How Long Does It Take to Manifest? (3 Secrets)

Whether you’re new to the Law of Attraction or not, I’m pretty sure you’d like to manifest as fast as possible. We all do! And so, you shouldn’t feel guilty if you’re ever asking yourself: “How long will it take to manifest my desires?”

However, to ensure your manifestations come to you as quickly as possible while, at the same time, for your highest good, I invite you to find your answers to “How long to manifest” from a place of wholeness and neutrality…

In this post, you’ll discover how long it can take for you to manifest your desires and how to speed things up by using a couple of powerful mindset and energy shifts…

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Can You Manifest Faster?

While many spiritual teachers say that wanting to speed things up (to manifest your desires faster and whatnot) is bad…my intention is to help you approach your manifestations from a place of a neutral observer.

Asking how to manifest faster or how long will it take to manifest doesn’t have to be bad, and it doesn’t have to be good either.

It’s just a question…In itself, it’s neutral.

What can make it empowering or disempowering is your energy when you ask it…

Because… it’s not only about the questions you ask but the energy you’re coming from!

I feel like most LOA practitioners skip this part, so I decided to make it my unique angle when writing this post for you😊

So many people try to answer the question, “How long will it take to manifest money, a new job, a home, or a soulmate….”

But only YOU can answer these questions for yourself. It depends on your expectations.

Yes, other people’s answers may be helpful in some situations, but they may also disempower you…

For example, what if I told you that to manifest the thing X, it will take 2 years, and you take it as your answer and make it your belief? Whereas, for you, it could be easier and faster and take only 2 weeks?

You must be your own leader and guru and make your own assumptions

Because what you assume becomes true for you…

So, use this post (and my suggestions) as a guide, but…make your own rules!

So, here’s how to tune into your best energies when asking how long it may take to manifest something so that you can make this question an empowering one and reach an empowering answer…

As Tony Robbins says:

“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers.”  – Tony Robbins

We take it one step further and infuse it with super potent positive energy. Yes, I love Tony Robbins, and he’s way more successful than I am.

But that doesn’t mean I turn his rules for life into mine because everyone is different.

Hope it makes sense. Never put anyone on a pedestal. You are the only person on your pedestal, and you control how you desire to manifest…

So, once again, you create your own empowering rules, beliefs, and assumptions that are the foundation of your manifestations…

OK, so back to empowering the question of how long it takes to manifest something into your life, whether it’s money, biz opportunities, a job, or whatever it is you desire…

For example, you can ask: “How long will it take for me to manifest my desires?” And feel joyful and expectant.

Your mindset and energy come from curiosity, playfulness, and willingness to work on yourself to manifest effectively (and, as a result – manifest not only faster but also with more joy and ease!).

Since your energy is positive and you’re open-minded to discover and learn more, you will find all the answers you need. The Universe will deliver them in a way it sees fit for you.

Needless to say, I am a big advocate for such an approach.

However, some people ask how long it will take to manifest, but they’re coming from a place of irritation, lack of belief, anger, guilt, or looking for someone or something to save them…

Then…well…the answers and guides they find might further perpetuate their negative energy or even create negative stories around it.

An example of adding unnecessary negative stories to our manifestations:

“I am a loser, I can’t do it, others can, I can’t, something must be wrong with my karma, it’s because my parents did this and that, it’s because this guru says this and that….”

OMG—such an unnecessary waste of time and energy that, if used wisely, can speed up your manifestations…

If you ever find yourself in such a place, don’t feel ashamed or guilty; I’ve been there too!

Be aware of what’s going on inside you.

As soon as you find yourself asking the question: “How long it will take for me to manifest something…?”

Make sure you’re coming from a place of peaceful and joyful curiosity fueled by the desire to learn, grow, and expand.

I hope this little distinction makes sense. I can never stress enough how important it is to be in a high-energy, positive space…

But…remember, if you ever slip back, there’s no shame.

As long as you are aware of your slip-backs, you can choose to get back to a more empowering, energetic state😊

So, that being said, we’re going to answer the question: “How long does it take to manifest” assuming you’re in the right energetic space as you’re asking this question.

If not, I highly recommend you read my post on the Emotional-Vibrational Scale here.

It will lift you up!

That being said, let’s take a look at different factors that will clarify how long it takes to manifest something😊

Once again…read this from a place of empowerment, not from a place of “I must be doing something wrong…”. Read to tune into your best, positive energy!

The golden rule of effective and joyful manifesting is:

Take care without worrying…🙂

How Long Does It Take to Manifest?

How Long Does It Take to Manifest Something? 3 Secrets Most People Miss…

Secret #1 Too Much Attachment on When and How Can Slow Things Down (or even push them away)

Have you ever noticed that the things you don’t care about that much or seem to have forgotten about often seem to manifest pretty quickly?

But…if you really, really want something and in your mind label it as something super important, non-negotiable and you infuse it with feelings of lack, cravings, and neediness, it seems to take forever to manifest?

Even when you use LOA techniques such as visualizing, affirming, and whatnot?

So, here’s what I recommend you start practicing…

Take a few deep breaths, close your eyes and go inwards.

First, relax your inner state. Think about what you’re currently manifesting, something that seems like a big deal to you.

Maybe it’s a 6-figure salary or a new home…

Then, think about something easy, such as going out to buy a newspaper or going out for a cup of coffee. Would you worry about it?

No. You just go out and grab your coffee or whatever you need. And even if your favorite café is closed, you don’t panic that “OMG, now I can’t manifest my coffee!”

You know you can still get it somewhere else. Or get it the next day when your café re-opens. So, there’s no stress!

Apply those relaxed feelings to manifest big things such as a new home. Don’t even label them as big things.

Normalize them by using affirmations such as:

It’s safe for me to own an amazing home.

I deserve to own an amazing home.

It’s absolutely normal for me to own an amazing home/earn 6 figures etc.

Also, don’t be attached to any specific avenue.

Yes, you may have the desire to be a 6-figure earner while doing what you love for a living.

But you don’t have to get attached to a specific job, company, client, investment, or biz idea.

Instead, integrate a new belief that the Universe always guides you toward your best option…

More on trusting yourself and the Universe later…

For now…remember:

Your attachment to the outcome of your manifestation attempts will determine whether you reach your goal within weeks or years.

Also, for the Universe, there’s no such thing as linear time.

And what may seem like impossible or forever to manifest can take less than a spit of a second for the Universe to create for you!

The most important takeaway is this: normalize whatever you desire to manifest. Stop using labels such as: “difficult to manifest”.

What you desire just is, and it’s already there. Tune into it by normalizing it. Please don’t put it on a pedestal.

Secret #2 Audit your thoughts and release desperation and frustration

How you think about your desire matters. Audit your thoughts and ask yourself if your motivations are fear or love-based.

For example, the desire to manifest a 6-figure salary or income may come from a place of lack.

If you think about your desire and then start going on and on about how crappy your current job or salary is, you are amplifying lack.

Or you desire to manifest a new home that you own, and when you think about your desire, you start to complain about your current place, how small it is, and how much you hate your landlord…

These thoughts slow things down and make you focus on what you don’t want.

Here’s a simple method I always use with great success- be grateful for what you have and intend to manifest more!

For example, be grateful for your current job and home and embrace the positive feelings of having a place to stay, a place to cook and sleep, and an occupation that pays your bills and assists you in buying food, providing for your family, and feeling nurtured.

That feels so good!

Now…from that positive and creative space…use your mind to think about your next goals and desire…

Hmmm… wouldn’t it be nice to have a better job?

Wouldn’t it be nice to move to my dream home that I own?

What would it feel like?

Now, you’re grateful and focused on abundance, not on lack!

The Universe will take note of that. Your feelings are the language the Universe understands…

It’s how you communicate with the Universe…

So…if until now you’ve been sending out negative feelings of lack, forgive yourself and move on.

As long as you have an awareness of what you may do better, use it as an opportunity to learn, grow and evolve.

You can shift your vibration instantly 🙂

And the Universe won’t punish you for your “past mistakes” or negative vibration.

So, rest assured, by practicing what I’m sharing here (grateful for what you have and aiming for more from that energetically aligned place), know that it shouldn’t take very long for you to manifest.

As a side effect, you will experience more peace, joy, magic, and synchronicities in your life!

Replace feelings of desperation with those of gratitude!

Secret #3 Trust the Universe, outsource to the Higher Power…

I don’t mean to sound preachy or condescending…but this is a principle that so many of those new to manifesting overlook…

Your inner state is MORE important than how much time you spend on LOA techniques.

You could be in a negative, desperate inner state and use thousands of techniques every day, and nothing would happen…because it’s all about how you feel.

You could also use LOA techniques to uplift yourself and focus on the positive.

That would be a lot of helpful for manifesting your desires…

Your inner state is your biggest manifestation asset.

Your emotions have vibrations they send out to the Universe…

So, every time you worry about not manifesting what you want fast and blame yourself for doing something wrong, you send out negative vibrations that tell the Universe you don’t trust it to give you what you need…

Of course, as mentioned in the beginning, you could be asking a question such as: “What am I doing wrong?” in a more empowering way…

But then you would be asking: “How can I improve? How can I grow? How can I reach the next level?”

Your mind is like a search engine; it will give you the answers based on what you are searching for and your search intent.

It’s like Your Subconscious MIND SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

So, here’s the method to ensure you find good empowering answers and manifest faster

Look for signs it’s working, and don’t be narrow-minded.

Although it’s great to have a specific vision of your desires, if you are too narrow-minded about manifestation and how and when it should come, you are overlooking other ways that may benefit you.

You may also show your lack of trust in the Universe…:(

Instead, embrace the feelings of being well taken care of by the Universe and use every day as a celebration. 

You may start a journal and keep answering this empowering question:

“Why is it always working for me? Or how come I can manifest so fast? Always look for those mini manifestations and things to be grateful for. This is how you unleash the true magic!”

Keep releasing anxiety, fear, and doubt…

A clear state equals faster manifestations.

One of the biggest lessons I learned was that it doesn’t matter what we do but who we are.

Our vibration is everything.

It’s hard to manifest effectively if we constantly vibrate fear, anxiety, or doubt.

So, I highly recommend you practice detachment through gratitude and self-love!

Final Words – Manifesting Mindset + How Long Does Manifestation Take?

To sum up, it depends on your belief system, focus, and emotional level.

READ MORE: Can You Manifest When You Don’t Believe?

If you’re new to manifesting, your manifesting muscle may still not be strong, but that doesn’t mean it won’t grow.

It certainly will, and if you’re still here reading, I know you’re a highly ambitious soul who deserves to manifest the best life has to offer, and I feel so thankful I can guide you on this journey.

The more you practice the art and science of manifestation and use it as an opportunity to master your emotions and feelings and be in charge of your beliefs and inner state, the more you will manifest in the future.

Learning about manifestation and the Universal laws is the best investment you can make in yourself.

Be mindful of the compound effect…what you learn and practice compounds…and the Universe will deliver the dividends…

Your journey is also your destination. Keep going. Remember, there’s no such thing as failure; you succeed or learn.

Looking for more motivation to manifest your desires faster?

Do you want to manifest with joy and ease while releasing old negative mindsets and emotions?

This book will help you release your old mindsets and vibrations that may be holding you back from manifesting your desires with ease.

In How Not to Manifest, I share my full story + the inner shifts I made to start manifesting my dream reality and …more importantly how you can do it too.

You can expect very practical mindset and energy tools and methods to help you live a more abundant, joyful, and peaceful life😊


Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting