3 Powerful Vibrational Manifestation Techniques That Can Help You Right Here, Right Now! (2023 Update)

If you tried to put the Law of Attraction into practice and had mixed results, or perhaps you feel like you’re not using it fully, you’ve come to the right place!

You see, most mainstream Law of Attraction teachings approach it from a perspective that is limited by our belief system. These teachings often leave out the most important part for long-term LOA success: energy work, vibration, and alignment. These are very often missed, simply because they require a different way of thinking and being.

Luckily, there are 3 very simple vibrational manifestation techniques that can help you eliminate resistance and transform your belief system to become a vibrational match to your desires.

Because, everything is about your vibration. Think of it as your inner GPS. Well, it’s time for you to learn how to program it for your highest good to get to your desired destination and enjoy the journey.

If you apply at least one of the techniques today and commit to it (practise makes perfect!), your life will begin to change for the better. And even if an unexpected roadblock pops up, you’ll be able to overcome it sooner than you think.

Because these vibrational manifesting techniques are not only for manifesting big goals and desires. Sure, I invite you to use them on your big dreams. But, for me personally, as someone who’s been living this manifesting lifestyle I teach for years, the big magic happens when you apply these teachings to your everyday life, while enjoying the present moment.

I am telling about daily little manifestations such as: manifesting a little discount here and there, feeling more energized at work, feeling more connected to others, being kind to yourself and…just feeling happy and high vibe.

Manifestation Techniques
These vibrational manifestation techniques will help you manifest from a love-based mindset and pure intention.

How Vibrational Manifestation Techniques Really Work

With every intention you have, you manifest something into your life. And you’re always manifesting, you can’t avoid manifesting. Rather than questioning your ability to manifest, a better question would be how to manifest consciously and use your energy wisely to create what you desire. As mentioned these teachings can be applied to improve your everyday life, all aspects of it. Because everything is a vibration. So, take notice of what’s happening around you and become a mindful observer of your reality. Even the super subtle shifts in it.

Also, he following vibrational manifestation techniques are a fantastic way to become a conscious manifestor of your dream reality, including big manifestations. As you go through them, set an intention to feel more (instead of overthinking) and be more in your heart than in your mind.

Spiritual Manifestation Techniques

Vibrational Manifestation Technique #1 Embracing Forgiveness & Letting Go of Negative Emotions

One of the key aspects of using the Law of Attraction positively that works for you is learning to lower your resistance.

Resistance is when we do not accept a thought, feeling, emotion, other people, situation, or event.

Learning how to forgive may not be easy. Sometimes, we may not feel ready to forgive.

The real question is – can we afford to stay in the vibration of anger and resentment? What would our Higher Self do?

The following exercise (taken from my book: Law of Attraction – Manifestation Exercises) is based on the concept of forgiving and letting go:

#1 Journal about the things that have angered or hurt you. Let it go on paper.

If you feel like it, shout it out and go for a run or a brisk walk. Feel the sensation of anger and resentment leave your body.

Can you embrace the feeling of lightness and clarity? How does it feel now? Be aware of positive vibrations entering your body as you let go and embrace that feeling!

#2 When you write, write from the heart and just let the words flow.

Don’t overthink this exercise.

Let your heart take over. 

Remember, for the time being, you’re simply getting your feelings out on paper.

You don’t need to worry about forgiving just yet.

#3 Once you have written out all your feelings about the situation, write out how you would have liked the situation to have turned out.

For example, if you just wrote about a situation where someone said or did something that hurt you, I want you to write out how you wished the situation would have gone.

#4 After writing out how you wished the situation turned out, I want you to think about what may have caused the other person to act the way they did toward you.

Remember, the only reason anyone would hurt another person is that they are fearful and experiencing pain themselves.

#5 Using your understanding, write some reasons that this person may be fearful or in pain.

#6 Next, reflect on the possibility that the other person did not intend to hurt you.

Is it possible that your feeling hurt may be a misunderstanding on your part? Write all the reasons why this may be or may not be a possibility.

#7 Finally, journal about what you have learned from this experience and how you may have benefited from it.

Doing this journal exercise will help you process your experiences rather than keeping them inside you or acting out in a reactive manner.

Vibrational Manifestation Technique #2 Amplify the Power of Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude is one of the most powerful yet most often overlooked spiritual manifestation techniques.

Most people have heard of it and can intellectually understand its value.


“Oh, I already knew this; nothing new here”- is a common objection.

Now, I’m not calling anyone out. I’ve been there myself 😉

It was my limited thinking and limited belief that was drastically reducing my positive manifestation powers every single day.

So, I kept chasing…

A part of me kept chasing new business opportunities to finally make more money, feel significant and important…

At the same time, I kept chasing new self-improvement techniques.

But not from a place of mindful exploration and curiosity (such as “Oh, let’s see if I can use this technique to start getting up earlier and improve my life”), but from a place of:

“Oh, I feel like such a loser, I can’t even stay productive and focused.

Others can, but I can’t. Something must be wrong with me. “

As a result of a non-stop hustle, a negative, fear-based mindset, and very little self-care (or no self-care, apart from torturing myself with strenuous workouts or restrictive diets for rapid weight loss), my body finally rebelled. I manifested a disease.

Now, I’m really grateful for what happened, because it happened FOR me.

The Universe wanted me to get back to alignment and gratitude.

Gratitude transformed my life. It’s one of the main pillars of the holistic manifestation system I intend to convey in all my books and articles.

It’s so powerful that if I were to go to a desert island and pick just one manifestation technique, it would be gratitude!

So, embrace gratitude and focus on:

-different areas of your life (your body, health, finance, family, relationships, career…always find something to be grateful for)

-Feeling grateful for what you are experiencing now, at this moment

-feeling grateful for what you desire to attract into your life (very powerful!)

You can also explore my favorite gratitude affirmations HERE.

Vibrational Manifestation Technique #3 Stay Humble and Release Importance

While this spiritual teaching and manifestation technique is nothing new…

After all, I’m sure you’ve heard of the concepts of letting go and not getting too attached to the outcome….Letting go of your ego….

Practicing and using it as a vibrational manifestation technique can be a bit challenging.

I heard about this principle from so many books and resources. It was only when I discovered Vadim Zeland’s work, especially his book: The Reality Transurfing, that something clicked.

I just really resonated with the way he wrote and explained things.

In his books, he talks a lot about the concept of pendulums and decreasing inner importance.

What are pendulums, then?

According to Zeland, pendulums are energetic entities (some can be good for us, some not so) that vibrate a certain way of thinking, doing, and behaving.

If we want to manifest and live the life we want consciously, it’s very important to examine everything we follow, including:






So, what is inner importance?

The way I explain is- doing things to get approval and validation from others.

“I have to achieve this to become the bestselling author, and then everyone will admire me!”

“I gotta do this and be the best; otherwise, I’ll not feel worthy…”


Let me share a story to illustrate the concept of pendulums and inner importance in practice:

Several years ago, as you already know, I kept chasing different business opportunities (I wanted to feel significant and validated.

I got sucked in by the Pendulum of Mindless Opportunity Chasing.

At some point, I thought I should be offering very expensive retreats and programs because I had online friends who successfully sold high-ticket products.

So, once again, I got sucked in by this High Ticket Pendulum.

I invested in several very expensive programs (high ticket on how to sell high ticket, lol) , because I got so attached to this idea, it seemed like it would give me everything I ever wanted:




Now, please note, I’m not bashing the high-ticket business model.

I have several friends in different industries who focus exclusively on high-end offers. They do very well with it.

Why? It’s very aligned for them. They made a choice.

They decided to position themselves exclusively in high-end/luxury markets, and they love what they do, what they offer, and how they market and sell.

It feels natural for them, and they enjoy their high-ticket business model (including higher-pressure sales calls).

To each their own. Some people really enjoy investing in high-ticket, high-end offers, and they even feel more motivated when they do so.

But, in my case, the High Ticket “Pendulum” was not for me.

Getting sucked into it (and holding onto it while feeling desperate to succeed with it fast) only made me burn out.

There was no alignment for me.

At the same time, I put too much importance on the whole venture and wanted to feel validation and significance. FAST.

Yet, I could never attract what I desired back then.

So, Vadim Zeland’s work and his own authenticity (the way he writes and humbly stays behind the scenes; he doesn’t seek fame or recognition, yet his work is of enormous inspiration for so many!) motivated me to do the inner work and focus on my passions and strengths.

I understood that I can use many ways and business models to share my knowledge and experiences with others. The one I decided to stick to is writing (kindle publishing and blogging).

That’s it!

At the same time, I use Zeland’s principle of focusing on other people and their needs and desires while creating win-win situations.

So, ask yourself:

-are your goals and desires in alignment with your strengths?

-have you gotten sucked into any energetic pendulum that perhaps is not good for you? (please note, there may be a pendulum that is destructive for you but beneficial for some, once again, it all comes down to discovering your very own alignment)

-what motivates you? Do you feel too stuck in your own ego or thoughts such as: “what will others think of me?” or do you let your heart and soul speak?

-are you actively seeking your own channel of creative self-expression that can be beneficial to others?

Perhaps you enjoy learning, reading, and sharing ideas.

In alignment with that, you could start a YouTube channel or a Facebook page with short videos where you review your favorite books.

Or perhaps, you love organizing events. You’d love to share your ideas with small groups in your local community.

Whatever you’ve discovered, go for it.

Your passion is always right. Passion is energy. Passion is light. Passion is humble.

When you are in the vibration of passion, you forget about your ego and self-importance.

It’s like co-creating with the Universe and the Higher Power, so…never forget the third spiritual manifestation technique – stay humble and reduce self-importance.

Your life will get so much better. Trust me on that one!

Law of Attraction - Manifestation Exercises now available on Amazon!

Law of Attraction: Manifestation Exercises-Transform All Areas of Your Life with Tested LOA & Quantum Physics Secrets

Now available on Amazon

About the book:

Become the Master of Conscious Manifesting by Using the Language the Universe Understands and Quickly Responds to!

Your communication with the Universe is what makes your manifestations successful or not.

To fully take charge of the manifesting process and become a conscious and confident manifester, you need to:

  • Release what no longer serves you;
  • Align your energy with what you desire to attract;
  • Fully embody your desires energetically.

The truth is, the Law of Attraction always works; you can’t switch it off, and it works as an amplifier; it amplifies and manifests what’s inside you.

The good news is that you can re-align your energy with what you want, and this is what Law of Attraction – Manifestation Exercises book is designed to help you with!

❤️Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover Inside to Start Supercharging Your Manifestations Today❤️

-The main reason why you may have gotten mixed results with your previous manifesting attempts + how to turn it around for your highest good;

-Powerful techniques to change your belief system and align your vibrational frequency with what you want (and why this unique mindset and energy work combo is the fastest way to manifest!);

-The hidden magic of “release to manifest” and how you can manifest more by letting go of trapped energy and emotions that are holding you back;

-Inner work prompts for manifesting lasting abundance;

-How to activate the energy of oneness and pure consciousness to fill your life with joy, magic, and bliss;

The power of emotions in the manifestation process and how to use it for your highest good;

-How to understand, master, and embody the language of vibrational frequencies to communicate your desires to the Universe and receive them with ease;

-Inner work to align with the quantum field of unlimited possibilities to start manifesting new, unexpected ideas and solutions;

-Detailed guidance to feel at peace with yourself and truly live in the present moment;

-Life-changing skills to lower your resistance and embrace the energy of detachment (side effect -more happiness and bliss!)

-Love vs. fear-based intentions explained and why fear-based intent results in not-so-desired manifestations (+ how to quickly shift to LOVE to manifest what you want);

-Journaling prompts to raise your vibration, heal your energy, and cleanse your thoughts;

High-frequency meditations and deeply healing inner work to re-program your subconscious mind to make it work for you, not against you;

Forget about past disappointments with LOA and allow your energy to transform as you read and align with the new, more empowered, and unstoppable version of yourself!

Whether you’re brand new to the LOA, or you’ve been on this journey for some time, this book appeared in your life for a reason- you are ready to discover how the Universe really works and activate the hidden manifestation master inside you while discovering the power of releasing your ego and opening your heart.

Your best life is calling you. It’s time to claim it and fuse yourself with it by mastering the conscious manifesting process vibrating the frequency of your desires!

Order your copy from Amazon HERE!