55 Beautiful Affirmations and Quotes about Self-Worth

You’re just about to discover how to reconnect with the most powerful part of you…that peaceful, loving, gentle part of you that believes in you and never allows any negative circumstances and opinions of others to define who you are.

This is what affirmations and quotes for self-worth can do for your mental and emotional well-being. It’s time to let in the beautiful and empowering whisper of your soul and let it lead you toward your deepest desires!

Why Is Self-Worth So Important for Manifesting?

Manifesting is an inner game. It’s all about being mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for something that hasn’t (physically) arrived yet. The main keyword is YET. Your positive belief and inner state create a bridge between where you are now and where you’re going.

Your self-worth is what helps build and maintain that bridge! It’s hard to master manifestation if you believe you can’t or are not worthy of manifesting your desires.

The first step to reclaiming your self-worth is to realize that you are worthy just because you are. Just because you exist!

Manifesting is your birthright. Period.

Yes, of course, some manifestations require taking consistent action…

For example, to manifest success as a blogger, I consistently create and publish content that helps and uplifts people.

But it’s hard to take action if you believe you can’t do something or are not good enough.

(And yes…it took me years of inner work to finally believe in myself enough to follow my passion.)

Low self-worth prevents many people from manifesting their dream lives, and I’ve been there too.

Now, I’m still on a journey today. I see self-worth as that beautiful and uplifting part of my soul that sees love and light in everything and helps me keep going.

Wherever you are right now, remember that there’s hope. You can uplift yourself, and you can transcend any negative inner state!

While working on your self-worth can help you manifest many materialistic desires such as raising your income or a new job, home, or opportunities, there’s so much more to building unshakable self-worth…

It’s all about unleashing your inner freedom…

Society’s conditioning has brainwashed us that we need to prove our self-worth…:(

So first, we need to achieve, achieve and achieve and accumulate stuff and only then can we feel worthy.

But for manifesting true fulfillment (where aside from manifesting money and material stuff, you manifest true abundance in all areas of life), it works the other way around.

First, you feel worthy. You define who you are. And then, you manifest your desires from this empowering mindset 🙂

affirmations about self-worth
Empower Yourself with These Beautiful Affirmations & Quotes about Self-Worth

How Affirmations Can Help You Unleash Your Full Self-Worth

Never allow any negative opinions of others to define your self-worth or who you are. Yes, some individuals sometimes give you feedback so that you can improve whatever you’re doing. If your self-worth is strong, you can easily distinguish valuable feedback and use it to grow from a negative opinion…

Also, you need to take charge of your self-talk

Think about all those negative voices (yours or other people’s) telling you that you must prove yourself or are not good enough…These are affirmations too. Unconscious affirmations.

But now you are aware enough to say no!

This is precisely why tools such as affirmations for self-worth are so powerful. They can help you find inner peace and learn to value yourself.

In this post, I share my favorite self-worth affirmations, self-worth quotes, and other tools to help you be in charge of your values and beliefs…

But…remember that I’m merely a channel here.

In reality, the information you’re reading right now is coming from the Source, and since you’ve come across this post, you know and understand that this powerful Source is connected to your soul.

So… it’s your soul speaking to you. Cherish that connection. Remember that you are a powerful being with infinite potential!

Take one step at a time. Keep breathing and see yourself as the peaceful manifestation warrior you truly are!

A Simple Trick to Making Self-Worth Affirmations More Effective

You may choose to add your name to your favorite affirmations.

For example, instead of saying: “I am worthy”, you can say:

“I, Elena, am worthy.”

To take it even one step further, you can say:

“You, Elena, are worthy.”

“She, Elena, is so worthy.”

This little trick is so powerful because it helps remove negative programming from other people.

Perhaps you were told you were not good enough or overheard someone talking negatively about you.

So, give it a try!

You talk to yourself all the time anyway. All you need to do is to become more mindful of how you speak to yourself 🙂

Affirmations for Self-Worth

55 Uplifting Affirmations about Self-Worth

#1 I am worthy just because I am.

#2 I release any need to prove myself.

#3 I achieve for myself and my own fulfillment.

#4 I feel good about myself.

#5 I feel very excited about my future.

#6 I explore the gift of love, abundance, and inner freedom every day.

#7 I love the process of manifesting my desires.

#8 I feel supported by the Universe.

#9 I deserve to take some time off to relax.

#10 I attract people I love, and they love me back.

#11 I am so grateful for my body and love it unconditionally.

#12 I have firm boundaries, and I know it’s OK to say no.

#13 I release the need to find excuses whenever I say no.

#14 I have a right to my own opinion, and others have a right to theirs.

#15 My friends love me for who I am.

#16 I am enough.

#17 My desire to change is always my own because I love growing and evolving. I release any need to change myself to prove myself to others.

#18 I am capable of great things.

#19 I know what I like and can easily focus on my projects.

#20 I know I have the strength and resources to manifest my desires with ease.

#21 Whatever skills I need, I know I can focus and gain them fast.

#22 I love learning and growing.

#23 I love enriching myself with new knowledge and I do it for myself.

#24 I learn and grow for my own fulfillment.

#25 I allow my interests and intuition to guide me.

#26 I love developing my skills, passions, and hobbies.

#27 I understand that saying “no” to toxic people is a form of self-care.

#28 I am comfortable in my own body and mind.

#29 I love my body, mind, and soul.

#30 I am living a great life full of amazing moments with people I love.

#31 I love and accept myself fully.

#32 I choose to grow and learn every day.

#33 I can quickly adapt to new circumstances.

#34 I become a better person every day in every way.

#35 I know I can quickly release overwhelm by allowing myself to focus on one thing at a time.

#36 I see value in learning from my own mistakes, and I allow myself to make them.

#37 The world is an amazing place, and I feel so grateful to be here now.

#38 I always listen to my body and give it what it needs to thrive.

#39 I accept my weaknesses and fears and use them as a roadmap for self-growth.

#40 I choose to embody my beliefs and opinions and stand for who I am.

#41 I allow myself to try new things to learn and evolve.

#42 I am the only person who can define my self-worth.

#43 I choose to manifest money because I enjoy it, but I refuse to define my self-worth based on the money I make.

#44 I approve of myself fully and unconditionally.

#45 Every day, I love myself more and more.

#46 I allow myself to live according to my own life plan.

#47 I am free from the opinions and judgments of others.

#48 I am always supported by the Universe.

#49 Every day, I am getting closer to my dreams and making steady progress.

#50 The only person I can compare myself with is me from yesterday.

#51 I embrace the power of the present moment. I can create my own reality according to my needs, standards, and beliefs.

#52 My success is defined by my progress and my unique process.

#53 Nobody can judge me, and I have the right to be myself.

#54 I do my best every day, and that’s enough.

#55 I am at peace with myself and my reality.

Let’s back up these beautiful affirmations for self-worth with a few powerful quotes…

One thing worth mentioning, though, is- while there’s lots of value in learning from successful people and their quotes, if you’re working on true self-worth and self-awareness, never fall into the follower trap.

Yes, keep an open mind and stay inspired by what you can learn from others.

But remember to stand firmly in your truth. Create your own success story by creating your own definition of success.

Be your own guru!

One of the biggest secrets of conscious manifesting that so many miss is that…you create your own rules, and you are, indeed, your own guru….

And so, as you read the following quotes about self-worth, you can imagine you, too, are sharing your success and wisdom with others.

So, please create your own quotes about self-worth based on your own unique story and achievements, and share your truth with someone to inspire them.

Meaningful actions are more powerful than passive learning and reading!

Self-worth is all about embracing your inner leadership.

Inspirational Quotes about Self-Worth

9 Uplifting Quotes about Self-Worth & Living Your Full Potential

#1 “Never forget that once upon a time, in an unguarded moment, you recognized yourself as a friend.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

To me, “unguarded moments” are when we allow ourselves to feel relaxed and go inwards.

In those moments, we are one with the Universe and our intuition and feel at peace. Those moments are great for reconnecting with your subconscious mind and reminding yourself of your infinite self-worth.

Being kind to yourself just because it feels good is a form of self-care and an expression of your self-worth.

#2 “I will not be “famous,” “great.” I will go on adventuring, changing, opening my mind and eyes, refusing to be stamped and stereotyped. The thing is to free one’s self: to let it find its dimensions, not be impeded.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary

This quote is not only about self-worth but also about the mindful exploration of your full potential.

Remember that nobody can judge or label you, and it’s safe to be you 🙂

#3 “I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him but what he thinks of himself. Hurting a man in his dignity is a crime.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

When you start working on your self-worth, you become more empathic and compassionate about others and their self-worth.

It’s about allowing yourself to be yourself without judgment and doing the same for others.

#4 “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” Wayne W. Dyer

Be your best friend. Have meetings and fates with yourself. Motivate and uplift yourself.

Would you ever call your best friend stupid or not good enough?

Of course not. You would try to encourage them and be supportive.

So…do the same for yourself!

Discover more inspirational quotes by Wayne Dyer HERE 🙂

#5 “It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself and claims kindred to the great God who made him.”
 Abraham Lincoln

Nobody can stop you when you know your true power and have a strong connection with your intuition and the Divine!

#6 “There is nothing so rewarding as to make people realize that they are worthwhile in this world.” Bob Anderson

First, you learn how to help yourself by empowering your self-talk and self-worth. Then, when your cup is full, you can inspire and uplift others. Spreading positive energy feels so good!

#7 “If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.” Brian Tracy

A worthwhile person has a strong sense of self, boundaries, desires, goals, and preferences. It all starts with your self-worth and knowing who you are. One of the best things you can do before attempting to manifest big goals is to go inwards and work on your self-worth.

#8 “Never let the opinion of another affect your opinion of yourself.” Teresa Mummert

We say yes to honest and constructive feedback delivered in a kind, non-judgmental and non-offensive way with a firm intention to inspire progress and growth.

But…we say no to hateful opinions that only spread negativity!

#9 “You are not what others think you are. You are what God knows you are.” Shannon Alder

I always say that it doesn’t matter what others think. All that matters is what you think.

This quote takes it even further…after all…God, the Universe, and Divine Forces KNOW your true power. So why even bother about what others say?

Final Words on Self-Worth Affirmations

Positive persistence with the affirmations that make you feel good and lift you up is the key to achieving progress. Think of affirmations as a new upbeat workout for your mind. The best results may not come immediately after the first workout, but your positive persistence will pay off!

Learn more about the power of affirmations and how to use them:

Recommended Article: Manifestation Affirmations That Work (7 Secrets)

Recommended Book: Affirmations Demystified– Now Available on Amazon

Positive Affirmations