22 Empowering Weight Loss Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Body

Weight loss affirmations are designed to help you feel good about yourself and your body while releasing any negative beliefs you may have about weight loss, diets, and comparing yourself to others. It’s hard to lose weight if you stay focused on what you don’t want (extra weight) and stress out about it. Weight loss affirmations will help you release all that negativity and energetically align with your healthy, ideal weight to help you stay focused on what you do want – healthy and natural weight loss that feels good!

How Our Beliefs are a Demonstration of the Law of Attraction Working.

When we energize a thought by focusing our awareness on it, that thought attracts other thoughts of similar quality, just as a magnet attracts iron filings. A person may have the thought, “I am overweight.” By repeatedly giving this thought their attention, it becomes energized and starts to attract other thoughts such as:

  • “I need to diet.”
  • “I am unattractive.”
  • “I need to lose weight.”
  • “I have always failed to lose weight.”
  • “Diets never work.”

It’s time to release all those negative fear-based mindsets and embrace the power of love-based manifesting to focus on manifesting a healthy body you desire and deserve.

The Hidden Power of Weight Loss Affirmations

#1 Accept and appreciate your body. After all, your soul and mind need a place to live, right? And it’s thanks to your body you get to experience the beauty of this world;

#2 Shift your attention from “weight loss” to “natural health” and “ultimate wellbeing”; when you focus on health, vitality, energy, and creating balance in your life you’ll be operating (thinking, feeling, and acting) from a higher vibration;

#3 You’ll no longer experience feelings of doubt, frustration, or fear related to failed weight loss attempts. Instead, you’ll experience the feelings of joy and excitement associated with living a healthy lifestyle;

#4 Instead of torturing yourself with restrictive diets or punishing yourself with hours in the gym, once again, you’ll focus on creating balance through focusing on activities you enjoy (for example, I love walking in nature and listening to motivational audiobooks, and thanks to falling in love with this activity, I lost 35 pounds, without counting calories or following any strenuous fitness plans);

#5 You’ll transform your self-image, and you’ll see yourself as a person full of vitality, motivation, and energy

#6 You’ll accept yourself just the way you are, and be patient while enjoying the journey of learning more about yourself and transforming your body in a healthy, holistic way.

22 Powerful Weight Loss Affirmations to Transform Your Self-Image and Your Body

#1 I love my body and its ability to speak to me, I love listening to it.

#2 I choose to feed my body with healthy, fresh, and energizing foods.

#3 Every breath I take heals and relaxes my body.

#4 I love mindfully moving and stretching my body. Every second of movement is true bliss.

#5 I love giving my body what it needs to pay me back with vibrant health and energy.

#6 Every day, I wake up stronger and stronger.

#7 I love the person I have chosen to become.

#8 My motivation and passion are infinite.

#9 I release any feelings of guilt and fear around food, diets, and my body, and I feel so much lighter.

#10 I allow my body to decide which healthy activity to choose.

#11 I love my body for the shape I have been blessed with.

#12 I believe in myself and my ability to manifest whatever I desire.

#13 I don’t fail, I succeed, or I learn.

#14 I feel active, full of energy, and vibrant health.

#15 My natural, healthy, balanced lifestyle motivates and inspires other people.

#16 I’m so happy and grateful for allowing myself to transform with the Law of Attraction and Motivation.

#17 Treating my body well feels good, and it’s so much fun!

#18 I let go of negative thoughts about my body and choose to think positive thoughts.

#19 I love my journey of releasing excess weight and whatever no longer serves me.

#20 I always sleep well and wake up happy and full of energy.

#21 I bless all the teachers and resources because they help me on my journey.

#22 My journey is unique, and I release the need to compare myself to others.

Recommended Post: 20 Affirmations for Healing by Louise Hay โ€“ Unleash Vitality & Zest for Life!

Final Words on Weight Loss Affirmations and How to 10x Their Power

Do you want to 10x the power of your weight loss affirmations?

Then, use my secret affirmation structure. It’s very powerful, yet most people overlook it.

The main benefit of using this structure is that it will help you re-program your subconscious mind much faster, especially if your negative beliefs about losing weight come from other people (for example, if someone spoke negatively about you in front of others etc).

Step #1 Pick One Weight Loss Affirmation That Really Speaks to You

You can also transform it into your own, using the words that you find motivating, and inspiring.

To create your own weight loss affirmations, check out this post ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m full of energy, vitality, and vibrant health.

Step #2 Add Your Name to Your Affirmations

For example, let’s say your name is Mary.

So, here’s what you want to do with your weight loss affirmation:

I, Mary, am full of energy, vitality, and vibrant health.

Step #3 Repeat the Process by Re-Writing and Re-Stating Your Affirmation with the word “You”

If someone ever called you fat, or not motivated, or anything negative, this structure will be very helpful to release what’s no longer serving you.

Personally, it was a real game-changer for me!


You, Mary, are full of energy, vitality, and vibrant health.

Step #4 Repeat Your Weight Loss Affirmation Using the 3rd person.

I remember that a family member once said: She will always be overweight.

And for many years, that statement was my truth. After all, it was a family member I liked and respected. So, my subconscious mind decided to keep me overweight.

But, once again, using my 10x affirmation method was a real game-changer.

So, let’s stick with our affirmation:

I am full of energy, vitality, and vibrant health.

Now, you want to write it in the 3rd person singular and add your name as well.


She, Mary is full of energy and vibrant health.

Step #5 Use Your Weight Loss Affirmations in Front of a Mirror

Do this at least once a day, after entering a very relaxed state.

Be mindful, joyful, and have faith in your own powers!

I, Mary, am full of energy and vibrant health.

You, Mary are full of energy and vibrant health.

She, Mary is full of energy and vibrant health.

Step #6 Repeat This Process with Any Other Weight Loss Affirmation You Have Chosen

Now, you can repeat the process. However, my personal recommendation is, don’t get distracted with too many affirmations.

Instead, pick 3-5 you really like that focus on certain limiting beliefs that you’re ready to transform.

Write and state them in the first, second, and third-person singular.

Say them to yourself in front of the mirror while embracing the feelings of love and joy. You may even choose to hug yourself!

You may also record your affirmations (listen to them upon waking and before going to sleep) or write them in your journal.

Want to learn more about the power of affirmations? Click here for more articles on positive affirmations.

Law of Attraction for Weight Loss: Change Your Relationship with Food, Stop Torturing Yourself with “Dieting” and Transform Your Body with LOA!