How I Let Go of a Scarcity Mindset with the Wealth Compass Program…

This morning when I woke up, I felt a change pulsating through my veins – I could literally experience it coursing through my body. Everything around me felt positively charged, and I began to see things from a different perspective. I felt at peace. I felt so good just by realizing how amazing it was to access the power of the present moment because it made me feel free of a scarcity mindset.

This has been made possible due to unlimited abundance in my life, an aspect that I recently recognized and embraced thanks to the Wealth Compass program.

In this post, I want to share with you some pointers that I found to be useful while embarking on this amazing journey of activating my natural state of abundance and letting go of a scarcity mindset.

How to Let Go of a Scarcity Mindset

• Don’t focus solely on the literal expression of abundance, i.e. money, big-ticket items.

Yes, Wealth Compass can improve your financial situation over time, but qualifying the worth of something solely through a monetary filter will often keep you from the experience of feeling abundant.

That is why I focused on what it means to be receptive to goodness and abundance in your life.

My personal experience is this: ever since I stopped chasing dollars (just for the sake of “being more successful) and focused on gratitude for what I already had while following my passion in an authentic way…

I began attracting amazing opportunities into my life. And it all felt good. No burnouts, no chasing.

• Steer clear from media definitions and other definitions of what you need to be happy.

The bigger, better, faster more crowds definition often is one based on entitlement and comparison more than a true connection with what makes you (and only you can know) happy.

I recommend you start journaling about all the experiences that made you happy and then welcome more and more similar experiences into your life. The bottom line is this- only you know what makes you happy.

So, protect your mind from external influences and go deep within yourself to figure out what you really want and what sets your soul on fire.

Practice daily gratitude for what you do have, remind yourself regularly and daily of these overflowing non-conditional goodness in your life.

I’ve written posts about gratitude and scripting to offer you more guidance.

• When you have feelings of unworthiness don’t ignore them.

Instead, acknowledge them and make an agreement with your better self to set them aside while you visualize your desires and dreams. To tap into the natural state of abundance it is necessary to overcome those emotions. But you can’t ignore or numb them, because what you resist, persists.

• Your body doesn’t know the difference between imagination and actuality.

Feeling it with your five senses and with your heart freely and clearly will help you materialize it in the outside world.

Wealth Compass has let me explore this aspect in a wonderful manner.

Even though I wasn’t new to meditation and using all my senses to feel my goals and desires, I knew I wanted to learn more. I knew I wasn’t using my manifestation potential and visualization ability fully.

Thanks to the Wealth Compass program, I discovered a new set of tools and a very unique technology that allowed me to REALLY feel the wonders and abundance around me.

I had many interesting metaphysical experiences after going through the Wealth Compass (topic for another day). It just felt like my old self was melting away while my new, abundant self was slowly but surely beginning to shine.

I started to feel so much confidence around money. Talking about money, enjoying money, really appreciating money. It suddenly felt like something natural. Something that is, has always been, and will always be there to support me. Without having to chase it or “fight” for it.

Thanks to my new confidence, my behaviour and habits changed pretty much automatically. And it nearly felt like being a money magnet…I just knew what to say or how to behave to get a massive discount, a free upgrade, or a better business deal.

I’ll also add this: the more I go through this program, the better it gets. I’m a big believer in repetition. So, I’m very excited about going through it, again and again, to keep re-programming my mind for abundance while letting go of scarcity.

Last but not the least, I make a daily practice of opening to the experience of receiving abundance and letting go of a scarcity mindset, so you too should keep an active checklist of what the universe has provided since honoring your practice. It feels so good to honor all the gifts you have received and appreciate everything you have.

Release Scarcity Mindsets

Finding Your Natural Flow of Abundance by Doing What You Love

I hated maths in school. From early on, my math grades were always the worst. On the other hand, I loved foreign languages…, so I did well in French classes. That is when I realized, that if I am interested in a particular subject, then my mental abilities are automatically engaged. The key to my abundance lies in my interests! This is why it’s so important to follow your passion.

When you follow your passion, you feel good. You raise your vibration, therefore letting go of the scarcity mindset.

If your nature is a begrudging one and you are convinced that you are doomed to a life of scarcity guess what you will attract?

You will attract only more scarcity with a side helping of doom and gloom. I made this mistake and learned the hard way!

Who would you want to work with or spend your money with, the person that is cheerful and thinks abundantly or the person that thinks there isn’t enough to go around spreads doom and gloom and barks at anyone that suggests the sun might shine?

I looked for my abundance by starting with interests and hobbies. I recommend you do the same.

For instance, you could make a very good living mining your desire to assist people by helping them find the exact thing they are looking for through offering a service or a product you’re passionate about.

After taking the Wealth Compass course, I sincerely believe there is no scarcity in the universe, and that it only exists in our thinking, which in turn creates scarcity in our personal wealth. I realized that I have to change my thinking, which would affect actions, and consequently bring about desired results – thankfully I did and I am happier and more financially secure at the same time.

Throughout history, everyone has questioned the passage to prosperity.

Some believe it to be the high road through the “rat race” while others remain complacent believing it to be an impossible dream. There is yet a third category that has redefined prosperity using divine principles to create a natural spiritual abundance.

Self-respect and a sense of deserving, play an integral role in igniting and sustaining abundance. If you believe that you deserve something, you will very quickly attract a lot of what you long for.

If however, your unworthiness overshadows your wants then you could be waiting forever.

I was astounded to know about my self-worth, which helped me to believe in myself. It inspired me to take charge, rather than asking – why me, and then playing the victim.

Thoughts of scarcity would have made me needier, so even if I had everything, there will be emptiness on physical, emotional, and social levels.

While being financially secure does bring forth a state of abundance, it isn’t the sole aspect of it.

I’d go as far as to say this: focusing too much on how much money you manifest can actually get you back into a scarcity mindset…Sometimes, we need to be less in our heads and more in our hearts.

Yes, it’s important to stay focused on how much money exactly you desire to manifest.

But, balance is key. Overfocusing on how much money can you manifest and how fast, and getting too obsessed about it, also leads to a scarcity mindset because you begin to worry or feel impatient.

This is how I very often felt, prior to beginning my inner work with the Wealth Compass Program.

My main intention was- I just wanted to feel good, peaceful, protected, and abundant. I wanted to be in the Present Moment. And yea, I still had my money and business goals. But I no longer felt anxious (or even angry) about them.

This is what happens when you truly let go of a scarcity mindset and feel confident in your abilities to create the life you love and deserve.

Abundance means giving your last morsel and trusting there will be enough for you.

Abundance means a big heart, a generosity of spirit; not counting or calculating.

This is how you erase a scarcity mindset …while permanently shifting your energy and vibration to attract more abundance into your life.

Pure Thoughts of Love and Attention to Erase a Scarcity Mindset

You have the inner power and qualities right here, at your disposal. As an eternal being of light, you have everything you need to let go of a scarcity mindset and really FEEL abundant in every cell of your body…

You just have to remember to reconnect to this infinite wisdom of yours through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The easy way to manifest more abundance in your life is to create a vision first of the life you want and then to water that vision daily with powerful, positive, pure thoughts of love and attention.

Want to live in abundance? Wish to explore the enormous supply of virtues, powers, and qualities in your soul?

Want to let go of old, limiting, scarcity mindsets that are holding you back from living the life you love?

Learn more about the Wealth Compass program here and discover how it can make you feel abundant in all areas of your life, to start attracting your desires with joy and ease!

Watch the free video below and start manifesting your best life!

Scarcity Mindset