Religion vs Spirituality: What’s the Difference?

Even though many people use the terms “religion” and “spirituality” interchangeably, there are many differences between religion and spirituality. The main difference between religion and spirituality is how these two concepts are practiced.

I believe that understanding the difference between religion vs spirituality can help you find inner peace and supercharge your manifesting journey by allowing yourself to create your own spiritual path.

It’s all about mindful self-discovery!

So, let’s take a look at the main differences between religion vs spirituality so that you can create and explore your own path!

The main difference between spirituality vs religion is that spirituality can be explored in your own way to find your authentic truth.

It’s about finding and fusing yourself with a Higher Power, which you can call God, Universe, the Essence, whatever feels good to you.

Spirituality is love-based, and its purpose is to help you create a better, happier, and more fulfilling life while inspiring others to do the same.

It’s all about soothing your inner state and releasing what no longer serves you.

When you become a high-vibe person, you embody inspiration and can help those around you by being you. No preaching necessary!

The word “inspiration” consists of “in-SPIRIT-ation”.

My personal belief is that we get to embody our own spiritual principles for the highest good of everyone involved.

When we allow ourselves to do so, we embody the Spirit and reach the state of flow and inspiration.

We embody the love and light, and those who are ready to transform get inspired by our transformation.

However, when it comes to religion, it’s more about worshipping God outside yourself while obeying fear-based principles.

This quote summarizes it beautifully:

Religion says, “There’s only one way to heaven.” Spirituality says, “Choose the one that brings you joy.”

– Sarah Ban Breathnach

religion vs spirituality

Religion vs Spirituality – The Main Differences

#1 Spirituality Wants You to Release Guilt and Embrace the Present Moment

Organized religion wants you to believe that there’s only one way to heaven and that your current life is a sacrifice that can prepare you for a better life in heaven.

However, spirituality is all about the present moment. It’s the present moment that heals and helps you be a better person.

Spirituality wants you to let go of the mistakes of the past as fast as possible so that you can embrace positive feelings and feel good now.

Feeling good and experiencing joy and bliss is God.

However, many organized religions want you to obey a rigid set of rules and put them above your wellbeing. Some promise that living in such a way helps create a better after-life filled with love and joy.

Many religions will make you feel guilty for wanting to feel good and be happy.

#2 Spirituality Is Judgment Free and Honors Your Opinion

One of the main differences between spirituality and religion is that spirituality allows you to be yourself and have your own opinion, as long as it’s not emotionally overcharged or potentially harmful to others.

Organized religion, on the other hand, believes in only one truth and one opinion that everyone needs to follow.

So, if someone disagrees with you, you’d need to convince them otherwise and defend yourself.

(I don’t know about you, but for me, personally, being in the energy of defending myself or trying to make someone think the way I do is exhausting).

Religion may judge a person who opposes its set of rules and beliefs.

#3 Spirituality Helps You Find God in Your Own Way

Spirituality is all about cultivating your connection to something bigger.

And it can be practiced in many ways!

Some like to pray or meditate.

Some like to hike in nature.

Some like to practice gratitude.

The bottom line is – it’s all about finding a way you enjoy that feels good to you!

On the other hand, organized religion includes a fixed set of ceremonies that must be obeyed to show your faith and devotion.

Spirituality wants you to be one with God and fuse yourself with divine powers by feeling good and creating your own rituals you can practice whenever and however you desire.  

Religion assumes that God is a separate entity and that the only way to worship him is by obeying a fixed set of rules and rituals.

#4 Spirituality Can Co-Exist with Religion

I very often get asked if a person can practice manifestation by following my work (or someone else’s) and still be religious.

The short answer is yes!

Because spirituality doesn’t judge you and is compatible with your beliefs, opinions, or any religion you may choose to follow. Pure spirituality is flexible, and its main purpose is to help you find your own way. So, if your way includes going to your church while practicing some manifestation techniques of your choice – go for it!

Unfortunately, most organized religions require people to obey fully.

They might judge your desire to be a seeker who explores other ways or even make you feel guilty for your curiosity.

#5 Spirituality is Practiced and Experienced, Not Just Taught.

As we said earlier, spirituality is all about connecting to Spirit, or something bigger.

The way how you go about it is up to you.

For me, true spiritual connection is about feeling good and being a better person.

For example, when I do the Emotional Freedom Technique and clear out negative emotions, I feel good and experience many moments of pure connection with something bigger.

Some people choose meditation, prayer, physical activity, or reading feel-good books.

There’s an unlimited number of ways you can use to feel spiritually connected.

And the journey to finding your own is fun too!

However, most organized religions are taught by a priest, pastor, or other authority figures.

A certain set of rules is described in religious texts that one needs to obey.

And surely, there’s nothing wrong with learning from others.

On my spiritual journey, I read many books by numerous spiritual leaders (such as Louise Hay, Joseph Murphy & Neville) and learned a lot.

Their discoveries opened my mind and heart and helped me release the trap of narrow thinking.

However, as I share in my Heart-Based Manifesting series (especially in my books Manifestation Angels and Manifestation Prayer Secrets), remember that you are the leader of your own reality.

Yes, you can learn from mentors and get inspired by various masters and teachers.

But…one of my recent discoveries is something that I like to call the Law of You.

As I mentioned, I recently shared this law in my books Manifestation Prayer Secrets and Manifestation Angels, and readers loved it.

You see. There’s no right or wrong. If you’re not harming anyone and acting in the Spirit of the highest good…you can create your own rules, including your manifestation rules.

This mindset is so, so liberating for anyone on a spiritual and manifesting path…why?

Well, it’s simple. Since spirituality allows us endless exploration, many of us have fallen into the trap of feeling overwhelmed…

Or perhaps, our egos get too active and start to compare ourselves to others and the way they manifest and do things…

Hmmm…if this person manifests using long visualizations, maybe I’m doing something wrong?

If they can manifest more than I can and can do so faster, then, I guess, I should stop

my affirmation practice…even though it’s finally working for me…?

You see where I’m going?

There’s also the trap of “Am I doing this right”?

Well, if it feels good, all is good.

Because spirituality and manifesting are all about feeling good on purpose.

So, embrace the Law of You on your spiritual manifesting journey!

Remember that you’re infinite. You’re a powerful creator, and you get to choose how you create your dream reality!

If you have any thoughts and ideas regarding religion vs spirituality, please share them in the comments below!

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