7 Powerful Manifestation Methods and How to Choose the One That Works for You (2023 Update)

You’re just about to discover the most powerful manifestation methods and how to choose the one that works for you! There’s so much information about different manifestation methods available these days…So, we can’t really complain about the lack of information. The information is so abundant! What’s the real issue, then?

Well, the manifestation information overload

Imagine a person who decides to go on a nutritional program and start researching different healthy diets. They start with good intentions.

But…they end up feeling confused because there’s so much to do and so much to learn. And some diets contradict one another…

But, in reality, the real healthy diet is the one that works for you. There’s no one-size-fits-all diet. Everyone is different, and everyone has different nutritional needs.

The same principle applies to manifestation and manifestation methods!

I’m like a broken record with that 🙂

It’s all about creating your own manifestation system, aka your own manifestation diet. And it doesn’t have to be complicated.

You don’t have to be doing all the methods at once.

It’s not about “doing” more. It’s about opening yourself up for more.

It’s about shifting your mindset and energy. And this is what I believe manifestation methods are for.

They help us shift our mindset and energy and focus on the positive. They help us transcend our current circumstances and align with our desires. Having the right focus is the fastest way to manifest, and this is the #1 quality that all successful people have in common- they know how to focus on what they want and pretty much ignore anything that doesn’t align with their vision.

So, my advice to you is – read this post with the intention of choosing one (maximum 2) manifestation method to use to stay focused on what you want, and back it up with how you show up for yourself daily.

For example: manifesting social media success. If you’re an influencer who desires to manifest an incredible following on social media, you can choose to script about it every day in the morning and evening and really feel into it. Then, use this energy to imagine you already have a desired number of followers and show up on your social media channels (even if, currently, you only have 15 followers, do things from a higher level, as if you had 1.5 M followers).

Or, if you’re manifesting a dream job, you can do short and intense visualizations during the day: what would you wear? How would you feel? Who would you hang out with?

You could also affirm that your dream job always finds you, and take whatever actions you need to take during the day from that energy.

The goal here is to be at least one step ahead of your current reality (energetically and internally) and shift away from any negative states of frustration, lack, worry, and fear.

That’s what the manifestation- Law of Attraction methods are here for!

Manifestation Methods - How to Choose the One That Works for You :)

The Real Purpose of “Manifestation Methods” (and Law of Attraction for Skeptics).

I want to give you a quick, easy-to-understand explanation of why and how LOA works. This definition is perfect even for skeptics or people who are not into spirituality or energy work.

Before jumping into our manifestation methods, I think it’s essential to understand how our minds work. This understanding will help you make any manifestation methods you have chosen to practice much more effective. It will give you more focus & peace of mind!

You see, manifestation methods are merely a tool…

It’s your own unique power that makes this manifestation party fun…

Manifestation Methods That Start….in Your Brain!

Have you ever wondered why you suddenly start seeing something everywhere after hearing about it? It can be a specific book, concept, word, term, or even a number.

Perhaps you’ve joined some spiritual communities where everyone talks about seeing repeated numbers such as 11:11 or 22:22.

And now, you, too, can see repeated numbers all around you and begin to feel intrigued! Is it magic? Or something else? Personally, I think it’s magic because we are magical, and so are our brains! But there’s also a scientific explanation behind it.

You see what you choose to focus on. You see repetitive numbers because of the big bundle of nerves sitting at the end of your brainstem: the Reticular Activating System (RAS).

The RAS is what makes the Law of Attraction work. And it always works. It’s totally up to you to choose to wake up and program yourself consciously, designing your life the way you desire.

Your RAS registers what you focus on and creates filters to display what’s on your mind. In other words, it uses its intelligent algorithms to show you precisely what it thinks you most desire to see.

There is a slight problem, though! While the RAS is good at showing you what it thinks you want to see or what drives your attention, it isn’t great at understanding what you truly want.

It can only determine what you focus on – that’s it. So, ask yourself, what’s on your mind? What do you feed it with? Do you focus on what you desire?

For example, if you desire to buy a beautiful home but keep focusing on how impossible it is to get a mortgage and that everything is so expensive while salaries are going down, guess what your RAS is going to do?

It will quickly figure out, “OK, you are looking for more proof and evidence to see how impossible or even dangerous it is to buy your own house. Let’s do this. Your wish is my command!”

Conclusion? Focus on what you want by using positive manifestation methods. Your RAS will do everything possible to make you more aware of the fantastic house opportunities waiting for you.

Manifestation methods are like a bridge to help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. They allow you to maintain a positive focus.

The Mindset You Need to Embrace to Pick Your Favourite Manifestation Method

First of all, picking manifestation methods that work for you should be fun. Practicing your favorite manifestation methods should be fun!

Ask yourself:

-“If I was to pick only one manifestation method, what would it be?”

As I said, you don’t have to do all of them. That would be exhausting. It’s not about forcing yourself to do more. It’s about choosing what you love to do and …just doing it every day.

If you want to build muscle, what do you do?

You pick up a workout program you enjoy, just one, and you do it to get results.

Well, manifestation methods are designed to help you build your positivity muscle!

Ask yourself: “What do I enjoy doing?”.

For example, if you are a person who loves writing, I would recommend you focus on methods such as scripting or the 369-manifestation method.

You may also choose to start a Gratitude Journal (one of my favorites!).

You can write about things you are grateful for and why (things that already happened) and keep writing about your desires in the same way as if they already happened (more on that later).

What’s important here is- don’t try to force yourself into writing methods if you don’t like writing.

I talk about it in my book “Script to Manifest: It’s Time to Design & Attract Your Dream Life (even if you think it’s impossible now).

In the book, I share a success story of a friend of mine who couldn’t stick to her “write to manifest” practice. So, instead, she chose to record her vision in her own voice.

She kept listening to it every day, mostly on her way to and from work.

Using this manifestation method, she manifested her desires pretty quickly and even exceeded her expectations.

Some people simply like to schedule some visualization time.

That’s all they do. They meditate on their desires and visualize them.

Some people enjoy setting up hybrid manifestation rituals.

For example, they listen to some nice, relaxing music, visualize, make their vision board, and do some journaling.

If you are new to this work, or perhaps, you feel like you tend to lose focus and get off track, I recommend you get started with only one manifestation method to begin with.

As you keep mastering it, you may feel guided to expand on it later 🙂

For example, you may start with affirmations and repeat them daily.

But, after a while, you may realize that you naturally begin to visualize them daily…

The more you dive into one specific manifestation method, the more your positivity & manifestation muscle begins to grow.

And so, it’s no wonder that other manifestation methods suddenly feel much easier and more fun. Or you do them without even knowing…

But, remember, never force yourself into anything.

For example, when I first started learning about manifestation methods, I could not visualize at all. I felt so stuck.

I tried to force myself to do it, but nothing happened. I only kept creating more resistance.

Eventually, I decided to stick to different “manifest through writing” methods, such as gratitude journal, writing my affirmations, and writing my desires as if they had already happened and feeling grateful for them.

This is how I began manifesting many beautiful and unexpected gifts, such as manifesting unexpected money, restored health & energy – exactly what I wanted and needed back then!

What’s even more interesting is the amazing people I manifested into my life…

And then…I just felt like giving this visualization thing a try. I got inspired after reading the book Reality Transurfing by a Russian writer and quantum physicist, Vadim Zeland…

In that book, the author recommended his version of visualizing, “creating your own slides”.

And since my mind was already more focused on positivity thanks to all my journaling work and gratitude + more clarity for my life and biz…well…, visualization was so much fun!

I even wrote my own book on visualization, focusing specifically on people who find it hard to visualize.

This proves that our minds are mouldable and that learning or mastering a new manifestation method is more effective if we really enjoy it.

How Many Manifestation Methods Do You Actually Need?

