Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

Manifestation prayer is a very powerful but very often overlooked manifestation tool. Yet, if used correctly, in alignment with your authentic desires, it can amplify your manifestations. You can create a prayer for manifestation of love, money, abundance, joy, a new job, a new home, or spiritual experiences. Whatever it is you want!

It’s time to dive deeper into manifesting with manifestation prayer!

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Discover in This Post:

Manifestation Prayer Misconceptions

When Manifestation Prayer Becomes Your Lifestyle

Prayer for Manifestation – the 7 Steps You Can’t Miss

Common Manifestation Prayer Blocks to Release

What May Be Holding You Back…

Manifestation Prayer for Creating a State of FULL ALIGNMENT

Prayer and Manifestation Journal

Example of a Morning Manifestation Prayer

Example of an Evening Manifestation Prayer

Manifestation Prayer to Connect to Something Bigger

Manifestation Prayer for Health

Can You Manifest and Pray?

Manifestation Prayer for Success

Daily Manifestation Prayer

Manifestation Prayer for Love

Abundance Manifestation Prayer

Manifestation Prayer for a Job

Manifestation Prayer for Money

Manifestation Prayer Secrets

Manifestation Prayer Misconceptions

If you’re skeptical…not too sure if you can practice manifestation prayer… let’s clear up a few common manifestation prayer misconceptions!

#1 Your religious or spiritual background doesn’t matter. It’s all about creating your own manifesting prayers

You can practice manifestation prayer, no matter your current, religious, or spiritual background or experience. The way I like to practice and teach manifestation prayer is unique to me (like everything else I share and write about). But I always encourage my readers to practice what I share, test it, and apply it in a way that feels good and unique to them.

Manifestation prayer is a powerful energetic tool you can use to amplify your manifesting and spiritual practice. But it’s not a dogma or a cult.

So, read this post with an open mind (and heart). Use my manifesting framework to get started, but also infuse your manifestation prayer with your uniqueness, which will make it work for you. Your unique energy.

#2 Most people think that a prayer is an act of desperation – but it doesn’t have to be that way!

Although yes, many people discover manifestation prayer after hitting rock bottom, and this is precisely what happened to me…But here’s one thing to understand- release your ego and pride! Turning to manifestation prayer doesn’t make you weaker. Entirely, on the contrary- it helps you unleash your full potential.

You can use manifestation prayer daily. You can ask for the next step. You can ask for guidance.

You can ask for clarity. And you can feel at peace knowing that you are co-creating your reality with something supernatural, something with unlimited potential. And so, you, too, become unlimited and supernatural!

Your logical mind is limited. For example, you may think of an issue that bothers you. Let’s say it’s not enough clients in your business. You try different ways to get more clients, and nothing seems to be working.

Once again, your logical mind is limited to what it knows based on what it can logically research and experience.

But there’s also another way.

The unlimited quantum way. You can use manifestation prayer to connect to new possibilities.

Think of manifestation prayer as a bridge between your earthly desires and unlimited quantum possibilities.

There are so many excellent solutions and opportunities waiting for you on the quantum side!

All you need to do is ask, align, and act (according to the downloads you receive with manifestation prayer).

When Manifestation Prayer Becomes Your Lifestyle

Why not make manifestation prayer your lifestyle?

If there’s one thing I’d like you to take from reading this post, you can use manifestation prayer for whatever you want, no matter your spiritual/religious, or professional background. Use the ideas from this post but read it more with your heart than your mind.

Then, follow your feelings and intend to integrate manifestation prayer into your spiritual, self-development, or manifesting practice in a way that feels most aligned to you.

You’re always talking to yourself anyway. Your inner dialogue never ends.

The question is- is your internal dialogue in alignment with what you want? Or is it about comparing yourself with other people and beating yourself up?

Why not transmute your inner dialogue to something way more empowering, creative, and joyful? Why not take charge of your thoughts, feelings, and actions? Why not open yourself to unlimited guidance and innovative solutions you will never access if you remain stuck in negativity or limited by your logical mind?

Prayers for Manifestating Your Desires – the 7 Steps You Can’t Miss

Step #1 What is a manifestation prayer?

The answer is simple. You create your own rules and your own definition. For me personally, meditation prayer is a ritual of aligning myself to something bigger. It’s about connecting myself to the Infinite Intelligence and receiving guidance to help me unleash my full potential and become my best self.

Who do I pray to then?

And once again, I’ll let my lovely readers answer this question for themselves.

You can pray to God, Angels, the Universe, your ancestors, or spirit guides…you can also pray to your subconscious mind or Higher Self. So, you can use manifestation prayer even if you’re not a religious person and even if you’re not that woo-woo.

But, if you’re still here, my guess is that you’re woo-woo, and you love it! (Who doesn’t…one of the best things I’ve done for myself was to leave the spiritual closet!)

Step #2 Unshakable belief

Yes, you need to believe. But when I say “believe,” I’m not referring to some mindless recitations of “Oh yea, I believe; let’s see what happens”.

I’m talking about unapologetic embodiment.


You need to embody your next stage of awareness.

Because if you’re struggling with something right now or not manifesting as fast as you could (of course, some manifestations take more time, it all depends on what we’re manifesting, but often things can speed up!), it’s probably because your current stage of awareness is blocking you.

Manifestation prayer can help you unlock your new stage of awareness so that you can approach whatever bothers you or whatever you desire to manifest into your life with a fresh perspective.

Your next level of awareness will help you find new solutions and possibilities.

And it will feel easy and effortless (even if the action will be required, and it very often is, you will feel very joyful and excited about it, and it will energize you).

So, to sum up – believe in the process of manifestation prayer.

And if you still struggle with belief, you may want to look at different manifestation success stories online.

Or…approach it with the Next Level Awareness and embody your own success story!

Step #3 Clarity

If you struggle with clarity and don’t really know what you want, don’t worry!

It took me many years to figure this out. Seriously. For so many years, I kept chasing other people’s goals and desires. Manifesting felt like constant effort and struggle.

And even after achieving my goals, I didn’t feel fulfilled.

I lacked clarity and self-awareness.

But at least my old situation empowered me to create my own process of gaining clarity, and now I can help others on their journeys, too (one of my main motivations behind running this blog, I love transmuting my old struggles into systems that work while offering unlimited empowerment for other people).

On this blog, I have a ton of resources to help you gain more clarity:

Write to Manifest – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

How to Write a Manifestation List to Create Your Dream Reality Faster

Subconscious Mind Secrets for Effortless and Effective Manifesting

+ I can also give you some peace of mind (hopefully) by sharing this:

Yes, clarity is essential.

But, it’s not that you need to know all the details.

Many people (myself included) didn’t know all the details, they simply had a general image of what they wanted, and they manifested. For example, I knew I wanted to share my experiences with the Law of Attraction to help and inspire other people. I knew I wanted to write.

But, I didn’t know I would start a blog and write books. I had no idea about blogging or kindle publishing back then.

I had a general image, a general idea of what I wanted and how I felt about it.

Remember- There’s no right or wrong.

Manifestation prayer will help you find your way. Keep asking yourself:

-what do I really want?

-do I really want it?

-why do I want it?

-do I want it because I really want it, or is it to impress others or prove myself in front of others?

-what do I love doing when nobody is watching?

-what would bring joy into my life?

-what are my passions, strengths, and gifts?

-what are the skills I can develop in alignment with what I want and love doing?

Check out my other posts and books for clarity and more inspiration:

Script to Manifest : It’s Time to Design & Attract Your Dream Life (Even if You Think it’s Impossible Now)

Law of Attraction for Motivation: How to Get and Stay Motivated to Attract the Life You Have Always Wanted and Be Unstoppable

How to Manifest Success and Create Your Dream Life (The Full Alignment Method)

Step #4 Focus on What You Want

This step is all about developing mindful awareness.

Start auditing your thoughts, and they will have no power over you.

Manifestation prayer is a great tool to help you embrace the power of the present moment so that you can focus on what you want.

Oh, and don’t worry about negative thoughts. Don’t feel bad about having them. Whenever you think negative thoughts, simply say: “Cancel-cancel”.

My personal belief is that ONLY my positive thoughts manifest.

Not that I give myself the green light to indulge in negative thoughts. But they no longer have power over me. They don’t control my actions, feelings, and emotions.

The more you practice the manifestation prayer; the more will your focus increase!

You can also explore the 17-second manifestation rule here.

It’s great for raising your vibration and aligning yourself with what you want during the day.

Step #5 Intention

Focus on one firm intention at a time.

It doesn’t matter how you express it or your words to state it.

What really matters is that you understand your intention and keep it pure.

An example of clear and powerful intention:

-manifesting a new income stream, something unexpected. I’m awaiting the guidance!

-manifesting a nice and friendly work environment where I feel fully respected and appreciated

-manifesting my own house, a fantastic mortgage deal, or something better that my mind can’t even comprehend yet

Going back to FOCUS, can you see how we use positive intentions to focus on what you want?

