12 Life-Changing Manifestation Quotes to Boost Your Motivation & Manifesting Power

Manifestation quotes are instant mood and vibration boosters. Whenever I need a positive reminder of how powerful we all are and how much magic we can create in our lives, I browse through my favorite manifestation quotes and get in the minds of powerful creators. Then, I remind myself that we are all connected. We are all one! This simple process boosts my vibration almost instantly, and I feel inspired and motivated to continue my journey of conscious manifesting while inspiring other ambitious souls (just like You).

Manifestation Quotes to Raise Your Vibration, Feel Good & Feel Empowered to Manifest Your Desires

In this post, I share my favorite manifestation quotes to help you on your manifesting journey.

Read them out loud or write them down in your manifestation journal. Carry them with you and use them whenever you need a positive reminder.

You are powerful, you are infinite, you are magnetic.

It’s time to manifest your desires, it’s time to receive!

Manifestation Quote #1

“The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life.” – Jack Canfield

Such a simple reminder…audit your thoughts more often and start focusing on what you really desire. Create new, empowering stories around it! Say no to negativity. Reclaim the power of your mind, right here, right now!

Manifestation Quote #2

“To live your greatest life, you must first become a leader within yourself. Take charge of your life, begin attracting and manifesting all that you desire in life.” – Sonia Ricotti

Sonia Ricotti is one of the most inspiring and authentically powerful women in self-development. In this quote, she mentions the importance of self-leadership.

Become your own leader, guru, and coach. So often, we wait for someone to save us. And yes, it is important to invest in yourself and learn from mentors and teachers. But…be your own leader first and reclaim your power!

Manifestation Quote #3

“You manifest what you believe, not what you want.” – Sonia Ricotti

Yet another brilliant quote from Sonia Ricotti. The Law of Attraction always reflects our beliefs (very often subconscious beliefs). We can want something outside but never get it if we don’t really believe we can. This is why it’s so important to dive deep and investigate our limiting beliefs. Not to focus on them or dwell on negativity, but to HEAL and transform them.

Focusing too much on our wants without doing the inner work first hardly ever leads to success and can be one of the biggest manifestation blocks.

To learn more about it and shift the way you manifest, I highly recommend you get my book: How Not to Manifest on Amazon – it can help you save years of manifesting struggle😊

Manifestation Quote #4

“Action that is inspired from aligned thoughts is joyful action.” – Abraham Hicks

Such a beautiful quote that reminds us how important it is to take aligned action based on our new, empowering thoughts, energy, and mindset. Taking action should feel good. If it doesn’t, it probably means we need to check our alignment.

Manifestation Quote #5

“When you understand the Laws, then you understand that it is not more difficult to create $10 million than $100,000. It is the same application of the same Law to two different intentions.” – Abraham Hicks

Do you limit yourself based on your current level of awareness? Because if you get in the state of full awareness and pure consciousness, everything is possible, and there is no reason to limit yourself.

Of course, I am not judging. I catch myself limiting my goals and intentions very often! Yesterday I was setting goals for 2022, and I caught myself limiting myself big time, lol! But I said- no. It’s time to dream big! It all starts in your mind. Feed it with big goals, and think big, to align big and manifest even bigger!

Manifestation Quote #6

“See yourself living in abundance, and you will attract it.” – Rhonda Byrne

This quote always reminds me to close my eyes and visualize my dream reality while embracing positive feelings and emotions. After all, we don’t visualize or use manifestation methods just for the sake of it, right? We use them to tap into something much more powerful – positive emotions and feelings.

Manifestation Quote #7

“A person is what he or she thinks about all day long.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson

So true! So think about your success, your power, and your infinite magnificence!

Manifestation Quote #8

“Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.” – Rhonda Byrne

Here’s what I do to eliminate doubt. I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths and tell myself, OK, now you have manifested your desire. You already have it. It’s yours. So, why do you even worry?

Then, I start creating positive loops in my mind using Law of Assumption affirmations based on Neville Goddard’s teachings.

It’s done! It’s manifested. So, stop worrying!

Manifestation Quote #9

“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way, you are right.” – Henry Ford

So true! This is why it’s so essential to keep auditing our thoughts and beliefs.

Whenever you catch yourself thinking: “I can’t”, ask yourself: “Why not?”, or: “What if I could?”.

Manifestation Quote #10

“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.” – Richard Bach

It’s so important to be living in the end!

By acting “as if” and fully embracing the power of our aligned actions, beliefs, and thoughts, we can manifest faster!

Manifestation Quote #11

“Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art, and you can change your life anytime that you’re not enjoying the dream.” – don Miguel Ruiz

You are the master of your reality, and you can reclaim your life and start living on your terms whenever you desire.

Manifestation Quote #12

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoraeu 

I am a big believer in authentic confidence. And authentic confidence stems from our authentic energy and beliefs created around our chosen dream reality!

Are You Ready to Reveal Your Manifestation Blocks and Manifest Faster?

You already know that the law of attraction works. It is either bringing you closer to what you want or it repels you further away. 

Do you know what is blocking you from attracting what you want? 

International manifestation expert, Croix Sather has created a short MANIFESTATION QUIZ so that you can discover your manifestation block and breakthrough. 

It’s fun and it’s accurate … 

and it will help you go from repelling what you want … to attracting what you want. 

CLICK HERE for your manifestation reading. 

Until next time we meet, sending you lots of love from here,


PS, This will only take a minute but you will benefit for the rest of your life!