39 Reality-Shifting Affirmations to Manifest Your Dreams

Reality-shifting affirmations are powerful statements designed to help you strengthen your belief that you can manifest your desires. They can help you experience your dream reality in this present moment, so you can feel it and raise your vibration accordingly.

Reality-shifting affirmations also offer a sense of comfort while making you realize that your current circumstances or your current, 3D reality don’t dictate your future.

You have the power to change your life and be the director of your desired reality. In this post, I want to share, what I consider the best positive affirmations for shifting realities and how to use them to experience an almost instant shift in your beliefs and wellbeing.

The Best Reality-Shifting Affirmations to Empower Your Manifestation Journey

The Best Way to Use Reality-Shifting Affirmations

I’m a big fan of the Law of Assumption and creating beautiful, empowering movies in your mind so that you can instantly shift your state to a positive one, feel good, and raise your vibration. And that’s the main benefit I get from reality-shifting affirmations- I love combining them with several concepts I learned from the Law of Assumption and Neville Goddard.

I dive deeper into the Law of Assumption and Neville Goddard in these posts (I highly recommend you go through them to empower your manifestation journey):

How to Manifest Faster with the Law of Assumption

Neville Goddard Quotes & Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

The instructions to use your reality-shifting affirmations are very simple:

Step#1 You want to pick one or more affirmations for shifting realities that you like that really resonate with you. Listen to your intuition and go with the ones that feel good and empower you!

Step #2 From my own experience (and from what my readers told me), many people get excited about affirmations at first but forget to make a habit of using them, and so…nothing really happens. I know, I know, life can get busy!

This is why I’m a big fan of habit stacking. Think of a habit or something that you do every day. For example, drinking water, drinking coffee, having a shower, or brushing your teeth.

You are doing it anyway, right? Not that you have to think about doing those things or adding them to your calendar.

So…add your affirmations! For example, as you’re taking a shower- focus on your affirmations for shifting realities.

It may take a few days or even a few weeks to add a new habit to the existing one…but, it makes everything so much easier!

That’s the first step, and before you know it, you’ll find yourself repeating your affirmations in your mind, pretty much on autopilot, even when you go to sleep or when you wake up…and that’s a great place to be in because it means you’re in the process of reprogramming your subconscious mind and replacing your negative “on autopilot” thoughts and affirmations with the positive and empowering ones!

We’re always affirming something anyway…so why not make it positive and use it to shift to our dream reality?

Before I got into inner work, LOA, and manifestation, I’d just affirm the negative most of the time…and my old reality would reflect my negative mindset and beliefs.

As strange as it may sound, I actually used it as proof that this stuff works, and then decided to do anything I possibly could to re-program my mind for positivity and think in an empowering way to create my dream reality.

Step#3 Start creating stories and memories from the future around your reality-shifting affirmations!

Example: “I have now successfully shifted into a new reality, and I’m so happy and grateful for my new job”

And then, you go on and create a story about your new job:

“My boss is so proud of me, I’m getting another pay rise soon, I feel so happy and grateful for this job, I get on well with everyone in my new job, I wake up full of passion, and going to work is so much fun! And I love my time off too because the job pays so well, I can now spend the money on things I love! And I’m so grateful I could get my own house, all because of this new job, I’m so lucky, the Universe loves me, I love me, everyone loves me!”.

Of course, do what feels right for you and your current goals, dreams, and desires!

Also, the goal of reality-shifting affirmations is not to live in denial or refuse to acknowledge the way you currently feel.

I’ll give you another example…as of now, I’m in the process of manifesting amazing growth for my blog.

My current 3D reality is this – it’s all very silent, and things are moving slowly because, as all the blogging experts say, it takes a long time to rank a new website or a blog in search engines.

And sometimes, I catch myself thinking: is it even worth it? What if I keep going and nothing ever happens? And what if all that work I’m putting into creating all this content goes for nothing?

What I do is I feel my negative emotions and acknowledge them.

And…I ask myself…” but what if…” again but make it super positive.

But what if…one or two years from now, this blog explodes?

What if it explodes even sooner?

What if…I’m successful with this blog, people find it, read it and find value in it?

What would I do then? Would I continue writing and creating content?

Of course, I would!

And I use an affirmation: “I have now successfully shifted my realities…I’m in a new reality, and I’m a successful blogger. I love what I do, and people love what I do too. I create content every day because this is who I am!”.

I start creating new, empowering stories around my affirmation:

“I am great at creating content, I can create fantastic content every day, I’m creative, I’m very creative and inspired, people find me inspiring, and Google loves my content. In fact, even Google bots go like OMG, this blog is awesome, let’s keep ranking it high in searches, it’s a great value!

People love me, people love my content, I can easily create content every day…”

Now, I don’t want to make it look like it’s all about me and me and me and this blog, so I’ll stop here, haha, but you get my point!

The main benefit I get from using reality-shifting affirmations is that I can change my state, which is great for motivation (in my case, motivation for creating content and not giving up, even if my 3D reality tells me to and even if the success rate in my industry is low).

Tony Robbins talks a lot about changing your state and how powerful it is!

Then, another benefit I get is that by using empowering stories, I raise my vibration instantly, and my belief is that by doing so, I activate the Law of Attraction in my favor.

This strengthens my belief and the new, positive loop is ready!

So now, after this long intro, let’s get into our affirmations…

Reality Shifting Affirmations

39 Powerful Affirmations for Shifting Realities

#1 Everything is just perfect in my new, desired reality, and I love the person I’ve chosen to become!

#2 I AM Now a 6-figure earner, I make at least 8k/m or more, and my income always grows!

(note, apply this to your income goals! However, remember that adding “and my income always grows” helps eliminate negative beliefs such as that good things don’t last forever…I mean…says who?)

#3 I am open to experiencing my new reality.

#4 I am so happy and grateful to wake up in my dream home!

#5 I am a master of shifting realities fast! I’m so good at it that everyone wants to know my secret!

#6 I am 1000% confident in my ability to shift and live in my dream reality, I’ve already done it, and I can do it again and again!

#7 I feel well taken care of in this new reality!

#8 I believe I can shift easily because I am in control of my thoughts.

#9 Creating my new reality is as easy is blinking or breathing, in fact, I do it all the time; on autopilot, manifesting is so easy for me!

#10 Once again, I’m manifesting amazing things today! (list all the amazing things you’ve manifested today)

#11 I know I can shift successfully because I embody my desires, I am my desires.

#12 My new self-image is confident, positive, and inspiring to everyone around me, I am a new person, and I am in my desired reality already!

#13 I can shift realities with joy and ease just by playing positive movies in my mind, exactly like I’m doing now!

#14 I love and trust the Universe and my new reality.

#15 I choose to love and be loved every day

#16 I finally live in my desired reality, and I have nothing to worry about, only good things to look forward to.

#17 It feels good to be in control of my desired reality.

#18 It feels good to be a high vibe, kind, and loving person.

#19 I am compassionate about myself and others.

#20 I move forward with confidence, joy, and ease!

#21 I am a master manifestor, I am the best manifestation method!

#22 The Law of Attraction is working for me, every minute of every day now.

#23 My vibration is now raised permanently. There’s no going back.

#24 I choose positive thoughts, I stop any negative thoughts, I banish them. Because I choose positive thoughts that make me shift into new, positive realities.

#25 Everything in my life is getting better and better every day.

#26 I look younger and younger every day. It’s just my body, it heals for me, and it does everything for me.

#27 My income grows every day. I am a magnet for money.

#28 I’m so happy to be in my desired reality.

#29 I feel good about myself and my ability to create my reality with my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

#30 It’s normal for me to be successful.

#31 It’s normal for me to have a 6-figure job (or replace it with your income or career goal).

#32 It’s normal for me to attract high-vibe, high-end clients.

#33 It’s normal for me to live a healthy lifestyle and love it.

#34 It’s normal for me to be creative and productive.

#35 I trust my abilities to create my dream reality.

#36 I am able to do amazing things with my thoughts and affirmations.

#37 I believe in myself and my abilities to succeed in life.

#38 I stay focused on my desires easily and effortlessly and manifest them into my life fast, with joy and ease.

#39 I welcome abundance into all areas of my life.

Stay Empowered to Shift Into Your Desires Reality

It is so important to remind yourself that you are in charge of what you think about all day long.

With a little bit of practice, you can train your mind to choose thoughts that make you feel good instead of those that bring more negativity into your life.

Cultivate your awareness because your thoughts have more power than you could possibly imagine. You are a powerful creator with the inner talent to manifest and shift realities.

Fuse yourself with your desires. Be your desires. Think, feel, act, and vibrate in alignment with your desires!

Working on your vibration daily is incredibly important in this process (and it feels so good!).

I have a free LOA workbook and audiobook designed to do just that – raise your vibration in 5 days or less!

You can get your FREE copy HERE


Until next time we meet, wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey!


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting