Powerful Bob Proctor Quotes & Lessons to Supercharge Your Manifestation Journey

Ready to discover the most inspiring Bob Proctor quotes that will take your law of attraction journey to the next level? You’ve come to the right place! As an avid student and follower of Bob Proctor, I’m passionate about sharing his teachings and lessons learned.

What fascinates me about Bob Proctor is that he has a fantastic ability to bridge the gap between personal development (for example, setting goals, and creating multiple sources of income) and spirituality (the importance of raising your vibration).

In other words, his teachings are like the sweet spot between self-development (that sometimes can embrace very masculine energy) and spirituality/metaphysics (that work predominantly with feminine energy).

Personally, I’m a big advocate for balance and alignment, which I found in Bob Proctor’s books and programs. I love how Mr. Proctor combines practical information (such as consciously creating different income streams and studying how money actually works) with metaphysics (working with vibrational frequencies to attract your desires).

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How Bob Proctor’s Manifestation Wisdom Helped Me

It’s simple. I would always get hung up in some extreme. For example, at some point, I was in very masculine energy, just mindlessly “hustling” because I wanted to create different passive income streams and be successful.

But, I lost alignment and joy for life.

So, that got me into spirituality, but once again, I got into another extreme…

I got involved in highly hippie-dippie woo-woo spirituality….

And kept affirming that money wasn’t important that it was the root of all evil (needless to say, I still felt burned out after my extreme hustle adventures and losing money to some investments because I hadn’t done my due diligence, I was so desperate to get rich fast lol).

That extreme woo-woo journey got me into debt again.

I knew I had to find some kind of balance. And I really wanted to combine the practical with the metaphysical. I knew that whatever happened to me really happened for me.

For example, thanks to my entrepreneurial and hustle “adventures”, I learned a lot of practical business and online marketing skills. And I also understood the importance of self-care and smart work to prevent burnout.

And spirituality… it’s one of my biggest passions. And my FUEL.

So, I want to find balance and use everything I learned on both extreme journeys (hustle mentality and woo-woo spirituality) to create something new (for me and the world).

Something balanced, something that worked.

Then, I re-discovered Bob Proctor’s teachings (I mention the full story in my post about how to raise your vibration here).

I fell in love with his teachings and his energy…the way he could explain practical information and attract both business and spiritual people. I found it fascinating!

Bob Proctor Quotes

The 3 most valuable lessons I learned from Bob Proctor

#1 The Law of Vibration is the most important law, and this is the real truth behind the Law of Attraction.

We always attract and manifest. But, if we desire to manifest consciously, we need to start with the Law of Vibration.

The first step is always awareness. We need to be aware of our actions (and intentions behind them), thoughts, feelings, and how we show up in the world.

#2 We need to take responsibility for our financial future by setting up MSI (multiple sources of income).

It’s time to stop blaming the government, economy, and education system (Bob Proctor never got any formal education).

And in today’s digital world, setting up MSI (multiple sources of income) around one’s passion is really not that hard.

It’s important to add that Mr. Proctor advocates adding value to the world. The more people you help, the more money you make.

(BTW, I have a ton of ideas to help you move forward with creating your multiple streams of income around your passions while being of service to others; if you’d like me to write more about it, be sure to comment below this post and let me know!).

#3 You need to develop the ability to implant positive images in your mind.

Wow, this teaching really changed my inner world, and I began exploring the power of creative visualization (complete step-by-step on how to visualize HERE).

It’s all about knowing how to program your inner GPS for success…

Most people never even attempt to do that. Instead, they allow other people or entities to program their inner GPS’s for them…so they can never manifest their own dreams…

So, they keep manifesting someone else’s dreams.

Knowing how to implant positive images in your mind is also about positive self-talk and self-communication.

This ability also translates to communicating with others, which is important, especially if you lead other people.

Knowing how to powerfully motivate others in a way that is heart-based and truly inspiring for them also focuses on…the power of implanting positive images…in people you lead.

As you can see, I’m very passionate about Bob Proctor’s teachings!

I could just mindlessly share some quotes, but instead, I wanted to help you understand the gist of his teachings first…

Bob Proctor’s Quotes That Will Raise Your Motivation, Commitment, and Vibration

#1 “Money is only used for two things. One, it’s to make you comfortable, and the more comfortable you are, the more creative you will become. And the other purpose is it enables you to extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence.”

― Bob Proctor

As a heart-based, service-oriented entrepreneur, I especially like the last sentence: “To extend the service you provide far beyond your own presence” because money can be used to share your message with more and more people and therefore help more people.

The biggest money manifestation block that I see so many people face is that…they want money, but they fear it. Or they start to contradict their desires by saying: “I don’t need so much money anyway”. I had this block, too, for so many years. But Bob Proctor really shifted me.

Bob Proctor has used the power of money to develop an international, self-development company that shares his message and inspires others, even when he’s not physically working. And his legacy will keep having a positive impact on people like you and I, even when he’s no longer with us (but to be honest, I think he’ll live way beyond 100, and even more, he’s always so full of energy!)

