41 Inspiring Quotes about Dreaming Big and Staying Positive

Saturating your mind with quotes about dreaming big is a great manifestation practice! Think about it…society wants everyone to think small, which is how most of us got conditioned to operate when we were children.

So, one of the biggest manifestation blocks holding so many people back from manifesting their dream life is that they don’t even give themselves permission to think big and design their dream life…

But imagine how your life would change if you could let go of doubt and fear and open yourself up to unlimited possibilities and dream realities you can tune into with your thoughts, feelings, and inspired actions?

This is what quotes about dreaming big can do for you!

They can help you stay positive and persevere even during challenging times.

All these beautiful quotes about dreaming big remind us that we get to create our own realities.

It’s all about embracing the present moment and acknowledging that we are powerful creators.

Also, by dreaming big and staying consistent with your vision, you re-program your subconscious mind and activate the Law of Positive Expectation.

I’m so excited to be sharing my favorite quotes about dreaming big and how they changed my life for the better!

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Quotes about Dreaming Big and Staying Positive :)
Quotes about Dreaming Big – Share on Pinterest:)

Quotes about Dreaming Big That Will Put a Big Smile on Your Face!

#1 “The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.”

-Albert Einstein

Out of all the quotes about dreaming big that I share in this post, this one is perhaps the most controversial!

After all, these words are not from a metaphysical or esoteric teacher but from one of the most prominent scientists and physicists our planet has ever seen…

But when we dive deeper, it all makes sense…

Facts and science tell us about something that already is…

However, our dreams connect us to something yet to be created and manifested…

In other words, our dreams connect us to the realm of all possibilities. And it’s up to us to choose and decide on what we desire!

Quotes about Dreaming Big
Beautiful quotes about dreaming big and staying positive. Learn how to persevere during challenging times and transform your reality:)

#2 “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.”

– William Faulkner.

I intend to live by that quote.

It feels so good to be you and live according to your own life philosophy.

Nothing feels better than dreaming big and being congruent with your desires.

I’d like to add one more thing: it doesn’t matter what others think.

What matters is what you think.

After all, you create your reality with your thoughts, not someone else’s thoughts.

So, stop comparing yourself to others and instead choose to embody your best self every day!

#3 “All successful people, men, and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that goal or purpose.”

– Brian Tracy

So many people are afraid of taking action…

And I used to be one of those people too…

Until I realized that the biggest reason why I felt stuck was that my mind was stuck.

Since I had no compelling vision for myself, I didn’t know what to do, so I didn’t do anything.

I just mindlessly waited for some signs from the Universe…

Please understand that your mind and ability to dream big activate your most enormous power.

Dream big.

Script your ideal vision for life and make a decision to get closer to it every day.

This is how you’ll be receiving signs from the Universe on a regular basis because the Universe LOVES those who dream big and take mindful action.

If you need more inspiration, check out these guides to help you script and manifest your dream life:

-Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

-Script to Manifest – It’s Time to Design & Attract Your Dream Life (even if you think it’s impossible now)

#4 “A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. A goal is what specifically you intend to make happen. Dreams and goals should be just out of your present reach but not out of sight.”

– Joseph Campbell

Even if everything in your current reality seems against you, remember that nothing is set in stone.

You can always choose!

And you can even choose your current reality as a motivator, as a catapult to create a better life and inspire others!

#5 “Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.”

– Dale Turner

One of my favorite mantras is: “It’s never too late…”

Because I live by this truth… it’s never too late to get the education you want.

It’s never too late to buy your dream home.

It’s never too late to learn a foreign language.

And it’s never too late to write a book you always wanted to write or start a YouTube channel…

I remember feeling so defeated because I wanted to start an online business…

I joined several courses teaching different business opportunities and digital marketing…and everyone in those courses seemed so young and successful!

That mindset block (“I am too old, all these people are successful because they started very young, had a good education and supportive family”) kept me from dreaming big and taking mindful action.

Until I finally realized this liberating truth:

Our power is now, in this moment. And we always get to choose!

We can choose to indulge in negative thoughts and keep limiting ourselves, or we can choose to change our attitude, dream big and take action towards our goals.

One of my biggest inspirations to shift my mindset was Louise Hay, who, apart from being a great author and teacher, was also a fantastic businesswoman and a founder of my favorite publishing house, Hay House…

As a middle-aged lady, she started her inner work journey and business journey as a middle-aged lady…

It’s never too late to follow your dreams…you don’t have to be twenty…

I even know people aged seventy (or more!) who started their online businesses and are very successful and now enjoy more free time with their loved ones. They chose their dreams and created their dream retirement plan…

It’s never too late, it’s never too late..

So, stop comparing yourself to other people…

Your success is supposed to be unique to you…and only you…

Read More: 20 Powerful Manifesting Lessons from Louise Hay

Quotes from Louise Hay
Inspiring quotes from Louise Hay + more manifesting lessons from this incredible woman!

#6 “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.”

– Henry David Thoreau

The keyword here is: confidently.

So, how do you become confident even if your current reality seems to be against you?

Well, you embrace your big dreams. Remember that in your mind, and heart, you are safe…

Choose to embody your dreams every day. This is how you become confident. You allow yourself to follow your dreams!

You Will Also Enjoy: 45 Magnetic Confidence Affirmations

Confidence Affirmations

#7″ In our dreams lies our unfinished work for the world.”

-Joan Chittister

I find this quote so motivating!

Because the work we choose to do when we follow our dreams is not just for us…

Whatever you choose to do, you get to inspire other people to follow their dreams.

Even if you’re not an author, coach, or teacher.

By choosing to embody your Highest Self, you inspire other people to do the same!

Many teachers and coaches even go as far as to say, that choosing not to follow your passion and purpose is…selfish…Some (honest) food for thought 🙂

#8 “If your thoughts are as tall as the height of your ceiling, you can’t fly above your room.”

– Israelmore Ayivor

I will add this: Do not allow the negativity of others to create any ceilings in your reality…

Visualize a sky because there’s no limit.

So, dream big and fly high. It feels so liberating!

#9 Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”   


Getting started creates amazing energy and momentum.

It also sends a clear signal to the Universe that you’ve made up your mind and are ready for more!

So, don’t be afraid to get started.

And if you’re feeling stuck because you don’t know what to do, simply do what you know how to do with your best energies.

#10 “Dream big dreams! Only big dreams have the power to move your mind and spirit.”

-Brian Tracy

Yes, because big dreams are the best cup of coffee for our bodies, minds, and souls!

#11″ If you can dream it, then you can achieve it.”

-Zig Ziglar

I always say that the mere fact that your idea or desire was born is because you deserve it, it’s your birthright, and you can manifest it!

You don’t need anyone’s permission or approval.

#12 “There is no need to reach high for the stars. They are already within you; just reach deep into yourself!”

-Terri Guillemets

Everything starts with your inner world.

If deep inside you already know, understand, and integrate the truth of your unlimited power and infinity, you can do anything you desire!

So, there’s no need to try and do something to then feel good about yourself and get external validation. First, embrace the stars inside you by dreaming big and feeling good about your desires 😊

#13 “Dream big and your problems become small.”

-Vishen Lakhiani

Could our problems simply be reflections of our limited thinking?

One problem I recently solved, or better said, dissolved, was feeling resentment towards several family members based on their behavior towards me.

But once I changed my thinking and welcomed their behavior, why accepting them exactly as they were, everything changed, and my old “problems” disappeared.

Now I no longer worry about what they say or do, and I have much more energy and mental space to keep manifesting my dream life, according to my big dreams and vision board!

#14 “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”

– Walt Disney

I always say there are two stages of being courageous.

The first one is the internal shift you make when you allow yourself to dream big and be the writer of your own reality.

The second one is the mindful execution of your dreams by taking consistent action and enjoying the process!

#15″ Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

-Earl Nightingale

“It’s too late to start a blog…”

“Blogging is dead…”

“SEO is dead….”

“Only those who were early to the party are now successful with blogging…”

The above are different opinions of others I heard before starting this blog and luckily, chose to IGNORE.

I also heard the following: “It will take several years to see any progress….”

And I thought to myself: “I like it. And I don’t mind working hard because I love writing, creating, and sharing…and I love everything related to LOA, manifesting, self-growth, and spirituality”.

That was over a year ago…that year has passed anyway…and I’m celebrating my first milestones…

Why wait? Start doing your own thing and enjoy the process!

#16 “Always dream big dreams. Big dreams attract big people.”

-Dave Liniger

Yes, you attract who you are based on your energy.

By being ambitious, you will attract like-minded people into your life.

I’ll add this: don’t share your vision with people who are negative or simply “don’t get it…”.

Surround yourself with powerful creators with positive mindsets.

Still, be nice and kind to other people (even if they’re negative). But don’t share your goals and dreams with them.

Stay in your positive and uplifting energy.

If they find it inspiring, and feel ready to change, one day, they’ll ask you for advice!

#17 “If your dream is a big dream, and if you want your life to work on the high level that you say you do, there’s no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.”

– Joyce Chapman.

By dreaming big you get excited. And when you get excited you love what you do, and so taking action becomes automatic!

Do what you love and do it every day and your life will become magical!

#18 “I always say: To have a big dream requires the same effort as having a small dream. Dream big!”

