The Secret Ancient Ritual That Could Manifest So Much in Your Life….

I’ve recently been reading a lot about emotional negativity– and how to deal with it.

I mean, how to really deal with it at a deeper level. I am not talking about some superficial layer of fake positivity (you know…when you try to look positive on the outside, but deep inside, you’re stewing with deep-rooted negativity that is preventing you from manifesting your best life).

I’m sure you understand what I’m talking about…

For example, you get addicted to negative thoughts about yourself or others or your circumstances – and you struggle to stop that inner chatter 🙁

Or you want to commit to something, but then you get worried that you’re going to fail (or get rejected) and embarrass yourself…:(So you don’t even try… and miss out on life.It’s exhausting and frustrating, especially when it feels like that negative inner chatter is driving your actions and predominant vibration. And it’s hard to “manually” change each negative thought you have…

Luckily, there are tools you can use to heal the root of your inner negativity with ancient energy healing, and when you do so, your energy, mindset, and thoughts change instantly and automatically; this is how powerful this ancient system is!

ancient energy healing for manifesting

You see, as I was exploring this field, I decided to go deeper to the roots of the problem – and learn more about so-called limiting beliefs, how they accumulate in our energy fields (which explains why we keep attracting the same old circumstances and can’t grow and expand) and how to let go of them using ancient healing techniques.

As Dr Joe Dispenza puts it beautifully: we can’t influence matter with matter.

I mean, technically, we can, but it’s a very slow and often unsuccessful process…

To manifest successfully and powerfully, we need to know how to heal our energy first and use it to heal our vibrations and thoughts…therefore becoming a magnet to a myriad of new, positive realities…

But first things first…what are limiting beliefs and how do they affect our predominant vibration and energy field?

It’s a set of beliefs that are deeply hidden, or shall I say stuck, in your subconscious mind.

They sabotage not only the quality of your daily life but also your ability to visualize and manifest a better future. They are like a filter you carry on without even knowing 🙁

Think about someone you admire, for example, someone very successful in a field that interests you. Suppose you want to become an online influencer and a coach. There’s a mentor you follow online, and you admire them. Everything seems so much easier for them.

For example, they create a program, go live on their social media, talk about it with confidence, and boom…they fill all the spots with ease. Not only that, but they also attract wonderful clients!

But…other person struggles…they can’t make any sales, and if they do, they attract negative clients who don’t want to follow through or ask for refunds…

Another example (many of my readers can relate)- you work hard and can’t manifest a better job opportunity or promotion. But one of your colleagues is climbing the corporate ladder with ease…they always seem to be at the right place at the right time. Their energy is magnetic to amazing opportunities

Well, it’s simple- they don’t carry your filter of limiting beliefs. And so, they see and attract more opportunities….

However, your personal filter might be carrying a ton of limitations that prevent you from spotting new opportunities and growing with ease…

When did those limitations aka limiting beliefs get there?

Usually already in your childhood…and we often think of them as “something normal”.

But I can guarantee that the person who got that promotion with ease, or the person who attracted their dream clients (even though you worked harder), had a different set of beliefs and wouldn’t take yours as something normal…

So…the million-dollar question…

How to get rid of those limiting beliefs? Some people choose to bathe in them and blame their family and friends for the rest of their lives…But that is not the choice I made….and I hope you can make a different choice too…

Because when you get rid of your limitations and begin to shine your true light as a master manifestor, you will be able to help those around you….just by being you. People need more inspiring people….not just on social media or TV, but around them, in real life.

So, no matter who you are or where you come from. Even if you choose to live a normal (but super empowered life), but choose to release your limitations and embody your best self…you won’t have to explain anything to anyone.

Your energy will speak for itself, and everyone will be so inspired just by your mere presence alone…

I’m sure you’re excited by now and want to give this energy healing a go to release your limiting beliefs and re-program your subconscious mind for success, love, health, and wealth…

How do we go about it? What is the fastest and most effective way?
Well that’s a whole new ballgame…

Sorry, correction: NOT that new.

Already ancient Chinese, Aztecs, and Romans were using this particular thing for rituals of self-discovery, growth, and energy healing, which, from my experience, is the fastest way to transform your subconscious mind and align it with your dream reality…

As it turns out, working with this ancient energy healing ritual could open you up not only to your subconscious mind, but also to your dream realities.

For thousands of years, this knowledge passed from master to student, but today, still very few people know about it. One of the teachers who’s actively sharing this knowledge to help people (not only celebs but normal people, like you and I, people who deserve to unlock the power of manifesting to create beautiful lives for themselves and their loved ones).

Now, after years of research and fine-tuning (energy healing and metaphysical knowledge is not easy to teach using words, so teachers of this material usually need a lot of time to make their teachings easy to understand and apply for modern people) , Dr. Joe Vitale wants to share it with you in his free training:

Watch it here and let it change your life!

This discovery is the key to designing and creating a positive, abundant life that you desire AND deserve.

If that’s something up your alley, give it a go.

The training will take you about 20-30 minutes, so grab a tea, a notebook, and lock yourself up. You want to stay focused.

All the best on your manifesting journey,

With love and gratitude,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

P.S. Who is Dr. Joe Vitale?

I first saw Joe in The Secret. He has since appeared in several other movies and shows (like Larry King Live). He became a bestselling author of more than 50 books – including The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits, and his most recent The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment.

But first and foremost, Joe is an experienced teacher and expert in using the Law of Attraction to create success and meaning in any area of your life.

His life’s calling is to help people. And whether you feel you’re not reaching your full potential or you’re struggling to see results with the Law of Attraction – Dr. Vitale knows how to help you.

Watch his free training on 3-step formula to powerful manifestation here.