69 High-Vibe Sunday Affirmations for Joy, Love, and Gratitude

Sunday affirmations are positive statements that will help you embrace and amplify the feelings of joy, gratitude, love, self-love, and self-care. They can also help you let go of stress (such as “Oh no, it’s Monday tomorrow”) and replace it with positive feelings of excitement for the new week.

At the same time, Sunday affirmations you’re just about to discover in this post will make you experience and magnify the power of the present moment so that you feel at peace and grateful!

How to Use Sunday Affirmations to Recharge Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Take a look at the Sunday affirmations I created for this post and pick up the category that speaks to you.

Simply choose several affirmations you like and repeat them throughout the day.

You can also use them when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Another great idea to use Sunday affirmations is to combine them with your journaling practice.

You can also create your own affirmations cards.

If you’re using Sunday affirmations to have a great time with family and friends, and want to heal any past misunderstandings, then I’d suggest you combine your Sunday affirmations with the Ho’oponopono practice (you can learn more about it here).

The Healing Power of Ho’oponopono to Manifest Forgiveness, Healing, Inner Peace & Self-Love

Sunday Affirmations for Amazing Family Re-Unions

#1 I’m so grateful for my family.

#2 I love my family, and they love me.

#3 My family loves and appreciates me for who I am.

#4 I always have a fantastic time with my family.

#5 I’m so happy and grateful I have a family.

#6 My family cares about me, and I care about them.

#7 I feel so thankful for every minute I get to spend with my incredible family!

#8 Even though, in my family, we often have different opinions and ways of doing things, at the end of the day, we always love and support each other.

#9 I love complimenting my family members.

#10 I love taking care of my family!

#11 I’m so happy and grateful that, in my family, we always get on well!

Please note, if you want to use Sunday affirmations to heal any past misunderstandings with somebody from your family, I highly recommend you read more about the Law of Assumption affirmations (and the Law of Assumption).

You’ll discover the healing power of creating positive movies in your mind inspired by the timeless teachings of Neville Goddard.

Check Out These Life-Changing Techniques Below:

27 Life-Changing Law of Assumption Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams with Joy & Ease

How to Manifest Faster with the Law of Assumption

Neville Goddard Quotes & Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

Sunday Affirmations to Manifest an Amazing Time with Friends

#12 All my friends are kind, loving, supportive, and high vibe.

#13 I feel so grateful for my friends because they always brighten up my day.

#14 I can trust my friends, and they can trust me.

#15 My friends are like a family to me!

#16 My friends always support me and my goals.

#17 My friends give me a fantastic boost of motivation. They are so loving, kind, and supportive.

#18 My friends love me for who I am, and I’m glad and grateful I can be myself.

#19 I always have an incredible time with my friends!

#20 The memories I created with my friends are genuinely magical.

Sunday Morning Affirmations for Energy, Positivity

#21 I’m so grateful for yet another beautiful day in my life, and I’m going to use it wisely.

#22 It feels so good to wake up feeling joyful and positive today!

#23 I love amplifying the feelings of gratitude on Sundays!

#24 It feels so good to plan my Sunday positively.

#25 Today is when I celebrate the magic of creation, life, and transformation.

#26 I am full of energy, joy, and vitality.

#27 Today, I choose to inspire someone and make them happy because it feels so good.

Sunday Evening Affirmations for Relaxation and Peace of Mind

#28 I love relaxing my body, mind, and soul.

#29 Giving myself some time and space to relax feels so good.

#30 I am the creator of my reality, and today I choose to slow down, relax and appreciate what I have.

#31 I know that relaxing my body, mind, and soul is crucial for attracting more success, so I plan my Sundays wisely.

#32 I know that gratitude is vital if I am to succeed, so I choose to fill my Sundays with gratitude and amplify it by 10, 100, 1000, and 10000!

Sunday Affirmations to Let Go of Stress and Negativity

#33 I know that if I let go and relax today, I’ll feel productive and stress-free tomorrow.

#34 I feel so grateful I can just let go and relax today!

#35 On Sundays, I charge my positivity batteries so high that no negativity can get me.

#36 On Sundays, I start a new chapter in my life.

#37 Sundays are so magical to me. I get to let go of what no longer serves me and start a new week feeling absolutely fabulous.

Sunday Affirmations to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

#38 I feel so grateful I am alive, and I get to celebrate this wonderful day.

#39 I’m so appreciative of the nature around me.

#40 I am so proud of myself and the work I did last week!

#41 Every week, I’m getting better and better, and I celebrate myself and my success every Sunday.

#42 I love celebrating every little milestone on my journey.

#43 I love journaling about my achievements. Today, I give myself a big A!

#44 I eliminate the word “failure” from my life. There’s only feedback!

#45 I am so grateful for all the amazing life lessons I was given to grow and improve.

Sunday Affirmations for Self-Care

#46 I always take care of myself, but Sunday is a special pamper day!

#47 Recharging my batteries on Sundays feels so good.

#48 Fresh air, good food, nature, and loving people is what I love doing on Sundays.

#49 The more I take care of myself, the better I become.

#50 I am worthy of self-care.

#51 I love self-care!

#52 I feel well taken care of by the Universe/God/Divine  

#53 Sunday Self-Care is magical to me!

Sunday Affirmations for Self-Love

#54 I love myself just the way I am.

#55 I am at the right place at the right time.

#56 I feel at peace with myself and my life.

#57 I love and accept myself just the way I am.

#58 My loving aura attracts loving and kind people.

#59 I love the person I have chosen to become.

#60 My self-concept gets better and better every day in every way.

#61 I release the need for validation and approval by others because I approve and validate myself.

#62 I create my own reality.

#63 I understand that self-love is crucial for holistic success, and I choose to love myself more and more.

#64 I am unique, infinite, and abundant.

Sunday Evening Affirmations

#65 I feel so incredibly grateful for this Sunday, and the next one is going to be even better!

#66 I am so thankful I’m finally discovering the art of slowing down on Sundays because tomorrow I’m going to feel so productive and energized.

#67 I am excited to go to work tomorrow!

#68 I choose to sleep well tonight and give my body the peace and relaxation it deserves to be at my absolute best tomorrow.

#69 I can’t wait to radiate my amplified, positive energy tomorrow!

You may also enjoy these beautiful and empowering affirmations for unlimited joy and positivity:

33 Monday Affirmations to Feel Motivated, Empowered, and Excited

27 Heart Chakra Affirmations to Supercharge Your Manifesting Powers and Manifest from PURE LOVE!

6 Morning Ritual Ideas to Supercharge Your Manifesting Powers


Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting