Manifest Through Writing – 5 Manifestation Journal Secrets That Will Change Your Life!

If you’re looking for manifestation journal ideas to help you unleash the most powerful manifestation methods and start creating your dream reality, you’ve come to the right place!

As a big believer in “write to manifest,” I consider myself a true manifestation journal junkie.

In fact, I’ve been journaling (focusing on manifestation) for years. The reason I keep doing it is simple- it works!

Keeping a manifestation journal helps me get clear on what I want, cultivate a positive mindset, and raise my vibration.

It also helps me stay focused and take aligned action.

In this post, I want to help you and guide you so that you, too, can experience a myriad of positive shifts by starting a manifestation journal.

Treat this post as a creative list of ideas to pick and choose from. There’s no right or wrong; so stick to the tips you enjoy most!

Manifestation Journal Secret #1 Instant Vibration Booster Through Holistic Gratitude

Organize your journal into different sections (different areas of life).


Health & Fitness





Now, write down at least three profound gratitude statements for each.


I’m so happy and grateful for my body, and my legs that allow me to move and see the beauty of this world.

-I’m so happy and grateful for the amazing spiritual experiences I had during my morning meditation. It felt like fusing myself with everything. I love this feeling of oneness.

-I’m so happy and grateful for the food in my fridge and all the gadgets like a blender and slow cooker. Now, I can make amazingly healthy meals and nourish my body. It feels so good!

-I’m so happy and grateful for all the money I’ve ever made in my life—even the times when I felt like I was making very little of it. Looking back, I understand that those experiences taught me a lot about being proactive, resourceful, and creative. Now I feel very grateful and very excited for what is yet to come.

-I’m so happy and grateful for an email I got today from a reader of mine because it really encouraged me to write more. I feel thankful for the internet and my laptop because I can share my message with more and more people.

Pro Tip:

Whenever you can, write WHY you’re grateful for something.

It will make your manifestation journal much more powerful.

This is something I learned from Rhonda Byrne, after going through her book, The Magic more than 10 times.

I have experienced much more gratitude magic in my life since I discovered this simple truth- always write (or say/state) WHY you’re grateful for something.

The funny thing is – I had to read her book several times to discover this simple truth…

Lesson learned – when you invest in a book, read it several times or more!

Because each time, you’ll discover something new 🙁

Manifestation Journal Secret #2 Eliminate Fear & Procrastination (Dream Reality Projection)

This tip is great if you experience procrastination or fear.

For example, let’s say you want to buy your dream home.

But now you have this negative thought: “I’ll never be able to buy my dream house”.


Start off by writing your vision…

Even a few sentences will do.


I’m so happy and grateful that I’m finally living in my own house that I got with cash.

My success story proves that the law of attraction works and the Universe is always there to help me.

I’m so happy and grateful for all the life lessons and tests from the Universe that I passed…

Because I learned to never give up…

My house is so beautiful; I feel so much abundance… (you can also describe it in detail).

Now, challenge yourself and write down at least three things you can do TODAY to shift out of funk and negativity by taking positive and aligned actions such as:

-researching this new online business model to create an extra stream of income to buy my dream house;

-driving around and looking at different houses, embracing the feeling that I actually have all the cash I need to buy whatever I want now;

-exploring new job offers or positions within my company/ new opportunities to make more $$$ 🙂

Now, you’re on a totally different vibration because you’re acting, feeling, and thinking as someone who fully believes and KNOWS that they can buy their dream house (instead of dwelling on the negative).

Manifestation Journal Secret #3 It ALREADY EXISTS (“Clips” from your ideal reality)

Before doing this tip, relax and meditate for at least a few minutes. Breathe and stretch.

Now, project yourself into your dream reality and start writing about the “clips” from your ideal life (no particular order is required).

You may have heard of the “my dream day” exercise.

Well, this one is very similar, but it can take less time. It’s also great for people who find it hard to write about their dream day, step-by-step.


I’m so grateful for this fantastic flight (I manifested a free business class upgrade!).

Finally! A dream holiday with all my family. In Italy! Now, we’re going out to enjoy some local food and have fun! I’m so excited that my friends are arriving here too. This is going to be the best family and friends reunion ever!

-I can’t believe it. But now it’s true. So real. I turned my annual income into my monthly income!

And I love it. I love my new “problems”. Time to talk to a high-level accountant and get those investments going!

Wow, I’m so healthy and fit now. It feels like my metabolism works for me. Because it does. I just listen to my body, feed it well, and I have so much fun with self-care. It feels so good. I love taking care of my health and fitness!

Those little “clips” (be creative and courageous) are really effective!

Personally, I love this technique before going to sleep because I know it helps to re-program my subconscious mind and RAS (Reticular Activating System) to help me get more guidance and focus on turning my dreams into reality.

It works if you make it work 🙂 So, start practicing today and have fun!

Manifestation Journal Secret #4 Letting Go & Prayer / Asking for Guidance (Trusting God/ Universe / Higher Power)

This manifestation technique is phenomenal if you’re looking for guidance and wish to start a new chapter in your life.


Dear Universe/ God / Higher Power (whatever you choose to believe in).

I’m now ready to move on. I’m prepared to open a new chapter in my life.

I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to live on purpose.

I’m going to go with the flow and do my passion for a living.

It’s scary. I know I can’t do this by myself.

Please, send me your guidance. I’m here. I’m listening.

I’m going to follow your guidance. I know this is my time.

We can do this together. Your wisdom and my aligned action. I’ll channel your wisdom.

Awaiting your guidance. I want to share your infinite wisdom with other people.

I want to help raise the vibration of the planet.

Please send me your guidance.

I used this prayer to let go of my old, soul-draining business. I really wanted to manifest a passion-based business back then, but I had no idea what to do.

I knew I wanted to write and help people. So, I asked the Universe to send me guidance, and I listened.

A few days after my original, written prayer, I began attracting people, courses, books, and all the information I needed to fully embrace my passion and turn it into a purpose-driven business.

Never underestimate the power of prayer! It may be enough to write it ONLY once to get the shift you desire.

God, Universe, Your Angels & Ancestors are always there to help. They will send you all the guidance you need. Just be aware and act on it. Even if it feels weird or scary.

Remember, you’re not alone!

Read More: Manifestation Prayer Secrets You Can’t Miss!

Manifestation Journal Secret #5 Quantum Gratitude Technique

This technique can really speed up your manifestations!

It’s basically all about feeling deep gratitude for future events…as if they had already happened!


I’m so happy and grateful that I’m now a multiple 6-figure earner with different streams of a passive income! I feel so free and abundant, I can help my family, and we can travel the world together. My dream came true. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

It feels so amazing to share my life with this incredible man/woman, and I’m so excited to start my own family! I know we’re going to be great parents, and we can’t wait to teach our children the power of positive focus and LOA.

I’m so grateful that I live in my own house that I got with cash! I feel safe and secure. It’s so much fun inviting my friends and family over. The best part? It’s so close to the beach. I’m so lucky!

Final Words on Keeping a Manifestation Journal

As I said in the introduction, you can create your own personalized mix of different manifestation journal techniques, or stick to just one, depending on how you feel/your situation.

Now, I would love to know which technique has been the most beneficial for you, so be sure to post a comment below.

Perhaps, during your practice, you discovered something new? Be sure to share it with others!

If you’d like to dive deeper into manifesting through writing, be sure to check out my other posts on the 369-manifestation method, as well as the 55 x 5 technique and its modifications:

The 55 x 5 Method: Is It Really Worth Your Time and Energy?

369 Manifestation Explained – The ONE Secret that Most People Miss…

Recommended Reading:

You may also be interested in my book: Script to Manifest: It’s Time to Design and Attract Your Ideal Life (even if you think it’s impossible now).

Enjoy and happy manifesting,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and mentor in conscious manifesting