18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

Affirmations for positive energy are uplifting statements designed to protect yourself from negative energy. They can also help you feel good, raise your vibration and embrace the feelings of joy and gratitude- so important for conscious manifesting!

How to Use Affirmations for Positive Energy

Take a look at the affirmations I created for you in this post and pick up those that speak to you and your current situation.

Simply choose several affirmations you really like and repeat them throughout the day, as much as you can.

Make sure to relax and enjoy the process. Don’t force it, just let it be.

You can also use your affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Another great idea to use affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice. 

Now…let’s have a look at our affirmations for positive energy!

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy

#1 Today is a new day and a new opportunity to manifest something amazing!

#2 Today, I choose to embrace the gift of the positive, healing energy of love and forgiveness.

#3. Abundance flows through me with ease, and I attract abundance.

#4 In this moment, I allow myself to release any bad and toxic thoughts and let the good energy to flow in.

#5 I feel positively focused and excited to receive new joys of life.

#6 I feel grateful for all the love and abundance I have received in my life.

#7 I choose to radiate an abundance of positive energy.

#8 I am beautiful inside and out and choose to radiate the aura of kindness, love, and compassion.

#9 I am a magnet for positive energy.

#10 I attract positive, loving, and kind people into my life.

#11 I release any negative energies and thoughts preventing me from manifesting my dream life.

#12 It’s my time to shine with positive energy!

#13 My positive thoughts protect me and take care of me.

#14 I embrace the positive power of my mind.

#15 I choose compassion over anger.

#16 I am so happy and grateful I can choose my thoughts, and I choose them wisely.

#17 I am surrounded by infinite love, joy, kindness, and compassion.

#18 I am well taken care of by the Universe.

Listen to Our Affirmations for Positive Energy on YouTube

Ready to reclaim your self-talk?

Check out my book: Speak to Manifest (kindle, paperback, and Audible editions are available for your convenience) on Amazon

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