22 Uplifting Affirmations for Motivation to Instantly Feel Empowered & Energized

Do you sometimes feel like your negative self-talk prevents you from successfully visualizing your goals and taking inspired action on them? Or perhaps you’re already on the right track, but you desire to supercharge your journey and reach your vision faster?

Whatever your reasons are, you’ve come to the right place. You’re just about to discover the most powerful and uplifting affirmations for unlimited motivation!

How Affirmations for Motivation Really Work

As Tony Robbins says: “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.”

Unfortunately, so many of us get the second part wrong, and we give all our power, energy, and creativity to our problems.

By giving our attention and focus to our problems, we automatically focus on what we don’t want, therefore negatively activating the Law of Attraction.

As Bob Proctor says: “The Law of Attraction follows the Law of Vibration”.

By using positive and inspiring affirmations for motivation, we have the power to raise our vibration and use our minds creatively to be a magnet for positive solutions and outcomes in our lives.

The Life-Changing Power of Motivational Affirmations

Now, as someone who’s been researching and writing about the Law of Attraction for several years now, I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I used to be very skeptical about affirmations.

At some point, I would even laugh at people who use them.

Well…I take it all back! I was wrong, and I’m so happy to realize I was.

It wasn’t until I FULLY realized the power of our own mindsets…both the negative and the positive (they’re both equally powerful, but of course, I prefer the positive, who doesn’t, haha), that everything changed for me.

You’re probably wondering if there was some kind of a rapid breakthrough in my life that made me turn to affirmations.

But in my case, it was a slow and gradual breakthrough that I got from:

-doing the inner work and releasing old negative patterns through shadow work + meditation

-working with several business mentors who all gave me the same feedback:

 “You are capable of so much more, but your own mind is limiting you. You need to open yourself up to unlimited possibilities. You need to unleash your full potential and use your mind to work for you, not against you.”

At some point, one mentor told me: “You’re giving up way too soon. Pick up one strategy and stick to it until it works”.

As if by magic, the same day, I stumbled upon a video of a lady who was sharing her experiences with affirmations, and she said pretty much the same: “I stuck with my affirmations until they worked. Then, I repeated the process with new goals and desires. “

And then, once again, I heard someone say: “I’m gonna follow through this until it works and becomes my reality.”

Then it HIT me. You know, one of those “eureka” moments that come purely from your own experiences?

I realized that whatever we do, whether it’s:

-a law of attraction or manifestation technique aimed at reprogramming our subconscious mind


-a book, course, or a program…

We need to allow ourselves to stay committed and follow through while overcoming and transforming any negative mind chatter that tries to kick in and keep us safe (aka stuck in the old reality).

At the same time, it’s so important to stay energized, passionate, and inspired (and guess what, affirmations for motivation will help!)

Whatever your goals and desires are, the following positive affirmations for motivation will help you get there faster!

22 Affirmations for Motivation to Instantly Feel Unstoppable

#1 I am getting more and more positive every day.

#2 All I need to be super successful is within me right now.

#3 I wake up full of energy and vibrant health.

#4 I am an unstoppable child of a powerful Universe.

#5 I am a living, breathing example of unlimited motivation.

#6 I am joyful, inspired, and abundant every day in every way.

#7 I am having a positive and meaningful impact on the people I come into contact with.

#8 I love inspiring others through my positive actions.

#9 I always follow through with my goals and enjoy every second of the process.

#10 I choose to rise above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or afraid.

#11 Today is a fantastic day full of unlimited possibilities.

#13 Every cell of my body is filled with infinite focus.

#14 My positive actions are making a difference in the world, even if I still can’t see it.

#15 I am always at peace with myself. 

#16 I am aware of myself and in powerful control of my present and future.

#17 I learn from the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future.

#18 My dreams are more powerful than my problems.

#19 I am forever grateful for everything I have in my life.

#20 I am independent and self-sufficient.

#21 I can accomplish whatever I want.

#22 I accept myself for who I am and create peace, power, and confidence of mind and of heart.

How to Use Affirmations for Motivation and Unleash Your Full Potential

Create your daily motivational affirmation ritual by focusing on one (or more if you choose) options:

#1 Write your motivational affirmation several times (you can also use the 369 method or the 5×55 method)

Discover more by reading my other posts:

369 Manifestation Explained – The ONE Secret that Most People Miss…

The 55 x 5 Method: Is It Really Worth Your Time and Energy?

#2 Say your motivational affirmations in front of the mirror (I always say mine after brushing my teeth)

#3 Record your affirmations and listen to them while walking, doing things around the house, or relaxing

#4 Create your own motivation affirmation cards and keep them on your desk, vision board, fridge, etc.

Law of Attraction for Motivation: How to Get and Stay Motivated to Attract the Life You Have Always Wanted and Be Unstoppable

Unlock Unstoppable, Authentic Motivation and Become the Master of Your Destiny, Even If You’ve Failed Before!

It’s time to become magnetic to your desires and show up for yourself as never before without burning yourself out or losing your passion.

If you feel stuck, lost direction, or perhaps you feel like things are moving too slowly, you are reading this for a reason.

Perhaps you tried some motivational or Law of Attraction techniques here and there, but you still feel like the real transformation and success you desired is far, far away.

Well, this misalignment can end today because you are about to discover the most powerful mindset-energy combo in the Universe – the Law of Attraction and healing, love-based inner work.

You see, the Law of Attraction always works. You can’t just switch it off. And it works as an amplifier of what’s inside you. You manifest what you hold within you, including lack of focus or motivation.

To use the Law of Attraction consciously and manifest unstoppable motivation (or whatever goals you might have), first, you need to take a closer look at what’s inside you and release old mindsets and energies that are blocking your desired manifestations.

This is exactly why I wrote this book. I want to show you how to unlock the true power of inner work and amplify it with the Law of Attraction and timeless spiritual principles to help you create the life you love, desire, and deserve.

When you let go of stored negative emotions and inner states that no longer serve you, you will create a new, more empowered version of yourself that is truly unstoppable! And manifesting with the Law of Attraction will no longer feel like something sporadic or impossible. Instead, it will become your embodiment, your everyday lifestyle!

Ready to unlock the power of inner work and the Law of Attraction?

Here’s Exactly What You Will Discover Inside:
-The power of creating your own manifestation system and process (so that you don’t feel shattered by endless techniques that don’t give you the results you desire and deserve!)
-How to master your focus, even if your current circumstances seem to be against you (this inner shift alone is the key to successfully applying the Law of Attraction)
-The fastest way to make your subconscious mind work for you (just by applying a few tweaks to your inner dialogue)
-How to become a toxic people repellant and protect your energy – because your vision is too precious!
-Powerful techniques to unlock your inner leadership and true, heart-based goals (no more chasing other people’s goals and dreams!)
-How to deal with negative thoughts and … use them to manifest your desires (this simple mindset shift will liberate you from fears holding you back from your dreams.
-Bonus resources to master your vibration to speed up manifesting with the Law of Attraction.

If you’re ready to work and apply the Law of Attraction to unlock your true, authentic motivations and become an empowered creator of your reality, your search stops here.

This book is not merely a collection of tips and techniques. It is a step-by-step system you can follow to get results and improve your life.

It’s time to make the Law of Attraction work for you and start manifesting your best life, one mindset, and vibration shift at a time!

Order your copy today, commit to your dreams, and become an unstoppable manifestor!