27 Self-Love Affirmations – Unlock Unlimited Empowerment, Courage & Joy!

Unlimited self-love is essential to living a happy, healthy, and abundant life. But it’s not always easy unless we genuinely commit ourselves to practicing it daily. It all starts with acknowledging and recognizing the negativity within us (such as self-criticism). Have you ever audited your self-talk and your thoughts?

Have you ever realized how often you called yourself stupid or unworthy and how unkind it was? The best way to embrace self-love is with beautiful, kind, and empowering self-love affirmations that will help you shift your self-talk and use it to motivate and inspire yourself rather than beating yourself down!

What Are Self-Love Affirmations?

Affirmations are personal statements that are very effective in shifting negative thinking to positive and uplifting thoughts. Self-love affirmations, as the name suggests, focus on cultivating self-love before anything else. Personally, I believe that self-love affirmations should come before any other affirmations. For one simple reason, they help activate the Law of Attraction in a positive way by helping us raise our vibration.

As Bob Proctor says: It’s the Law of Vibration That Activates the Law of Attraction.

Your Vibration comes first. You can’t make the Law of Attraction work for you, if you don’t love yourself and stay in a negative vibration.

So, by choosing to stay in a positive and self-loving vibration, we automatically make the Law of Attraction Work in our favor, therefore attracting and magnifying more good stuff.

To learn more about the power of affirmations and how to do them in a way that really works for you and your personal desires, I highly recommend you read this post:

7 Powerful Secrets to Create Manifestation Affirmations That Work!

Now, let’s dive into our positive, self-love affirmations…

27 Self-Love Affirmations to Amplify Your Positive Manifestation Powers Fast

#1 I love testing new opportunities because I succeed or I learn.

#2 Every situation boosts my motivation.

#3 My intentions are powerful and charged with positive vibration.

#4 I love learning, growing, and transforming, every day in every way.

#5 I see opportunities and possibilities in every situation.

#6 I pass all the tests from life and the Universe with flying colors.

#7 I choose to let go of the past by healing and blessing it.

#8 Everything is unfolding just like it should, and I’m very excited about what is yet to come.

#9 I bless my mistakes and choose to learn from them.

#10 I always attract high-vibe, loving, and caring people into my life.

#11 I’m patient with myself and others.

#12 I am growing wiser and wiser every day.

#13 I am resilient and I love every second of manifesting my goals and desires.

#14 I always do the best I can and I let the Universe do the rest.

#15 I’m powerful, strong, and courageous.

#16 I choose to nourish my body with good, healthy foods.

#17 I love my body and my body loves me.

#18 I’m so happy and grateful to be alive!

#19 I choose to enjoy and bless every second of my work.

#20 I honor my life’s path.

#21 I choose to focus on progress, not perfection.

#22 I’m committed to becoming the best version of myself while loving every second of my transformation.

#23 I go with the flow of the Universe- always moving forward and transforming.

#24 I know that my actions compound and I allow the compound effect to change my life for the better, every day, in every way.

#25 I allow myself to feel whatever I need to because I know that all emotions are powerful feedback.

#26 I allow myself to dive deep and learn more about myself for the highest good.

#27 I feel confident, powerful, and inspired to share my gifts and talents with the world.

Words to Avoid in Your Self-Love Affirmations

Let’s have a look at a few affirmations you should not use.

Yes, they may keep floating around the internet, and it’s not my intention to criticize anyone (I’m sure they had good intentions).

But, before using your self-love affirmations, it’s essential to understand how to use empowering language.

Even if you don’t do affirmations, you can create amazing success in your life simply by using words that inspire confidence, power, and motivation.

And, if you use affirmations, then using empowering language is one of the things that really make them work. However, if you use words that disempower you, and to top it up, you use them in your affirmations, you’ll only keep attracting more confusion, negativity, and disempowerment.

So, let’s have a look at a few affirmations you should never use and re-write them instead to make them positive and empowering!

Affirmation to AVOID #1

“At least I tried.” – right off the bat, very disempowering language (although someone may have had a good intention).

First of all, you should eliminate the word “try” from your vocabulary. The word “try” implies lack of confidence and self-power.

And to use it as an affirmation? Well, you’ll keep attracting more “trying” and “wanting”.

It’s so much better to say:

“I did the best I could, and I learned a lot”.

Or: “I’m so grateful for the valuable lessons that this opportunity gave me, because now, I’m more experienced and wiser and I know I can do so much better the next time”.

Conclusion: eliminate the word “try” from your vocabulary.

I used to be the queen of “Oh, I tried, and it didn’t work out” (especially when it comes to business opportunities or weight loss programs).

By affirming this to myself and others, I unconsciously positioned myself as someone who never succeeds and lacks confidence.

But, after discovering the power of positive self-talk, self-loving affirmations, and self-love, I changed the way I positioned myself to the world and the Universe.

I was no longer in a victim mindset.

Now, as an entrepreneur, I do experiment with different strategies and training programs, and whatnot. But I no longer “try” them. I DO them, knowing that whatever outcome I get, it’s always successful, or just valuable feedback to improve (which is a stepping stone to success).

So, when talking to other business owners, or even some friends and family, I say:

“Oh yes, I tested this thing, and I think it was great for a lot of people, but it just wasn’t for me personally. But I’m grateful for what I learned”.

Oh, and you can use the word “try” when saying: “let’s try this new pizza” (or something like that).

But not when you talk about important stuff!

Affirmation to Avoid #2

“I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.” – once again, great intention and so true, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.

But…your subconscious can’t process the “not’s”.

So, all it hears is: “I should be hard on myself”.

Luckily, we can re-word this affirmation:

“I choose to love myself no matter what”,


“I treat myself kindly, even when it takes longer to manifest my desires”.

As for the word: “should”, I recommend you reduce it as much as possible.

Stop “should-ing” yourself.

Instead, you can choose to, or allow yourself to do something!

Another one:

“Beating myself up isn’t helpful.” – yes, great statement, I agree.

But, your subconscious mind will hear:

“Beating myself up IS helpful.” (and you’ll keep beating yourself up, while “trying” to be positive)

Affirmation to Avoid #3

“One day, I will reach my goals” – again, good intention.

But…by affirming using future tense, you’ll stay stuck in the energy of waiting and wanting.

It’s much better to create a self-loving affirmation such as:

“I reach my new goals with joy and ease”, or:

“I love manifesting my goals and desires”.

Want more tips to help you create your own self-loving affirmations to manifest your dream reality?

Be sure to check out this post:

7 Powerful Secrets to Create Manifestation Affirmations That Work!

Want to Master the Art of Self-Love to Activate and Amplify the Law of Attraction?

Check out my book: Self-Love Handbook Magnified with Law of Attraction: Instantly Shift into Self-Love, Heal Your Life & Create the Abundance of Joy You Deserve on Amazon.

Discover How to Unlock the Power of Self-Love to Manifest:
-inner freedom & peace of mind;
-authentic self-confidence;
-success and empowerment in all areas of your life;
-joyful connections and meaningful relationships;
-dream career, purpose, passion, and abundance;
-positive self-image while unlocking your uniqueness;
-faster recovery from abusive or toxic relationships;
-enhanced intuition and strong communication with your higher self;
-powerful self-care habits you absolutely love;
-mindful productivity so that you can confidently achieve your goals without burning yourself out.

Self-Love Handbook bridges the transformative power of inner work, energy healing, positive mindset, and the Law of Attraction to assist you on your journey of self-empowerment and authenticity so that you can create the life you love, desire, and deserve.

It takes a gentle, spiritual, love-infused approach to help you activate your highest self-love vibration while releasing painful memories and negative experiences.

The unique mindset and energy tools you’re just about to discover can be combined with other modalities and self-help books to facilitate even faster self-growth, self-awareness, and self-exploration.

No previous knowledge or specific spiritual background is required.

Because everything starts with self-love. When you love yourself, you know who you are and what your goals are.
You feel excited about pursuing your goals and dreams.

You don’t doubt yourself, and don’t feel bad about failures.
Instead, you use them as learning experiences to grow and expand. Your re-activated inner alchemy can transform negative into positive.Sh*t into gold.

When you love yourself, you have clear boundaries when it comes to yourself and others.
And you embody your boundaries with joy and ease. You no longer have to achieve things by force; instead, you step into your true power and inner guidance.

As you embrace the power of self-love, you become a vibrational match to like-minded, authentic, loving souls who love and respect you for who you are. You feel safe expressing yourself and trust yourself.

You also intuitively know when to say no or step back, so you’re no longer attracting toxic individuals or circumstances that no longer serve you.

You radiate your unique energy and light and are no longer afraid of what others think of you.

Instead, you feel confident in yourself and your abilities. You are resilient and keep going, knowing that you’re always guided by the power of love and your Higher Self.

Your new powerful vibration of confident self-love makes you magnetic to your desires.

And the Law of Attraction and the Universe take notice and amplify that power!

It’s time for an emotional and spiritual makeover. It’s time for deep healing.

It’s to manifest infinite self-love and use it to activate the Law of Attraction for your highest good!
Your today shapes your tomorrow. No matter where you are today, what you know or don’t know, or what you’ve been through, you can get closer to manifesting your dreams through the power of self-love.

One mindset shift, one vibration jump, one new, empowering belief at a time.

It’s time to unlock the power of self-love magnified with the Law of Attraction!

Take a positive l and inspired action today.

Order your copy today and start healing yourself from within yourself to create the life you love, desire, and deserve!