45 Magnetic Confidence Affirmations to Attract Your Dreams

Are you looking for confidence affirmations to attract your desires? The confidence affirmations you’re just about to discover are designed to do just that. They can help you change your inner world and shift your mindset and energy so that you fuse yourself with your desires and embody them. After all, we don’t manifest what we want.

We manifest who we are. This is why confidence affirmations are so crucial for your manifestation journey. They can help you align with what you intend to manifest and tune into your desires with your self-talk, energy, and actions…

Discover 45 Magnetic Confidence Affirmations to Attract Your Dreams with Joy and Ease

The Most Common Misconception about Confidence (and the biggest manifestation mistake!)

The biggest misconception about confidence or “trying to be more confident” is that so many people attempt to be someone they’re not, and they lose alignment.

Because of that, they manifest what they don’t want (because they are not true to themselves) or manifest something they think they want, only to realize it wasn’t really their path.

You see, confidence is not about how confident you look or talk. And it’s not even about the fact that others think you’re confident…

It doesn’t matter what others think…

What really matters is what you think.

It all starts with alignment, authenticity, and clarity.

If you’re still not sure about what you really desire to manifest, don’t worry, many people do.

At least, you’re aware of this fact, and your subconscious mind is already at work, searching for your true answers (eventually, you’ll discover what you really want).

You may also check out this post, which will teach you step-by-step how to gain clarity and manifest from alignment.

That being said…remember…it all starts with you and how you see yourself.

You want to embrace Magnetic Confidence from a place of alignment and authenticity so that you can become a magnet for more alignment and authenticity,

This is how you can manifest:

-people who resonate with you and love you just the way you are (this works both for personal and professional life)

-new career opportunities, doing what you love and feeling appreciated for it, and getting paid well

-more energy and vitality (“trying to be confident” or wearing a mask to pretend you’re someone you’re not, will deplete you of energy (I’ve been there for so many years)

I hope it makes sense now, right?

We want to be true to ourselves, unleash unlimited magnetic confidence, and use it as a manifestation tool on our journeys…

Magnetic confidence affirmations are the best tool on our journeys!

But, before we get into the list of carefully designed affirmations…I wanted to tell you how to use them and the most common misconception about them…

The Most Common Misconception about Confidence Affirmations

The most common misconception that people have around affirmations is some kind of a magic spell they can use a few times and wait for their life to change…

Now, yes, affirmations can be magical…they can sprinkle your life with magic, and they can change it for the better…

They are like perfume…for your subconscious mind. But here’s the thing with perfume…it can’t replace personal hygiene…and if you want to radiate this pleasant “aura of perfume” every day…you must use it every day (after taking a shower of course).

So…what is the concept of “personal hygiene for your subconscious mind”?

It’s simple…it’s about being mindful of your thoughts and feelings, even the negative ones.

It’s not our goal to suppress them with some perfume (aka affirmations).

We are all human, and we have all kinds of thoughts. Yes, we want to think positive thoughts as much as possible…This is one of the main fundamentals of the Law of Attraction…

But, we can’t feel bad for feeling bad…

So, if you experience any negative feeling, meditate on it, feel it, be mindful of it.

Take a nice mindfulness shower first. Take a look at your negative thoughts and feelings (from a place of love and curiosity) and release them in meditation or through journaling.

Sometimes, I find it so liberating to write down everything that gets me off balance (to get it off my chest), and then say: “I release and let it go now”. I then focus on gratitude and focus on my desires 🙂 It feels so much better to release what no longer serves us first!

Now back to our magnetic affirmations…our perfume…

For it to work and radiate the aura and energy of authentic confidence, we must use it every day in some shape or form.

So, study the list of affirmations below and pick up a few that really resonate with you (use your intuition and stick to affirmations that resonate with you at this stage of your journey).

Then, repeat the affirmations you like at least several times every day.

After 21 days (or even sooner), you’ll start experiencing incredible mindset and energy shifts…and synchronicities…You can then revise your affirmations and add new ones.

You can also remove the old ones. Once again, use your intuition.

Now, when I say: “repeat your confidence affirmations,” I highly recommend you stick to your guns and choose your preferred method of repetition, such as:

-writing and journaling

-reading aloud (it’s very powerful when you do it in front of the mirror).

-recording them on your phone or PC

To record your own confidence affirmations, you can use a free program called Audacity, or just use your phone.

It’s very easy to use, and you can also use some background music.

Now, recording your confidence affirmations may seem like a hassle, but…it’s really worth it. And you only need to do it once…

I heard about this method many years ago. But I only recently tried and, and trust me, it was really worth the effort. It’s one of the most effective tools to shift your self-talk…

Oh…and it’s both like a shower and magical perfume for your subconscious mind

Now, you’re ready to discover 45 magnetic, confidence affirmations to help you become a magnet for your desires!

45 Magnetic Confidence Affirmations to Feel Good and Radiate the Energy of Success

#1 I choose to love and appreciate myself.

#2 I love learning and growing every day.

