What Does the Angel Number 11 11 Mean? (Hidden Messages)

Seeing repeated numbers such as 11 11 angel number is never a coincidence! Not only are your angels sending you an important message, but they also want to open you up for a new way of life so that you can manifest your true desires with joy and ease. The most important message of the angel number 11 11 is that of new beginnings in your life, including your personal and spiritual transformation. But what could that mean for you? Let’s dive deeper into the meaning of the angel number 11 11 and find out!

11 11 Angel Number – Hidden Messages You’ve Been Waiting For!

What Your Angels Really Want You to Know with the 11 11 Angel Number

Before you even attempt to decipher the meaning of the 11 11 angel number fully…perhaps you’re reading articles or watching videos related to the meaning of the angel number 11 11, and now you were guided to this website….

You see, everything happens for a reason. The most important message behind the angel number 11 11 is spiritual awakening. But, first of all, your angels want you to know that:

#1 You’ve always had spiritual powers. It’s just that society made you forget them, or perhaps you got lost chasing one goal after another and eventually disconnected from your true purpose.

#2 From now on, it’s time to spend more time in your heart and follow your intuition. Even if it sounds scary at first, don’t worry. Just take the first step.

We (Elena, the writer of this blog + your angels now unexpectedly channeling this message through her) invite you to read this article with your heart, not your logical mind. Feel how good that feels! Cherish that amazing feeling of inner freedom and unconditional love where there’s no judgment, and everything happens for your highest good!

#3 You are your own mentor, leader, and guru.

All the answers you need are already within you. Yes, other people can help you to be more open to your inner guidance and intuition. But from now on, absorb all the information using your heart as much as possible. And remember that you create your own rules.

Be grateful for the wisdom shared by others but remember that everything comes from the Spirit. Always set firm attention to stay connected to your highest truth!

So…before we dive deeper into the meaning of the angel number 11 11, your angels want you to:

1. Remember how powerful you are and that you always were; it’s time to re-discover that truth.

2. Be more in your heart. Set the intention to bathe in the joys of your heart.

3. Be your best teacher, mentor, guru, and leader. Not from a place of ego or competition (“I know everything,” “I am better than them”) but from a place of pure connection.

The mindset (and heartset) of pure connection is: “We are all connected to the Spirit, and we all discover our unique truth from different channels when the time is right, but it’s for each one of us to decide who we truly are and follow that truth with grace.”

What Does the Angel Number 11 11 Mean in Numerology?

1111 is a beautiful and empowering message from the angelic realms that reminds you are always supported by forces you cannot see. 11 11 angel number wants to strengthen your belief in something you cannot see and never allow any negative external circumstances to shape your inner world.

It may seem like nothing is happening on the outside; perhaps you’ve been working on a project or something important to you, and you feel like you’re not going anywhere or want to quit.

See 11 11 as a sign to go inwards so that you can gently release all the unhelpful energies and mindsets. 11 11 stands for new, powerful beginnings. Those beginnings require you make some changes inside yourself. What changes exactly, you may ask? Only you and your angels know.

So, keep asking your subconscious mind and your angels:

“What do I need to release to manifest my desires?”

Keep affirming: “I am willing to be guided, thank You, thank You thank You”.

Recommended Book:

Manifestation Angels: Divine Messages to Manifest Your Desires with Joy and Ease 

What Does the Angel Number 11 11 Mean for Transforming Your Life?

By sending you the angel number 11 11, your angels and guides want you to feel well taken care of and relieved. Celebrate and feel excited whenever you see the angel number 11 11!

However, remember to stay humble. Do not get absorbed by spiritual pride or feelings of superiority just because you’re seeing angel number 11 11.

See it as a sign that you’re in the process of deep transformation and your angels want you to know something. At the same time, remember that your angels can communicate their messages not only through numbers but also through other people and signs.

These signs don’t have to be unusual. And people your angels may choose to communicate through don’t have to look spiritual. They can be what seems to you like normal, everyday people or even people you’ve known for years.

