6 Morning Ritual Ideas to Start Your Day as Your BEST Self!

Do you want to manifest the life of your dreams? Do you want to feel happy, energized, and productive throughout the day? Are you looking for one life-changing thing you could commit to and supercharge all your manifestations?

The answer is simple- create an empowering morning ritual. Your Morning Manifestation Ritual!

This is exactly what I want to share with you in this post. I want to give you ideas and inspiration so that you can create a morning manifesting ritual you love that is simple, effective, and doesn’t seem like a chore.

I’m a big believer in simplicity- your morning ritual should be something you look forward to, something that makes you feel good and gets you excellent results (such as having more energy, being happier, and manifesting your desires with ease!).

Morning Ritual Misconceptions

I used to be a morning ritual skeptic, and I’m not an early AM person.

What was really holding me back from creating a morning ritual for so many years was that I thought it was the same as an early AM club. And yes, these concepts often overlap because to do a morning ritual, you will need to get up a bit earlier.

However, it doesn’t mean it has to be 4 or 5 AM (although it totally can, it’s really up to you).

My point is- don’t do something just because you think it is expected of you, or because all the gurus talk about it.

So, that’s the first misconception!

Do what feels right for you, your well-being, and your schedule.

That being said- committing to my morning ritual helped me stick to getting up at 7-8 AM every morning (which I think is very reasonable), instead of just sleeping till 12 AM (not very productive).

What can I say…after becoming self-employed and working from home, my schedule got pretty messed up. And I really wanted to find something to make me excited to get up earlier.

So, this is what the morning ritual did for me.

Yes, you will need to get up a bit earlier. I’d recommend 1 hour earlier.

But, you can start small (I started with a 15-minute morning ritual) and go from there.

The golden rule- whatever feels good for you!

Another typical morning ritual misconception is that you need to do a lot of things…

And it seems like a massive to-do list.

Once again, go for it, if that’s your thing, you’ll have all my blessings and support.

But what I have seen all over again…

So many people start “big” they get up at 3 AM with a list of 5836 things to do for their morning manifestation ritual and end up giving it all up after a few days.

I know I’m exaggerating a bit here, but you know what I mean – keep it simple and go from there.

My recommendation for a beginner would be this- get up a bit earlier than you usually do.

For example, if you usually get up at 7:30 AM, be up at 7:00, or even 7:15.

Use the morning ritual ideas from this post, pick 1-3 rituals you like, and create your own flow.

Remember, you can always change things up. My morning rituals continually evolve.

Many things also depend on the weather.

My summer morning ritual usually consists of making fresh smoothies, cold showers, and affirmations, then going out, doing yoga in a local park, journaling in the sunshine, or walking on the beach.

In the winter, I usually, get up, make some coffee with coconut milk and drink plenty of water. Then, I have my coffee, usually on a couch, enjoying warm blankets and my lovely cats while journaling about what I’m grateful for, scripting, and reading.

Then, I work out for 15 minutes, have a nice, warm shower, meditate (using my manifestation meditation process), revise my goals, and start working.

I think it’s good to have different morning ritual ideas you can pick and choose from!

As I said, you can get started with just 1 simple idea to do every morning.

For example, you can be up earlier to work out. Or to read your favorite self-development and spirituality books.

The Main Benefit of Creating an Empowering Morning Ritual

It’s simple. You show yourself and the Universe that you matter and that you deserve mindful self-care…first thing in the morning…

It feels good to be consistent. It’s always those small actions that lead to massive transformations (and manifestations).

So many people complain that they don’t have enough time to take care of themselves…not enough time to read, journal, visualize, or do the inner work.

And I have been there too.

It was only when I discovered the power of the morning ritual that my life changed (for the better, of course).

That one simple decision also made me more productive, and I was able to finally set up a successful business I love.

I also manifested many other benefits such as:

-I wake up with a passion

-I go to bed feeling grateful for all my accomplishments

-I am nicer and kinder towards myself and others

-Most of the time, I feel at peace (and if I don’t, at least I’m aware of it and can change it)

-My body is healthier, and I lost the extra weight

-When I finish work, I can just disconnect and hang out with family and friends, which makes me very happy (whereas my old self, the old Elena that would sleep in till 12 AM was always stressed out and working till late, with no time for self-care or family/friends, and she wasn’t very productive or successful either).

You can also use morning rituals to do things you’re passionate about.

For example, if you want to become a writer, you can write books or articles on morning rituals.

Or maybe you have a side hustle idea, something you’d like to pursue outside your regular job.

Still, you feel like you lack time…well, once again, creating a morning ritual around your passion or side hustle can be an excellent idea!

A friend of mine who wants to become a manifestation coach on YouTube, uses her morning rituals to visualize her successful YouTube channel. Then, she creates and publishes videos and goes to work feeling happy and satisfied she’s actually doing something in alignment with her passion.

Interestingly, ever since she began her morning rituals, visualizing her success and making videos…she…manifested a pay rise in her regular job and was asked to give a motivational speech.

Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

Before You Start Your Morning Ritual…

If you want to have a successful morning ritual, you need to protect your mind from distractions.

To accomplish that- remember not to check your emails or messages. Just stay away from your phone before and during your morning ritual.

Unless you’re using your phone to play your favorite songs to feel good and energized…

I’d recommend you hide your phone or switch it off.

Definitely keep in silent or airplane mode – you don’t want to get distracted by any notifications.

Now, it’s time to dive into our morning ritual ideas😊

Create a Morning Ritual That Makes You Excited!

Morning Ritual Idea #1 Drink Your Favorite Morning Beverage Mindfully and Joyfully

This one is perfect if you’re pressed for time.

All you need to do is to get up a bit earlier (even 10 minutes will do) and use your morning coffee time to visualize or affirm your goals.

You can also sit down, light a candle or incense, and, as you sip on your morning coffee, visualize your day, your goals while feeling good about whatever it is you’re desiring to manifest.

When I first got started on morning rituals, all I did was drink my morning coffee mindfully.

I would close my eyes and feel grateful for what I had. Then, I’d add the feelings of gratitude for things I wanted to manifest.

Eventually, I began my gratitude journal and extended my morning ritual practice to 30 minutes and more.

But it all began with a simple habit…just drinking my coffee mindfully!

Morning Ritual Idea #2 Write and Say Your Affirmations

In case you’re new to affirmations, I highly recommend you read this post; it will help you create your own personalized affirmations that work for you.

So, this morning ritual idea is very simple.

Create or choose several, positive affirmations you like.

They can be related to just helping you feel good, confident, and empowered, or can be related to any specific goal or desire you want to manifest.

Use your morning ritual time to say your affirmations out loud or write them in your journal.

To make your practice more effective, I recommend you infuse your affirmations with the Law of Assumption by creating beautiful and empowering stories about them.

This post covers the Law of Assumption in detail, and it will inspire and motivate you to step up your affirmation practice!

Morning Ritual Idea #3 Stay Hydrated and Take Care of Your Body

If you want to manifest more energy, vitality, and vibrant health…remember to hydrate your body first thing in the morning.

And…do it mindfully! As you drink water, infuse it with feelings of gratitude for what you have.

Every sip of water you take, think of this affirmation: “I’m so happy and grateful for my body. My body is healthier and healthier every day. I feel more and more energized every day. I’m full of energy and vibrant health”.

Morning Ritual Idea #4 Meditate and Visualize

Sit down for at least 5 minutes (yes, even 5 minutes a day can do significant changes to your wellbeing and your manifestations) and visualize your dream reality.

Feel it with all your senses and start creating empowering stories about it, as if it was your current reality.


“I’m so happy and grateful I’m going to my new job, everyone is so nice and kind to me. And the paycheck, OMG! The biggest paycheck I’ve ever seen! And it’s just the beginning. Such a great company to work for, I’m so happy I manifested my dream job.

I love all my colleagues, and today we’re having dinner together. I’m gonna use my lunch break to buy myself a nice outfit for that occasion. I’m manifesting all this, it feels so good!”

You can also revise your vision board and deep gratitude for all your desires as if they were your reality NOW.

I have several posts that go deeper into how to visualize (to manifest), how to use vision boards and how to create empowering stories around your desires using the Law of Assumption.

Check them out below and add them to your morning ritual routine!

Manifestation Board Secrets to Create Your Dream Life

How to Visualize: 5 Crucial Steps to Start Creating Your Dream Reality in 5 Minutes a Day (or less)

Morning Ritual Idea #5 Journaling and Scripting

This one is my favorite! I just love my gratitude journal!

Journaling/scripting is simple and effective.

It also gives you a sense of accomplishment- after all, you are writing your dreams and ideas into physical reality.

If you’re new to practicing gratitude, I recommend you simply start off with an area of your life you wish to improve.

For example, you may choose to focus on finance, or relationships, or health & fitness.

It’s really up to you.

While, for the long-run success, I’d recommend what I like to call a Holistic Gratitude practice– focusing on all areas of your life, to create true alignment, true personal and professional success, if you’re new to practicing gratitude, simply start off by choosing one area of your life.

If it’s money and finance, for example, you desire to manifest more money into your life, start off by being grateful for what you already have and journal about it.

“I’m so happy and grateful for…..because…” – is the best way to write or talk about things you’re grateful for.

For example: “I’m so happy and grateful for my job because I learn new things every day.”

Or: “I’m so happy and grateful for my little apartment because I have a place to sleep, cook, eat, take care of myself, and study.”

To learn more about gratitude, journaling, and scripting, I highly recommend you read my post:

Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

Morning Ritual Idea #6 Turn Your Shower Into a Luxury Spa

Whatever it is that you do…you can always empower it with mindfulness and turn it into a magical ritual.

For example, as you get ready to take a shower, you can play some nice music (whatever makes you feel good), and burn an incense stick.

You can also sprinkle a few drops of a nice, essential oil in your bathroom and enjoy a pleasant, relaxing, or energizing scent.

At the same time, you can affirm: “I’m so grateful for this, I love it, it’s so fun, it makes me feel so good!”.

Unleash the power of mindful self-care to manifest faster…Think about it.

How easy do you think it is to manifest from a place of fear, stress, and anxiety?

As you allow yourself to relax and feel good, everything becomes so much easier. There’s no stress and tension. There’s no negativity. You feel good. You feel well-taken care of. You feel calm and grounded.

And that’s the feeling you want to get from your morning rituals, and use that feeling to guide you throughout the day!

Positive Morning Ritual Affirmations That Will Empower You!

Read More:

Positive Morning Affirmations to Feel Good, Energized, and Happy

Morning Journaling Prompts for Manifesting Magic, Peace of Mind & Positive Focus