#3 I let go of the fear of failure. Because I know it’s all about learning.

#4 I believe in myself and my skills.

#5 I always attract amazing people into my life.

#6 My gifts have the power to change the world.

#7 I can do anything I focus on.

#8 I love sharing my gifts with the world.

#9 I love being kind to myself and others.

#10 I mindfully work on my vision every day, and I love the process.

#11 I love the person I have chosen to become.

#12 I am fully aware of my unlimited potential.

#13 I’m aware of my blocks, and I let them go now.

#14 I feel confident about reaching my goals.

#15 My courage grows every day.

#16 I feel confident about attracting and making friends with like-minded people.

#17 All my relationships are authentic.

#18 People love my energy of magnetic confidence.

#19 My goals always motivate and inspire me.

#20 I use challenges as an opportunity to grow and expand.

#21 I love showing up for myself and others every day.

#22 I let go of burnouts with mindful self-care.

#23 Every day gets me closer to manifesting my desires, even if my eyes can’t see it yet.

#24 I am more than worthy of manifesting my desires.

#25 I am so grateful for everything I’ve learned on my self-development journey. Every day is a revelation.

#26 I am creative and always attract the best solutions to help myself and others.

#27 I’m grateful for everything I’ve manifested so far.

#28 I feel confident knowing that what I want is already on its way.

#29 I always appreciate everything I have.

#30 I love going with the flow.

#31 Every day, I let go of no longer serves me while attracting the best of the best into my life.

#32 I live, think, feel and act from unlimited abundance.

#33 I am loved and respected precisely as I am.

#34 I release the need to seek approval. Instead, I approve of myself right here, right now.

#35 I always make good decisions that positively impact my life.

#36 I release all the negative self-talk that no longer serves me.

#37 I am living my best life, right here right now.

#38 My communication skills are getting better and better every day, and I feel more and more confident sharing my truth.

#39 All I need is already within me.

#40 My emotional muscles are getting stronger every day.

#42 I love consistency and sharing my work with the world.

#43 My manifestation power is unlimited.

#44 I am in complete control of my beautiful life

#45 I choose to trust the process and enjoy the journey of becoming my best self.

Check Out More Affirmations for Empowerment and Manifesting Success Now:

22 Winning Wealth Affirmations to Attract Unlimited Abundance

27 Self-Loving Affirmations to Instantly Raise Your Vibration

22 Uplifting Affirmations for Motivation to Instantly Feel Empowered & Energized

Use Confidence Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

Because of fear-based society conditioning, our self-talk can become and stay negative. And because of that, we may struggle with confidence and manifesting our desires.

The good news is that we can create our own love-based conditioning and positive self-talk backed up with courage…

Affirmations provide us with the fantastic opportunity to choose words that help create a new, positive manifestation path in our lives while letting go of old, negative patterns.

Confidence affirmations help us re-shape the way we think and speak to transform our lives.

That being said…remember that everything we say is an affirmation.

Yes, every thought, every sentence is just confirming what we want to attract…

For example, if you say, “I’m so happy and grateful that I’m now a 6-figure earner,” one minute, but then you say, “This won’t work, I’ll never find a way to make so much money because I don’t have a fancy degree” the next minute, you create contradiction and drastically reduce the effectiveness of your affirmations.

I’m not saying this to make you feel bad. We all tend to do this.

Just be aware of your self-talk. When your mind starts doubting your affirmations (which is pretty normal at the beginning of using them), simply say: cancel, cancel! And imagine a big STOP sign.

Then, affirm: Thank you so much, my deep inner mind, for trying to protect me, I really appreciate it. But now, I’m ready to expand, and I choose this new, self-empowering belief that I deserve to be a 6-figure earner while doing what I love for a living.

Thank You-Thank You-Thank You

Practicing positive affirmations and positive self-talk is one of the best ways to break the cycle of negativity and self-doubt.

I hope this article inspired you to dive into the world of confidence affirmations!

If you want to take your self-talk to the next level, I highly recommend you check out my book:

Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life


Here’s Just a Short Preview of What You’ll Discover Inside:

-why “trying to stop being negative” can turn against you and how to really manifest positive outcomes (even when you’re not feeling so good)

how making friends with your inner critic can be the most powerful manifestation tool you’ll ever discover

-exactly how you can trigger powerful intentions using nothing but words

-why affirmations don’t work for most people and how to create your own personalized affirmations (that the Universe will listen and respond to!)

the 4 words you absolutely must eliminate from your vocabulary ASAP (this simple shift alone has the power to help you manifest faster!)

-how to re-write your goals to completely dissolve any subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from manifesting your true potential

-when you should never talk about your desires with other people (and a few exceptions to this rule)

-the 3 letting-go mistakes you may be making without even knowing (and a much powerful way to release negativity for good and start manifesting your true desires)

-an almost instant way to raise vibration (no complicated rituals needed) and why most people never even try it

+ much, much more powerful tips, techniques, and guidance to help you become a vibrational match to what you desire … just by changing your self-talk!

Click here to order from Amazon, enjoy!