17 Affirmations for Anxiety to Soothe Your Inner State

Before we get into our affirmations for anxiety and how you can use them for your emotional wellbeing, let me explain my point of view…As a manifestation and Law of Attraction practitioner, I understand the importance of “what you focus on expands”. And so, instead of saying “affirmations for anxiety”, I prefer to refer to them as “affirmations to soothe our inner states”.

It’s just my way of doing things. I resonate with the phrase: “soothe our inner states”. It makes me feel nourished and well-taken care of. However, I called this post: “Affirmations for Anxiety” because this is a search term that most people use, so this is how I can help more people.

Still, I highly recommend you use my suggestion and tell yourself that you’re just about to dive into an emotionally healing ritual of calming affirmations to soothe your inner state and feel amazing.

Don’t focus on anxiety. Focus on soothing your inner state and feeling good.

This is what the following affirmations for anxiety will help you achieve!

Rule #1: Be Kind to Yourself!

If you find yourself out of balance, don’t panic, and be kind to yourself. Don’t fight your negative thoughts, and don’t try to suppress them. What you resist persists!

Remind yourself that you’re a human being with human emotions and that feeling your emotions is the beauty of life. Acknowledge how you feel and be mindful of it.

Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you can now shift to a more balanced and empowering state. It’s all about being in charge of your focus; positive affirmations are great for that! After all, an affirmation is a form of a thought…, and you always affirm something.

So why not be mindful of it and affirm positive states, people, and circumstances?

Don’t beat yourself up for losing your inner balance or feeling anxious. Be loving and compassionate while giving yourself a massive dose of positive energy.

You always talk to yourself…but is your self-talk soothing and empowering or self-deprecating? It’s time to make friends with your beautiful mind and make it work for you, not against you!

Let’s take a look at my favorite affirmations for anxiety, or better said: affirmations to soothe your inner state and feel good again!

Powerful Affirmations to Release Anxiety

#1 I love taking care of my body, mind, and soul.

This empowering affirmation helps us focus on positive actions and feel-good self-care activities. When you do what you love and immerse yourself in self-care, you automatically focus on what’s good for you, and your inner state shifts to positivity.

#2 I feel grateful for all my thoughts and feelings, and I use them to take better care of myself!

(What a beautiful affirmation to release any feelings of guilt for “not thinking 100% positive thoughts!”)

#3 I am my best friend. I talk to myself kindly and compassionately!

This affirmation reminds us of the importance of positive self-talk.

In fact, you can self-talk yourself out of a bad habit or into desired manifestations!

You can learn more about the power of self-talk and positive words from my book: Speak to Manifest:

#4 I deserve kindness, compassion, and love.

Such a beautiful affirmation to help us embody and spread the positivity we desire to attract!

#5 I am so grateful for the healing power of my breath!

This affirmation reminds us of the importance of mindful breathing. You can direct your breath to any area of your body to release tension and encourage a sense of wellbeing.

#6 I breathe to heal!

Once again, remember how powerful your breathing is and that it can heal you inside out!

#7 I give myself the time and space for inner work I deserve.

Remember that triggers are healers. And so, if you experience any negative emotions, use them as motivators and indicators to do some inner work. Release what no longer serves you.

One of my favorite modalities for inner work is EFT Tapping, and it’s great to soothe your inner state, calm your nervous system, and feel good again!

Nick Ortner’s book, The Tapping Solution, is an excellent book to help you get started on your tapping journey (and I always recommend it to my readers).

#8 This, too, shall pass, and my natural state is that of love, kindness, and positivity!

While saying this affirmation, focus on visualizing something positive or get inside a pleasant memory.

affirmations for anxiety

#9 I am safe and well taken care of by the Universe.

This affirmation is excellent for staying grounded and balancing your root chakra.

Discover more affirmations for your chakra wellbeing:

27 Heart Chakra Affirmations for Love-Based Manifesting

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Manifest Your Higher Self

#10 I refuse to live in fear! I choose self-trust, self-love, and infinite wellbeing.

Such a beautiful declaration-style affirmation that stimulates inner courage and peace. First, we shift out of fear and immediately focus on more empowering states of trust, love, and infinite wellbeing!

#11 I love myself exactly like I am.

While saying this affirmation, hug yourself and remind yourself that you are LOVE! Love is your natural state of balance, and you’re now re-claiming it for yourself!

#12 It’s safe to be me.

This affirmation helps release any negativity you may experience from getting off balance and “not controlling yourself”. Remember that you’re human, and it’s safe to acknowledge your feelings.

#13 I unleash my inner strength and use it for my highest good!

Remember that you have the power to transform negativity into positivity!

#14 I can trust myself and my inner wisdom.

As you say this affirmation, take a few deep breaths and focus on the area of your heart.

Speaking of which…our next affirmation is all about being less in our heads and more in our hearts! This is one of the best manifestation techniques I could ever give you. But it would be best if you experienced it for yourself by practicing it.

#15 Today, I choose to bathe in the peaceful waterfalls of my heart!

One of the best ways to embrace instant peace of mind is to…leave your mind and be more in your heart…

So…it’s time to celebrate some “peace of heart”!

#16 I am whole and complete. I feel whole and complete.

As you say this affirmation, close your eyes and contemplate the feelings of oneness with the world and the Universe. Tune into something bigger!

#17 Everything always works out for me, and the Universe always helps me!

As you say this affirmation, remind yourself to follow your unique path in your own unique way. Release the need to compare yourself to others. Focus on one thing at a time and do the best you can!

How to Use Affirmations for Anxiety to Feel Good Again:)

Affirmations for Anxiety on YouTube

How to Use Affirmations for Anxiety to Soothe Your Inner State

Read through the above affirmations and focus on the affirmations that resonate with you and make you feel good.

Don’t force yourself into using affirmations you don’t like. After all, the above affirmations are Elena’s affirmations, and she’s used to them (especially the one about bathing in the joys of her heart, which she loves as much as writing about herself in the third person!)

Remember, you can always change some words if you want to. Just keep everything positive. For example, an affirmation such as: “I am not anxious” is not positive, because your subconscious mind can’t understand the word “not” and so it hears: “I am anxious!”.

So, it’s better to say: “I am calm and peaceful.”

Learn more about how to create your own affirmations for manifesting HERE.

Also, as I said in the intro, what you focus on expands. My main intention for creating this post was to take your attention off anxiety so that you can focus on more empowering feelings of peace, love, oneness, and self-compassion.

After choosing affirmations you like and want to use, you can say them out loud, write them down in your journal or make your own affirmation cards. Remember that affirmations are like thoughts. And so, by using positive affirmations, your thoughts also become more positive.

At the same time, don’t fear/ fight negative thoughts. Instead, use them as a guide for self-improvement and spiritual growth.

Approach your negative states/thoughts from a place of curiosity. I know that this is not something you’d expect to hear from an LOA practitioner. Most LOA teachers and writers keep preaching you should always be 100% positive, haha!

But here’s the thing- by resisting or fearing something (such as negative thoughts) we only amplify it…

However, by making peace with it, we neutralize it or even turn it into healing or something positive….

If you have a negative thought that is very persistent, I’d really recommend the EFT Tapping to help you release it. With EFT tapping you can quickly let go of any negative energy associated with negative situations you may have experienced. Give yourself the space to do your inner work and clear out any negative weeds that may be holding you back.

Once again, here’s my favorite book on EFT Tapping:)

I’ve experienced many positive shifts in my reality just by practicing the EFT Tapping Technique on myself daily (or almost daily).

It’s very easy to learn and a fantastic tool for emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. I am very proud to be promoting this modality because I feel that many people in the LOA community may benefit from it. Especially those who fear negative thoughts and sweep them under the carpet…

Don’t fear or deny any negative thoughts. Be wise about them and use them as an opportunity to give yourself the healing you deserve.

EFT Tapping will help you release trapped energy that may be holding you back from manifesting your desires and living your best life. And it’s one of the most beautiful modalities for optimal wellbeing and so easy to learn.

Learn more about The Tapping Solution here.

That being said…to make you even less afraid of negative thoughts (because they have no more power over you), add this affirmation to your toolbox:

“Only my positive thoughts manifest”.

It’s your reality, and you decide! Now that I decided that only my positive thoughts manifest, negative thoughts have no more power over me, I use them as an indicator to release some trapped energies and keep improving my quality of life and health. This is the power of transforming negative into positive!

I hope you got value from this post and found the information and resources you need to find inner peace:)

What’s Next?

If you’re new to my work, be sure to join my mailing list and get a free copy of my Vibration Workbook and Audiobook.

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Until the next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,
