55 Powerful Affirmations for Friendships & Attracting New Friends

If you’re looking for affirmations to help you manifest new friends, you’ve come to the right place! Positive affirmations are the best way to empower your self-talk. So often, we block ourselves from manifesting new friends because we don’t even try to meet new people. Sometimes, we may subconsciously believe we’re not worthy of deep, meaningful connections or that people can’t be trusted.

The following affirmations for friendships will help you change how you view yourself so that attracting new, soul-aligned friends will become second nature to you.

Whether you desire to manifest new friends or strengthen your relationship with your current friends, the affirmations you’re just about to discover will help you feel more confident and optimistic about creating meaningful connections.

Positive Affirmations for Friendships

Choose the affirmations that resonate with you and align with your manifesting goals.

Be mindful of your self-talk, and start incorporating your favorite affirmations in a way that feels good to you.

You may also repeat affirmations and visualize your desired outcome or write your affirmations as a part of your morning journaling routine 😊

Learn more about how to use affirmations and create your own from my other post:

Manifestation Affirmations That Work (7 Secrets)

Now, let’s take a look at my favorite affirmations that I’ve successfully used to leave my comfort zone, meet new friends, and create deep, meaningful connections in my friendships 😊

Affirmations to Manifest New Friendships

#1 I’m worthy of attracting new friends.

#2 All my friends are positive and love me for who I am.

#3 I always attract kind and loving people into my life.

#4 My new friendships bring incredible joy into my life.

#5 I feel soul-like connections with all my friends.

#6 I am magnetic to new, soul-aligned, positive friendships.

#7 I trust the Divine timing and know I deserve to live a life filled with authentic and meaningful friends.

#8 I am so thankful for all my new friends.

#9 I feel confident about attracting new friends and creating meaningful connections.

#10 All the friends I attract into my life love and appreciate me for who I am.

#11 Meeting new friends is very easy and fun for me.

#12 People love interacting with me.

#13 All the like-minded people want to attract me and be my friend.

#14 Everyone is so excited about meeting me!

#15 I am an amazing person, and I always attract new, positive friends who align with my highest values.

#16 My new friends are so excited about spending time with me.

Affirmations to Manifest More Joy and Fulfillment in Your Friendships

#17 All my friends care about me, and I care about them.

#18 I love creating magical memories with my friends.

#19 I always feel supported by my friends.

#20 All the challenging times we sometimes go through with my friends only strengthen us.

#21 I’m committed to being a good friend and I love creating magical moments with my friends.

#22 I always have enough time to celebrate with my friends and create happy memories.

#23 I send love, joy, blessings, and abundance to all my beautiful friends.

#24 My friends bring me peace and happiness.

#25 I love being surrounded by the unconditional love of my true friends.

#26 Whenever I feel bad, my friends comfort and support me.

#27 My friends deserve the best, and I love supporting them.

#28 All my friendships feel good and have healthy boundaries.

#29 I respect my friends’ boundaries, and they respect mine.

#30 I release any judgments towards my friends. Instead, I choose compassion and empathy.

Affirmations to Be a Good Friend

#31 I love listening to my friends.

#32 I know I have so much to offer as a person and a friend.

#33 I always do my best to inspire and elevate my friends.

#34 My friends make me feel so good and so abundant!

#35 I trust my friends with all my heart.

#36 I love my friends unconditionally.

#37 I choose to feel inspired by my friends.

#38 I am great as a friend.

#39 All my friends appreciate me and feel very grateful for my friendship.

#40 All my friends deserve my love, attention, and support.

#41 I am lovable, patient, empathic, and compassionate.

Affirmations to Feel Confident about Attracting New Friends

#42 I feel good within myself.

#43 I love listening to myself and fulfilling my needs.

#44 I love myself exactly as I am.

#45 I give myself the joy of mindful self-care.

#46 I love taking care of my body, mind, and soul.

#47 I know and understand that being loveable around others requires loving myself first!

#48 By taking good care of myself, I take better care of others.

Affirmations to Manifest Magical Moments with Your Friends

#49 I am passionate about manifesting magical moments with my friends.

#50 My friends always uplift me and help me grow.

#51 I feel so incredibly blessed with so many amazing friends in my life.

#52 I feel at peace knowing I can always trust my friends.

#53 My friends help me grow and evolve; it feels so good to always grow together.

#54 I love sharing my passions and hobbies with my friends.

#55 My friends are always there for me, and I am always there for them.

How to Empower Your Self-Talk with Affirmations for Friendship

To accelerate the result of affirmations, be mindful of your everyday self-talk and inner state. How do you really feel about meeting new people, being a friend, or creating deeper connections in your current relationships?

If you discover any limiting thought, for example: “I am not very good at meeting new people”, simply thank your mind for this amazing feedback. Don’t feel bad about it, and don’t try to suppress it.

Simply intend to replace your self-imposed limitations with a more empowering thought or question, for example: “What would it be like to feel good about meeting new people?”.

Or: “Is it really true and will always be true? Can I allow myself the joy of meeting new people and feel good about it?”.

Be kind to yourself and slowly but surely question your limiting thoughts and beliefs. Then, focus on an inspiring vision of meeting new people and creating unique connections.

Finally, choose affirmations that make you feel good and are aligned with your current situation and what you desire to manifest in your life. All you need to do is…remember to remember 😊

And so, whenever you experience any inner block or limitation, gently empower your thoughts and self-talk with new positive affirmations that make you feel good. As you reach a new, empowered state, manifesting new friendships will feel so much easier!

Want to learn more about the art and science of affirmations?

Positive Affirmations

Check out my book: Affirmations Demystified, on Amazon HERE.

Here’s Exactly What You Will Discover Inside:
-how affirmations really work (more powerful than you think!)
-positive, love-based, high-vibe affirmations to make you feel good and become a magnet for your desires
-the 3 most effective, transformative kinds of affirmations you can’t miss
-proven manifestation techniques to create your own personalized affirmations
-the Breathe-Your-Own-Words method to amplify your affirmations and re-program your subconscious mind in a really powerful way
-the Master Affirmation that can accelerate your manifestation journey (and really supercharge any manifestation technique you choose to do)
-the Intuition Amplifier Declaration to help you embrace and trust your inner wisdom to make amazing decisions (to reach your goals faster and with more ease)
-best affirmations to instantly feel worthy and deserving of manifesting your deepest desires (while releasing self-doubt and limiting beliefs for good)
-how to dissolve overwhelm with this one magical affirmation
-how not to affirm (affirmation mistakes that most people make, even advanced manifestors, and how to avoid them)
-words you must NEVER use in your affirmations (and powerful words you should use instead!)
-the main reason why affirmations don’t work for some people (even though they do the work and repeat them constantly) and what to do to be successful
-the 24/7 affirmation on autopilot technique revealed (making affirmations work for you without having to constantly repeat them!)
-the ONE missing ingredient for a massive awareness shift to transform your life forever
how long should my affirmations be? How many to use? For how long? +more questions answered in detail to help you succeed! (from experienced manifestation practitioners and affirmation experts)
the hidden secrets of controlling your inner state to manifest your desires with joy and ease (most LOA and affirmation gurus miss it!)
over 100 positive affirmations to transform all areas of your life (the best affirmations for personal and professional success, attracting money, abundance, a better job, incredible relationships, material things, spiritual experiences + love) – use them daily and watch your life improve!

Grab your copy from Amazon here 🙂