22 Uplifting Self-Talk Affirmations to Instantly Supercharge Your Mood and Manifestations!

One of the most essential steps on your manifestation journey is mastering and taking control of your self-talk using positive self-talk affirmations. Whether you realize it or not, you’re always talking to yourself. The question is, do you use positive, empowering, and joyful language, or do you keep beating yourself up for every little mistake you make? Below is a quick, high-frequency channeled message I received as I was updating this post:

***Channeled Message: Manifesting with the Law of Attraction is simple: you get what you put out, including your actions, thoughts, feelings, vibrations, and…self-talk. In other words – you manifest what’s inside you and your self-talk fuels it all. It can help you move up the vibrational ladder or it can drag you down. The good news is – you can choose, starting right here, right now. Even if 5 minutes ago you were shouting at yourself and calling yourself names, you can make a different choice right now. This is all that matters to the Universe. As long as you realize that your previous vibration was not helpful, and you decide to choose something better you are automatically on the path to manifesting something better, and the Universe will support you, it always does. So, never feel bad about feeling bad! Just make a different choice starting right here, right now. Become the Master of Your Vibrational Focus!***

It’s time to take control of your life and treat yourself well. At the same time, don’t feel bad about feeling bad. Use any negative emotion or negative self-talk as valuable feedback and mindfully ask yourself:

-Do I really feel that way about myself?

-Maybe it’s time to let go of that negative thought?

Thank it first. Yes, thank your negative thoughts for trying to protect you (they are there for a reason), and then say: cancel, cancel!

Finally, ask yourself again:

-How would my Higher Self react?

-Do I treat myself the way I’d like to be treated by others?

Can I treat my body, mind, and soul with positive, inspiring, and high-vibe words that inspire change, transformation, and positive manifestation?

Affirm: I don’t fail, I succeed, or I learn.

Then, use positive self-talk affirmations to shift your mindset and energy while embracing positive focus.

Let’s dive deeper…

The Best Way to Use Positive Self-Talk Affirmations

To make the following positive self-talk affirmations as powerful as possible, I highly recommend you add your name to them and use the following structure.


Let’s say you decide to pick an affirmation:

“I’m great with money, and I always attract new streams of income.”

And let’s say your name is Jane.

To make your positive self-talk affirmations more effective, you want to use them in the following way:

“I, Jane, am great with money, and I always attract new streams of income.”

“You, Jane, are great with money, and you always attract new streams of income.”

“She, Jane, is great with money, and she always attracts new streams of income.”

Very often, our negative self-talk reflects the negative beliefs of others.

For example, if someone told Jane that she was terrible with money, her subconscious mind may have picked it up and made it true for her.

This is why using your affirmations with the structure you have just learned has the power to go very deep and eliminate any negative beliefs that might have been holding you back (such as “I’m not good with money”).

Then, you want to write your affirmation (using I, You and She or He) 2 or 3 times a day.

Mornings and evenings are great for that, and you can combine this simple practice with any manifestation journal you’ve chosen to keep.

You can learn more about the best manifestation journal practices HERE.

Personally, I love writing in my gratitude journal to embrace the positive feelings of appreciation first. Then, I write my affirmation.

At the same time, you can also record your affirmation on your phone and listen to it whenever you can. It may feel a bit weird initially, but it’s very effective in re-programing your subconscious mind.

I wish I’d done it earlier!

You can also use the following positive self-talk affirmations as an inspiration to create your own.

To learn more about creating your own personalized affirmations that work for you, use the following post for more guidance:

7 Powerful Secrets to Create Manifestation Affirmations That Work!

Raise Your Vibration and Feel Good about Yourself with These Positive Self-Talk Affirmations

#1 I love the person I have chosen to become.

#2 Challenges are the biggest growth opportunities, and I choose to love myself for every action I take to get closer to my goals.

#3 Whatever happens, the Universe has my back, and I choose to love and accept myself.

#4 Everything in my life is always getting better and better.

#5 I release all my doubts and fears, and my energy increases every day.

#6 I’m creative, productive, and full of unlimited passion.

#7 My passion is infectious and magnetic.

#8 I am a magnet for positive people, money, and events.

#9 I love money, and money loves me.

#10 The more money I make, the more value I add to the world and my community.

#11 I’m full of energy and vibrant health.

#12 I inspire and motivate other people, and I love it.

#13 I love learning new things, and I choose to be patient.

#14 I love and embrace the process of achieving my goals and manifesting my dream reality.

#15 My high vibration always protects me from the negative vibration of other people.

#16 I feel safe and protected wherever I go.

#17 I choose to live in the present moment where all the possibilities exist.

#18 I let go of any pain and disappointment from the past.

#19 I don’t fail, I succeed, or I learn.

#20 I use my mind creatively to help others and create an abundance of money and joy for everyone involved.

#21 People love doing business with me.

#22 I’m committed to finishing what I’ve started, and I’m committed to the process.

Final Words on Positive Self-Talk Affirmations

From now on, choose to love and appreciate yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be your own cheerleader.

Let’s say you have a big dream or goal you wish to manifest. Perhaps, you want to start a 6, or even 7-figure coaching business.

As you go through the process of getting closer to your goals (for example, through professional training or learning more about business), be sure to create your daily, positive self-talk ritual.

Look yourself in a mirror and say: I love you! You’re a very successful coach, and heart-based business owner, and you’re helping so many people! You’re so successful and abundant.

In other words…you want to use the “act as if…” rule…

So, see yourself as someone who’s already successful.

Celebrate and appreciate your achievements even before they manifest.

Positive self-talk and self-image go hand in hand!

So, never give up.

Remember that you’re powerful. You have a mission to accomplish. And your mind (and heart) are more powerful than you think!

To learn more about the power of affirmations, be sure to explore my post:

7 Powerful Secrets to Create Manifestation Affirmations That Work!

Speak to Manifest: A 6-Day Positive Self-Talk Challenge to Start Manifesting Your Dream Life (Law of Attraction Short Reads Book 9)

Here’s Just a Short Preview of What You’ll Discover Inside:

-why “trying to stop being negative” can turn against you and how to really manifest positive outcomes (even when you’re not feeling so good)

-how making friends with your inner critic can be the most powerful manifestation tool you’ll ever discover

-exactly how you can trigger powerful intentions using nothing but words

-why affirmations don’t work for most people and how to create your own personalized affirmations (that the Universe will listen and respond to!)

-the 4 words you absolutely must eliminate from your vocabulary ASAP (this simple shift alone has the power to help you manifest faster!)

-how to re-write your goals to completely dissolve any subconscious blocks that have been holding you back from manifesting your true potential

-when you should never talk about your desires with other people (and a few exceptions to this rule)

-the 3 letting-go mistakes you may be making without even knowing (and a much powerful way to release negativity for good and start manifesting your true desires)

-an almost instant way to raise vibration (no complicated rituals needed) and why most people never even try it

+ much, much more powerful tips, techniques, and guidance to help you become a vibrational match to what you desire … just by changing your self-talk!

Now on Amazon & Audible!