Your angels are sending you 11 11 number to ensure you open your eyes, ears, and feelings. They want you to be very aware and conscious. But don’t fall into the trap of overdoing spirituality, dropping everything you’ve been doing in one second to look for more signs.

The real spiritual challenge and blessing lie in…continuing to do your normal, everyday tasks and projects but in a different, more empowered, conscious, and grateful way. Some call such a way of life: Zen lifestyle 🙂

If you keep at it, you will attract amazing things into your life.

If for whatever reason, you find it hard to believe the message I’m sharing (do your normal tasks with new energy), I invite you to take a look at what spiritual numerology says about angel numbers 11 11…

It’s not my intention to convince you of anything. I’m simply sharing what I’m supposed to share for the highest good of everyone who felt guided to read it.

Remember that the angel number 11 11 stands for alignment of the highest good. Number 1 is often referred to as God’s number. And number 11 11 amplifies that energy by four times!

1+1+1+1= 4

In numerology, the number 4 stands for stability, harmony, order, conscientiousness, and determination.

Everything comprises four elements: earth, water, air, and fire, so 4 is a perfect number where everything is present.

4 is also a feminine number –a beautiful sign for effortless manifesting and new beginnings.

This is why the angel number 11 11 is also an invitation to see the divine perfection in everything that has ever happened is happening and will happen in your life.

One of the best ways to get started is to take a few breaths and say: Thank You – Thank You – Thank You.

It doesn’t matter what you do; what matters is how you do it.

The Universe always reads your real motivations and energies behind your actions. Energy never lies. Angel 11 11 is an invitation to dive deep and make peace with yourself. Feel free to do so one step at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself.

What Does the Angel Number 11 11 Mean for New Beginnings?

As I already mentioned, angel number 1111 wants to prepare you for excellent opportunities coming to you. The keyword here is: PREPARE. Your angels want you to take extra care of your mindset and energy. Be conscious as never before, and it will all pay off. Whatever it is you’re doing, infuse it with love and positive energy 🙂

What to Do When You Stop Seeing Angel Number 11 11?

Don’t panic! If you stop seeing angel number 11 11 or you’re not seeing it as often as you used to, it doesn’t mean that you’re losing your spiritual powers or are not being looked after. You are never alone.

Sometimes your angels may be very persistent at sending you different repeated numbers or signs. They keep persisting until you take notice. When you do, they may stop for a while, only to return later to help you reach a new step on your journey.

The bottom line is – whether you’re seeing a lot of repeated signs like 11 11 angel numbers or stop seeing them, or see it every now and then, this is not some spiritual competition.

We’re not getting grades based on how many 11 11 angel numbers or other repeated numbers we see throughout the day.

Everyone is on a different journey. Embrace your journey and your uniqueness. For now, your angels want you to see divine perfection and unconditional love in everything, this is your next spiritual challenge, and it should feel good.

It will help you overcome many hidden barriers that might have been holding you back from manifesting your best life. Or perhaps your old way of living was stuck in your ego and self-imposed limitations.

It’s time to let that go. If needed, your angels will introduce you to the right people, books, or other resources to guide you.

Relax and enjoy the beautiful feelings of trust and being well taken care of.

What Does Angel Number 11 11 Mean for Manifesting with the Law of Attraction?

If you’re mastering the Law of Attraction, whatever you desire to manifest, whether it’s love, abundance, or an aligned career path, the main message behind 11 11 angel number is – pay attention to your thoughts.

Or better yet- pay extra attention to your thoughts.

Don’t say: “Oh, but I already do!”

You can always move forward- of course, take a gentle approach. Be good to yourself. Employ the role of a mindful observer.

If you are stuck with persistent negative thoughts, be grateful that the Universe is showing you what you need to release. Use manifestation meditation or cord-cutting techniques we share on this blog to create a spiritual and systematic approach to releasing negativity.

