Hidden Secrets to Communicate with the Universe…

What I’m just about to share with you is super powerful and can truly revolutionize your manifesting practice, no matter what kind of technique you choose to do or what your manifesting style is!

All it takes is a simple mindset and energy shift….that will result in a supercharged vibrational frequency that the Universe will respond to faster than you imagine!

Manifesting is simple once you understand how to communicate with the Universe 🙂

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So here’s this simple inner shift…when you show up for your manifesting practice, or whatever you do in life really, energetically, you need to be one step ahead of what you desire (and one step ahead of your current reality).

Example: life situation- you are looking for a new business opportunity or a way to earn more income because you worry you won’t have enough money.

The Universe and your subconscious mind hear: “I worry, I don’t have enough, I can’t find what I am looking for, it’s hard” etc. And the Law of Attraction amplifies such inner state, and things may be going slow.

Inner shift solution: I have already manifested my dream job/ business /income stream, but I love learning. researching, and attracting more. I love growing. Now that I have my dream job/business, I like to expand and be a magnet to new opportunities because it’s fun 🙂

Example: manifesting practice/method: Let’s take scripting or a 369 manifesting method to illustrate:

A person finds a manifesting technique to desperately attract something into their life, coming from a place of fear and not having.

(I don’t need to go into details, because you know how it works, lol).

Powerful inner shift: you already have your desire (for example, your dream job or house), and now you journal about it to express your gratitude for it 🙂

In both cases, you show up as someone who already has their desires and now feels grateful.

In other words: you need to be one step ahead, energetically, internally. Embrace and embody that feeling.

Manifest with Vibrational Frequencies
Speak the Language of the Universe

Of course, sometimes you may slip back to your old state of not having and trying to manifest. Don’t worry about it; forgive yourself and move on 🙂

This old state will have no more power over you once you understand how it works.

Oh…and if old feelings and states creep in, here’s my little, quick, inner work hack: I tell myself:

“Wow, I can’t believe I used to think that. Luckily, it’s all good now, it’s in the past”.

Then, I move my inner state one step ahead.

Example: Instead of worrying about not being able to get a mortgage on good terms or paying for a dream home, a person may start thinking about furniture and decorations. It’s a great way to quickly shift one’s thoughts and stay focused on one’s desires, but in a way, the Universe and your amazing subconscious mind understand.

Because the Universe will hear: “I already have my dream home, and now I am looking for furniture.”

At the same time, you embody your best energy and do what you know how to do with love and gratitude. The human part of you remains focused on what needs to be taken care of in the present moment but without any worry and fear.

And the divine, metaphysical part of you is doing the “heavy” (but not so heavy because of its divine essence) lifting behind the scenes 😉

Start embodying this energy and mindset today to create more magic in your life!

If you need more guidance and are ready to dive deeper into mastering the language of the Universe, I highly recommend you read my digital book:

Conscious Manifestation Exercises: Release Manifesting Blocks, Raise Your Vibration, and Start Creating Your Dream Reality Today!

Here’s Exactly What You Will Discover Inside:

-The main reason why you may have gotten mixed results with your previous manifesting attempts + how to turn it around for your highest good;
-Powerful techniques to change your belief system and align your vibrational frequency with what you want (and why this unique mindset and energy work combo is the fastest way to manifest!);
The hidden magic of “release to manifest” and how you can manifest more by letting go of trapped energy and emotions that are holding you back;
-Inner work prompts for manifesting lasting abundance;
-How to activate the energy of oneness and pure consciousness to fill your life with joy, magic, and bliss;
The power of emotions in the manifestation process and how to use it for your highest good;
-How to understand, master, and embody the language of vibrational frequencies to communicate your desires to the Universe and receive them with ease;
-Inner work to align with the quantum field of unlimited possibilities to start manifesting new, unexpected ideas and solutions;
-Detailed guidance to feel at peace with yourself and truly live in the present moment;
-Life-changing skills to lower your resistance and embrace the energy of detachment (side effect -more happiness and bliss!)
Love vs. fear-based intentions explained and why fear-based intent results in not-so-desired manifestations (+ how to quickly shift to LOVE to manifest what you want);
-Journaling prompts to raise your vibration, heal your energy, and cleanse your thoughts;
High-frequency meditations and deeply healing inner work to re-program your subconscious mind to make it work for you, not against you 🙂

+much, much more, including meditations and journaling/inner work prompts to unlock your intuition and inner wisdom.

Forget about past disappointments with LOA and allow your energy to transform as you read and align with the new, more empowered, and unstoppable version of yourself!

Whether you’re brand new to the LOA, or you’ve been on this journey for some time, this book appeared in your life for a reason- you are ready to discover how the Universe really works and activate the hidden manifestation master inside you while discovering the power of releasing your ego and opening your heart.

Your best life is calling you. It’s time to claim it and fuse yourself with it by mastering the conscious manifesting process vibrating the frequency of your desires!

If you feel called to do so, order your copy now and discover how a few simple mindset and energy shifts can get you closer to living a life you love, desire, and deserve!


Sending you an ocean of love from here


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

PS. Manifestation Exercises book is also available on Amazon (if you prefer to read on Kindle /paperback) 🙂