– Jorge Paulo Lemann

Exactly! You’re always visualizing something and thinking about something anyway…so why not make it fun?

Want to learn more about visualization?

Check out these guides:

-How to Visualize: 5 Steps to Start Creating Your Dream Reality in 5 Minutes a Day (blog post)

-Visualization Demystified: The Untold Secrets to Re-Program Your Subconscious Mind and Manifest Your Dream Reality in 5 Simple Steps (book that goes more into detail)

#19 “In the long run, men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, they had better aim at something high.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Knowing that you’re a powerful creator, why would you limit yourself? Keep visualizing the vastness and infinity of the sky, ocean, and galaxy…the flow…the energy….the power…

You are a part of that power!

#20 “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”

– Maya Angelou

Don’t make excuses such as: “I don’t have the time”, or: “It’s too late”.

Even if it’s only half an hour a day, promise yourself to follow your dreams and do what you love.

Your actions and positive energy will keep compounding😊

You create your own abundance by taking abundant actions!

#21 ”The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.”

-Robert H. Schuller

Your mind is like a garden where you plant a seed of positive expectations…Take care of it and get rid of your self-imposed limitations and negativity.

Quotes About Dreaming Big to Supercharge Your Manifesting Practise 🙂

Quotes about Dreaming Big from My Favorite Manifestation Teachers

#22 “You become what you think about most.

But you also attract what you think about most.”

– John Assaraf

Since you always talk to yourself and think about something…why not think about your big dreams and align your self-talk accordingly?

Do you struggle with negative chatter?

These guides will help you embrace the power of positive self-talk:

-22 Positive Self-Talk Affirmations to Manifest Your Dream Reality (blog post)

-Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life (book & audiobook)

#23 “Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember.”

― Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Yes, all it takes is remembering how powerful you really are.

So, keep auditing your thoughts!

#24 “Whenever you think you can or think you can’t, either way, you are right.”

― Henry Ford

Keep affirming that you can!

For example:

Use these affirmations to affirm self-love and inner peace.

These affirmations will help you align with the energy of abundance.

While these are great for staying motivated and dreaming big!

#25 “If you are feeling good, it is because you are thinking good thoughts .”

― Rhonda Byrne

Yes, one of the “side affects” of dreaming big is that you will feel good because good thoughts make us feel good.

It’s the best internal energizer and cup of coffee for our minds and souls!

#26 “See the things that you want as already yours.”

― Rhonda Byrne

This beautiful quote touches upon the Law of Assumption and the Law of Positive Expectation…

One of the biggest keys to manifesting is entering the state of the “wish fulfilled” (as one of the greatest teachers, Neville Goddard explains).

When you dream big, intend to fuse yourself with your desires.

Be one with them. Feel them as if they were already yours.

Don’t separate yourself from them by giving power to negative thoughts such as: “I guess this is not for me”, or: “Other people can do it but I can’t”.

Your desire was placed in your heart for a reason and the main reason is that you can have it, and it is your birthright.

So, claim it, by aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with what you desire!

#27 “I have learned that you can change anything by changing the energy you bring to that thing. By changing the thoughts you think about that thing, the emotions you feel about that thing, and the power you give to that thing, you can change and rearrange any reality.”

― Amanda Frances

Exactly, and feeling good and expectant about something is a choice.

Here’s how to unlock the power of Positive Expectation:

-Manifest Effortlessly with the Law of Expectation (blog post)

-Expect to Manifest Your Best Life: Activating the Power of Positive Expectation (book)

#28 “Your job, my friend, is to focus on the desire. You focus on how it would feel to already have it. You focus on removing the limiting beliefs. You focus on becoming a vibrational or energetic match to your desired outcomes. You remember that there are limitless possibilities and ways for your desires to come to you.”

― Amanda Frances

One of the biggest joys of dreaming big is that by allowing yourself to dream big, you get a chance to clear out many limiting beliefs, unleashing your full power and potential!

These free resources will help you remove limiting beliefs and raise your vibration:

-How to Raise Your Vibration to Have It All! (because you can!) (blog post)

-Raise Your Vibration in 5 Days or Less (Free Workbook & Audio)

#29 “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.”

― Bob Proctor

Become the master of your mind, and you will master your reality. It’s as simple as that!

#30 “Be like a postage stamp. Stick to it until you get there”

― Bob Proctor

One thing I like to add to this quote is: keep going even when you get there, because there’s always the next level of exploring your full potential!

#31 “Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time.”

― Bob Proctor

What I love about high goal setting, is that they make us very inspired and energized, but at the same time, help us clear out many subconscious fears and limiting beliefs…

How can you learn to swim if you avoid water?

How can you learn to drive if you don’t practice?

#32 “Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see. You choose!”

― Bob Proctor

Whether you realize it or not, you always believe in something.

Because “to believe” means: be + live.

So, you always embody some truths…

Therefore, why not choose faith instead of fear?

These positive affirmations will help you make a mental and spiritual shift to focus on faith and release fears:

18 Affirmations for Positive Energy 🙂

#33 “Just keep your conscious mind busy with expectation of the best.”

― Joseph Murphy

It’s as simple as affirming: “I always attract the best circumstances, people, and events into my life.”

“I refuse to live in fear”.

“I am guided and protected by the Universe and my angels”.

#34 “Busy your mind with the concepts of harmony, health, peace, and goodwill, and wonders will happen in your life.”

― Joseph Murphy

When you think big, you open your mind and heart to limitless possibilities.

Then, you realize that you can also think big for others!

Not to impose your will or goals on them, but to wish them the best and send them your best energies so they can feel good and attract amazing things into their lives.

#35 “Let go of feelings of guilt and the need to justify your actions.”

― Vadim Zeland

Vadim Zeland is one of my favorite authors! I absolutely love his book Reality Transurfing because it was thanks to this book that I realized how much of self-imposed guilt I’d felt inside myself…and that it was time to let it go!

And trust me, when you stop seeking approval and justifying your actions, you have so much more time, energy, and space to dream big and follow your dreams!

#36 “Everyone is free to choose any destiny they wish. The only freedom we truly have is the freedom”

― Vadim Zeland

Make it your mantra: I can always choose something better,

I can always choose something better…

Of course, we don’t want to mindlessly chase something…

We want to embrace the power of who we indeed are and how many unique possibilities await us if we just choose to tune into them!

#37 “Everyone that stands in front of the mirror receives confirmation of the image in their thoughts.”

― Vadim Zeland

Keep auditing your thoughts and releasing and transforming the ones that do not align with your dreams before they take over.

Remember that you can always choose, and it’s never too late to change!

#38 “To let go of guilt, it is enough to give yourself permission to be yourself. No one has the right to judge you. You have the right to be yourself.”

― Vadim Zeland

Once again, beautiful words of wisdom by Vadim Zeland!

When you are yourself, you shine your true light.

And your true light is your real power and a magnet for all the amazing people, circumstances, and events you desire to attract into your life!

#39 “Nothing comes from without; all things come from within – from the subconscious.”

― Neville Goddard

Give yourself the gift of inner work. Make friends with your subconscious mind and your shadows.

These articles will help you:

52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

3 Simple Steps To Stop Sabotaging Yourself

#40 “Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption

and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfillment.”

― Neville Goddard

Once again, let’s not forget that to believe (be+live) means to embody something.

We always embody something, whether we realize it or not…

So, why not embody something we actually desire?

Learn more about the Law of Assumption:

27 Life-Changing Law of Assumption Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams with Joy & Ease

How to Manifest Faster with the Law of Assumption

#41 “Imagination is the way to the state desired, it is the truth of the state desired, and the life of that state desired. It is the way to everything in the world.”

-Neville Goddard

It’s as simple as making a mental shift and, instead of worrying about what can go wrong, choosing the attitude of positive expectation.

Remember that in your imagination, you’re safe, and you can have anything you want.

This I how you start believing in yourself and re-programming yourself for positivity!

How to Use Quotes about Dreaming Big to Improve Your Life

Dreaming big means you can release all the projected obstacles and limitations and work towards achieving your life goals, even if your current reality seems to be against you.

By embracing your big dreams, you replace fear with faith and unlock your biggest power- becoming a conscious creator of your reality.

From my personal experience, dreaming big energizes me and helps me do my best:)

When I start feeling less creative or productive, I know it’s time to revise my vision and goals and give my mind some new, joyous heights to focus on.

Big dreams and staying positive are the best cup of coffee for my mind, soul, and body.

Finally, dreaming big gives you the unlimited freedom to choose what you want to do in life based on your true, authentic goals and what puts your heart on fire!

This is how you stay motivated to take inspired action and keep becoming the best version of yourself daily.

Challenge yourself every day and embrace new possibilities.

At the same time, stay grateful for what you already have and celebrate every little win on your journey.

Align your mind and soul and stay focused on what you want.

Expect the best.

Even when you experience a little challenge, expect something positive to come out of it.

When you operate from a mindset of big dreams and positive expectations, your energy changes, raising your vibration.

This is how you become a vibrational match to your desires!

At the same time, you feel confident and energized to take action toward your goals.

And you enjoy every little step of your journey!

The time is now…so allow yourself to dream big!

If You Enjoyed This Post, You Will Also Love These:

Manifest Effortlessly with the Law of Expectation

Manifestation Board Secrets to Create Your Dream Life

Until next time we meet, sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting