52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

Shadow work prompts are a very effective and holistically healing way to gain more self-awareness and release your manifesting blocks.

So often, we unconsciously hold ourselves back from living our best lives because deep inside, we still hold onto some fears, doubts, and other defense mechanisms and beliefs we developed as children.

This is where the shadow work comes in. You can free yourself and release what’s no longer serving you to create a life you love, desire, and deserve!

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Table of Contents:

The Power of Shadow Work Prompts for Manifesting

Shadow Work Meaning

How to Start a Shadow Work Journal

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

More Shadow Work Prompts & Questions

Shadow Work Quotes

Shadow Work Meditation

Shadow Work Affirmations

Shadow Work in Astrology

Choose Self-Love, Compassion, and Healing

The Healing Power of Shadow Work

The Power of Shadow Work Prompts for Manifesting (Release to Manifest!)

Many people discover the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for positive thinking.

But…the mistake I’ve made in the early stages of my LOA journey was fake positivity (or, better said: sweeping my emotions under the carpet of fake positivity, which never works long-term…)

Yes, I tried to be positive on the outside. But, inside, I was still full of trapped negative emotions and programs from my childhood. A part of me, my shadow-self, was blocking my positive manifestations. Because it felt so much safer in its old fears and doubts. It didn’t want to change.

So, I commenced a life-long journey of deep self-development. I got committed to changing myself from within myself.

On my journey, I learned the power of the subconscious mind and the shadow work.

While this journey never ends, and I’m committed to continuous growth and learning more about myself, I must admit that just two quality, very intense hours of shadow work I did with a shadow work coach felt like a miracle!

I released so much negativity in just two hours that I immediately felt happier and lighter.

Oh, and I felt 20 years younger too!

This is why I’m so passionate about this topic.

In this post, I want to share step-by-step everything I’ve learned about shadow work with a deep desire to help you get closer to your dreams by helping you release what’s no longer serving you.

Please note that shadow work prompts might be a bit (or more) triggering for some people. And so, some people may benefit by doing it with a coach, therapist, or counselor. I’m not a mental health professional, and I’m simply sharing my own shadow work practices and experiences. Always seek professional mental health advice if needed.

My recommendation to help you soothe your inner state when doing shadow work prompts:

One of the things I love to use on myself when doing shadow work prompts is tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique). You can learn more about it + the EFT resources I use here.

Shadow Work Prompts

Shadow Work Meaning (what’s shadow work exactly?)

Shadow work is a term applied for various mental, emotional, and spiritual self-healing practices to make our subconscious mind work for us, not against us.

It’s designed to make the unconscious conscious so that we can release old, negative patterns that are blocking us from unleashing our full potential and living happy, healthy, and abundant lives.

So, what happens when we do shadow work prompts? Is it worth it? Shouldn’t we just stay focused on the positive?

Yes, the end goal of shadow work is to stay focused on the positive. But, as I always say, we need to make room for that positivity.

Think of your mind as a house that is full of old furniture. That old furniture symbolizes negativity…

Shadow work = getting rid of old furniture from the house of your mind….

Now, you buy some new, positive furniture you try to squeeze into your home…

Needless to say, most of your new, positive furniture has no space to enter… there’s simply no room for it.

And that was the story of my life. I read so many positive books and attended many positive seminars, with nothing to show for it.

I could never reach my goals fully. Something was blocking me.

At some point, the pain of not living my best life was so intense that I knew I had to dive deeper and do something about it.

The shadow work was one of the first things I found, and it saved me…

I was able to create my own system that helped me get rid of old, negative furniture from the house of my mind…

And so, I could allow in all the positivity I needed and let it stay for good. Not only that, but I finally had a process that worked.

I learned how to be more self-aware of my own limiting mindsets and energies blocking my manifestations.

As they say…success starts with awareness. Well, shadow work prompts will definitely help you become more self-aware!

When you do shadow work, you may find parts of yourself that seem dark and negative or parts that you (or others) label as unacceptable.

But, you can shed light on those dark parts of yourself. You can try to find understanding, love, and compassion for those parts of yourself.

At the same time, you can try to see the positive aspects these parts bring with them.

Then, you can truly heal and use those positive aspects in your daily life and for your manifestations.

You can also try to see if there are any unmet needs and unfulfilled dreams that you can work on, to create the happy and peaceful life you deserve.

Shadow Work Journal Guidance + Prompts

How to Start a Shadow Work Journal

The answer is very simple: all you need is your willingness to see things differently. You can’t force yourself into doing shadow work prompts.

Several years ago, I felt scared to dive deep. Just like I felt scared to work on my subconscious mind.

My logical mind had a bunch of excuses, and I didn’t want to dive deep…

But…eventually, the pain of not being able to change myself and not being able to reach my full potential in life (I could never make any lasting changes in my career, finance, and health) motivated me to dive deeper to see why I was blocking myself from living a better life…

Shadow work was the best thing I have ever done for myself!

So…get a journal or a notebook now.

Promise yourself to keep going and love yourself.

Stay on track and be persistent.

If you get stuck with any prompt or question, reach out to a shadow work coach or a mental health professional who can help you move forward.

As I have already mentioned earlier, one of the tools I use to help me work through my limiting beliefs or any shadow work prompts and exercises I might feel a bit uncomfortable with is EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).

If you’re new to it, I highly recommend The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner.

So, to sum up, EFT tapping and shadow work are a great combo!

Shadow Work Journal Prompts

#1 What are your triggers? When do you feel triggered?

#2 Do you often feel resentful? Is there anyone you could forgive?

#3 Can you allow yourself to let go and move on quickly? Or do you allow the negative emotions of past resentment to accumulate in your body?

Read more about the power of forgiveness and letting go HERE

#4 Would you call your childhood and adolescence negative or positive? What are your most positive and negative memories?

#5 What is your relationship like with your family? Is it getting better or not? Do you feel safe with your family?

#6 What are your parents’ or caretakers’ best and worst personality traits? Can you see any of them within yourself?

#7 Are you holding on to people that don’t deserve your time and love? Are you truly happy and fulfilled in your relationships?

#8 What was one time you remember feeling wronged as a child? How did you react? Has this affected you into adulthood? How?

#9 Do you lie to yourself to avoid being honest with yourself? Do you often over-rationalize your decisions? Do you avoid addressing your fears?

#10 What do you like and dislike about others?

#11 Are you too hard or too lenient on yourself? When and why?

#12 Are there any emotions you try to avoid?

#13 Do you find it easy to communicate with others and express yourself?

#14 Think about one time when you’ve felt betrayed. What would you say to the person who broke your trust?

#15 Do you feel scared to express your true beliefs and feelings to other people?

#16 Do you often feel misunderstood? When? In which areas of your life?

#17 What are you most ashamed of and why?

#18 Are you happy with your progress in life? Is there anything that you can do to improve it?

#19 What area of your life is most and least successful?

#20 Do you often think about what you’ve said or how you’ve acted? What usually triggers this?

#21 Do you feel good in your body? If there is something that you would like to change about yourself, what is it and why?

#22 Do you enforce boundaries with others? Do you know how you want to be treated and know how to communicate your ways with others?

#23 How did you deal with negativity in the past, and what do you do to combat it in the present?

#24 What situations make you feel less than or not good enough? Why do you think this is?

#25 What are the most toxic traits in your family? Can you find them in yourself, your friends, and co-workers?

#26 Do you feel good alone in your own company? Do you spend time with other people just to fill a void?

#27 How do you think about constructive criticism? Are you over-sensitive to any form of honest feedback? What are you trying to protect?

#28 Do you feel 100% yourself and authentic around others? Or, do you put on a persona or mask to fit in? Do you know who you are? Do you feel true to yourself?

#29 Do you quickly forgive yourself when you have done something wrong? Do your past mistakes continue to hurt you? Or do you use them to learn, grow, and move forward?

#30 Do you allow yourself to be vulnerable in your personal relationships? Do you feel safe being vulnerable?

#31 Do you love and accept yourself exactly the way you are?

#32 What does the term ‘Shadow Work’ mean to you?

#33 What are your deepest, darkest fears?

#34 Do you often feel like you have to compete with other people? If yes, with whom? Why?

#35 Do you feel respected by other people?

#36 What is your biggest regret in life and why?

#37 Do you have any unhealthy habits? What makes you stick to them?

#38 Do you allow yourself to practice self-care? What are your favorite self-care activities?

#39 What is your biggest passion in life? Do you give yourself the time and space you need to follow it and use it as your fuel?

Recommended Book: Self-Love Handbook Magnified with the Law of Attraction

More Shadow Work Prompts & Questions

#40 Who has the most influence over you? Why? Is this influence good for manifesting your desires or not?

#41 What does freedom mean to you?

#42 What would you like to be recognized for? Do people recognize you for what you want? Or is it for something else?

#43 Who and what makes you feel truly valued? How does it feel to be valued and respected?

#44 Do you often get accused of the things you didn’t do?

#45 Do you think other people can trust you?

#46 What memories bring you shame?

#47 What is your definition of failure?

#48 Do you care about what other people think about you? Why?

#49 Do you belittle yourself and your emotions? If yes, who did you learn this from? Can you find a healthy way to express your feelings and emotions?

#50 Do you often find yourself self-sabotaging your goals?

#51 How do you usually respond to compliments?

#52 What is the biggest lie you ever told yourself? What did you try to protect?

Powerful Shadow Work Quotes for Motivation & Inspiration

Shadow Work Quotes

“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole.”

– Carl Jung

“The person you call an enemy is an exaggerated aspect of your own shadow self.”

– Deepak Chopra

“When we are aware of our weaknesses or negative tendencies, we open the opportunity to work on them.”

― Allan Lokos

“The rewards are profound. Shadow-work enables us to alter our self-sabotaging behavior to achieve a more self-directed life.”

– Connie Zweig

“I embrace my shadow self. Shadows give depth and dimension to my life. I believe in embracing my duality and learning to let darkness and light coexist peacefully as illumination.”

― Jaeda DeWalt

“Every pain, addiction, anguish, longing, depression, anger or fear is an orphaned part of us seeking joy, some disowned shadow wanting to return to the light and home of ourselves.”

― Jacob Nordby

“The shadow is needed now more than ever. We heal the world by healing ourselves, and hope shines brightest when it illuminates the dark.”

― Sasha Graham

“The disowned part of self is an energy – an emotion or desire or need that has been shamed every time it emerged. These energy patterns are repressed but not destroyed. They are alive in our unconscious.”

― John Bradshaw

“We all have a dark side. Most of us go through life avoiding direct confrontation with that aspect of ourselves, which I call the shadow self. There’s a reason why. It carries a great deal of energy.”

– Lorraine Toussaint

“Shadow-making happens in families and makes us who we are. It leads to shadow-work, which makes us who we can become.”

– Connie Zweig

Shadow Work Meditation to Release Negativity & Manifestation Blocks

Shadow Work Meditation

Close your eyes, and begin conscious breathing, in and out. Allow your body to relax.

Keep your attention on your breathing. For now, that’s all you need to do.

Now, imagine being covered in a nice, warm, energy blanket. It’s so relaxing….

This blanket protects you. Feel its vibrational energy pulsate throughout your body.

Keep breathing and releasing all negative energy and feelings.

Visualize yourself walking into the elevator. You get inside. Once you’re in, push the button to be taken down to 5th floor.

The door opens, and you see a hallway leading to a room.

The door is shut. You’re now walking towards that room and find yourself inside.

You can see the younger version of you, at whatever age she appears. Whatever appears in your subconscious mind, trust it. It is the answer. Let her know you love her.

And allow her to speak freely. Remind yourself it’s safe to listen to the answers. Now you can take better care of her.

Now, you’re both under the energetic blanket of protection.

Ask her: What am I most scared about finding out about you?

Whatever she says is the correct answer…

Ask her: What is our #1 secret that I’d be so terrified if others found out about?

Listen to her answer…

Then ask her: What is the biggest lie I have told myself about us?

Keep asking:

What’s the biggest lie I told others about us?

What parts of you, My Little Sweet One, have I rejected?

When did I begin to hide the aspects of who we truly are?

Listen to the answers and hug her…

Finally, ask her: Is there anything stopping me from making the discovery preventing me from transforming my life?

Let her answer and be there for her. Offer her compassion. Release the judgment. Remind her that you’re both safe.

Express your gratitude for her courage. Tell her you’ll see her again soon.

Now, make your way back to the elevator and back to your sacred space, to your energetic blanket.

Keep breathing and reminding yourself you’re always safe and protected.

You’re ready to journal out your answers and find the next step.

Shadow Work Affirmations for Self-Compassion & Self-Love

Shadow Work Affirmations

#1 Even though it hurt me, I know they did the best they could at the time.

#2 I forgive those who hurt me, both consciously and unconsciously.

#3 I transform my pain and darkness into strength and healing.

#4 My angels always take care of me; I’m divinely protected.

#5 I made it. I am a survivor. I’m strong.

#6 Even though I never received the parenting I wanted and deserved, I’m grateful I had parents, and I know they did the best they could with what they knew back then.

#7 I choose to be my own parent now. I take good care of myself.

#8 Even though my life wasn’t always easy, I can still be happy, healthy, and successful.

#9 I am a victor. I use the power of the present moment to create the fantastic future I deserve.

#10 Negative energy of resentment blocks my manifestations, so I choose to do it for myself even though it’s hard to forgive. I deserve to heal, move on, and manifest my best life.

#11 There are many people like myself, people who got hurt. By choosing to heal, love me, and manifest a fantastic life, I can be an example for those who need a role model like myself.

#12 Everybody deserves compassion and forgiveness.

#13 I choose forgiveness because I deserve healing and inner peace.

#14 I accept that I have made mistakes, and I choose to learn from them.

#15 I breathe in the power of the present moment.

#16 The Divine Forces protect me. I replace fear and hopelessness with courage and prayer.

#17 I love and approve myself.

#18 I am worthy of living my best life.

#19 I always do the best I can, and I keep growing.

You may also enjoy these positive affirmations:

27 Self-Loving Affirmations to Stay Empowered

Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Manifest Your Higher Self

The Healing Power of Ho’oponopono to Manifest Forgiveness, Healing, Inner Peace & Self-Love

Shadow Work in Astrology

The ancient art of astrology studies the stars and planets and their profound influence on human lives.

Astrology is considered to be one of the ‘oldest and most accurate tools known to mankind’.

However, astrology is not the only ancient art which helps us decode our destinies.

Since the very beginning, astrology has shared the limelight with Numerology, a method which studies the divine connection between the vibration of numbers and our lives-past, present and future.

The two methods are totally different but share a lot in common.

Both approaches…

  • Date back to ancient times
  • Predict the future
  • Use science and mathematics
  • Identify your personality traits, shadow self, unique power, and potential
  • Consider the position of the planets at the time of your birth to determine your destiny

While you are probably well versed as to your zodiac sign, you might be less familiar with what the science of numerology has to say about you.

Get your very own Personalized Numerology Video Report to find out what the numbers reveal about your life and future potential 🙂

This incredible Numerology Report is a personal, spiritual journey, allowing you to see yourself in ways you’ve never ever seen yourself before.

The 100% Personalized Video reveals your Life Path, Expression, and Soul Urge Numbers to show you:

  • The deep desires you might be ignoring (and how you can finally get them)
  • How to stop the struggle and start living easily and effortlessly
  • Secret talents and hidden strengths (and how to leverage them)
  • Powerful insights into your character and the unique way you relate to others
  • Upcoming challenges and unexplored opportunities that are waiting for you

Think of this as a movie in which you are the star!

Learn More about Your Shadow Self with This Free Numerology Reading HERE

Final Thoughts – Choose Self-Love, Compassion, and Healing

With consistency and courage, shadow work prompts can help you understand who you truly are and what you are capable of. It can help you turn your fears, pains, and limitations into unlimited power and strength.

Remember, all you need is your willingness to see things differently and allow your Higher Self to guide you. Every pain and discomfort can be turned into wisdom, blessing, and strength.

You deserve to heal to create your best life!