It’s really up to you. No rule says that the more methods you practice, the more (or faster) you will manifest.

As I already mentioned, all you need to do is start with just one and use it to open yourself up for positivity. The more you practice, the more you learn about yourself and your beautiful mind.

Keep asking yourself: what do I really desire?

What is my #1 desire? What is the feeling that this desire lights up in me?

Then, use your chosen manifestation method to align yourself with your desire.

Be sure to act from a place of love, patience & abundance.

How would you feel if you were already living in your dream reality?

Can you embody your desire now?

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Can You Manifest Faster If You Choose to Do More Manifestation Methods?

That depends on your state. If you “try to do more” because you’re acting out of desperation, chances are it will slow you down. I’m not judging. I’ve been there as well.

I used to treat LOA as my “last resort,” and nothing ever worked.

Before getting started on any manifestation method, I highly recommend checking your energy, mindset, and heart-set 🙂

Why do you wish to manifest your desire? Is your intention coming from a place of fear or love?

Manifestation methods help us amplify what’s inside us, and so it’s so important to find answers to these questions:

-Do I wish to manifest my desire to “be happy” (only when it manifests), or can I be happy now? (and yes, be happy now because like attracts like!)

-Is the desire/goal I wish to manifest even mine, or am I trying to manifest something to get approval or validation from others?

Now…all you need to do is pick your manifestation method and get started!

Make it a fun, joyful ritual!

Be excited about your new reality…remember, it’s already YOURS!

Embrace the feelings of gratitude and magic.

Because it will feel like magic!

Unlock Your Manifestation Method 🙂

7 Powerful Manifestation Methods Demystified

Manifestation board
Creating an inspiring vision board can boost your motivation and help you focus on what you want 🙂

Method #1 Vision Board

One day you’ll look at your vision board, and you’ll cry…

Out of joy, of course!

Because you’ll feel so thankful that your “old self” decided to take this step.

This manifestation method is creative and fun. It’s great for people who find it hard to visualize.

It also makes you feel like you’re “shopping” and simply CHOOSING what you want and sticking it to your vision board.

You can take a look at some inspiring magazines and cut out the places, items, houses, cars, or even lifestyle examples that resonate with you.

You can create one big vision board or make several vision boards for each area of life. For example, you can make a health vision board with healthy recipes & foods and healthy lifestyle examples in it and stick it to your fridge.

Or you can have a career/money/business vision board in your office. Find images that represent your goals and desires. It can be your new office or business meetings.

If you’re an artist, perhaps you could pick images representing the way you wish your art to be distributed, such as through exhibitions.

Want to do your passion for a living? Find a visual representation and add it to your vision board.

Your life/lifestyle board can include some beautiful travel destinations or your favorite clothes, restaurants, as well as other activities you enjoy doing in your free time.

Pro tip- take a picture of your vision board and keep it in your wallet and phone.

Have a look at it at least once a day (preferably each morning and evening), even if you’re away from home or your office.

Feel the gratitude and FUSE yourself with your new reality 🙂

Method #2 Create Your Own Personalized Affirmation

I used to be a bit skeptical about affirmations and could never make them work for me.

First of all, I would create way too many affirmations, and I didn’t believe in most of them.

Because of that, my energy was scattered. There was no focus. The Universe was getting confused, and so was I…

Oh, and I was often feeling anxious about my affirmations.

So, here are two pro tips to help you make your own affirmations that work for you!

Pro tip#1 Add your name to your affirmation and state it in 3 different ways, such as:

I Elena, always attract high-vibe people!

You, Elena, always attract high-vibe people.

She, Elena, always attracts high-vibe people.

As you can see, my personal affirmations are short, sweet, and to the point, and include my name.

They are also specific but not too specific (I like to open myself up for some unexpected magic from the Universe, so I choose to create my affirmations in a way that aligns with that).

Be sure to make your affirmations in the present tense.

In some cases, you can also use the past tense, such as:

I’m so happy and grateful that, I Elena, now attracted so many amazing people into my life.

Oh, and the reason I like to say (or write) my affirmations in the second and third person, too, is to remove subconscious, negative blocks that might have entered my mind because of negative words about myself coming from other people 🙂

When to say your affirmations?

I would recommend early in the morning when you first wake up and in the evening before you sleep.

But you can also say them while doing things around the house, walking your dog, or driving.

Saying your affirmations can be a great way to fill your mind with something positive, even if you’re busy doing other things 🙂

Since you always think about something and talk to yourself…why not add some positive affirmations?

Pro tip#2 Another pro tip to succeed with this manifestation method, especially if you feel like you’re dealing with negativity- is to add binaural beats and music to your affirmation sessions.

You can even record your affirmations in your own voice, with some binaural beat music in the background 🙂

My #1 recommendation is Zen Harmonics because they have different tracks for different times of the day and use the Multivariate Resonance Technology (MRT) that guides you into a state of profound relaxation by aligning your senses with audible heartbeats and breathing sounds.

***Discover how to supercharge your manifesting journey with ZenHarmonics here and use my referral link for a massive discount!***

Method #3 Journaling & Scripting

Suppose you enjoy writing things down in your journal or even call yourself a journal junkie (like me, seriously, I have so many journals for so many different things/activities – a topic for another day, haha).

In that case, you will LOVE this method.

Like I already said, the more you practice it, the easier it will be for you to practice other manifestation methods.

If you’re not too sure what to write, you may want to check out my other post devoted fully to the 369 Manifestation Method.

Morning Journaling Prompts

I think it’s a great way to get started, especially if you’re a person who enjoys sticking to a particular structure.

If you’re more of a free spirit, then I would recommend you pick up your journal at least once a day and write a few things you are grateful for (in different areas of your life) because that will help you focus on positivity.

Then, write your affirmation (or affirmations, if you have a few of them, but I recommend you don’t go overboard because you don’t want to scatter your precious manifestation energy into too many directions).

One of the very effective practices I learned from studying Esther Hicks/ Abraham is this: be sure to write something that technically didn’t yet happen in your life….something you wish to manifest in your life…

But…write it in a way as if it had already happened!

For example:

“I’m so happy and grateful I manifested an unexpected 1 k because now I can…”

(and write what you will do with the money you “just manifested”).

It’s all about implanting positive images in your subconscious mind.

Here’s one thing to understand- if your subconscious mind is full of positive images, memories (can be “memories from the future”), and sensations, you’ll be manifesting amazing things pretty much on autopilot.

In alignment with that…as I always say…manifestation methods are not some magic spell but a way to help you implant what you want (aka positive images) deep inside your subconscious mind.

Method#4 Manifesting with Gratitude

This method is something I recommend everyone does, no matter what.

You can practice gratitude by writing about things you’re grateful for in your manifestation journal. You can also stand in front of the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, say “I love you” and then express your gratitude!

Think about your body, and your health. Think about the fact that you’re growing, learning, and evolving…think about the technology gadgets you have access to, such as the internet and smartphone.

Express your gratitude for every dollar you have ever received…

Go deep. There’s always something you can be grateful for!

This practice is something I recommend for people who feel like they lack clarity and don’t know what they desire to manifest.

They know they need change and want more positivity but are still unclear about their ideal reality.


Seriously! Gratitude is one of the best ways to raise your vibration and shift your mindset and energy. This practice will help you align your mind with new desires and possibilities.

So, if you don’t know what you want…don’t worry. Don’t force it, just let it go.

For now, all you need to focus on is gratitude, and trust me, you will manifest something incredible and unexpected!

How to Visualize

Method#5 Visualization

Visualization is yet another powerful tool to help you focus on what you want. It will also help you implant positive images in your subconscious mind!

You can combine it with affirmations. For example, as you say your affirmations, you can create your own mind movie of your dream reality!

Personally, I find it more effective to visualize my dream reality from the first-person perspective because it makes me feel “as if” I was there.

You can also visualize the process (of whatever you desire to do or accomplish) to help you remove the resistance.

This tool has been of enormous help to me on my writing journey!

I love process-based visualization before my writing sessions.

I visualize myself feeling inspired, and I say to myself: “I, Elena am a productive writer. You Elena are a productive writer; she Elena is a productive writer”.

(once again, visualization and affirmations are such a great combo!)

Many of my readers, who are entrepreneurs, content creators, writers, or artists, told me that process-based visualization helps them remove resistance and writer/artist blocks.

I definitely recommend you relax your muscles and stretch a little bit before your visualization session.

You can also visualize when you are relaxed (for example, in a bath or after a yoga class).

If any negative voices arise, understand that you can dissolve them by bringing your attention to your heart.

Learn more about the power of visualization:

How to Visualize: 5 Steps to Start Creating Your Dream Reality in 5 Minutes a Day

Meditation for Manifesting Goals
You can use meditation to manifest your goals 🙂

Method #6 Manifestation Meditation

One thing that prevents people from successfully manifesting is being in a constant state of stress.

And the best way to drastically reduce stress in your life is with meditation.

I have readers who just focused on meditation and didn’t even practice any other manifestation methods.

They all tell me that the mere fact that they were relaxing and feeling good helped them manifest.

All you need to do is sit down (personally, I like to add incense or a candle) and focus on your breath.

Breathe in all the good stuff and breathe out all the negativity, stress, and worry.

Keep telling yourself that all is good in your world, and everything is unfolding just like it should.

Read more on the power of meditation & prayer:

Meditation for Manifesting Goals in 6 Simple Steps

Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

hypnosis for manifesting money

Method #7 Manifesting with Hypnosis ( Removing Manifesting Blocks)

This method is recommended if you’re dealing with some deep negative patterns.

If that’s the case, you may need a very strong positive re-programming so that your subconscious mind can release old, limiting patterns and replace them with new, empowering ones in alignment with your vision for life.

Personally, I used to deal with many negative programs around manifesting money and abundance because, in my family, money was always treated as something evil and “hard to make”.

So, later, in my adult career/life, I would always work extremely hard to make ends meet or spin my wheels. Even after investing in myself in terms of skills and knowledge, in my old job, I could never get promoted. Or, if my situation improved, it would never last very long. Some unexpected bills would come, and money would leave me.

Then, I got into entrepreneurship, thinking that “being my own boss” would solve my money problem. And again, I worked hard and could never attract the right clients or opportunities.

And finally, to finish that negative cycle, I manifested a 6-figure income in my old biz, but once again, it cost me my health, was very stressful, and, of course, would not last.

That experience made me want to dive deeper, which is how I discovered hypnosis.

I learned about doctor Steve G. Jones and resonated with his story. In fact, it was so similar to mine-blocking success with negative subconscious programming and self-sabotage 🙁

His success and the transformational stories from his clients and students encouraged me to start working on my subconscious mind by going through his programs.

The best part? All you need to do is to listen and relax. And your subconscious mind will take care of the rest! It’s like manifesting on autopilot…

Discover how the Total Money Magnetism can help you re-program your subconscious mind and release manifesting blocks. Use my referral link for a massive discount here 🙂

The best way to re-program your subconscious mind for money and abundance is with hypnosis.

Finally, remember that even if it takes a bit longer to manifest your desires, the mere fact that you have chosen to work on your mind and your manifestation muscle will help you raise your vibration + shift your mindset and energy 🙂

You will become a new person, and as such…you’ll be able to manifest effortlessly!

You have the power. You are the infinite, beautiful, eternal being.

You are love!

Never forget who you are and how powerful your vibration can be!

Until next time,

Sending you lots of love from here,


PS. Just curious…what are your favorite manifestation methods?

How many manifestation methods have you tried so far, and what’s your experience with them?

I would love to hear from You😊