Positive Morning Affirmations to Feel Good, Energized, and Happy

Positive morning affirmations are the best self-care and self-love tool for your mind and soul! They can make you feel good and empowered so that you feel excited about your day.

Thanks to my positive morning affirmations, I now see the joy in almost everything I do, even some chores and tasks I didn’t particularly enjoy (such as cleaning or doing admin tasks in my business).

And, as I go through these tasks with joy, I always manage to do them well (and faster), or I effortlessly attract people or circumstances who help me.

To make your morning affirmations more effective, I recommend combining them with gratitude, journaling, and scripting (this post will give you some ideas).

Positive Morning Affirmations to Start Your Day

Now, let’s dive into our positive morning affirmations.

I have divided them into different sub-categories to make it easier for you.

Simply focus on the affirmations you enjoy and use them every morning. You can write them down in your journal, say them out loud in front of the mirror, record them or repeat them while working out, having a coffee, or in a shower.

Positive Morning Affirmations for Women

Positive Morning Affirmations for Women

I love and accept myself. I choose self-care over worry.

I always follow through on my commitments to myself.

I feel strong, brave, and courageous.

I love living in the present moment.

I look and feel good!

I inspire myself and those around me.

I am calm, confident, and loving.

I choose positive thoughts. I stop any negative thoughts.

Happiness is a choice. Today I choose to be happy

I believe in myself and my abilities to manifest my desires with joy and ease.

My potential is limitless.

I always stand up for myself in a calm, loving, and assertive way.

I love my healthy habits.

I love the power of forgiveness. I now forgive myself and others and let go.

My Divine Feminine Power is limitless, and it opens new channels of joy, prosperity, and abundance.

Morning Affirmations for Success

Positive Morning Affirmations for Success

I love learning and growing.

I know that small, daily actions lead to big results.

I love taking action on my goals.

Today something amazing is going to happen, and I feel excited!

I’m expecting excellent news today!

What I do today creates my tomorrow.

I embrace the power of the present moment to change my life.

I feel disciplined, energized, and inspired.

Everything I desire to manifest is already within me.

I always attract excellent, kind, and loving people into my life.

I love taking care of myself. The more I take care of myself, the more success I manifest!

I love living life on my own terms.

I create my destiny.

People love my work and want to pay me well.

I always attract high-paying projects and ideas I love doing.

I feel appreciated for the work I do.

Good Morning Affirmations to Feel Grateful

I feel so grateful to be alive!

I feel grateful I have a place to stay and food to eat.

I feel grateful for the comfort I live in, the running water, the pillows, the fridge, the coffee pot.

I feel well-taken care of by the Universe.

I feel grateful for every minute of self-care I can offer to myself.

I feel grateful for my clothes, my shoes, and my toiletries.

I feel so grateful for every dollar I have received in my life.

I feel so grateful for my beautiful body, mind, and soul.

I feel so grateful for the work I do.

I feel so grateful for everything I have learned on my journey so far.

Morning Affirmations for Gratitude

Powerful Morning Affirmations

I create my own reality with joy and ease.

I have the power to turn my life into a fantastic movie!

I accept and love myself, just the way I am.

I attract vibrant health, energy, and unlimited positivity.

My heart is open., it feels good to focus on my heart and make my mind peaceful.

I love my healthy habits that lead to unlimited vitality and radiance.

I feel stronger and stronger every day!

I love my morning rituals to take care of my body, mind, and soul.

I always have what I need. I attract all the money I need in abundance.

Today I choose to see abundance everywhere I go.

Today, I choose to manifest something amazing, something unexpected.

I always attract the help and support I need.

I replace anger with love.

I choose to think positive, loving, and empowering thoughts.

Today I choose to believe in myself, truly and deeply.

I am powerfully courageous, and people love my energy!

My energy attracts success, abundance, and vitality.

I release all fears and doubts, and I choose to focus on my greatness.

I AM Morning Affirmations

I am confident.

I am powerful.

I am smart.

I am beautiful.

I am a money magnet.

I am a success attractor.

I am a positive manifestor.

I am full of energy and vibrant health.

I am magnetic.

I am powerful.

I am productive.

I am focused.

I am positive.

I am empowered.

Louise Hay Positive Morning Affirmations

Life loves me!

All is well in my world.

Everything is working out for my highest good.

Out of this — or any — situation, only good will come.

I am safe!

It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.

Every thought and action I engage in creates my future.

I am on a beautiful journey of positive change.

I forgive myself and set myself free.

As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

I move past other people’s fears and limitations.

I take action despite my own fears and limitations.

I am Divinely guided.

I am Divinely protected at all times.

Today I claim my power.

I trust the process of life.

As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others.

I am willing to let go of that which no longer serves me.

Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.

I welcome miracles into my life.

Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at precisely the right time.

My positive thoughts help create a healthy body.

The Universe supports me in every possible way.

My day begins and ends with gratitude.

Everyone I encounter today offers a lesson I can learn from.

I surround myself with beautiful people wherever I go.

I am at home in my body.

I am healthy, whole, and complete.

Wellness is the natural state of my body.

I am in perfect health.

I am totally in sync with life.

I am thankful for all the love in my life.

I see examples of love everywhere.

I see examples of abundance everywhere.

I see examples of kindness everywhere.

I trust my intuition and listen to that still, small voice within.

I am willing to ask for help when I need it.

I attract healthy relationships.

I forgive myself for not being perfect.

I honor who I am.

I love and approve of myself.

Life is good, and so it is!

Read More:

20 Powerful Manifesting Lessons & Quotes from Louise Hay

Morning Affirmations for Men

Positive Morning Affirmations for Men

I like who I am.

I feel confident about myself.

I am a great person.

I love helping people.

My friends and family value me.

I have a unique skill set.

I respect myself, and others respect me.

I meet new challenges with confidence.

I am good at solving problems.

I feel strong and stable.

I am powerful.

I choose to learn from obstacles and use them to grow wiser and stronger.

I control how I feel.

I see the best in everyone I meet.

Today I choose to be happy.

I always see the positives in every situation.

I fuel my body and mind with good foods, exercise, and relaxation.

I am a high performer.

I create success on my own terms.

I have great ideas.

I am motivated and confident.

I am a valuable asset to everyone I work with.

I bring out the best in people.

I am a thoughtful and loving partner.

I treat everyone I meet with compassion and respect.

I am charismatic and magnetic.

I can express my emotions with ease and confidence.

Abundance Affirmations to Manifest Money

Morning Affirmations for Abundance

I have all that I need to make today a great day.

I am worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my desires.

Today, everything will work out. I will move through my day appreciating all the things I have. Amazing opportunities will come.

Today I am prepared. I am prepared for success, love, happiness, peace, joy, and financial abundance! I am prepared for my wildest dreams to come true.

I continue to climb higher. There are no limits to what I can achieve.

I work hard today to make my tomorrow amazing.

I am a strong individual who attracts success and happiness.

The world needs my light, and I am not afraid to shine.

Every day I become more confident, powerful, and successful.

I let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my success.

My mind is free of resistance and open to exciting new possibilities.

I am worthy of all the good life has to offer, and I deserve to be successful.

I am always open-minded and eager to explore new avenues to success.

I am well organized and manage my time with expert efficiency.

I always expect a positive outcome, and I naturally attract good results.

I am a powerful creator. I create the life I want and enjoy it.

I am focused on my goals and feel passionate about my work.

The Universe is filled with endless opportunities for my career.

I am surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in me.

I stay focused on my vision and pursue my daily work with passion.

I take pride in my ability to make worthwhile contributions to the world.

I feel financially abundant like attracts like, and so money comes to me naturally.

More Empowering Affirmations You Will Love!

56 Affirmations for New Beginnings – Release the Past and Manifest Faster

46 Powerful Affirmations to Block Negative Energy

55 Beautiful Affirmations and Quotes about Self-Worth