10 Steps to Manifest Your Dreams -Manifestation How To Walkthrough- 2023 Update – Law of Attraction & Childhood Trauma

There are so many manifestation blueprints and methods out there. It’s easy to get confused!

But, in reality, conscious manifestation is simple: it’s all about choosing the right goals and dreams, something that sets your heart on fire, and then turning those goals into your reality with your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

It’s all about combining the practical with the metaphysical.

“Manifestation how to” doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need to do is to make up your mind for good.

Do you really want to change your life?

Perhaps you are already happy where you are, but you wish to manifest more money or change some minor things in your life.

Well, that’s manifestation. Conscious manifestation!

2023 Update – In this post, you will also learn how childhood trauma might be blocking your manifestations + a simple and effective method to manifest with the Law of Attraction, stay positive and focused on your desires while, at the same time, giving yourself some time and space to heal from any negative experiences from the past.

In this 2023 update, I also open up about my dysfunctional family, how it negatively influenced me, and what I did to heal and create a new version of myself. I share everything in an empowering but very honest way because I believe it will help many people who, like myself, desire to manifest with the Law of Attraction live their best lives but feel that past experiences might be blocking them.

In this post, I provide many solutions. You can heal yourself from within yourself, and if you follow my steps and recommendations, you can start feeling better and take a giant step forward -now, today!

Read more to discover how to manifest, even if you’re coming from toxic or negative environments.

The following manifestation how-to blueprint is easy to follow and focuses on the most crucial manifestation ingredients- things to do and things to avoid.

As a conscious manifestation and mindset author, I share this stuff with my readers daily.

And I can clearly see this: if there’s one thing that holds some people back from manifesting, it is that they are not committed.

They double in it…:(

Not judging; I have been there as well! 🙁

For many years, I had this “Oh, just try it once, maybe twice” mindset.

I also had a limiting belief of: “If it doesn’t work fast, then it’s not for me”.

This mindset kept manifesting struggles both in my personal and professional life.


– “Trying out different diet plans” instead of just staying committed to a simple, clean, and balanced diet that feels good and is easy to follow;

 -“Shiny object syndrome of various business opportunities” instead of just choosing the business model I like and sticking to it and mastering it.

Your “Manifestation How To” Starts with Step 0 – Staying Committed!

So…please promise yourself to stay committed to your goals and dreams.

Write it down in your journal. Declare your commitment, both to yourself and the Universe.

You are powerful, and you can make any dream that is truly yours -your reality.

Yes, action is required here.

There will be some inner work involved and taking inspired actions that lead to creating the life you love.

You Are the Law of Attraction! You are Your Own Unique Manifestation How To.

My definition of the Law of Attraction is very simple.

To me, the Law of Attraction is a self-development system that consists of inner work such as:

-working on your mindset, vibration, and energy 🙂

At the same time, it’s about becoming more aware and mindful of what is happening around you (and using it as feedback).

Your spirituality also matters (cultivating a positive mindset, faith, self-love, and compassion is priceless and a gift in itself).

I don’t see the Law of Attraction as something “out there,” something separate from us.

I’m the Law, and you’re the Law. We keep attracting who we are.

The best part? You become a stronger person as you go through the manifestation process.

You raise your vibration (by taking mindful action in alignment with your desires).

You develop resilience, confidence, and motivation. In other words – it’s all about the process!

So, there’s nothing to lose! But a lot to gain.

You don’t fail. You succeed, or you learn.

If you have been researching LOA, you may have come across some “gurus” that promise instant lottery wins and who knows what with their systems.

I can’t promise anything. I’m not you. I’m not your energy. I’m not your mindset.

But, the ONE thing I can promise is this- the stuff I share on this page is designed to help you permanently shift your mindset and energy while embracing authentic confidence.

And so, manifesting will be so much easier!

Whenever feeling doubtful, remind yourself that it’s all about the process!

Love it, embrace it, and master it.

manifestation how to
Discover 10 Powerful Steps to Turn Your Dreams into a Reality

Your Manifestation How To Blueprint Explained Step-by-Step

Step#1 Get Clear on What You Want

So, my Beautiful Soul…What do you really want?

As weird as it may seem, this is the hardest part!

Most people simply don’t know what they want. And they chase some random goals that are not even theirs.

Now, if you don’t really know what you want- don’t worry. Don’t stress out about it.

Give yourself some time to figure it out.


Well, my recommendation is – don’t force it. Let it come.

Give yourself some time and space to do things you enjoy. Take better care of your well-being. Embrace your happiness. If possible, take some time off.

Trust me. Eventually, your vision will come to you, naturally!

If you already know what you want, write it all down in the present tense as if it was already yours.

For example:

“I’m so happy and grateful I can work from home, doing what I love for a living…

I attract amazing people into my biz and life…

The house I live in is…”

Be sure to write as many details as you can!

Describe your ideal lifestyle, work, social life, your car, your hobbies, what you do for a living, where you go on holiday.

You can also turn your life script into a vision board, record it on your phone, and listen to it daily.

Step#2 Your Why (You Can’t Miss This Step).

This step is so crucial in our manifestation-how-to-blueprint!

Suppose you have been reading about the Law of Attraction and manifestation.

In that case, you probably already know that it’s important to embrace positive feelings about your vision (more on feelings in the next step).

I know that many people often struggle with this.


Because they don’t know the deep WHY behind their goals.

I mean…do you want a better house or a 6-figure salary just for the sake of it?

If you dive deeper into your desires, you will soon understand your WHY.

It can be:

-the feeling of freedom,

-being of service to others,

-being appreciated for the work you do,

-feeling like you’re finally attracting the right people into your business and life…

-traveling the world

-having the means to help your family

-having more time and money for your passions and hobbies

It can also be security, comfort, adventure…

As you dive deeper into your WHY, any manifestation method (such as scripting, affirming, or visualizing) will be so much easier.

As Neville Goddard put it beautifully: “Feeling is the secret” 🙂

So…by diving deep into your WHY and embracing the feelings it gives you, you can manifest so much easier and faster!

Recommended Book: Manifest Unlimited Motivation!

Step#3 Understand Your Feelings (even the negative ones)

Focus on the good feelings, but don’t ignore the bad ones.

Use them as a feedback.

Now you know what to work on.

Understand that, very often; negative feelings are designed as a protection mechanism to keep us safe…so they can also be interpreted as a signal that change can be scary.

For example, a person may want to create a vision of a 6-figure job and whatnot.

They can imagine themselves living a nice lifestyle and having a well-paying job they love.

But at the same time, they may feel resistant to their dream.

The resistance may manifest as procrastination, feeling tired, or feeling too scared to step up.

It may be a good idea to explore negative feelings and find a way to release them.

Perhaps deep inside, a person fears manifesting more money and success?

This is an excellent example of a manifestation block.

But the good news is- now you know what to work on and what you need to release.

So, don’t ignore negativity. Find a way to release it and use it as feedback.

Don’t suppress it.

Now, negative feelings are a bit tricky. Suppose they keep coming no matter what you do.

In that case, it may be a good idea to dive deeper to get to the root of the problem and get the help you need to move forward.

I used to struggle with obsessive negative thoughts and anxiety on my journey, too, and since it was too much for me to handle and I was determined to help myself, I knew I needed something to heal. I asked the Universe for help. And it came to me through a book recommendation.

This is how I discovered the Emotional Freedom Technique – something that has been supporting my Law of Attraction journey ever since.

I will briefly mention that I come from a very dysfunctional family system, something I wasn’t even aware of till my mid-thirties. I was never given any clear guidance or direction.

No emotional support. There were no clear boundaries or communication. My parents were extremely anxious and chaotic in the way they were doing things. I would often get over-praised for things I didn’t do well or over-criticized for things I did well.

