Morning Journaling Prompts for Manifesting Magic, Peace of Mind & Positive Focus

Morning journaling prompts are a fantastic way to help you get excited and motivated for the day ahead. There are many morning journal prompts you can try, depending on your goals, personality, and lifestyle. In this post, I’ve included my favorite tips to inspire you to start morning journaling. If you’re already a journaling junkie (like me, lol), I hope the following morning journaling ideas will help you amplify your practice😊

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Morning Journaling Prompts & Ideas for Manifesting Your Best Life

What Is Morning Journaling?

Morning journaling is beneficial for all areas of your life, both on a metaphysical and practical level.

It boosts your mood and makes you feel good. It also gives you an opportunity to master the Law of Attraction by focusing on what you want and desire. Morning journaling is a fantastic way to raise your vibration!

Instead of getting up and reacting to what’s happening around you, you go inside and do the inner work needed to have a great day.

As you clean your mental, emotional and spiritual space each morning, you increase your manifesting power and creativity. You welcome new ideas that lead you to new, inspired actions and amazing manifestations.

I can’t even tell you how many book ideas I got, thanks to my morning journaling practice. It feels so good to embrace the morning stillness while unleashing my full potential!

I hope you, too, can experience this amazing feeling😊

Morning Journaling Prompts

How to Get Started on Morning Journaling + Gratitude Prompts Ideas

I love to start off my journaling with gratitude. Sometimes I focus on appreciation for the things I received many years ago (even in my childhood). I find this practice very healing and helpful in connecting myself to the feeling of abundance.

Sometimes, my gratitude focuses on the little things I am currently experiencing. Thanks to morning journaling and gratitude, I take these things to the next level by consciously focusing on them.

For example, I can be grateful for an email from one of my readers. I see it as a sign that more and more people are discovering my work. I can use it to amplify my motivation and keep writing.

There are many ways to practice gratitude. I always encourage my readers to choose what works best for them.

The way I write down my gratitude pages is usually this structure:

“I am so happy and grateful for/that (write what you’re grateful for) because….”

I am a big fan of Rhonda Byrne’s book The Magic, which (as I’ve already shared in many of my books and blogs) is the book that got me started on morning journaling, gratitude, and…creating a magical life by realizing how much power we all have…

So, I always recommend The Magic to my readers. If you decide to read it and follow through with it, my best advice is- to do it more than once! And keep coming back to it. It’s such an amazing book to help you create a journaling gratitude habit (and to be more grateful in general!).

So, back to The Magic…Rhonda Byrne recommends stating why you’re grateful for something in this book.

For example:

“I am so happy and grateful that (write what you’re grateful for) because (the reason why you’re grateful).”

You can be grateful for little and big things.


“I’m so happy and grateful that my partner made coffee for me this morning because I felt so good and well taken care of.”

“I’m so happy and grateful my blog is getting more and more traffic and readers every day because it inspires me to show up every day and do the best I can to grow and help others grow!”.

“I’m so happy and grateful that my partner got a new job because I love to see him happy, fulfilled, and well-financially taken care of.”

You can also organize your gratitude practice into different areas of your life or focus on the area of your life that you’d like to transform most.

For example: health, relationships, money, career, spirituality…

It’s really up to you.

My morning ritual is always the same…coffee and journaling.

I write down at least 3 things I am grateful for. Starting my morning journaling with gratitude makes me feel so good.

Then, after embracing the feel-good vibrational state, I amplify my practice by:

-writing down my daily goals and tasks as if they were already achieved (feels much better than some “to-do lists”).

For example: “I’m so happy and grateful I published my new blog post, and it’s reaching so many people who are getting value from it.”

I also like to add a few soothing affirmations that feel good to me in a moment, such as:

I am well taken care of.

I co-create with the Universe.

My angels take care of me.

Of course, it all depends on your spiritual beliefs and what feels good to you. Some people prefer to write affirmations such as: “I am great friends with my subconscious mind, and we are creating an amazing day today”.

Whenever I go through new, challenging tasks, I spice up my morning journaling with love-based inner parenting.

For example, I write: “You are doing great! You can do this. I am so proud of you, Elena. Don’t worry. It will all be all right. Just do the best you can. One step at a time”.

So much better than beating myself up, like I used to!

To empower your self-talk, I highly recommend you read my book: Speak to Manifest 😊

You can combine my Speak to Manifest methodology with any affirmation, visualization, or journaling/scripting practice.

You can also use it on its own. How you speak to yourself matters, and I’ve written Speak to Manifest to show you how a few mindful tweaks in your self-talk can empower your life and manifestations.

The Only “Rule” of Morning Journaling

The bottom line is to focus on what feels good to you. Also, morning journaling shouldn’t feel like an obligation or something you have to do. And more doesn’t equal better results.

If you want to journal more because it feels good, go for it.

Sometimes I finish my gratitude sessions with “freestyle freewriting” sessions that feel like something bigger is writing through me. And sometimes, all I do is write down a few things I am grateful for today and plan my day (very practical).

Of course, I love attracting these magical, esoteric moments when it feels like I am super connected to my higher self and something bigger, and I am always open to more of them.

From my experience, though, I learned they come when I least expect them lol. My job is to do my morning journaling, no matter what. My job is to show up every day and do my practice, inviting magic into my life. Some sessions feel more magical than others.

I learned long ago not to overanalyze or chase these magical moments. So now, my focus is on showing up with my best energy because I know that even if I write down 3 things I am grateful for today, I invite more goodness into my life. Quality over quantity…But…if you feel like doing longer sessions because it lifts you up – go for it and don’t feel guilty about it.

Talking about guilt…

When I first started my morning journaling, I felt guilty for “wasting my time”.

I thought:

“Wouldn’t this time be better spent on working…cleaning, or doing some real stuff”?

So, I quit my practice for a while…And boy, did it feel weird. Something was missing, and my focus was shattered. I was more prone to negativity. My creativity and productivity suffered a lot…

Luckily, I learned my lesson and got back to journaling. Now I know it works for me and all the benefits it provides me because I experienced them for myself.

Skipping my morning journaling feels like…skipping my morning coffee.

And even if I am busy, I know that 5 minutes is nothing and that by investing 5 minutes a day in my mental, spiritual and emotional health, I always get extraordinary dividends, such as…feeling like a powerful co-creator and enjoying my life.

Staying consistent with your morning journaling practice and using it as a tool to focus on the positive is a fantastic tool to help you re-program your subconscious mind.

Many people overcomplicate the subconscious re-programming process (and I used to be one of them, always looking for some new secret or trick to change my subconscious and, therefore, my life in 7 seconds or less, haha).

But then I learned that manifestation is about mental discipline. It didn’t sound too sexy to me at first…but once I integrated this concept and began exercising it by showing up for my morning journaling practice every day (mindful discipline) my mind began re-programming itself. I found what I was searching for: magic, abundance, and beautiful moments, by embodying what I feared so much – discipline…

I began experiencing positive shifts in my behaviors and reactions.

One of them was…a narcissistic family member could no longer trigger me. I remained calm without even trying. It felt like I became a new person…

And then it felt so good because I began affirming that this journaling and gratitude stuff work. The narc I’m talking about had his little outburst, and I’m sure he was angry he couldn’t get his energetic supply from me. He’s left me alone and in peace ever since. Now it feels like some protective shield is all over me, and it simply says: “I’m unavailable for drama…”

Of…BTW…one of the affirmations I incorporated into my morning journaling practice was:

I am calm, peaceful, and grounded.

I am unavailable for drama.

I am protected.

I am respected.

I am unavailable for negativity. I say no.

I knew about the concept of energetic boundaries for so long. And for so long, I thought they required some complicated rituals with a shaman and whatnot haha!

Turned out, you can use your morning journaling pages to incorporate some of your energetic boundaries and how you want others to treat you. Manifesting this stuff may take some time. Remember about mental discipline and just stick with it. The dividends will come. And the payday will feel so good to you because you will know you made it and it’s working…

Ok, this time, enough about me. I hope that gave you some motivation. Don’t stop journaling my dear! Or, if you’re new to it, get started. You don’t have to write entire pages. Even 3 little gratitude statements can do.

Now that we have covered the energy and motivation stuff, let’s look at some practical examples you can add to your morning journaling practice!

Can Morning Pages be Typed?

It’s up to you. Whatever makes you feel good. But…personally, I am a big fan of traditional pen and paper journaling. I love spoiling myself and treating myself to beautiful pens…

Sometimes I like to add a candle or incense. Spicing it up with a few crystals (and a nice cup of coffee) makes me look forward to the whole morning journaling experience even more.

But as always, follow your inner guidance and do what feels right to you.

Below are several of my journaling paraphernalia recommendations from uncle Amazon:

Mesmos Fancy Pens

PAPERAGE Lined Journal Notebook

Manifestation Candle

Manifestation Incense

Morning Journaling Exercise to Release Negativity

Sometimes I like to use my morning journaling to release negativity. So, if something is on my mind, I write down about it and then let it go. Don’t worry! Writing about something negative will not attract more of it if you intend to release and let go.

For example, I can write down that I felt frustrated because something didn’t go my way (such as a book launch not going as planned or having a little argument with a family member and feeling bad about it).

The process is:

-Write down how you feel about the situation you want to release.

-Express your feelings

-State: “I am ready to let it go. I release any negativity associated with this situation.”

+ finally, the best part…focus on gratitude.

For example:

“Even though my last launch didn’t go as well as expected, I am grateful because I learned how to do things better next time. This experience helped me grow.”

Or: “Even though my last family gathering didn’t go well, I am grateful because I can clearly see I still had some unresolved issues that I can now work on through tapping, meditation, and journaling. It all happened to help me heal on a deeper level.”

This exercise is a fantastic way to transform negative into positive and declutter your mind and soul.

Is it better to journal in the morning or before bed?

It’s up to you and your schedule. I always journal in the morning, which is part of my morning coffee ritual. But sometimes, I also journal in the evening (if I feel inspired to do so).

Don’t force yourself into anything. Follow your own rhythm!

Ideas & Tips for Morning Journaling

If you’re still not too sure what to write about (aside from gratitude, that seems to be the main topic of this post haha! You can never overdo it!), take a look at these prompts:

-Today, I choose to…

-Today, I can easily accomplish the following…

-Today, I am excited about…

-Today, I am ready to welcome…

-At the end of the day, I want to feel…

Below are more morning journal writing prompts to inspire you😊

Morning Journal Writing Prompts Examples

-How do you want to feel today?

-What energy or attitude do you want to bring to the day?

-What is the most important thing you want to accomplish today?

-Imagine you are your own motivational coach and cheerleader. How are you planning to speak to yourself throughout the day?

-How do you want to feel at the end of the day?

-How are you going to protect your energy today? What are you going to do to keep raising your vibration?

More morning journaling prompts:

-Who inspires you? Can you imagine this person with you today, talking to you, guiding you, and motivating you to do your best?

-What is something you’re interested in, and how can you learn more about it today?

-What are you going to do to focus on your passion today?

-How are you going to take care of your body today?

-What or who do you want to make time for today?

-What recent small wins can you celebrate right now?

-What makes you really happy lately? How can you do or have more of that?

-What good things are you inviting into your life right now?

-What are you currently manifesting? How can it change your life?

-What is an affirmation or mantra that will motivate you today?

Morning Journal Prompts for Anxiety

-What is the number one thing I can focus on now?

-What do I like about myself?

-How can I express my self-love today?

-How many times a day can I stop, take a few deep breaths, look in the mirror and say: I love you!?

Read more: Anxiety Affirmations to Soothe Your Inner State

Morning Journal Prompts for Success

Morning Journal Prompts for Success

-Who is my role model? How can I learn from them?

-What can I embody today to be more successful?

-How can I be more productive today and stay focused on my desires?

-How can I talk to myself today to stay positive, energized, and confident?

-What is my biggest goal now?

-What is the number one thing I can do every day to get closer to my goals?

You will also enjoy these affirmations:

48 Powerful Affirmations for Productivity

47 Motivation-Boosting Affirmations for Business Success

33 Affirmations for Creativity, Creative Courage & Unlimited Passion

Morning Journal Prompts for Motivation

-Imagine you manifested your biggest desire. How do you feel? What do you do now?

-Imagine you’re talking to your best friend and telling them about your latest manifestations coming to fruition…faster than you expected…how does it feel?

-Imagine your angels come to you and want to help you…what do you tell them? How does it feel?

Spiritual Journal Prompts to Amplify Your Connection with the Divine

-What were the most spiritual moments in my life?

-What makes me feel magical? Can I embrace this feeling now?

-What makes me feel good?

-What were the happiest moments of my life?

-How does it feel to receive angel messages?

These prompts go well with manifestation prayer.

Read more:

Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

Are Morning Pages Worth It?

The short answer is- yes! I found morning journaling to be incredibly healing and therapeutic. It’s also a great manifestation technique. It helps you connect with your Higher Self first thing in the morning and show up with your best energy.

It feels so good to be disciplined and use that discipline to grow and take care of yourself and your well-being. Journaling is great for your mental and emotional health. I hope this post inspired you to give it a try or spice up your practice. Remember that all the inner work you’re doing always pays off. There’s no other way. The best investment is the one you make in yourself. And only you can make it. So, use your time, energy, and thoughts wisely, to manifest your desires!

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