66 Throat Chakra Affirmations: Express Yourself with Ease and Confidence!

Throat chakra affirmations are positive affirmations designed to help you release energetic blocks in your throat chakra area. But why is balancing your throat chakra important, and what benefit does it have for your manifestations?

Well, it’s simple. When your throat chakra is in balance, your desires are in balance. This means you know what you want and have your values and standards. You can communicate these to yourself, others, and the Universe. You are in touch with your feelings and can express yourself authentically.

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These affirmations for throat chakra will help you become magnetic to your desires…

So what can happen when your throat chakra is out of synch? How can affirmations help?

From my experience, I can tell you that many of my unwanted manifestations were due to my throat chakra imbalances. I lost touch with myself and wasn’t sure about my goals, desires, and values. I lived with constant stress to prove myself to others. I kept attracting negative people, many misalignments, and even situations when I didn’t feel safe.

Because I didn’t know who I was…

Even if I knew what I desired, I had no clue how to communicate my needs to myself, others, and the Universe. The solution? I had to stop and do some deep inner work, focusing on my authentic confidence and self-expression – everything that throat chakra stands for.

Affirmations were a vital tool to help me rebalance my throat chakra, embrace my creativity and finally, to start this blog😊

When your throat chakra is healthy, you communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly, and with conviction. You may also feel more creative and expressive. Not to mention other mental benefits such as improved mental clarity, increased self-confidence, and enhanced intuition.

In this post, I want to show you how to balance your throat chakra with affirmations. The affirmations for the throat chakra you’re about to discover are meant to be used more than once. So, focus on the affirmations that resonate with you and intend to make them an integral part of your self-talk and thoughts.

Throat chakra affirmations are a self-growth, mindset, and energy tool that can revitalize your communication, intuition, self-esteem, and self-expression. But you need to stay mindful and be willing to do and see things differently.

If you struggle with confidence and desire to rebuild yourself authentically, I highly recommend you check out my full program, contained in my book: Authentic Self-Confidence: Manifest Your Best Life by Becoming Who You Truly Are.

Now, in my book, I don’t talk about throat chakra…

Instead, I focus on inner work to help you heal any imbalances associated with playing small, fear of being heard or seen, and fear of expressing yourself authentically or following your passion.

You can grab the complete 7-step inner work program (all included in a book or eBook) on Amazon HERE.

Authentic Self-Confidence by Elena G.Rivers

If you ever feel blocked and don’t do what you want because you fear other people’s opinions and judgments…I feel my book will lift you up and help you shift your mindset!

Now, let’s learn more about affirmations and other tools for throat chakra rebalancing😊

Throat Chakra Affirmations can help you boost confidence and creativity in an authentic way:)

Why is Throat Chakra Important for Manifesting Your Best Life?

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra located in the area of the throat. It helps you with communication and expressing your truth in a kind, but if needed, assertive way. When your throat chakra is balanced, you can easily express your feelings or other messages you desire to share with the world.

Balancing your throat chakra is vital if you want to manifest a new job or career. When your throat chakra is balanced, you know who you are and what you want. So, your focus is crystal clear.

And even if you don’t know what kind of a job you want, you can still trust yourself that you will soon find your answers. So, don’t waste your time dwelling on negative feelings of self-guilt or confusion.

For example, “I don’t know how to find my purpose. Something must be wrong with me.” can be shifted to:

“I am on a journey of self-discovery and loving it. I love learning about myself. Learning and growing can be my purpose for now!”.

Read more on the power of positive self-talk:)

What else can happen when your throat chakra is imbalanced?

If your throat chakra is imbalanced, you may feel unmotivated or shy. You may also procrastinate or hide from the world. In many cases, blocked throat chakra leads to blocked creativity or unexpressed genius…

Luckily, affirmations for throat chakra can help you dive deep, change your thoughts and feelings and embrace the authentic self-expression you deserve.

Balancing your throat chakra through affirmations will also give you an enhanced feeling of self-awareness and intuition. Remember that you can trust yourself in designing your own life!

The following throat chakra affirmations can be used with meditations or visualizations. For example, you can visualize yourself as you express yourself freely or communicate your ideas with others.

Use these affirmations to boost your confidence by helping you release old mindsets that no longer serve you and start designing your life from new energy and a new paradigm of authentic self-expression.

Let’s dive into my favorite affirmations for throat chakra to help you become a confident manifestor!

66 Positive Affirmations for Throat Chakra Balance

#1 I speak calmly and confidently.

#2 I allow myself to speak my truth.

#3 It’s safe for me to express myself.

#4 It’s safe for me to speak my truth.

#5 I refuse to live in fear.

#6 I release fears to be heard and seen.

#7 It’s safe for me to be heard and seen.

#8 People love my ideas.

#9 Everyone appreciates me and my ideas.

#10 I express my needs clearly.

#11 I know when to speak and when to embrace silence.

#12 I attract people who are ready to listen to me.

#13 I attract people who appreciate me and my truth.

#14 I am honest about who I am.

#15 I love who I am.

#16 I refuse to gossip or speak negatively about others.

#17 I listen to others with attention and empathy they deserve.

#18 I love my voice. I love listening to myself.

#19 I am kind to myself.

#20 Every day, I speak to myself with love and compassion I deserve.

#21 I choose to live a life of balance, harmony, and compassion.

#22 The words I speak resonate with my Highest Good.

#23 I take responsibility for the words I speak and the thoughts I think.

#24 I understand my emotions, and I’m grateful they speak to me.

#25 It’s safe for me to express my feelings, and I attract people who understand and respect me.

#26 I speak up for myself.

#27 I take good care of myself to be able to express myself clearly.

#28 I love expressing my gratitude towards life.

#29 I choose to speak with love, kindness, and compassion.

#30 I love energizing and healing my throat chakra.

#31 I am ready to receive divine wisdom.

#32 I am one with my soul and my Higher Self.

#33 It’s safe for me to follow my purpose.

#34 It’s safe for me to express my purpose.

#35 I speak and act in alignment with my Higher Self.

#36 I am truthful to myself and others.

#37 My voice is always heard and appreciated.

#38 I refuse to misuse my energy, therefore, I set clear boundaries.

#39 I communicate my rules and needs with my energy, actions, and words.

#40 The way I speak is in alignment with my Higher Self.

#41 I am always understood.

#42 I honor my truth.

#43 I live an authentic life.

#44 I am confident about who I am.

#45 I choose to embody my truth.

#46 I speak in a balanced and harmonious way.

#47 I release fear and shame about the way I speak.

#48 I am a unique child of God, and so is the way I express myself.

#49 I deserve to express myself in my own unique way.

#50 I respect other people’s choices and how they express themselves.

#51 I feel at peace with what I’m creating in this world and how I express myself.

#52 Every day is a unique opportunity to grow and express myself.

#53 I release any attachments and enjoy my authentic self-expression journey.

#54 I honor my inner truth and speak with integrity.

#55 I trust my intuition.

#56 I express my needs in a healthy way.

#57 I am a great communicator.

#58 I am powerful in speech and action.

#59 My mind is saturated with positive and uplifting thoughts.

#60 I know how to uplift myself and others.

#61 Everyone realizes the value I share through my authentic self-expression.

#62 My presence is always powerful and inspiring to those around me.

#63 My presence creates peace, harmony, and balance.

#64 I speak from my heart.

#65 I clearly express who I am.

#66 I enjoy deep conversations.

How to use throat chakra affirmations for best results

Tips for getting the most out of affirmations for throat chakra:

– If you change any of the above affirmations or make your own, make sure that the affirmations you create are always positive and present tense statements.

– You can repeat your throat chakra affirmations out loud, in your head, or write them down. This can be a part of your manifesting ritual or practice, or you can use them to shift your mindset whenever you need to.

For example, you may have a negative thought such as: “Nobody listens to me anyway, so what’s the point of sharing my point with my boss and team?” You can replace it with a positive thought through an affirmation.

Here’s the process I go through (more on that in my book: Authentic Self-Confidence😊 ):

“Hold on…is this really true? Does God/Universe say that it’s a Universal, international law that nobody listens to me? Nope. It’s just my old mindset. Somehow it was trying to protect me. And this mindset can be changed by how I talk to myself!”

Then, I add a positive affirmation such as: “People love to listen to what I have to say and value my ideas and advice. In fact, my ideas are worthy of high compensation because they are so valuable!”

You can self-talk yourself into manifesting your deepest desires!

Your positive self-talk leads to positive actions and positive momentum!

– When you repeat your affirmations for the throat chakra, focus your attention on the affirmations and let go of all other thoughts. This may take some practice, but it’s worth it. You need to be in charge of your thoughts. Those negative thoughts will lead you to funky states and undesired realities if left without control. This is not to scare you that something bad will happen if you don’t listen to me, lol.

I just want to motivate you to fill your beautiful mind with positive thoughts because it feels so good, and you are so worth it!

–Use your throat chakra affirmations regularly until you see results and beyond! This journey never stops, and there’s always the next level of expressing yourself. See your manifesting and self-growth journey as something infinite. No beginning and no end. Because you are INFINITE!

Oh, and finally….

Believe in yourself and know that you deserve to live an authentic life and that it’s safe to be you! You deserve to be surrounded by people who love and respect you for who you are and who value your skills, ideas, and voice.

What Else Can You Do to Balance Your Throat Chakra, Aside from Affirmations?

Crystals can help you rebalance your throat chakra on an energetic level. The most “acknowledged” throat chakra crystals are:


-Lapis Lazuli;

-Amazonite and

-Blue Calcite.

My personal choice is this aquamarine necklace (it’s beautiful, and you can get one very inexpensively from Amazon):

Learn more about manifestation crystals HERE

Throat Chakra Affirmations + Inner Work

Balancing Your Throat Chakra with Affirmations – Final Words

Affirmations are a great mindset and energy tool to help you balance your throat chakra.

When used regularly and with a deep intention to transform yourself, they can help you shift your energy and manifest positive outcomes in your life.

If you are ready to start using affirmations to balance your throat chakra, then focus on the affirmations from this post.

Choose the ones that resonate with you and start using them today. You may be surprised at how quickly they begin to work. So, don’t wait any longer. Get started today and see the results for yourself!

If you are looking to get serious with the power of authentic self-confidence and self-expression,

get this book, follow the steps and do the inner work:)

Your throat chakra will be so grateful😊


Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting