Solar Plexus Chakra – Why It’s Important for Manifesting What You Want + How to Heal It Fast

Solar plexus chakra is all about your personal power, and this post will help you reclaim and amplify it. You will also discover how to create success on your own terms from a new paradigm…A paradigm of unapologetic authenticity, where you feel safe, loved, valued, and powerful, so you become a magnet to attracting circumstances that amplify your positive inner state.

When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you know who you are and what you desire to manifest. Taking action feels effortless; you take responsibility for your life and can make progress or even quantum leaps!

At the same time, if you’re feeling the opposite, that is, you struggle with self-confidence, keep doubting yourself and your abilities, and can’t stay focused on your goals, or you don’t even know what they are, your solar plexus chakra is out of sync.

The good news is that there’s a way out, and you can manifest a new, aligned, and confident version of yourself through solar plexus chakra balancing!

This post will give you step-by-step guidance, mainly focusing on inner work (energy and mindset first – you need to empower yourself and shine your authentic light the way you desire and deserve!).

It will also offer complimentary solar plexus chakra balancing suggestions such as crystals and essential oils.

But for me, personally, inner work (journaling prompts and affirmations) is the most crucial component of creating an incredibly magnetic solar plexus chakra and becoming authentically confident. You need to dive deep, spend some time in self-reflection, and allow your shadows to come to the surface to release them and impress your subconscious mind with what you desire, in alignment with who you truly are.

I hope you’re excited because you’re just about to experience some really powerful inner shifts and manifest your best self!

What You Absolutely Need to Know about Solar Plexus Chakra

When your solar plexus chakra is in harmony, you can easily control your thoughts and release fear and negativity while taking conscious actions and enjoying whatever it is you manifesting.

The solar plexus chakra represents magnetic confidence, personal energy, and unstoppable vitality.

You feel empowered to follow your true, authentic path and create the life you desire.

You take responsibility for your life from that powerful place of empowerment and joy.

This is important to mention because, for some people, “taking responsibility” may also bring up unnecessary feelings of guilt and regret (because their solar plexus chakra is out of synch). I, too, used to be one of those individuals. It slowed me down for a long time ☹

But thanks to doing the inner work associated with solar plexus chakra balance, I quickly realized that it is possible to take full ownership of our lives without feeling guilty.

It’s all about learning from the past and using it as fuel to grow and become the best versions of ourselves. My passion for self-growth motivated me to write and share my discoveries and experiences with others.

I genuinely believe the world needs a massive vibration boost (and collective healthy solar plexus chakra balancing, as it inspires authentic, love-based leadership)

Where is Your Solar Plexus Chakra Located + What It Represents

The solar plexus chakra, called Manipura in Sanskrit, is located in the upper abdomen, about two inches above the navel.

The solar plexus chakra is the third of your seven chakras and the last one of what I like to call your “earthly desires” chakras. After the solar plexus chakra comes your heart chakra.

I often like to think about the heart chakra as a powerful connector because it connects your lower chakras (the ones responsible for your earthly desires) to, what I like to call, your spiritual wealth chakras (upper chakras).

So, the solar plexus chakra communicates your desires to your heart chakra. My belief is that our heart center or chakra is a powerful manifesting magnet and what connects us to the Universe and our Higher selves.

But, back to our main guest, solar plexus chakra

The Sanskrit name, Manipura, means “shining gem” in English.

What a beautiful name for this powerful chakra!

The solar plexus chakra is the central pillar of your personality and identity.

When in harmony, this chakra allows your authentic self to communicate efficiently and be seen without fear.

It’s also important to mention that the solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and extends up to the sternum. So, if you ever need to boost your personal power, for example, before an important meeting, you may want to place your hands on your solar plexus chakra area and remind yourself how powerful you truly are!

This little ritual helps to make friends with your willpower, self-discipline, and self-esteem.

Because the solar plexus chakra embodies your full, authentic potential to transform thought or idea into powerful action.

In other words, the solar plexus chakra fuels your personal power and confidence. This is how you can discover who you truly are and let your authenticity guide you.

