Quotes about the Universe That Inspire, Elevate, and Motivate!

You are just about to discover the most inspiring quotes about the Universe that will help you gain focus, clarity, control, and inner peace. Some of these quotes may be the signs and guidance you’ve been asking for!

To inspire you even more, I’ve added my own interpretation to each quote about (and from) the Universe😊

Inspirational Quotes about the Universe

The following quotes stimulate your intuition, courage, and sense of inner knowing😊

#1 “Life whispers to you all the time. It whispers, and if you don’t get the whisper, the whisper gets louder. If you don’t get the whisper when it gets louder, I call it like a little pebble — a little thump — upside the head… The pebble or the thump upside the head usually means it’s gone into a problem. If you don’t pay attention to the problem, the pebble then becomes like a brick. The brick upside your head is a crisis, and if you don’t pay attention to the brick upside your head, the crisis turns into a disaster and the whole house — brick wall — comes falling down.” — Oprah Winfrey

The Universe always gives your signs and clues. All you need to do is to be willing to be guided and listen.

Everything requires practice, and everything can be learned. Intuition can always be enhanced! The first step is to simply affirm the following to the Universe:

“Dear Universe…I’m willing to be guided. Please help me enhance my intuition and inner wisdom.”

Become aware of your inner states and acknowledge them. All of them! For example, even if you’re feeling sad, you can still recognize and respect your emotions by saying:

“Even though I’m feeling sad, I choose to love and accept myself!”.

Allow your emotions to guide you and start making small shifts that are in alignment with your desires.

If you need more guidance on how to do the inner work to help you get closer to your dreams, read:

52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

27 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Love-Based Manifesting

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Manifest Your Higher Self

#2 “The Universe is saying: ‘Allow me to flow through you unrestricted, and you will see the greatest magic you have ever seen.’”- Klaus Joehle

It’s time to STOP blocking and restricting ourselves. It’s time to allow something bigger to express ourselves through us, how we show up in the world, and through everything we do.

We can always choose. So, why not choose the infinite possibilities the Universe offers, as well as its magic? Why not embody the Universal Magic and inspire others?

Of course, I’m not talking about trying to convince or persuade others to do and think exactly the way you do…

You don’t have to talk to anyone about your inner work.

Simply embody the change and transformation you desire.

Be an example of the Universal Light. You can inspire others just by becoming the best version of yourself daily. Step by step.

#3 “To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.”- Lao Tzu

Spend more time in prayer and meditation.

Give yourself all the time and space you need to quieten your mind because the best ideas will come to you when your mind is quiet.

Whenever I’m stuck with my writing, I meditate, take a nice bath, or go for a walk.

Because whenever I soothe my mind, more beautiful ideas come to me.

And I feel like they come straight from the Universe, straight from the Source.

And sharing them feels so good!

#4 “Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen. “-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I heard this beautiful and timeless teaching from many LOA writers and coaches.

I even heard it from various business and marketing trainers.

Yet, deep inside, I struggled to embody it. I could not make a firm decision.

So, I asked myself this simple question: What is stopping me from deciding what I want?

In my case, it was fear of rejection and judgment.

So, through inner work, shadow work, meditation, prayer, and EFT tapping, I began releasing all these negative patterns.

My first firm decision was to let go of my insecurities.

Some of them were even coming from my childhood and adolescence. Why would a 40-year-old woman still need them in her life?

Nay. Time to let them go.

And…nobody judged me. I was safe! Because when you make a firm decision and release your old insecurities, the people you attract into your life reflect your new confident state of being. You respect yourself, and they respect you.

#5 “This is a cardboard universe, and if you lean too long or too heavily against it, you fall through.”-Philip K. Dick

It’s all about moving forward with joy, ease, flow, and confidence.

If we allow ourselves to get stuck on something for too long, we may fall through.

By choosing to get stuck, we create stagnant energy that is no longer serving us. It’s time to move forward!

You can release what’s no longer serving you through meditation and prayer😊

Quotes About the Universe
These beautiful quotes about and from the Universe will uplift and inspire you!

Inspirational Quotes about the Universe to Let Go and Focus on Positivity

#6 “Let’s find ourselves in Love for it is who we are. We are Love. We are meant to Love ourselves. We are meant to Love one another. So, Love, please Love, for it is all that matters in this Universe.”- Wald Wassermann

Love is the highest vibration, and it can heal our lives.

Like attracts like, so people who embody love (authentically, because it feels good to them), attract like-minded people who also lead with love.

#7 “Don’t give up! It’s not over. The Universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back.”-Steve Maraboli

Nothing is permanent. Even if you get caught up in lower vibrations, you can use them as a catapult to get back to high-vibe states.

Keep your mind focused on your dreams, and never give up.

#8 “Everything amazing about the Universe is inside of you, and the two are inseparable.”- Carl Sagan

You have everything you need to live the life of your dreams.

Never forget who you truly are. You are a powerful and infinite being, and manifesting is your birthright.

Even if society taught you otherwise, you can choose to get back to your true, manifesting roots.

We are on this journey together!

Read more about spiritual awakening and manifesting:

5 Spiritual Awakening Signs for Faster Manifesting

3 Spiritual Manifestation Secrets Revealed

The following quotes about the Universe will help you to focus on infinite possibilities that are always available to you and help you dissolve any perceived obstacle or problem.

#9 “The Universe’s timing is perfect, even if it doesn’t suit your ego.”- Dean Jackson

Our egos can slow us down because they insist on specific outcomes and can get too narrow.

However, the Universe is limitless and operates in unlimited ways.

Our minds and egos can’t even comprehend the infinite possibilities the Universe blesses us with.

So, even if it looks like you didn’t achieve your goal or some obstacles pop up, make a firm decision that everything will work out well for you and stay focused on your vision.

Find something to be grateful for in every situation!

You will also enjoy:

22 Gratitude Affirmations to Supercharge Your Manifestations

#10 “The sky is NOT the limit. Beyond the Universe is.”- Suzy Kassemey

How many times have you said: “The sky is the limit”?

This saying always seems so positive and uplifting. But…there’s always something bigger.

Because the Universe has no limit.

It’s time to say no to the limits imposed on us and choose our own standards!

#11 “Look at the sky; remind yourself of the cosmos. Seek vastness at every opportunity in order to see the smallness of yourself.”-Matt Haig

Looking at the stars is one of my favorite things to do; it makes me feel abundant. It’s also a very humbling experience because it makes me realize the importance of letting go and surrendering to something bigger.

#12 “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the Universe exist. Be curious.”- Stephen Hawking

How often do you stimulate your curiosity?

One of my favorite ways to stay curious is to use the what-if questions:

”What if” or: “How would it feel…”?

For example, let’s say you get a 5K paycheck…you can ask yourself: “How would it feel to get paid 50k, or 500k? Or 5M? How would I feel? What would I do?”

Learn more about manifesting money and abundance:

22 Winning Wealth Affirmations to Attract Unlimited Abundance

Money Manifestation Unlocked – 7 Secrets to Activate Wealth

#13 “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe than about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”- Rachel Carson

The way I like to put it is: spend less time in your mind, and more in your heart.

I believe that our hearts are manifesting magnets that connect us to the infinite possibilities of the Universe.

I share my process and numerous meditations to re-activate this connection in my book: Manifestation Meditation:

Quotes about the Universe That Inspire Creativity

#14 “Mozart’s music is so pure and beautiful that I see it as a reflection of the inner beauty of the universe.”- Albert Einstein

Whatever it is you do, you can do it with the pure, untainted energy of a powerful creator. You can allow the Universe to express yourself through you to elevate and inspire others.

And you can apply this mindset and heartset to any profession or industry. It’s not only for artists, writers, healers, or teachers.

Whether you’re a driver, accountant, or waiter…Whatever job you do, you can always do your duties while choosing to connect to something bigger and do your job well😊

#15 “There are as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. We are, each of us, a little universe.”- Neil deGrasse Tyson

YOU-niverse. You are the Universe, and the Universe is YOU.

Embrace the feelings of oneness.

When I write and share, I feel incredible feelings of oneness with my readers.

And as I experience elevated feelings of passion and empowerment, I intend to infuse my writing with these wonderful feelings to help my readers experience similar states of elevated joy and inner freedom.

#16 “The reason why the universe is eternal is that it does not live for itself; it gives life to others as it transforms.”- Lao Tzu

My personal add-on is: as you keep transforming and doing your inner work, you give life to others as well😊

#17 “The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”-Eden Phillpotts

How do we embrace magic?

My favorite positive focus methods are: vision boards, gratitude lists, and scripting.

By focusing our minds and hearts on what we love, we attract more love and magic into our lives!

Read my other articles to unleash the power of scripting, vision boards, gratitude, and journaling:

Manifestation Board Secrets to Create Your Dream Life

How to Write a Manifestation List to Create Your Dream Reality Faster

Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!