The #1 Reason Why Your Manifestations Fail and What to Do About It…

Let’s talk Law of Attraction and effective, aligned manifesting. I’m taking, the kind of manifesting where you just know you’re always well taken care of and feel guided and inspired to be your best sef, while manifesting the results you desire and deserve. I’ll take a risk and assume (since you’re ended up on this page) you’ve probably heard of it…

Maybe you tried some manifesting techniques. And they didn’t work, or perhaps they did, but the success was short-term and not what you envisioned. I also know you are a very resilient spirit. You don’t just give up, and so the Universe wants to guide you!

Now, you’re committed to figuring it all out. Because you know that when you do, you’ll be equipped with the tools and techniques that will serve you for a lifetime (and will also help those around you and the generations after you).

Let me tell you this- you came across this page for a reason.

Please know that all the effort you put into learning about LOA until this very moment will surely pay off. Especially when you apply the information I’m just about to share with you. The information that can help you make a deeper connection with your beautiful subconscious mind (yes, I’m sure you heard about it too, and maybe even tried some meditations and hypnosis; and I applaud you for your determination and motivation; like I said, you’ll reap the benefits of all the inner work you’ve already done, once you’ve applied the information I share in this post!).

So, let’s talk visualization. Perhaps you played around with it.

But you’re not sure whether the images you create are strong enough.

You’re struggling with distracting thoughts and outside noises sabotaging your vision. You may even feel overwhelmed by negative emotions (yours and those around you). And things just don’t seem to manifest in reality πŸ™

You find it hard to maintain a harmonious focus.

You know that many people can manifest a lot of beautiful things just by imagining and visualizing.

And even if you follow instructions and visualization books, you still feel like you’re left behind…

You’re not alone. I’ve been there as well! I even quit LOA and manifesting more than once, declaring that it’s either one big scam (but then…how could it be if so there are so many miraculous testimonials from so many people?) or there’s something wrong with me (if you feel the same way- please stop right now…there’s nothing wrong with you, you just need proper guidance that aligns with your particular situation).

Luckily, our friend Dr. Joe Vitale is here to help you. Maybe you’ve heard of him?

I first saw Joe in The Secret. He has since appeared in several other movies and shows (like Larry King Live).

He became a bestselling author of more than 50 books (yes….only 50, lol!) – including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, and his most recent The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment.

But first and foremost, Joe is an experienced teacher and expert in using the Law of Attraction to create success and meaning in any area of your life.

His life’s calling is to help people. And whether you feel you’re not reaching your full potential or you’re struggling to see results with the Law of Attraction – Dr. Vitale knows how to help you.

You see, the reasons for falling short of your expectations will be easier to spot and correct if it’s something you do consciously.

But what if the things blocking you – from better health, bigger money, or more rewarding relationships – are actually buried deep in your subconscious mind?

Joe calls these “things” abundance blocks. And it can be anything from limiting beliefs to fear – neither of which you’re consciously aware of.

Needless to say, identifying your abundance blocks is the necessary first step to rid yourself of them. Only then can you begin to attract what you truly desire.

And once you do, believe me, the grass is much greener.

So now your question is… where to start?

You can start with Joe’s online training – watch it HERE, it’s free πŸ™‚

During this session you’ll learn Joe’s 3-step formula to remove the abundance blocks from your subconscious mind and finally unleash your full manifesting potential.

I honestly recommend to give it a go.

It will take you about 20-30 minutes, so grab a tea, a notebook, and lock yourself away from distractions. You want to stay focused.

Find out how this amazing training could be the missing piece to your successful manifesting practice and transform your life forever!