27 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Love-Based Manifesting

Can heart chakra affirmations really speed up your manifestation journey? Can you use them to manifest more abundance, love, joy, or whatever your heart desires?

The short answer is- YES. But the keyword is- HEART and what your heart desires (as opposed to what your ego desires!). In other words, heart-chakra affirmations can help you balance your heart chakra and change your energy and behavior.

Then, you’ll be a magnet to loving and kind people and positive manifestations.

In this article, you’ll learn the difference between heart and ego-manifesting.

You’ll also discover why heart-based manifesting is the best way to manifest faster and with joy and ease, without the fear of not being good enough or limiting mindsets such as: “good stuff never lasts.”

Diving into heart-based manifesting and heart-chakra affirmations to open your heart to your full potential is the best way to ensure a lifetime (and beyond!) of happiness that lasts while manifesting your full potential!

Balancing your heart chakra is a proven way to release all your manifestation blocks and fears and make the Law of Attraction work for you, not against you!

Heart Chakra Affirmations

The Difference Between Heart and Ego Manifesting (Love and Fear-Based Mindsets Explained)

You can manifest from two places: love or fear.

Love-based manifesting comes from your heart. You know who you are.

You are authentic. You feel at peace. Your desires and goals and yours.

You can effortlessly attract them because you are your dreams, goals, and desires. You have a positive self-image.

Fear-based manifesting comes from your ego.

You may want to manifest a goal just because you think it is expected of you. Then when you manifest it, you will feel good about yourself, and others will like you more.

You feel like you have to work harder and harder. You need validation and approval.

I was stuck in fear-based manifesting for years…

I’ll share my story in just a bit…

For now…just keep reading- it can change your life!

Photo by Aziz Acharki from Unsplash

About Your Heart Chakra and Why Balancing It Out with Affirmations Is So Important!

Your heart chakra is located at the center of your chest (around your heart space).

It is associated with love, self-love, kindness, and relationships.

When it’s in balance, you should feel harmonious, and you attract kind and loving people into your life (as the Law of Attraction states: like attracts like!).

Since you are in a place of love and self-love, there’s no space for fears or doubts (aka positive manifestation blockers). You simply feel good. You feel grateful.

And so, you keep attracting more of the good stuff.

People are attracted to your loving and kind energy.

And you only attract loving and kind people or people who are ready to transform and embrace this life-changing energy.

But sometimes, our chakras can get blocked due to our negative life experiences or stress.

The heart chakra may become blocked due to negative love experiences, being cheated (in life or business), being manipulated or lied to, or failing at something many times, and feeling bad about it while losing self-trust and self-confidence.






-lack of trust in yourself and others

-fear of relationships

Thankfully, we can take steps to unblock our chakras when we’re suffering from imbalances with powerful heart-chakra affirmations!

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Unsplash.com

My Journey with Heart-Chakra Affirmations and Heart-Based Manifesting

Several years ago, I felt very stuck on my manifesting journey.

I had dreams, goals, and desires and worked hard to achieve them.

And all I could manifest was…pushing them away!

I had money goals…business goals…lifestyle goals…

And nothing would manifest. Nada!

Others could manifest their best lives, but not me.

I tried so many LOA techniques, and I’m not exaggerating…nothing ever worked.

Then, I got sick and had to slow down. It was actually a blessing because I had to stop to take care of myself and my health.

And I had more time to think and do the inner work.

I found a teacher I could confide in…and he quickly identified my biggest manifestation block.

My heart chakra was out of balance. I hold on to fear and so many traumas.

Resentment was my second name!

But then, I started doing the work. I made a decision. No more fear or ego-based manifesting.

The most challenging part was learning how to forgive myself and others.

But thanks to working on my heart chakra and using heart-chakra affirmations (mindful consistency was so crucial!) I finally managed to let go…

And then things began moving fast…

-new dream home

-new passion-based business and career

-beautiful partner and friends 🙂

And … more importantly…the feeling of inner peace, joy, and happiness.

I knew something had changed inside me. My energy changed. My behavior changed!

This is why I’m so passionate about this work and adding heart-chakra affirmations to your manifesting toolbox!

When your heart chakra is balanced, and you manifest from a place of love and wholeness…

You love yourself….there’s nothing to prove…you don’t have to manipulate your reality….you feel at peace, and everything feels like magic.

And then…you can go back to manifestation methods that perhaps didn’t work for you in the past (because you were in fear-based energy and mindset) and quickly discover that now they work like magic because you are a NEW person!

I hope now you’re inspired and motivated to do this work, so let’s go!

