36 Nourishing Night-Time Affirmations for Relaxation, Peace of Mind, and Subconscious Reprogramming

Night-time affirmations are exactly what you need to make sure you fall asleep feeling relaxed, positive, and excited about what is yet to come! As Thomas Edison once said: “ Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious mind.”

In this post, you’ll discover the best night-time affirmations to send positive suggestions to your subconscious mind, sleep well, manifest faster, and wake up energized!

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Night-Time Affirmations to Relax Body, Mind, and Soul


Take a look at the soulmate affirmations I created for you in this post and pick up those you really like.

Repeat them before going to sleep!

You can also use your night-time affirmations when visualizing your desired outcomes or goals.

Night-Time Affirmations to Relax and Unwind

#1 It feels so good to be able to relax!

#2 I’m so grateful for my bed.

#3 I love falling asleep quickly, easily,  and effortlessly.

#4 I always have amazing dreams!

#5 I look forward to falling asleep now and giving my body, mind, and soul the most powerful rest ever.

#6 I now let go of any stress, doubt, and fear.

#7 I am safe and well taken care of.

#8 I have nothing to worry about, only great things to look forward to.

#9 As I allow myself to fall asleep, my subconscious mind keeps working for me.

#10 My subconscious mind gets me closer to my goals every day!

#11 The more I rest, the more I manifest.

#12 The more I relax, the more I manifest.

Night-Time Affirmations to Manifest While You Sleep

#13 I love manifesting while I sleep!

#14 I know that giving my mind, body, and soul a restful sleep is crucial to manifest my desires.

#15 I love replaying positive movies in my mind before going to sleep.

#16 I always manifest my desires.

#17 I’m patient.

#18 I trust myself.

#19 I’m now ready to let go of negativity to manifest with joy and ease!

#20 I love feeding my mind with positive affirmations and images before falling asleep.

#21 Manifesting while I sleep is easy, all I need to do is to give my precious subconscious mind some nice, positive instructions.

#22 I love manifesting through peace, gratitude, and relaxation.

#23 Every day, I wake up more successful.

#24 Every day, I am more and more powerful.

#25 Every day, I manifest better and faster.

#26 I wake up with powerful ideas!

#27 I wake up feeling stronger.

#28 I wake up younger, stronger, and more powerful

Night-Time Affirmations for Gratitude

#29 I am so grateful for today and its amazing gifts!

#30 I feel excited about tomorrow, I know the best is yet to come.

#31 It feels so good to just relax, and have a date with my subconscious mind.

#32 All the good moments I manifested today, I now replay them all over again and thank for them!

#33 I feel so incredibly grateful for tomorrow and its amazing gifts.

#34 I am lucky, blessed, and amazing.

#35 I am so grateful for my beautiful body and its ability to rest, rejuvenate and heal while I sleep.

#36 I am so grateful for my mind, and I choose to use it widely to play positive movies that make me feel good!

Pro Tip to Make Your Night-Time Affirmations More Effective

Pick your favorite night-time affirmations or/and combine them with your own ones (use this post to guidance to create your own affirmations in alignment with your goals).

Record them in your own voice, with some background music if you want to.

These powerful MP3 tracks created by ZenHarmonics can quickly get you into relaxed state, change your brainwaves, make your affirmations more effective, and manifest faster.

To record your own affirmations, you can use a free program- called Audacity, or record them directly on your phone.

At first, it may feel very strange to listen to your own voice. But, it’s one of the best tools to re-program your subconscious mind, and it works.

You only do the work once and let it work on autopilot to re-program your subconscious mind in a really powerful way.


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