are in lack and they don’t have what they want…

Then the feelings of desperation, impatience, anxiety follow…

Not the best place to be in if you want to manifest, right?

Well, but this is the most common manifestation mistake I see.

Of course, it’s not my intention to make you feel bad. We all occasionally struggle with self-care and giving ourselves whatever we need to re-charge our batteries.

But, health affirmations can help you focus on yourself, your wellbeing, and your energy. Plus, they motivate and inspire you to actually indulge in some pampering, things you enjoy doing (great for raising your vibration), and activities that make you feel good.

And this is what it’s all about- feeling good!

22 Powerful Affirmations for Health

#1 All the cells of my beautiful body are always listening to me.

#2 My positive mind has a powerful healing effect on my beautiful body.

#3 I choose thoughts of total wellness over fear and defeat.

#4 I erase the word “victim” from my vocabulary because I can only be the victor.

#5 I always thank my body for all the messages it gives me and choose to treat it with the respect it deserves.

#6 I trust and love myself.

#7 I am full of unlimited energy and zest for life.

#8 I am a powerful creator of my mind, body, and soul wellness.

#9 I choose to talk to the cells of my beautiful body in a loving way and kind way.

#10 My body is infinitely intelligent and can heal itself with joy and ease.

#11 I consciously take care of my emotions to help my body stay in balance.

#12 My body always heals in miraculous ways.

#13 I am full of unlimited energy.

#14 I heal my body with gratitude, kindness, and compassion.

#15 I support my wellbeing with self-care and positive images.

#16 I love giving my body the nutrients it deserves.

#17 Every breath I take fills my beautiful body with instant energy, magical healing, and unlimited youth.

#18 My body feels younger and lighter every day.

#19 Every day, I feel better and better.

#20 I love my body, and my body loves me.

#21 I let go of past hurts and resentments to help my body heal.

#22 I am in touch with my body, emotions, mind, and soul and let them create my infinite wellbeing.

Ready to reclaim your self-talk?

Check out my book: Speak to Manifest (kindle, paperback, and Audible editions are available for your convenience) on Amazon

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