Your life will change. Just make up your mind and promise yourself to be heart-based 🙂

Make it your lifestyle!

How to Use Heart-Chakra Affirmations

Your whole life can be an affirmation if you allow it to!


What I mean by that is that aside from the heart-chakra affirmations instructions, I’m just about to share with you…be aware of how you can make every day, every minute, and every second of your life heart and love-based.

For example, start your day with this question: how can I help someone? How can I make someone’s day today? How can I support someone?

At the same time, keep affirming that you love yourself and that others love you too!

Heart Chakra Affirmations and Other Techniques

I recommend you focus on the affirmations that really resonate with you and make you feel good!

Use them every day, during meditation, as you visualize your desires or as a part of your journaling practice.

Another method you can use is to record them in your own voice and listen to them as much as you can. I found this method to be very effective!

Repeating your affirmations in front of the mirror and adding “I love You” or combining it with the Ho’oponopono practice is also very powerful.

My number one tip is always: there’s no right or wrong.

To succeed with the Heart Chakra affirmations, or any affirmations, consistency and persistence are the most crucial part of the process.

So, be sure to choose any repetition method that you enjoy!

Some people like visualizing, some scripting & journaling, some meditating, and some prefer mirror work.

Now, have a look at the following Heart Chakra Affirmations and choose the ones you love!

27 Powerful Heart Chakra Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

#1 I love testing new opportunities because I succeed or I learn.

#2 Every situation boosts my motivation.

#3 My intentions are powerful and charged with positive vibrations.

#4 I love learning, growing, and transforming, every day in every way.

#5 I see opportunities and possibilities in every situation.

#6 I pass all the tests from life and the Universe with flying colors.

#7 I choose to let go of the past by healing and blessing it.

#8 Everything is unfolding just like it should, and I’m very excited about what is yet to come.

#9 I bless my mistakes and choose to learn from them.

#10 I always attract high-vibe, loving, and caring people into my life.

#11 I’m patient with myself and others.

#12 I am growing wiser and wiser every day.

#13 I am resilient, and I love every second of manifesting my goals and desires.

#14 I always do the best I can, and I let the Universe do the rest.

#15 I’m powerful, strong, and courageous.

#16 My heart space radiates powerful green light that makes me and everyone around me feel so good, loved, and joyful!

#17 I am worthy of the purest love, kindness, and compassion.

#18 I love living in peace and harmony with myself and others.

#19 I release and let go of all resentment, and it feels so good to let go.

#20 I forgive myself for my past mistakes and mindfully choose to grow from them

#21 There is an infinite supply of love, and the more I embrace it, the more I manifest!

#22 I am fully open to giving and receiving love for my highest good and the good of all others.

#23 I choose to love myself unconditionally.

#24 My heart is finally free from past hurt, and I’m open to beautiful, heart-based manifestations.

#25 It is safe and normal for me to love and be loved.

#26 I am grateful for all the blessings I’ve received on this incredible love-based journey.

#27 I create loving, lasting, and meaningful relationships in my personal and professional life.

Crystals for Balancing Your Heart Chakra

The following crystals can enhance your heart chakra healing journey! Click the images below to check them out on Amazon.

Rose & Jasper

Rose Quartz

Holistic Chakra Set


The Love of Attraction was a title idea that came to me out of nowhere during one of my meditations.

At first, I really resisted it, thinking: “Nobody will care! I am not a well-known guru…so who would ever take an interest in my book?

And the title…I mean…most people search for the “Law of Attraction.” Nobody will care about the LOVE of attraction.

Maybe they will think I made a mistake or don’t know what I’m talking about?”

But I kept receiving messages from the Universe…

“Come on, Elena…this is your story. You are someone who used to manifest from a place of fear and lack…and you suffered for so many years.

And now you discovered the power of love, authenticity, forgiveness, and love-based, heartful manifesting…All you need to do is to sit down and start writing.

We’re in this together! All you need is a firm intention to get started.

You know you can help people with this book. So many people need to discover the power of the LOVE of Attraction.

It will be a true catalyzer for them! And the title is excellent.

Don’t worry about keywords, search engines, and algorithms.

Focus on your truth. And don’t be afraid to write titles that feel authentic to you and your journey!”.

So, this is how the Love of Attraction system was conceived! As of now, it has 52 positive reviews on Amazon, so it has already helped some people…and it’s just the beginning.

I know it can help you too! I can’t wait to hear about your success story with the Love of Attraction.

I don’t want anyone to suffer. The world needs to discover and embrace the power of LOVE and love-based manifesting😊

Click HERE to preview The LOVE of Attraction on Amazon!