Angel Number 123 – A New Chapter Just About to Begin?

Angel numbers such as 123 are no coincidence. They serve as direct communication from your guardian angels and the Higher Power. Don’t ignore them. Instead, tune into them fully to unlock the power of your intuition and guided spiritual manifesting! You’re just about to discover the true meaning of the angel number 123!

It’s time to decode the 123 angel number!

Is 123 an Angel Number?

Many people wonder if the “123” is an angel number…and the short answer is yes! Just like 1111, 2222, or any eye-catching, repetitive number combination, 123 is an angel number. If you keep seeing it, the general message is that your guardian angels are with you. You’re never alone!

Keep reading to decode the meaning of 123 for specific areas of your life. The main message of seeing 123 is that your angels want to remind you that you are being guided and protected all the time. Promise yourself to be able to see things differently.

You can achieve many amazing things if you leave the hustle mode and instead embrace the path of slow but steady and harmonious progress in all areas of your life.

Remember that you achieve for yourself, not for other people. So, be your own hero! Celebrate your daily wins and successes!

It’s time for new, positive beginnings.

Promise yourself to embrace them with a fresh mindset and heartset!

123 Angel Number Meaning in Spirituality and Numerology

-If you keep seeing angel number 123, your angels want to inspire you to simplify your life; you can easily simplify your life by letting go of the objects, people, and circumstances that no longer serve you!

-Seeing 123 means it’s time to dive deep and honor your goals and desires; if you have a passion or project you wish to pursue, now it’s the time to go for it and embrace new beginnings; by sending you the number 123, your angels want you to take inspired and proactive action from a place of full trust and confidence;

Be aware of the negative voices in your head, such as: “What if I fail, what if it doesn’t work out?” and soothe your inner state by empowering and positive self-talk. Remember this: “You don’t fail, you succeed, or you learn.” So, keep moving forward with confidence!

Angel number 123 also expresses the power of the number 6. After all, when you reduce the number 123 to a single digit (1+2+3=6), you receive the number 6.

The number 6 is a highly balanced number with a strong vibrational frequency. Its aim is to bring harmony and peace to our lives.

Angel number 123 is often a message that you will find balance and peace in all areas of your life!

123 Angel Number Twin Flame

123 angel number is a very positive and high-frequency number. If you acknowledge its power, you can raise your vibration and attract amazing twin-flame moments!

-123, as an upward-moving number, is considered a fantastic sign in terms of love, soul mates, and twin flames.

The 123 angel number sequence represents moving up a step, so it might signify that your love relationship or twin flame relationship is ready to move to the next level!

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123 Angel Number for Manifesting Love

Angel number 123 wants to help you in your love life, especially if you find yourself in a romantic relationship!

-123 is a number where things align, and it is meant to be a number representing the next extraordinary steps in your relationship; you have nothing to be afraid of, only a lot to look forward to!

-If you are wondering what next step you should be taking in your relationship, your angels may be sending you a sign that it is time to take that next step- whatever it might be. Trust yourself and your intuition!

Angel number 123 may also be telling you that it may be at a point of engagement, marriage, children, or moving in together; whatever feels right to you, now you can take that next step!

123 123 Angel Number

If you keep seeing double 123, or the angel number 123 123, release this: your angels are sending you the amplified version of the 123 angel message!

It’s time to step up and be the leader of your life. You are never alone! Acknowledge how powerful you are and how amazing your personal team of Cosmic Beings really is.

123 Angel Number Manifestation

Whatever it is you desire to manifest, the message behind seeing the angel number 123 is very positive! You’re now ready to take it all to the next level! Keep working on raising your vibration and keep going!

123 Angel Number for Manifesting Health

-You deserve vibrant health! Take care of yourself from the inside out. If you keep seeing angel number 123, your angels want you to know you’re ready for a lifestyle change.

-Perhaps you could see a nutritionist and get a personalized nutrition plan to take care of your body?

-Maybe you could do something to be outside more and enjoy nature? Or find a physical activity you love?

-You can also take care of your health by taking care of your mindset! We recommend these powerful health affirmations by Louise Hay!

-If you keep seeing 123, the overall health message your angels want you to get is that of empowerment. Let go of the foods and activities that no longer serve you and focus on what your body loves and needs! Create a healthy lifestyle you enjoy and give yourself more self-love and self-care!

123 Angel Number Meaning Career

– Your guardian angels want to let you know that your success is inevitable, and this might be an excellent start for a new project or venture!  

-All you need to do is to fuel your passion and faith; one of the tools you can use are positive affirmations for career success;

-Don’t just sit back and wait for success, be proactive! 123 angel number encourages new beginnings; if you want to be ready for new energies and new opportunities, you need to release what is no longer serving you; consider Feng Shui and decluttering your home or apartment; take a look at your social media friends…are you really friends with all of them? Or is it to maintain a particular image?

It’s time to declutter your space, including your inner space.

Cord-cutting is great for that, especially if your intention is to get rid of negative energy from people, places, things, and circumstances, as well as your own thoughts!

123 Angel Number for Manifesting Money

-As we have just covered, if you keep seeing angel number 123, your angels want you to be proactive; to receive new beginnings with joy and ease, you need to prepare yourself energetically!

So, what does the 123 angel number mean for manifesting money?

Ask yourself: “How can I detox old money situations, objects, mindsets, and circumstances?”

You may consider the following ideas:

-Clean out your wallet, or better yet, get a new one!

-Revise where your money goes. Do you really need all those subscriptions you don’t even use?

-Feng Shui and declutter your office, workspace, or PC

-Brainstorm for new, exciting money opportunities and possibilities; remember that your angels want to see you taking inspired and proactive action; so brainstorm and ask yourself how you can open yourself to new channels of abundance?

-Is there a passion or hobby you could use creatively as an income stream?

Your angels will also be pleased to see you fully immersed in the inner work, including some money mindset work, to help you release your old limiting beliefs and open yourself to new ideas, possibilities and abundance!

What to Do After Seeing Angel Number 123?

Your angels want you to experience the gift of clarity. You need to keep going, be courageous, and continue your spiritual development journey.

What you focus on will manifest!

For the LOA to work however, it’s essential that you are clear about your desires and that you get rid of any negative thoughts that might prevent you from reaching them.

One great way to get clarity (and to remove any obstacles) is to look to Numerology for guidance.

Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report to better understand what you want to manifest 🙂

This incredible video is an intimate, spiritual journey, allowing you to see yourself in ways you’ve never ever seen yourself before.

The 100% Personalized Video reveals your Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge Numbers to show you:

  • The deep desires you might be ignoring (and how you can finally get them)
  • How to stop the struggle and start to live easily and effortlessly
  • Secret talents and hidden strengths (and how to leverage them)
  • Powerful insights into your character and the unique way you relate to others
  • Upcoming challenges and unexplored opportunities that are waiting for you

Think of this as a movie in which you are the star.

You are definitely going to want to watch it.


Until next time we meet,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting