11 Motivational Lisa Nichols Quotes That Will Empower and Uplift You

Motivational quotes can be like a quick energizing coffee for your soul! In this post, we will dive deeper into Lisa Nichols quotes to fill your body, mind, and soul with the motivation and inspiration you need to stay focused on making your dreams a reality.

Lisa Nichols is a motivational speaker and author with a unique gift. She doesn’t just motivate you. She can help you see things differently and make the inner changes needed to manifest your best life!

Lisa Nichols Quotes to Unleash Your Full Potential

Like many other thought leaders and inspirational authors I already discussed on this blog

(such as Louise Hay, Tony Robbins, Oprah, or Wayne Dyer), Lisa Nichols takes a holistic approach to success.

I absolutely love this approach because, to me, success is not only about making more money or having career accomplishments. Yes, money is important, and so is professional growth.

But, when I use the term: “manifesting money/success,” I also refer to manifesting your best self – a happy, vibrant, full of self-love, healthy, productive, peaceful, confident, and resourceful.

Through her work, Lisa Nichols aims to awaken your higher self and unleash your full potential so that you can become the best version of yourself and transform all areas of your life.

Let’s take a look at my favorite Lisa Nichols quotes and turn them into practical manifesting lessons!

Manifesting is about turning your vision into a reality by unleashing your full potential: energetically, spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Success is all about mindset, energy, and strategy.

The following Lisa Nichols quotes will help you see things differently and discover how powerful you really are.

Lisa Nichols Quotes for Manifesting Your Best SELF

#1 “While we may love each other and never stop loving each other, so often we stop “showing” each other love.”― Lisa Nichols

Love is not just about talking how much we love someone or something. It’s about becoming love and embodying love.

And it all starts with self-love.

Start by telling yourself how much you love yourself. Hug yourself.

Treat yourself to your favorite meals, movies, activities, and hobbies.

Set boundaries for self-care. Know who you are and what you want.

Your self-love, self-care, and self-kindness will saturate your energy field, and others will take notice and feel inspired by you. So…to show love, the best thing you can do is to embody love.

This is how you treat others with love!

#2 “When your clarity meets your conviction, and you apply action to the equation, your world will begin to transform before your eyes.” ― Lisa Nichols

The way I like to put it is: to manifest the life you desire, you need a powerful combo of vision and vibration.

Your vision represents where you’re going, and your vibration is who you’re becoming.

Your vibration needs to align with your vision 😊

#3 “Mostly, the world sees you the way you see yourself.” ― Lisa Nichols

I absolutely love the fact that Lisa proceeds this statement with the term “mostly”. Because it takes so much pressure off of us. Why?

Well, for people new to self-development, the statement that their reality and people in it mirror their inner world can be very harsh.

Yes, I definitely agree that self-image is absolutely important, and it’s one of the most crucial parts of my message, something I’m very passionate about sharing across all my books and this blog.

However, we cannot allow any of our self-image concepts to make us feel guilty for who we’ve been before (our old selves). Nor can we feel responsible for other people’s toxic behaviors.

Also, a person may be working on their self-image now, but every now and then, their reality may reflect back their old self-image.

This is why I love how Lisa proceeds this quote with “mostly”. Because it gives us some time and space to learn, grow and turn the so-called “mistakes” into valuable feedback.

The best thing we can focus on is working on ourselves, our mindset, energy, self-image, and our vision for life. And it’s important to be good on ourselves 😊

#4 “Self-enrichment is that act of creating a thousand micro wins, so you can have one macro win.” – Lisa Nichols

I absolutely love this quote, and I think it overlaps beautifully with something I like to call “mini-manifestations” or “little daily miracles”.

We have been conditioned to always look for big wins…and anything less than that “big-ness” is often seen as a failure.

It’s time to throw all those limiting mindsets out the window and embrace the power of little wins and mini manifestations.

The best way to do so is to start a gratitude journal, track your manifesting progress, and be thankful for every little win on your journey.

All those little actions and acts of gratitude keep compounding…sometimes you may feel like “nothing is happening”. But it’s just an illusion of our limited minds.

When it seems like nothing is happening on the inside, everything is happening on the outside…

#5 “Most people unconsciously dream themselves out of their goals. They dream so far past their current reality—or what’s currently possible—that they end up abandoning their goals and damaging their own self-esteem.” – Lisa Nichols

This quote goes beautifully with the last quote by Lisa Nichols.

It’s all about loving the step-by-step journey and progress. Yes, your vision and goals should reflect your true desires, and their job is to inspire you.

But…allow your inner state and feelings to guide you.

If your goals are so high that setting them makes you talk yourself out of them, ask yourself: “OK, what would be the first milestone?”

The bottom line- your goals should inspire you, not make you feel scared.

Recommended Article:

Meditation for Manifesting Goals in 6 Simple Steps

#6 “Sometimes our talent is plain old everyday people skills that have been lost in our fast-paced society—listening, compassion, a sense of humor, and a positive outlook.” – Lisa Nichols

Talents are not only about what we intellectually know but who we are as people. Talents are what make our souls and hearts sing. Yes, ensuring we develop our mental and intellectual capacities and gain new skills is very important.

But…whatever skills you have, whether it’s singing, writing, or programming, you will amplify your chance of success er if you infuse them with heart-based “talents” such as being authentic, kind, loving, and compassionate.

#7 “You need to accept exactly where you are in relationship to your Higher Power and drop the idea that you have to be perfect before letting God in. The irony is that God is sitting on the doorstep waiting while you think you have to clean the house. In reality, He doesn’t care if your house is dirty; He wants to help you clean things up.” – Lisa Nichols

I always say, why worry if you can drop your worries and outsource what you can’t do to the Higher power, the Universe, and your angels?

Manifestation prayer is great for that.

I highly recommend you read my other post on manifestation prayer secrets HERE.

#8 “People are more comfortable with a familiar discomfort than they are with an unfamiliar new possibility.” – Lisa Nichols

So often, we are willing to endure the pain of something we know and are used to simply because we are too scared of change. Our subconscious mind wants to keep us safe, so we stay stuck in our limiting beliefs and make excuses to avoid change.

Luckily, there are many different healing modalities and tools to change your subconscious programming and help you dive deep so that you can release your subconscious blocks, fears, and programs.

The free training below is an excellent way to start releasing your limiting beliefs:

#9 “Your story is important.” – Lisa Nichols

It is, because you are important. You are unique, and so is your energy.

Whatever it is you want to do- write, paint, coach, teach, learn a new skill, or travel, remember to infuse it with your unique energy and experiences.

Don’t be ashamed of your story. OWN it!

#10 “Comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy.” – Lisa Nichols

This Lisa Nichols quote goes beautifully with the last one.

Comparing yourself to others is one of the fastest ways to ensure you are lowering your vibrations…

It’s so much better to get inspired by others and use other people’s success as a reminder of what is possible…but then tune into your unique vision, energy, and…your amazingness in general.

Because everyone has a unique mission 🙂

#11 “I have nothing to hide

I have nothing to protect

I have nothing to prove

I have nothing to defend

Now…who do I choose to be?”

― Lisa Nichols

You are safe. And so, knowing that you are safe, what do you choose to manifest?

What is your vision for life?

Finally, what limiting beliefs and stuck energies do you need to release so that you can easily manifest your vision?

Don’t forget to join the free training below.

It will give you the tools and clarity you need to stay empowered to create the life you love and deserve 😊