Why Solar Plexus Chakra Is So Important for Authentic, Heart-Based Manifesting

Here’s why solar plexus chakra is so important for the manifestation process and how you can start re-balancing it now with a few simple journal prompts:

-Your Identity, Personality, and Self-Concept are Fueled by Your Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra helps you unleash your authentic self and discover who you truly are. It also enables you to understand what your true desires are.

As Doctor Joe Dispenza says: “Your personality creates your personal reality”.

And this is so true because we keep manifesting what we hold inside ourselves, whether we know it or not.

The good news is that we can use the manifestation process consciously. It all starts with clarifying your life values and goals. And guess what…your goals must be authentic.

So, here are a few journal prompts for you:

-If you knew that whatever goal you set for yourself, you would achieve and always be safe, what would you like to do?

-Have you ever worked hard to achieve something only to realize it didn’t make you happy? What propelled you to go after such goals? What kind of goals would make you feel more excited and genuinely fulfilled?

-What is your primary source of motivation? Is it in alignment with your true goals and values?

-What is your ideal vision for life? Describe your ideal workday, day off, holiday, etc. How does it feel? And how would it feel to consciously start thinking, feeling, and acting in alignment with your vision?

If you need more guidance and exercises to re-define who you truly are, I highly recommend you read my book: Authentic Self-Confidence: Manifest Your Best Life by Embracing Who You Truly Are

-Solar Plexus Chakra Fuels Your Personal Power

Your solar plexus chakra empowers your thoughts, emotions, and actions so that you can stay true to yourself. You are always courageous enough to be yourself and to stand up for yourself.

Of course, you don’t argue or lash out at others. You are always able to remain calm and simply explain your values and point of view while respecting others.

Being disrespectful or trying to impose your views on others and feeling superior and righteous would be a symptom of an overactive solar plexus chakra, another extreme imbalance that needs to be taken care of.

Such an imbalance often happens amongst toxic or narcissistic individuals who simply can’t stand the fact that a person can have their own thoughts and viewpoint.

As someone who grew up amongst such dysregulated individuals, I was programmed to stay quiet and feel bad for even attempting to formulate my own opinions or having my own feelings.

So, my solar plexus chakra was definitely underactive (so was my throat chakra!).

Luckily, after embarking on a self-development journey, I discovered a new way of life.

I began attracting people who made me feel safe being myself and expressing my opinions. That made me realize that I could transform myself thanks to daily inner work (similar to what we’re sharing here, ancestral healing work + courage to be me and express myself authentically).

I encourage you to do the same in your own way. I’m sharing my story to let you know that healing is always possible, even if you’ve experienced narcissistic violence or mental abuse.

The first step is to give yourself some space to journal and start asking simple questions such as:

-Who am I?

-Who can I become?

-What do I like?

-What do I value in others?

-How do I want to live?

-What can I do to embrace the feelings of safety? Etc.

Now, let’s move on to other essential characteristics of the solar plexus chakra and what it’s responsible for.

-Your Solar Plexus Chakra Fuels Your Willpower

Your solar plexus chakra makes you feel excited and sets you on fire to help you unleash the willpower and self-discipline you need to move calmly in the direction of your goal.

When your solar plexus chakra is in balance, you don’t need to force yourself to take action because you feel empowered to inspire your action.

Here are a few journal prompts that can help you reconnect with your authentic willpower and self-discipline:

-Is there a specific action I can take daily to help me grow professionally?

-Is there any specific self-care action I can take to help me maintain a healthy, energized body?

-Is there any specific action I can take to develop my mind and change my programming to feel happy, empowered, and successful?

When you find an activity that makes you feel good, commit to it and embrace the feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Even if your solar plexus chakra is a bit out of balance now, by taking small daily actions, you are sending a powerful signal to your subconscious mind such as:

“We always do what we say we would. We can trust ourselves, we are a great team, we love taking inspired action”.

Examples of daily actions that lead to powerful transformations in my own life:

-daily gratitude, journaling, and EFT tapping (result: manifesting peace and emotional health);

daily meditation, even if it’s only 5 minutes a day (result- manifesting spiritual experiences and divine guidance, feeling connected, and embodying unconditional love);

daily reading or listening to audiobooks (result: increasing my awareness, learning new concepts, expanding, overcoming my mental limitations);

-daily writing, even if it’s only 20 minutes (result: growing my blog and book portfolio, helping readers all over the world, feeling accomplished and living my purpose, + writing for my younger self, which is very healing and therapeutic both for me and many readers who have yet to discover and embody this information);

-daily walk or bodyweight exercise at home, even if it’s only 15 minutes, I still do it!

(result: manifesting a healthy life, reducing stress, expanding my mental capacity, enhancing my mood thanks to music and audiobooks I listen to on my walks or while exercising).

These are examples from my own life, and I didn’t implement all of these actions all at once; back then, I would have gotten overwhelmed. I kept taking baby steps every day.

One new mindful habit at a time 🙂

But now, several years later, these daily actions form a part of who I am, and they are so deeply ingrained in my habits and subconscious mind that I keep going. I discovered that my daily structure keeps me incredibly grounded and happy.

This simple process helped me not only manifest fantastic results in all areas of my life but also made me feel good about myself, made me feel like I matter, that I have my own things to do and I can do them, in other words, I can follow my own authentic way.

This helped me change my old programming (where it was all about obeying others and what they wanted me to do).

-Confidence — The solar plexus chakra is also responsible for your self-esteem and self-image. When your solar plexus chakra is balanced, you feel confident to make decisions.

You don’t procrastinate or feel fearful or doubtful. And even if you do, it only happens occasionally, and you’re aware enough to shift to a more empowering state.

Also, since you know who you are and what you want, making decisions is not complicated; all you ask yourself is if you’re in alignment with your values and stay true to yourself.

So, there’s less (or even no) inner struggle, and you can work and achieve goals with much more joy, flow, and ease.

To dive deeper into self-image work, I invite you to read my book: Self-Image Demystified.

Why Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra Creates Toxic Environments

Unfortunately, your solar plexus chakra can also get overactive and lose its harmony. When a given chakra is overactive, it radiates too much-scattered energy and creates an imbalance. Too much of anything is never good for us.

So, here’s how an overactive solar plexus chakra can manifest:

-desiring control over others (and yourself);

-judging too harshly (not only others but also yourself);

-being too critical, stubborn, and set in your ways; not willing to learn from others or hear their point of view;

-feeling angry and aggressive;

The Desired Feeling Behind the Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra

So, what is the ideal outcome we want to achieve with solar plexus chakra inner work?

One thing worth mentioning is that it’s normal that your solar plexus chakra may sometimes feel a bit underactive or overactive.

As long as you know what’s happening, you can quickly remind yourself how the true balance feels and intend to get as close to it as possible. It all starts with awareness and awareness can heal!

Another thing to mention is that nobody is perfect and perfect balance does not exist. But, of course, we’re not using it as an excuse not to work on ourselves!

As I’m writing this, a narcissistic family member comes to my mind lol….their favorite mantra is:

“Oh, everyone has some flows, and nobody is perfect…”

And yes, they use it as an excuse not to take ownership of their toxic behavior, including verbal abuse toward many of our family members and co-workers. Now, that is definitely a sign of an overactive solar plexus chakra…

This person is unwilling to work on themselves; some people are like that. You may come across them as well.

And I often get asked how to stay positive and focused on manifesting when everyone around us is negative…

My simple formula is- you do you. Stay committed to your manifesting practice, whatever you do, and keep working on yourself without sharing your inner work practice with toxic people.

Also, if possible, don’t spend time with people who drain you. I only see the above-mentioned family member very occasionally.

And I always send them love and healing 😊

In a way, I feel grateful for them because they show me what I could have become had I not gotten started on self-development…

So…back to “nobody is perfect” but in a healthy way…

We aim to keep moving forward and love ourselves deeply and unconditionally as we learn more about ourselves. There will always be something to release and let go of.

Maybe, you don’t feel proud of your old self, or perhaps you are not proud of your old behaviors. Sometimes I feel like that too.

But guess what…the mere fact that you are aware of that means you’re a good person and are committed to growing. You take full ownership of your life and how you show up.

As Louise Hay often said: we always do the best we can, based on our awareness and understanding.

So, this is my current understanding and awareness of a balanced solar plexus chakra that helps us shine through our manifesting journey:

-we know who we are (or are in the process of conscious discovering), and we can (or are in the process of learning) express who we are;

-we are committed to infinite growth;

-our ambitions are healthy; they lead to our growth but, at the same time, help contribute to the well-being of others; we value win-win situations;

-we can stay focused on our goals and consistently take inspired action without burning ourselves out;

-we are ready to shine our truth and attract like-minded people.

Of course, your definition of a balanced solar plexus chakra may be slightly different, and that’s fine. A balanced solar plexus chakra is about owning your truth in a way that is of the highest good for everyone involved.

My favorite way of balancing my solar plexus chakra is with affirmations.

To me, affirmations are a form of conscious thought.

So, when I find or create an affirmation I like, I intend to fully dive into it and embody it by consciously integrating it into my self-talk and using it as an inspiration to take action.

We constantly affirm something…and we always talk to ourselves…

The Law of Attraction works for us 24/7…and we can use it consciously by changing our inner world.

And so, the most significant aha moment on my journey was to shift my self-talk and treat myself well!

It took some conscious effort and self-discipline at first.

But the more I practiced my favorite solar plexus chakra affirmations, the better I felt on the inside…I could motivate myself…

I finally felt like a conscious co-creator, and as such, I could easily connect with my Higher Self and receive more guidance from my spirit guides…

Everyone has different ways of using affirmations…

Experiment to find what works for you.

But…treat your affirmations as living and breathing entities, not just some lifeless words…

Yes, words can be and do magic. But it’s up to you to use their power to your advantage.

I truly hope the following solar plexus chakra affirmations will inspire you to live your best life!

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Unleash Your Inner Magic

#1 I feel naturally calm and confident; it’s who I am.

#2 I am a peaceful warrior.

#3 I transform challenges into opportunities.

#4 I embody my purpose.

#5 I treat myself and others with respect.

#6 I listen to and honor my inner voice.

#7 I feel motivated to live my purpose.

#8 I am ambitious and capable of manifesting great things into my life.

#9 I forgive myself for past mistakes and choose to learn from them. I know that gratitude heals.

#10 I am a naturally calm and peaceful person.

#11 I love creating positive changes in my life.

#12 I love my personal power.

#13 I am worthy just because I am.

#14 I fully believe in myself and am always guided by a Higher Power.

#15 I can manifest my heart’s desires. I know my desires were placed in my heart for a reason, and they are my compass to keep growing and spreading goodness.

#16 I know my value, and I choose to stand in it with confidence.

#17 I always pursue what sets my soul on fire.

#18 I am worthy of love, respect, and abundance.

#19 I am pure, positive energy, and my natural motivation is infectious.

#20 I am whole, perfect, and complete.

#21 I am consistent, and I love taking inspired action.

#22 I choose to practice gratitude daily, and it is my fuel.

#23 My unique skills and gifts always attract great opportunities.

#24 Whatever goal I choose to manifest, I always feel supported.

#25 People value my skills, my work, my time, my effort, and my love.

#26 I believe in myself and others.

#27 I see the best in myself and others.

#28 Every day I choose the path of self-growth from a place of love and perfection.

#29 I love growing and making progress.

#30 Whenever I decide to learn something new, I always feel supported.

#31 I attract amazing things into my life.

#32 My life is a blessing and a gift.

#33 Everything is possible for me because I work with my Higher Self and am always protected by my angels, spirit guides, God, and the Divine.

#34 My opinions are valued and appreciated.

#35 I value myself.

#36 I am worthy just because I exist, just because I was born.

#37 I came to this planet for a reason: to spread love and positivity by becoming the best version of myself.

#38 The energy I create with my self-growth can defeat any obstacle or negativity.

#39 The power of love is much stronger than that of negativity, and I choose to work with the power of love!

#40 I have everything I need to be confident.

#41 I love diversity and cherish other people’s opinions and viewpoints because they help me grow and expand.

#42 Fear is simply excitement in disguise; it shows me that I can quickly achieve my goal.

#43 Every day I understand more and more of who I truly am.

#44 I know I can move forward even if I don’t have all the answers. One step at a time is a powerful choice I make every day.

#45 The only approval I need is my own.

#46 I AM enough. MORE than enough.

#47 I can trust myself.

#48 I love to see other people succeed because it’s a signal from the Universe that I can succeed too, and I can do it in my own unique way.

#49 I believe in myself.

#50 I am an inspiration to myself and others, and I choose to be my best SELF every day.

A Powerful Journaling & Meditation Exercise to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra

This quick exercise is a great way to release any negative energy associated with solar plexus chakra imbalances.

It consists of only two steps. And as you keep practicing it daily, you’ll be able to do it in as little as 5 minutes (unless you want to dedicate more time to it).

You can also use it to release any negative energies; it can serve many purposes, not only dealing with solar plexus chakra imbalances. In fact, it can serve an infinite number of purposes.

Step #1 In a journal or on a piece of paper, write about any negative feelings, events, or sensations you may have around your solar plexus chakra…

But, make sure you write about these negative experiences from a place of being ready to release them…We are not complaining or perpetuating negative states or energies…we are releasing what no longer serves us…

Here’s how I like to do it:

For example: “Dear Universe, I am now ready to release the need to attract negative clients who are unwilling to transform, don’t honor my boundaries, and do not respect my fees. I am willing to be guided. Please help me release any negative patterns inside and outside me.

I am now ready to attract clients who are ready to transform, show up for themselves, and invest in themselves. My clients don’t even know what excuses are. They are all focused on progress.


“Dear Universe, I am now ready to release any old feelings of feeling hopeless, unworthy, and inadequate. Help me remove any root causes that made me feel that way. I am willing to be guided. I am willing to be brave. I am willing to be transformed.

I am now ready to feel empowered to move forward and manifest my goals while helping others.”

Got it?

Pretty simple.

Yes, you write about something negative, but in an empowering way. You are taking ownership, not from a guilt or victim mindset but from a place of courage. You ask for help and guidance. You acknowledge the negative pattern and replace it with a positive one.

Step #2 Indulge in a little healing meditation or bath. Set your intention to: release.

That’s it. Keep affirming: I release and let it go.

I love EFT taping, so as I meditate or take a nice bath (with crystals and essential oils for solar plexus chakra balancing),

I love to add some tapping to this exercise.

But if tapping is not your thing, or you’ve never done it before, don’t feel like it’s a must to add (unless you feel like it, if you do, here’s my favorite beginner book about tapping you may find helpful).

Our main goal here is to release old energies and replace them with new positive patterns. This goal can be achieved in infinite ways because there’s an infinite number of healing modalities and ways to practice and embody them.

It’s not so much about plugging in a given modality but more about exploring your true self and creating your own process as you go through the exercise I just shared.

Go through it, and make it your own by adding your unique energy and preferred healing practices.

Balancing Solar Plexus Chakra with Crystals, and Essential Oils

Okay, so now that we covered the inner work recommended to regain your authentic power and solar plexus chakra balance, let’s look at complementary natural therapies you can use to support your healing journey and “The Release Exercise”.

My Favorite Essential Oils for Solar Plexus Chakra Balance:


-Ylang ylang



My Favorite Crystals for Solar Plexus Chakra Balance:






-amazonite and

-orange citrine

Some of my recommendations from Amazon:

(some of these are my referral links, and I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you, thank You for your support🙏🙏🙏)

Why Raising Your Vibration Is Important for Solar Plexus Chakra Balance

Raising your vibration will boost any inner work you’ve chosen to do because it helps you see things differently from a new perspective and a higher level of awareness. When you raise your vibration, very often, many of your current problems or limitations automatically melt away…or you attract powerful solutions that you never even thought were available to you…

I have a free, 5-day program (available as an ebook + audiobook) to help you raise your vibration and therefore amplify your positive manifestations. It’s short, sweet, and to the point!

Sign up at no cost here to receive your free LOA Vibration Workbook.