How to Manifest Money When You Don’t Have Enough…

One of my favorite spirituality teachers, Stuart Wilde famously said: “The secret to money is having some…”

Add to it the common saying: “The rich get richer…” and we can sometimes feel like the Universe is not fair…

Yes, it makes sense that like attracts like. But what about those who live paycheck to paycheck or, despite best intentions, struggle with money?

And I know how it feels, especially if you listen to a success story of someone who became wealthy and successful but then you learn they came from a wealthy family…

This is where I come in, which is why I’m writing this 🙂

I want to share some money manifesting tips and mindsets that focus on manifesting money when you don’t have any

The most important lesson here is- always question what you hear and learn because even some alternative belief systems, like the Law of Attraction concepts, may sometimes not serve you at a specific stage of your journey.

Everyone is different, and to me, the Law of Attraction is also about finding and strengthening your own truth. Even when you encounter a spirituality or abundance teacher you admire, sometimes you may want to disagree with them.

I had to create it by going deep within myself when I first got into manifesting money and abundance. While I did enjoy most of the LOA and spiritual teachings, I could hardly ever relate to any gurus who talked about manifesting wealth or abundance.

It seemed to me they were from a different planet…

But then, I asked myself: “are there any people who used these principles to manifest more money and abundance even though they started with nada or very little?”

As I began asking myself this question regularly, I began attracting more and more success stories of people who, indeed, started with very little or nothing. And so, I saturated my subconscious mind with a new belief- yes, it’s possible!

Then, my focus was no longer on feeling jealous, angry, or hopeless but on feeling empowered in my own unique way.

I remember saying a little prayer to the Universe.

I said: “Dear Universe, please help me fully understand this money and abundance mindset. How can I use the power of the Law of Attraction to manifest more money? It’s hard for me to feel abundant when I don’t have that much…and I keep attracting more of the same old circumstances I wish to avoid. Please help me figure it out, and I will teach it to others who need it most!”.

Now that I figured I out, I’m sharing it with You 😊

It wasn’t an easy journey, but it was worth it! I went from struggling with money to someone who earns a good living from multiple projects doing what she loves. To me, that’s true abundance!

The best part, I no longer feel triggered by money. Now, I feel supported by money. It’s a tool I choose to use wisely and respectfully, and I’m always committed to learning more about it (both in practical terms, such as investments or the energy of money).


This post is dedicated primarily to those who desire to manifest money but currently don’t have enough…

I will not shame you and will not make you feel bad, and not call you “broke”.

Love yourself enough to walk away from any teacher or leader who uses fear or shame-based tactics and calls you broke to offer “their way” as the only way.

Remember that your situation is only temporary, and you can manifest the abundance you deserve and desire! So, first things first, don’t you ever call yourself broke or poor. You are abundant because abundance is your natural state of being. And that’s the inner state you will be manifesting money from.

So, remember, don’t call yourself broke or poor, and release any guilt or shame. Even if you’ve made what seems a bad money decision in the past, it was simply a decision and a lesson you can now use to grow.

My goal is to make you feel empowered. And when you truly feel into your power, you will discover your own secret to manifesting money.

When you do, please pass it on to others who need it most.

Manifest Money When You Don't Have Enough

I believe the world needs more and more kind, ethical and good-hearted people who are financially empowered and choose to use their money wisely to improve not only their lives but also the lives of others.

In other words, more money needs to flow into the hands of people like you, who will do GOOD with it!

It all starts with your mindset and education.

On this blog, you will find many articles dedicated to money mindset and how to change it (if you feel inspired, save them to read later):

Supercharge Your Money Mindset (3 Secrets)

22 Amazing Abundance Affirmations to Attract & Amplify Prosperity

How to Stay Focused on Your Goal – 3 Energy & Mindset Shifts You Can’t Miss!

Remember that it’s a never-ending journey. And sometimes you need to work on yourself as if it was full-time job (I had to, and it was worth it!).

So, back to the main thing…

What you need to understand to attract money even if you don’t have enough or are living paycheck to paycheck:

Learn THIS to Manifest More Money and abundance

  1. Be aware of your money triggers.
  2. Remember that your humble beginnings are your superpower!

So, step #1 is…you need to start releasing your money triggers.

Start now, today. Develop a daily practice of writing down what triggers you around money-related topics.

For example, someone buys a new car, and it triggers you.

Don’t feel bad because triggers are healers, trust me on that one.

BTW most wealthy people feel very calm around money. They have normalized money in their lives and the lives of others. So, make it your goal to start releasing all your money triggers.

Let’s say you feel anxious when you go to the bank. You feel shame when the bank employee takes a look at your account… (it used to be a big trigger for me!).

Welcome that feeling, and then simply choose to release it through meditation. As an extra bonus, you will feel much more relaxed. Keep removing all the triggers that come your way.

Sometimes it may take several rounds of well-focused meditations. It’s a part of our journey. We need to keep releasing what no longer serves us.

This is not only about money; you can use this process for releasing any triggers; apart from meditation, you can look into alternative healing modalities like EFT Tapping; if you’ve been following my work, you know I LOVE tapping! You can also look into the Sedona Method or Faster EFT; these YouTube channels will get you started:

The Sedona Method

Faster EFT

+ Recommended Book (great for beginners): The Tapping Solution

The Power of Neutrality and Releasing Money Triggers

The goal is to feel neutral about money. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It just exists to support you. Not a big deal. That’s the mindset that helped me tremendously!

You have nothing to lose (so liberating!)

Now, step #2 is- to understand that you have nothing to lose!

Look, If you struggle with money, to me, as your virtual online guide and friend, it’s unacceptable. This is why I am sharing this message.

You may like or don’t like what I have to say…

But this is what worked for me and many others…

Make it your new mantra: I have nothing to lose, so I can go for it!

The common mindset of disempowerment is: “it’s not worth trying…it’s not gonna work out…”

But you need to get moving. Start with small goals. You have nothing to lose. Start with increasing your income gradually.

Wealthy people have lots of assets they can lose and the status they are attached to…But you…? You are FREE!

It was that feeling of FREEDOM that gave me fuel and motivation. I thought to myself: OK, I can go for my dreams, and even if it doesn’t work out, I can still keep my old customer service job.

In my mind, it worked like this:

Best case scenario – I manifest more money doing what I love, and from there can keep growing and eventually quit my job and do my passion for a living.

Worst case scenario – it doesn’t work out, so I will be working in my old job, but at least I will have learned something new and feel good about myself for trying. Or perhaps, I will gain new skills in the process and find a better job? I will definitely feel better because at least I will have a new hobby/passion. So, even if it doesn’t work out, I will still move forward 😊

Something in between – I don’t succeed full-time, but, I can keep my old job and manifest some extra money from a side hustle I love. Maybe I can work my old job during the week and then do some freelance work on Saturdays? Or perhaps I could work only part-time to have more time for my freelance online business?

That thought process got me started. I really didn’t have anything to lose but a lot to gain!

You see, you have to start somewhere…

Even if you’re starting from -5 (while those more privileged start from + 55, lol).

Don’t compare yourself with others, especially those who were born wealthy or had more privilege, don’t analyze, and don’t judge.

Focus on YOU and your desired manifestations. Take the first step and keep going.

At the same time, keep releasing those negative money triggers in meditation. Soon, you will become totally neutral and mindless about most of those triggers, which are not serving you at all, so choose to turn them into healing and empowerment).

You can go for your dreams because you have nothing to lose.

I assume you are not a famous celebrity who’s always been watched, right? Starting a new venture would be much more stressful…but now, you have the luxury to be behind the scenes and work on yourself…nobody is watching you…

Ask yourself: what would be a fun way to manifest more money?

In this day and age, the internet offers a ton of opportunities that do not require any investment (or very little). As firm believers in LOA, we also know that INFINITE opportunities exist, and we need to tune into them with our VIBRATION (thoughts + feelings + actions + energy + mindset).

Don’t wait for anyone or anything to save you.

Start where you are and build momentum.

Suppose you have a job…

How about adding a side hustle, something you enjoy doing and can serve as a channel to manifest abundance? That’s what I did. I started googling about freelance services I could offer online.

I didn’t have many of the required skills back then. But I used YouTube or Udemy to learn. I chose to be supported by the Universe and Divine Forces every step of my journey.

Don’t compare yourself to someone like Bill Gates…his moves are different…

Focus on you and build your own momentum

It’s like riding a bike or learning how to swim or drive…

The first time it’s not easy or smooth; you need time to learn and gain momentum…

It’s hard to get moving…

But when you start going, it feels like your bike is going by itself…

Measure your success by your momentum and progress, not by how much you have in the bank.

Then there is gratitude. Replace complaints with gratitude.

Keep expressing your gratitude for what you have every day. 

The law of attraction mirrors your inner state and dialogue…

So, if you’re saying things like: “Because of this and that, I can’t be wealthy”, you are not actively attracting any new opportunities.”

Now, I know in the past you may have been wronged; I certainly have…It’s not about invalidating our past traumas but healing them and using them as fuel for the transformation we deserve and desire.

And yes, some wealthy people may not be honest. But some are. There are good people and bad people. Some people choose to find their light, and some don’t.

Money is just a tool and an amplifier. Since you’re a good person and most likely an empath, money will not turn you into a bad person. So, release that mindset as soon as you can.

Besides…nobody needs to know about your new money manifesting journey…

You can keep creating momentum behind the scenes…

That’s your biggest power; you have nothing to lose. You can only grow and learn new things…

I wish I had taken this “momentum mindset” seriously when I first discovered LOA…

Act as if but not literally, but internally. Here’s the change you’re making:

Low abundant lifestyle often goes with the mindset of not trying and complaining…

I am saying this from my own experience.

Start acting wealthy now by gradually changing your habits, releasing money triggers, and becoming more empowered daily.

What can you do daily to start manifesting more money and abundance? Make it your goal to be creative and focused on positive solutions and transformations.

Even if you don’t have any creative or practical ideas, don’t worry. Just focus on inner work for the time being:

#1 Keep releasing money triggers daily (use meditation, tapping, Sedona Method, or another modality that can help you let go).

#2 Be grateful for everything you have and give yourself permission to get started somewhere.

As you focus on these 2 mindset shifts, your energy will change and will either attract money or joyful opportunities to make it (even if it seems impossible to you now).

The Law of Attraction responds to your inner world. Choose to make it as abundant as you want to. Follow your pace and start where you are but START!

I hope those helps,



Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting