Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Manifest Alignment

Imagine how your life would change if you could always make good decisions in alignment with your desires to get closer to your dreams with joy and ease?

All this is possible if you balance your third eye chakra! In this post, you’ll discover the most powerful third eye chakra affirmations and how to use them as a tool to manifest your dream life!

You’ll also learn why and how the third eye chakra affirmations can help you unleash unlimited creativity, inner wisdom, higher sense of purpose, and feeling well taken care of by the Universe.

What Exactly Is the Third Eye Chakra?

The Third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows. It is your body’s energy center for intuition, insight, clarity, and vision.

When your third eye chakra is healthy, open, and balanced, you feel at peace with yourself because you know you can trust your intuition and inner wisdom.

You know what your desires are, you know what’s good for you, and you know when to say “yes” or “no”.

You don’t have to overthink anything because making good decisions seems almost effortless.

Because of that, you’re able to save up a good deal of energy that you can use to manifest your desires with joy and ease.

This is why working on your Third Eye Chakra is so crucial if you want to be a happy and prosperous manifestor and conscious creator of your own life.

But, a healthy Third Eye Chakra is not only about your intuition.

It also helps you unleash creativity, focus, and mental strength- so important to stay focused on your dreams and take aligned action to manifest them.

When your Third Eye Chakra is in balance, you no longer experience what I like to call “manifestation anxiety.” So, no more stressing about “how long it will take to manifest”, or “maybe I’m not good enough?”, because you feel guided to make good decisions that lead to good things and positive manifestations.

Make sense?

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
Powerful Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Create Balance & Alignment

What Happens When Your Third Eye Chakra Is Out of Balance?

I think it’s also worth mentioning what happens when your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance.

Not because I want to scare you or be negative, entirely on the contrary.

I actually experienced many of the “symptoms” I’m just about to mention.

For many years I lacked alignment. I was stuck in a negative cycle of manifesting what I didn’t want, even though I’d tried most of the LOA techniques ever created!

This is why I’m so passionate about the Third Eye Chakra Affirmations work, and I’m a firm believer in:

-knowing yourself and what your true desires are

(for many years, I tried hard to manifest someone else’s goals and dreams, to get approval and validation from others, and it only kept me stuck in unhappiness; I don’t want this to happen to you!)

-drastically transforming your self-image and loving yourself

-understanding your purpose and path in life so that you can create and manifest in alignment with your true passion and talents 🙂

heart-based manifesting that makes you happy, fulfilled, and open to receiving unlimited abundance on a continuous basis (as opposed to ego-manifesting and some quick wins such as manifesting some fast cash only to end up where you were before- in a scarcity mindset)

This is why it’s so important to mention that when the energy of the Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced, it’s hard, if not impossible, to get into proper alignment and experience joyful and effortless manifesting.

Is Your Third Eye Chakra Underactive?

If your Third Eye Chakra is underactive, you may feel disconnected from your inner wisdom and intuition.

At the same time, your energy may be scattered, so it may be hard for you to focus.

This is exactly what was happening to me for so many years!

On the outside, it seemed like I was experiencing a “shiny object syndrome.”

Jumping from one business opportunity to another (and also making some bad investments) instead of focusing on my true passion- spirituality, self-development, manifestation, and helping people through my writing.

But, back then, I thought, I had to do everything I possibly could to gain admiration, validation, and approval from people who…didn’t even care much about me.

They were on their own ego-based trips, trying hard to do the same thing.

Because my energy was so scattered and I disconnected from my intuition, I was stuck in this negative cycle! And I kept attracting people who were shattered too…

But, everything began to change when I focused on doing the inner work and changing my self-image.

Working on my spirituality and Third Eye Chakra was a very crucial part of my self-development journey, and I feel very grateful for the people who helped me.

Now, I feel inspired to pay it forward and help you and others as much as I can.

I don’t like to see other people suffer. And I don’t want anyone to feel like I did several years ago. It was a very dark place!

What Happens When Your Third Eye Chakra Is Overactive?

Now, this one is very interesting to mention, too, because what we want is balance. You see, if your third eye chakra is overactive, you may experience symptoms such as: feeling paranoid and experiencing some weird hallucinations.

You may also interpret every little thing as a sign from the Universe. You may find it hard to stay grounded and concentrated.

In other words, you get too woo-woo!

My Journey with the Third Eye Chakra Affirmations & Inner Work

Here’s a metaphor I like to use (from my own life).

Because I experienced both sides of the Third Eye Chakra Coin!

When I was on my shiny object syndrome journey (because I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur), I was too much in a “hustle” mindset. Yes, I worked long, long hours. Still, my energy was scattered, and the business opportunities I tried were never in alignment with my true passions…

And I could never make a good decision. Or it would take so, so long to make a decision. I would over-analyze everything. I felt stuck.

At the same time, when I got into spirituality, there was a certain point in my life when I got too woo-woo, too hippie-dippie. Even though I thought I felt connected to the Universe, I was actually shattered.

And I couldn’t move forward because I didn’t know what I wanted.

I shifted into a new reality…but….I still lacked alignment.

Finally, I met a mentor who was both a successful entrepreneur and a very spiritual and aligned person.

She taught me how to balance things out.

From there, things really took off, and my life transformed😊

Why Balancing Out Your Third Eye Chakra with Affirmations Is Crucial for Joyful and Authentic Manifesting

I think that now you fully understand that to have a clear vision of your life, your Third Eye Chakra needs to be open, activated, and balanced.

And to keep it simple…if your Third Eye Chakra is underactive, you may find yourself working very hard with very little to show for…and if your Third Eye Chakra is overactive, you may find yourself too hippie-dippie woo-woo, and once again, nothing changes on your manifestation journey

(although hey…I like woo-woo…who doesn’t? It’s fun, haha, but once again, there’s a difference between doing spirituality work to move forward with your life and using it as a form of escapism to avoid actual inner work).

Balancing your Third Eye Chakra is a journey. It doesn’t mean that your entire life’s path will get laid out in front of you in a matter of seconds.

But…you will feel comforted and at ease, knowing that your inner wisdom and intuition can guide you toward the next step to get closer to your dreams and enjoy the process!

Now, it’s time to dive into our Third Eye Chakra affirmations!

How to Use Third Eye Chakra Affirmations

I recommend you focus on the affirmations that really resonate with you and make you feel good!

Use them every day, during meditation, as you visualize your desires or as a part of your journaling practice.

Another method you can use is to record them in your own voice and listen to them as much as you can. I found this method to be very effective!

You can also use these amazing ZenHarmonics tracks as a background, it’s especially designed to help you erase your limiting beliefs…or in spiritual terms- release what no longer serves you!

(You can use my partner link to get a massive discount on ZenHarmonics manifesting technology here)

Repeating your affirmations in front of the mirror and adding “I love You” or combining it with the Ho’oponopono practice is also very powerful.

My number one tip is always: there’s no right or wrong.

To succeed with the Third Eye Chakra affirmations, or any affirmations, consistency, and persistency are the most crucial part of the process.

So, be sure to choose any repetition method that you enjoy!

Some people like visualizing, some scripting & journaling, some meditating, and some prefer the mirror work.

Now, have a look at the following Third Eye Chakra Affirmations and choose the ones you love!

27 Powerful Third Eye Chakra Affirmations + Guidance for True Empowerment and Alignment

#1 I am now ready to connect to my inner guidance for my highest good and the good of others.

#2 It feels so good to trust my intuition!

#3 My intuition is my best friend!

#4 I choose to learn from my life experiences, and I let go of any judgments and past hurts.

#5 I am now connected to my higher power, and it feels so good!

#6 The wisdom of the Universe speaks through me, and it feels so good to always make the right decision!

#7 Every day is an opportunity for me to learn and grow.

#8 I am able to receive all the information I need about my divine purpose.

#9 I am now ready to receive the gifts of inner wisdom, intuition, and alignment.

#10 I am ready to act in alignment with my true purpose.

#11 I love doing inner work to discover more about myself and my divine purpose.

#12 I love developing my gifts and talents because they unleash my full potential and help others.  

#13 I love to stay present and observe my life. I let go of any negative emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

#14 I can easily see and understand the bigger picture of my life vision and purpose.

#15 I am full of energy and vibrant health.

#16 Every day, I feel more and more motivated, passionate, and productive.

#17 I love the purpose work I was chosen to do!

#18 I move effortlessly towards my dreams!

#19 My imagination is positive, powerful, and creative. I choose it wisely to work for me and my dreams.

#20 I am connected to the Divine source of my truth.

#21 It feels so good to listen to my inner knowing because it always guides and protects me.

#22 I can see and think clearly.

#23 My mind is focused, calm and creative.

#24 My heart is focused on my Divine truth.

#25 I feel mentally strong, healthy, and resilient.

#26 I am consistent with my work, and I manifest amazing results!

#27 I release any doubt and fear and choose to manifest my heart-based desires with joy and ease!

Raising your vibration is very important in the process of Third Eye Chakra Opening.

I’ve created a free workbook and audiobook to help you raise your vibration in 5 days or less 🙂

Free book and audiobook to raise your vibration in 5 days or less!

You can get your FREE copy HERE 🙂