If you’re still feeling stuck, don’t worry. Ask for help! Use manifestation prayer to manifest the unique answers you need 🙂

What Does Angel Number 11 11 mean for Changing Your Thoughts?

Dive deep into your thoughts and the real reason behind them. 1111 is all about taking full responsibility. Once again, you’re not alone. But you need to be willing to be guided.

Spend more time in self-reflection and be aware of your thoughts. You may say: “Oh, but I think positive thoughts about financial abundance all the time!”

And that’s great because you’re moving forward and taking meaningful action to use your mind positively. Now it’s time to dive deeper and investigate the origin and nature of your thoughts.

Because if you choose to think about abundance because you feel lack, then the Universe will pick it up…we manifest what we hold inside us. Thoughts are like a bridge, but we need to be aware of where we’re going (our desires) and where we’re coming from (the why behind our desires and their energetic vibration).

So, if you desire to manifest financial abundance, dive deeper and ask yourself why. And remember that you are in charge of your thoughts.

So, align your why with abundance instead of lack. The easiest and fastest way to do so is to be grateful for everything you have. Practice radical and unconditional gratitude. This will help you shift your focus to the one of abundance and being well taken care of.

At the same time, create a beautiful and empowering why.

You can use your favorite manifesting techniques, and on this blog, Elena shares many of them in a step-by-step way. Choose the one you like and feel like doing. They all work beautifully. But you need to clean up your inner state first. Be in gratitude and abundance.

Then, use manifesting techniques to amplify that state and visualize, affirm or write about your new possibilities and desired realities.

As you do so, remember to be open-minded and trust that the Universe and your angels will guide you. So even if it seems that things don’t go your way, perhaps you didn’t get the job you wanted, choose to see it as success. You didn’t get the job you wanted because something better awaits you.

You were not rejected; you were redirected 🙂

Angel Number 11 11 Meaning – Hidden Intuitive Messages Revealed

In summary, angel number 11 11 is full of positive and empowering messages! Prepare for and expect many good things to manifest in your life! Make room for new beginnings by decluttering your home, office, and your mind!

So, remember that:

You are worthy of manifesting your heart’s desires simply because you exist! Keep affirming that as much as you can!

Love yourself and others like never before. Keep on amplifying that powerful force with daily gratitude and meditation.

Your angels are persistent, and they may choose to send you particular signs until you fully embody and understand them.

Don’t attach any spiritual superiority or “levels of awareness/enlightenment” when you see 11 11 angel number or other numbers.

– Promise yourself to stop overthinking and be more in your heart.

Connect with your intuition by affirming that you’re willing to be guided.

Recommended Book: Manifestation Prayer Secrets: How to Ask, Embody, and Receive

-Have faith, and your fears will keep fading away;

-Affirm that you’re now open to new beginnings;

You’re not alone, so talk and pray to your angels;

Your heart is stronger than your ego, and it connects you with the Divine realm. When you feel anxious or stressed out, set the intention to be in your heart. Go fully in and bathe in the joys of your heart!

-1111 is a sign of reassurance that your soul is on the right path.

-1111 message goes beyond your physical existence and this life as well as what you can manifest. Yes, it’s very helpful for improving your life, but it’s also a sign that your soul is cleansing and healing. As you’re healing on a soul level, you will notice very powerful energetic shifts in all areas of your life. Your healing also helps those around you!

So, remember how powerful you are, and always choose love and light.

11 11 Angel Number and Raising Your Vibration

11 11 angel number is also a reminder to take care of your vibrations. Raising your vibration is key to amplifying your connection with your intuition. It also helps you see things from a new level of consciousness so that you can attract powerful solutions into your life.

Everything is energy, and mastering your energy is the key to mastering the Law of Attraction!

If you’re ready to raise your vibration and supercharge your manifestations, I warmly invite you to join my mailing list (you will be notified of my new posts as this one) and sign up for a free copy of my LOA Workbook (eBook & audiobook) designed to help you raise your vibration in 5 days or less🙂