#2 “If you know what to do to reach your goal, it’s not a big enough goal.” –

― Bob Proctor

This one was another game-changer for me. At first, I didn’t want to leave my comfort zone. I wanted to have it all figured out. But it was when I began setting higher goals and seeing myself as someone who could co-create with the Universe, the real transformation came.

Ask yourself…are your goals too small and too realistic?

Maybe you feel failure?

But here’s one thing to understand…you lose more by setting small, overly realistic goals…

Even if you set a higher goal and you “fail,” your mindset will stretch, and so, whether you know it or not, you’ll be so much closer to your goal…

Besides, you don’t fail, you succeed, or you learn. I don’t know about you, but for me, there’s no such thing as failure…

#3 “It doesn’t matter where you are; you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”

― Bob Proctor

As always, Bob loves inspiring people to become leaders of their own destiny and stretch their mindsets!

#4 “Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return; therefore, everything that you want is already yours. It is simply becoming more aware of what you already possess.”

― Bob Proctor

This quote is a very simple way of conveying timeless, metaphysical teaching: never underestimate the power of gratitude. Be grateful for everything you can…the past, present, and future!

#5 “Discipline is giving yourself a command and following it up with action.”

Bob Proctor

So, in this quote, Bob is definitely in a super masculine, action-oriented energy…

Or is he really?

Maybe, deep inside, we fear discipline and think of it as something that can take our freedom away?

Well, thanks to Bob, I discovered that discipline can be very liberating. It can create FREEDOM.

Also, “giving yourself a command” is easy and fun if you do what you love.

In my case, it’s writing books and content for this blog.

I give myself a command, such as a daily word count to write on a specific topic, and I just do it.

From my experience, discipline stops sounding like punishment. It sounds more like fun when you’re in alignment with who you really are.

(In this post, I dive deeper into manifesting from alignment).

Also, one of the most under-looked ways to permanently raise your vibration is…taking action…on doing what you love and developing your skills and talents…

#6 “When you really want something and you couple that with an understanding of your nature, of your spiritual being, and the law that governs you, you will keep going, regardless of what’s happened. Nothing will stop you.”

― Bob Proctor

Once again…self-awareness is the first step on your journey to success…

So, allow yourself to discover your WHY and who you indeed are.

Because when you discover your true goal, you’ll simply KNOW that it’s already yours.

#7 “No amount of reading or memorizing will make you successful in life. It is the understanding and application of wise thought that counts.” –

― Bob Proctor

As a self-development junkie, I’ll be the first one to admit…BEEN GUILTY!

Because it feels so good…to get a new book or a new program, and just passively consume it.

Make some coffee, relax on the couch, with a blanket, and my cats…maybe put some crystals…oh, and an incense stick, so nice, right?

And yes, I still love my reading and learning rituals. They are one of my favorite self-care activities.

BUT…at some point, I had to take it all seriously. I had to start to apply all the lessons learned in my life (personal and professional).

And then…things began manifesting. Because I took action.

Hopefully, this quote will motivate you😊

#8 “You want to make sure that your purpose is something people can benefit from long after you’re gone.”

― Bob Proctor

What can I add…beautiful quote that inspires building something that lasts and creating a legacy that will outlive you.

It’s also great for motivation, especially if you want to expand your motivation beyond yourself and your personal desires.

#9 “Wake Up Winners are wide awake; they are alive. Every day you will find them in the marketplace, making things happen. The real winners are not just dreamers. Although they have dreams, they are doers: They realize their dreams. They are the bell ringers, always attempting to wake others up to the numerous opportunities life offers.”

― Bob Proctor, The ABCs of Success: The Essential Principles from America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher

This is something I always try to inspire in my teachings…I call it the Law of Attr-Action!

When you combine the metaphysical laws of attraction and alignment with action, amazing things happen!

#10 “I treat winning and losing exactly the same. I see them both as necessary steps to get us where we are going. Big failures -big lessons, little failures -little lessons.”-

Bob Proctor

Remember this beautiful soul…you DON’T FAIL. You succeed, or you learn!

Whatever you’re learning or desiring to master…remember that the best student is always learning by doing. And as you are in the energy of doing, as you embrace the process of taking aligned action to manifest your goals… you’ll have specific questions and insights.

When you do, you’ll attract mentors, people, circumstances, and synchronicities of all kinds…

Because the Universe LOVES action takers…and success LOVES speed.

So, never quit on your dreams. Use mindful, aligned action to disperse the negative emotions of fear and doubt!

Final Words on Bob Proctor Quotes

Here’s an interesting thing about Bob Proctor…

He reads the same book: Think and Grow Rich, every day…

Yes, every day, and he’s been doing this for years!

Bob Proctor truly walks the talk…for example, he tells people how important it is to actually STUDY self-development, the human mind, and spirituality.

The more you study, the more you discover.

And sometimes, we just need to dive deeper into what we “already know”.

Because, if we’re not really doing it and getting any results…do we really “know it all”?

So, if you discover a book or a course you really like, go through it more than once.

I do it all the time (thanks to Bob Proctor).

I even do it with business courses and programs. Because whenever I go through the same program again and again…I discover something new.

Besides, we constantly change. And our vibration changes, too.

Try it yourself…re-read this post after several days or several weeks.

And observe your thoughts, vibration, and feelings…

I’m sure you’ll discover something new!