Step #6 Willingness to see things differently and receive guidance

One of the things I love saying in my manifestation prayers is: “I’m willing to see things differently.”

Whenever I’m feeling down, I like to say:

“Even though (and I quickly state what bothers me, all from a place of neutrality, not victim-hood or blame) ….I know there must be a new way for me, and I’m willing to see things differently. I’m open to receiving guidance”.


“Even though I didn’t receive a promotion at work, and to be honest, I felt disappointed at first, I’m now ready to let go and move on. I’m willing to learn from this. I’m willing to receive powerful downloads to activate new solutions in my life. I still hold my vision- I desire to receive a promotion and a pay rise in my work. This, or something better. I’m willing to receive guidance. Thank You – Thank You – Thank You”

Step #7 Willingness to do your part and take aligned action

To take action or not to take action?

This concept alone is so complex that it could be turned into a book, now that I think of it, haha!

So, in the LOA community, there seems to be a debate about taking action. Most LOA teachers and gurus will tell you that no action is required.

But what do they do themselves? They run coaching businesses where they take action, create systems, offer products and services, learn new things, and build teams.

They LOVE what they do.

But it’s not my intention to judge or call out other people.

Over the years of practicing Manifestation, I concluded that everything depends on everything.

Some manifestations require action. And not just once, but all over again. For example, if you want to start a business, become an artist, writer or a musician, or an actor…or be an outstanding professional in whatever it is you do, you will need to take action to learn and practice.

I think it’s pretty common sense.

What really matters here is alignment, passion, and choice.

Thanks to manifestation prayer, you can tune into what’s best for you. So that you can create your own way of doing things.

As you practice manifestation prayer, you will start receiving intuitive downloads sooner or later.

For example, I took action and started this blog because I was getting consistent downloads…start a blog. Google this information. Learn this. Read that article. Buy that course.

Even though my logical mind and most of my online entrepreneur friends told me, “Blogging is dead! Don’t start a blog in 2021”.

But, I lovingly told those judgments to F off and took aligned action. I just felt it was right for me. And it’s so much fun!

I quickly realized that there were so many topics I wanted to write and share about, but they were not complex enough for my books. Well, now, I can also serve my readers through other forms of content and help them stay inspired in between my book releases.

And I fulfilled my desire to write, share and inspire and work from home.

So, don’t be afraid to take action and test new things.

Some downloads you receive may serve as learning experiences on your journey. For example, you may be led to do something that ultimately is not your path or doesn’t work for you, but that something will lead you to new, better things.

The Divine Plan is super powerful. Our logical minds can’t even comprehend it. Sometimes all we need to do is to surrender to it and follow its orders because we are being guided.

So…keep moving forward. Stay in motion and follow your own way!

Common Manifestation Prayer Blocks to Release

Fear and doubt are the biggest manifesting blocks for most people. We fear so many things…

What if it doesn’t work?

What if I feel disappointed?

What if I waste my time?

Here’s the framework I use to release negativity and doubt. Daily. It’s like taking an emotional and spiritual shower.

#1 I play around with the concept of non-linear manifestations.

Because Manifestation is not a linear process.

So, the work you put in now benefits the You in the past and future. At the same time, the Future You is doing something that is benefiting you now.

So, let go of any attachments to fast results. Embrace the feelings of trust, knowing, and feeling well taken care of by the Universe.

#2 Understand the Power of Compound Effect

All the positive actions, thoughts, and feelings you take keep compounding. Everything is growing and expanding behind the scenes. It’s just that your five senses are not fully aware of what’s going on behind the curtains. Well…not now.

Remind yourself that everything is unfolding just like it should, and everything is working out for you!

#3 Replace a negative “what if” with a positive “what if” and integrate it into your self-talk.

Example: What if I practice manifestation prayer daily and manifest my desires?

What it would feel like?

And what if I go to that meeting and get a pay rise?

And what if I research this business opportunity, take action, and make more money?

And what if I publish this book and everyone loves it?

Give your mind the positive what ifs to help you stay focused on your positive intentions.

As I’ve said in the intro- you can make Manifestation and Manifestation prayer your lifestyle.

This may sound difficult if you’re new to all this (my old self can relate). But it’s like learning to play a new instrument or getting better at playing a new sport.

The more you practice, the less effort it requires.

Your subconscious mind takes over, and everything becomes automatic (and it feels magical!).

Other Manifestation Prayer Misconceptions That May Be Holding You Back

I discovered the world of Manifestation through personal development and entrepreneurship. I felt burned out and turned to LOA and spirituality.

I intuitively felt that LOA, spirituality, and manifestation-related healing modalities could get me on the right track and learn more about myself.

But I was still in my ego. Non-stop.

(yes, a bit of ego is OK, and it can positively fuel us, but from my experience, too much ego leads to suffering)

At first, I wanted to manifest ONLY with my mind and actions, and I would reject spiritual and energetic concepts such as manifestation prayer.

I thought it would make me weak. I thought I would be asking for something without adding any value. And I didn’t feel good about it.

But then I learn that it’s all about bridging the energy work with the actions we take in this physical plane.

It’s like bridging the metaphysical with the practical.

It’s a bit hard for me to explain this knowledge using words. It just feels too esoteric sometimes.

This is why I keep encouraging my readers to truly practice and experience this stuff for themselves.

The best place to start manifestation prayer is to become a mindful observer of your reality.

To fuse yourself with what you want but become detached from it simultaneously.

As you enter the state of manifestation prayer, keep reminding yourself that you are entering a potent, metaphysical, quantum field of all possibilities.

You absorb new information and possibilities as you remain in that powerful state.

Then, you receive new downloads and guidance. How long will it take? I don’t know. It could be instantly.

Or it could be a few weeks or months of practicing manifestation prayer and aligning yourself with new possibilities daily.

As you practice manifestation prayer, remember to stay grounded. Do your job or attend your business and any daily activities or things you do with love, joy, and compassion.

Do what you know how to do. And do an excellent job on whatever it is you do.

This will help you stay grounded.

Many spirituality seekers get too woo-woo and fly too high, so they miss many things they could mindfully apply to instantly change their situation. They reject the concept of taking action as not spiritual. Or they are waiting for something or someone to save them.

I, too, used to be like that and all I could manifest was more confusion.

Remember this simple rule: you are on the physical plane. And under its own set of rules. So, respect them. But remember that you’re not just physical but also spiritual.

So, choose to mindfully combine the spiritual with the practical.

How about daily manifestation prayer + choosing to do your daily activities from a place of complete focus, joy, and gratitude?

“Oh, but I hate my job” – some readers might say.

“When I manifest a new job, I will be happy and do it joyfully.”

My answer- embody what you want now. Believe. Be + live.

Your daily actions and how you approach them can also be super spiritual and help you manifest your desired reality.

Do what you do the best you can while taking care of your vibrations 🙂

Manifestation Prayer for Creating a State of FULL ALIGNMENT

Now, it’s time to create your own manifestation prayer from a place of total alignment!

Step #1 Make sure your thoughts, or at least most of them, match your desires and what you ask for in your manifestation prayer.

Keep auditing your thoughts and how you talk to yourself/treat yourself daily. Monitor your self-talk, and you will take control of your thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you will change your life.

Step #2 Release any uncertainties. There is no such thing as “unanswered prayer.” 

Your prayers will always get answered sooner or later. Trust the Universe and Divine timing.

That doesn’t mean you must wait mindlessly. Keep doing what you’re doing in your daily life and do a good job. Inspire others by being the best version of yourself

Step #3 Make sure that your desires are yours and yours only.

Stop chasing other people’s goals. If you’re trying to manifest something to make others happy, you need to get honest with yourself and ask yourself what you really want.

Be patient. The Divine Source and the Universe know what’s best for you. They know the right timing.

They want to guide you and want the best for you. Leave your ego. Stop chasing. Get into your heart. Stay grounded. Enjoy the NOW. Embrace gratitude. Have fun while waiting for what’s yet to come!

Prayer and Manifestation Journal

If you enjoy journaling and scripting, you may choose to write your manifestation prayers in a journal.

Personally, I love practicing daily gratitude through journaling.

Then, I very often add in a bit of prayer.

Example of a Morning Manifestation Prayer

Please help me stay energized, be happy, and inspire everyone around me with my presence. Please help me stay creative, productive, and attractive to new opportunities. Please help me embrace abundant states and feel great.

I am willing to be guided. I am willing to learn new things. I am willing to receive new downloads and follow their instructions. Together, we create a better reality for myself and others.

Example of an Evening Manifestation Prayer

Please help me sleep well and receive guidance and downloads while I sleep. Please connect me with new possibilities and ideas.

Please help me fall asleep easily and effortlessly. Please help me manifest an amazing night of good, restful sleep that rejuvenates my body, mind, and soul.

Please help me wake up joyful, happy, and full of vibrant energy and health. Help me stay surrounded by my angels, and spirit guides for protection and peace of mind.

God, Angels, Universe- Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Manifestation Prayer to Connect to Something Bigger

God, Angels, Universe. I am willing to see things differently. I am willing to embrace a Higher state of awareness. I am willing to connect to something bigger to learn more about myself and my reality. I close my eyes. I take a few deep breaths. And I see myself as a little, a vibrant drop in the ocean. I can do things by myself and do well. But I can also connect to the Mother Ocean and something bigger. I can be stronger and move faster.

Please help me see things differently whenever the time is right. I’m willing to step up and be a part of something bigger.

Manifestation Prayer for Health

My desire is to enjoy vibrant health. I’m willing to embrace new levels of self-love and self-care.

Please help me with divine downloads and guidance.

Please bless me with unlimited energy and vibrant health.

Please send me the next steps.

I’m ready to embrace the next level of health and wellbeing.

I’m willing to release all the negativity from my body, mind, and soul.

I choose love, self-love, joy, happiness, compassion, and forgiveness.

Can You Manifest and Pray?

Yes. There are different forms of prayers and manifestations. You can combine manifesting and praying. Use your prayers to express your intentions, receive guidance and connect with your Higher Self or whatever entity you believe in and choose to pray to.

However, remember that it’s all about choice. Some people choose to manifest using their minds and actions alone. Don’t force it if you don’t feel like using manifestation prayer in your practice.

But personally, discovering the power of manifesting prayers and spiritual manifesting was a true game-changer for me.

I just feel comforted knowing that I can co-create with a Higher Power. And I manifested more success with less effort by following this spiritual approach and manifesting prayers.

Manifestation Prayer for Success

God, Angels, Universe, and My Higher Self (whatever entity you choose to pray to). I know you gave me the desire for success and excellence.

Please help me unleash my full potential. Please help me unleash the power of positive thoughts, actions, and feelings.

Bless me with the knowledge, intuition, and whatever it is I need to manifest my desires.

I’m willing to see things differently. I’m willing to act in accordance with your guidance. I’m willing to co-create with You for my highest good and the good of all others.

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Daily Manifestation Prayer

God, Angels, Universe…

Please bless my day with incredible joy, love, and abundance.

Help me be at my best to do my best, the best I can.

Help me embody love, joy, and gratitude to inspire myself and those around me. Help me accomplish my tasks with joy and ease. Bless me with everyday magic and something unexpected.

Make everything flow to me.

I’m ready to co-create with you. I’m open to your guidance. I’m willing to do my part.

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Manifestation Prayer for Love

God, Angels, Universe…

I feel so incredibly grateful I have your guidance.

And I’m ready to manifest caring and loving relationships into my life.

It is my biggest desire to manifest (specify what you mean by “love,” this could be a specific person, better relationships with your family, more love and passion in your current relationships).

Add: I feel at peace knowing that your love and blessings are always available to me.

Thank You for fulfilling my desires. I can feel love inside and around me.

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Abundance Manifestation Prayer

God, Angels, Universe…

I’m ready to experience the next level of abundance in my life.

I’m willing to step into my greatness.

I’m ready to manifest new ideas and opportunities to help me manifest more abundance in my life and enjoy it with my loved ones.

Please open my eyes to new opportunities. Please bless me with new levels of awareness.

I’m willing to see things differently.

I’m willing to do my part.

I feel incredibly grateful for everything I’ve manifested, and I’m ready to expand to the next level.

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Manifestation Prayer for a Job

God, Angels, Universe…

I’m ready for a significant change. I’m ready to expand.

I know and trust that my dream job awaits me already. I can feel it. I feel so grateful knowing that my dream job desires to manifest for me too!

Please give me guidance. Please help me be at my best to take the best route to manifest a new job that provides the best for my loved ones and me.

I’m ready to expand. I’m willing to see things differently. I trust in the unlimited possibilities that life has to offer.

Thank you for your guidance. Together we co-create for our highest good,

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Manifestation Prayer for Money

God, Angels, Universe…

I’m ready to manifest more money into my life. Please help me see things differently so that I can become a vibrational match for more money and abundance.

I appreciate the flow of money in my life.

I appreciate the energy of money.

I feel supported by money.

I feel good in the presence of money.

Money always comes when I need it.

And I can create a beautiful overflow of money.

I‘m willing to do my part. I’m willing to co-create with you.

I’m open to receiving more. I’m so ready for your guidance.

I’m ready to expand financially.

Thank You – Thank You – Thank You

Manifestation Prayer Secrets Book

To dive deeper into manifestation prayer secrets, I warmly invite you to read my book – Manifestation Prayer Secrets: How to Ask, EMBODY, and Receive 🙂

Manifestation Prayer Secrets Reviews