Things Getting Worse When Manifesting? Here’s What to Do…

So, you have been focused on manifesting something amazing…but things are getting worse…

As a result, you start doubting yourself: “Am I doing something wrong”?

Very few gurus talk about it. In fact, the topic “What to do when things get worse when manifesting” is often avoided…

Most will give you generic advice: “just be more positive”, or: “bury your head in the sand”.

But there’s a little elephant in the room that needs to be addressed…so that you can manifest your desires exactly like you envisioned, and this is why I’m writing this post!

What Do We Do When We Have Been Manifesting and Things Seem to Be Getting Worse?

It’s actually quite common…so before you go on a guilt trip, thinking that this stuff doesn’t work, or worse yet, that there’s something wrong with you…read this post several times to find the motivation, positivity, and faith you need to manifest your desires (because, eventually, you will!)

So, what are we talking about? Can things get worse when manifesting?

For example, let’s say you have been wanting to manifest money…you have been doing everything you can to manifest more of it. It looked like you were getting a pay rise, but in the end, you lost your job…

Or you have been manifesting a new client…you almost made a deal, but in the end, that client signed up with one of your competitors, and now you feel like you wasted your time and energy…

Maybe you have been trying to manifest a specific person

Only to find out that they are dating someone else…

Why, why, why?

What am I doing wrong?

Release All the “I Am Doing Something Wrong” Mindsets

And take a few deep breaths…

The first truth to embrace is that sometimes, the Universe wants to test us…

Our motivations, our why, our faith, our confidence…

Right now, you can make a choice…

You can believe you were rejected…or you can believe you were re-directed…

I don’t know about you, but I always prefer the second option!

So, that’s the first step taken…

This is how you can choose to believe that the Law of Attraction is working for you, not against you…

You can embrace your higher awareness and mindfully decide that what happened to you happened for you and that you are being re-directed to something bigger and better…

At the same time, it all comes to understanding this – if you focus on the 3D reality (what is, obstacle), the message you send to the Universe (and your subconscious mind) is that you don’t have faith in yourself…

You are questioning why obstacles come. You are no longer in a state of certainty…

Instead, you are a person who wants and needs. Not the best energy to be in.

But you can shift to a better state in a matter of seconds or minutes…

Here’s a little secret…

You always need to BE the version of you who already has what you desire.


You can’t control incidents…

You can’t control what’s outside you…

You can only focus on what’s inside you…

You can control your perception and your reaction…

You can persist and transcend the 3D reality (it’s only your old thoughts, and now you’re onto something better anyway!).

Trust with absolute faith that your desire will show up, and it will.

Passing the Test from the Universe

At the same time, sometimes the Universe wants to test us…

You never know what its bigger and better plans are…

Perhaps you didn’t close the deal with that client…because it wouldn’t be the best fit anyway…

But now, you can attract a much better business opportunity.

Or, maybe you didn’t attract a relationship with a specific person…but later you learn that the person you seemed to be in love with was a narcissistic abuser…so by not manifesting a relationship with them, you actually saved yourself from narcissistic abuse…and now you can manifest someone much, much better!

Now, it may be hard when you feel like everything is spiraling out of control…

But once again… it’s all about living in the end. Absolute, unconditional faith and certainty.

You Can’t Be Rejected by the Loving and Caring Universe.

But, you can be re-directed…

Remember, you can manifest. You are a powerful manifestor.

Just focus on the story of what it is you’re desiring and why you want it.

What is the outcome you want?

Do this quick journaling exercise to help you focus on living in the end while raising your vibration in a really powerful way:

-you have now manifested your desire…who do you call?

-you have now manifested your desire…how do you live?

-you have now manifested your desire…how do you think? What’s on your mind?

-you have now manifested your desire…so… what’s the next one?

-you have now manifested your desire…what are you grateful for and why?

My Story of Overcoming Manifesting Obstacles…

My first books didn’t do very well…

I felt tempted to quit many times…

And as someone who writes about the Law of Attraction, I felt like a fraud.

If I can’t manifest my success, who am I to be helping other people?

But something deep inside me told me to keep going.

Something deep inside me told me that it was all just a test…a beginner’s test and that I had to learn to be in this game for the long term…

So, I kept going…I knew there was something I didn’t know, and I knew I couldn’t find it in books, courses, and seminars…

Do you know why?

Because I knew it was something I had to figure out myself, based on my personal struggles and obstacles and overcoming them eventually…

Some days were hard…I cried…I prayed. I felt defeated…

But…somehow, I could still reconnect with that little spark of inner faith…

It felt like getting a very clear message from the Universe and my guardian angels…

Keep going…keep going…you will discover your truth, your true, authentic manifestation system, by overcoming your struggles and finding yourself on the other side of your fears and doubts.

So, I kept taking action, even though I didn’t see any success in my 3D reality.

But, my new approach and my deep faith in “I am discovering my own truth and my own manifestation system” is what kept me going…

In my mind, I was living in the end

In my mind, I was a successful author, and so I kept doing what any successful author would do- write.

And this is how I discovered many lessons and amazing truths I can share with you today via this blog and books…this is how Elena G.Rivers was born…

Now, I am not the only one talking about this…

Many writers and famous LOA gurus talk about something similar…

But…I could never get it just by reading about it.

I had to experience it myself.

I had to go through hardship, obstacles, and uncertainty…

Because this is how I learned more about myself, my passion, my mission, and my WHY…

I know you can do the same…

This is why I wanted to inspire you with some words of courage and motivation.

You are powerful…

You are infinite…

You are well taken care of…

You got this, and all is amazing in your world.

Focus on the positivity as much as possible…but first, acknowledge obstacles as your teachers and as your manifestation messengers…

Your Manifestation Is Closer Than You Think…and the Universe Is Testing and Helping You at the Same Time…

You have passed this test! With flying colors!

Keep focusing on what you desire with positive emotion.

Things can get worse before they get better…

But this is who we can reconnect with our resilience…

Our true motivation…

Our why…

This is how we really master the art of manifestation – something that is already so deep within us…something that we always do anyways…

But it’s in times of uncertainty that we actually get to do the inner work…

Think about it…what do most people do when things go very well?

They take it for granted and never go deep within themselves.

Every successful person has a story of things getting worse in their lives…which led them to learn more about themselves so that they could transform and really learn how to live in the end and focus on the positive.

So, here’s how to get out of the manifesting”funk”…

#1 Write down 111 things you are grateful for in your life. Yes! You heard me right- 111 things! Look back at your life… I’m sure you have many “it got worse before it got better” stories, right?

#2 Read about manifestation success stories. Autobiographies written by successful people are also great!

#3 Raise your vibration by doing something you love… listening to your favorite music, going for a hike… meeting a friend… laughing…doing whatever makes you feel good!

#4 Create an interview with yourself…yes! Imagine someone is interviewing you. And you share all the ups and downs you went through on your journey to manifesting success.

#5 Create empowering stories and affirmations using the Law of Assumption…

These 3 posts will show you how😊:

27 Life-Changing Law of Assumption Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams with Joy & Ease

How to Manifest Faster with the Law of Assumption

Neville Goddard Quotes & Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Check out my book How Not to Manifest on Amazon:)