Some of my extended family members were like that, too.

Now, I still love my family unconditionally. I’m grateful because I know they did the best they could with the awareness they had. I am grateful they could hold their jobs put food on the table, and seven park some intellectual ambition here and there (such as a passion for reading).

But, at some point, I had to stop my manifesting LOA practice and acknowledge that the way I was brought up lacked certain essential skills that are needed for a balanced adult life. These were my manifesting blocks.

I reflected on my teenage years and early adulthood and how unequipped I was to deal with life. My early steps into adulthood were filled with extreme anxiety, scarcity, and very low self-confidence. Not to mention – the difficulty in creating a lasting connection with people. And I was a toxic people magnet!

I was able to change so much thanks to the Law of Attraction and working with my focus and vibrations. And I met so many amazing people in the Law of Attraction community.

But I still had some shadows to heal, and I knew I couldn’t spiritually by-pass them.

So, coming across the EFT Tapping modality (actually, this modality found me, when I needed most, and it’s safe to say I manifested it), was a true God-send!

Now, my process and manifestation philosophy is very simple:

  1. I use the Law of Attraction techniques to focus on what I want while maintaining high vibration.
  2. I use EFT Tapping (daily) to audit any negative thoughts, sensations in my body, and emotions. Thanks to tapping, I relax and can look at them objectively. Tapping on the meridians helps release stored negative emotions and energy. So, I use EFT tapping to release my manifesting blocks.


To learn more about EFT Tapping, and get started today (seriously, you can start feeling better today), I highly recommend you read: The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner.

Most of my manifesting blocks were subconscious. I didn’t know I had them, or some behaviors were so deeply ingrained in me due to my pretty toxic-dysfunctional upbringing that I wrongly assumed it was normal. But it wasn’t.

The first EFT tapping session I did on myself made me feel like WOW. This is how I can experience real peace of mind.

Because anxiety was holding me back and making me stuck and miserable for many years.

And it’s hard to maintain positive focus and apply the Law of Attraction if you’re full of anxiety.

So…use the Law of Attraction and EFT tapping combo 🙂

Some ultra-radical Law of Attraction practitioners say that EFT tapping is focusing on the negative.

I don’t agree. Once again, coming from a pretty dysfunctional family where there was no real emotional support, I learned how to “deal with my emotions” from my parents. Who didn’t know how to deal with them really….

My dad would suppress them and pretend everything was perfect. He would often fantasize, future-fake, or indulge in overly magical thinking. So, I was often promised things that never happened. Imagine what this taught me over the years? Well, it taught me that having positive expectations wasn’t safe and would lead to disappointment.

My mom would overly express her (mostly) negative emotions, complaining all the time and catastrophizing. She would treat myself and my sibling as her personal therapist, from an early age.

Now looking back, I know that both my parents needed help because none of them was mentally stable. They thought they were OK, though, because they had University degrees.

Again, I am not here to criticize my family, I know they did the best they could with their level of understanding and awareness. I feel calm and grounded while sharing this, and I no longer feel ashamed to share this.

But…imagine the stuff that was stored in my subconscious mind. Imagine my inner dialogue!

Here’s the thing about emotions- the healthy way to deal with them is to give yourself a safe, relaxed space to experience them, understand them, and transform them into more empowering states. So, EFT Tapping was like that safe, supportive, and mentally balanced parent I never had. And also a parent who provides real feedback, guidance, and steps to follow (instead of blindly over-praising, like my dad would often do, lol).

This is exactly what EFT Tapping provides us with. Your safe space. Becoming an emotionally-balanced adult. First, you tap on the stuff that bothers you.

You don’t intend to suppress it, pretend it’s OK, or overly express it by treating everyone around you as sounding boards or personal therapists, lol.

You approach them as an adult who seeks peace.

You tap, relax, release, and let go. This is how you train your nervous system to be OK and don’t overreact when something negative happens.

And isn’t that a zen state that so many spirituality masters teach? And isn’t that what the Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption gurus teach? Circumstances don’t matter, right?

Yes, so true. But, if you say so, but your body feels different (because your nervous system is dysregulated due to past trauma or not being taught how to deal with your emotions correctly), this step will be hard, and it will negatively influence your manifestations.

So…give yourself the gift of tapping! You’ll be amazed at how positively it can affect your LOA journey.

Get this book by Nick Ortner and start today!

Enough about tapping now, I will surely write a more detailed post about it + dysfunctional family systems and manifesting with the Law of Attraction from a highly empowering point of view 🙂

Read More:

Subconscious Mind Secrets for Effortless and Effective Manifesting

52 Shadow Work Prompts to Release Your Manifestation Blocks and Live Your Best Life!

Another thing you can do to re-program your mind for positivity…

I highly recommend you journal about your WHY. Go as deep as you can!

Personally, I journal about my WHY DAILY.

Why? Because this is WHY!

Well, now, in all seriousness, the reasons I decided to stay connected to my WHY are:

-I get more motivation

-I feel resilient. Even if someone says something negative to me, it doesn’t affect me, and I choose to stay in the high vibration

-I’m a huge believer in Neville Goddard’s teachings, and yes, as already mentioned – the feeling is the secret!

Step#4 Create Your New Self-Image

Examine your feelings, actions, and thoughts. Do they help you fuse yourself with your goals?

Are they energetically matched to the vibration of your goals?

Or perhaps you choose thoughts, actions, and feelings that separate you from your goal and put it on the pedestal?

Then, your desire seems to get stronger.

But it’s not the right kind of desire because it creates the feeling of not having what you want.

So, you keep wanting it more while pushing it away!

A good desire (that helps you get closer to your goals) is created when you choose to BE what you want to attract DAILY.

How do you choose to BE your desire? How do you embody it?

Well, you step up, and you take action.

A great example to illustrate my point:

Do you know Aron Doughty? A pretty famous LOA & spirituality YouTuber.

His desire was to quit his 9-5 job and become a full-time YouTuber.

He wanted to create a channel around topics he was (and definitely still is) passionate about.

I use him as an example because most people know him, and he’s very transparent with his story.

So, in alignment with his desire to become a full-time YouTuber and, online business owner & course creator, he designed a new self-image a new identity and stuck with it.

And…He began doing daily videos!

(BTW, I used a very similar system to become an author…daily writing!

Taking action, baby! Taking attractive action!).

Yes, the Universe came in and helped me…

I got introduced to amazing mentors, books, programs, and many things that helped me manifest my dream of becoming an author…but my point is- I took action.

I embraced the process.

I said “goodbye” to the old Elena that just kept dreaming and talking.

I became the new Elena. I chose new actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Of course, we are not talking about some random actions and doing things and hustling just for the sake of it.

We are talking about aligned action.

An aligned action leads to manifesting your goals, not someone else’s goals.

It may and probably will be a bit uncomfortable at first (your brain is getting used to new things, and so is your vibration, you are now shifting to a higher vibration, and so at first, it may feel weird, and your old self might want to make you go back).

But there is no going back!

Also…how does Your New Self think and feel?

This is also super important. For example, a person could start taking action, but still from a negative, fear-based mindset, and so because of that, they will feel tempted to quit.

Design your new self-image now!

Yes, I know, more inner work.

But it’s fun!

And now, embrace your new self. Your new self-image!

Step#5 Choose a Manifestation Method You Enjoy to Stay Aligned with Your Desire

Now, we already designed your self-image.

I like to focus on the manifestation methods only after designing your new self-image because…

I’m a firm believer in taking action from a new paradigm.

I see many people “wanting” and “trying” to manifest but still coming from their old energy and self-image.

Now, methods and techniques are vital, and they do help a lot.

But… it’s not the methods and techniques that “attract”.

It’s your mindset, heart-set, and energy. It’s also your self-image, how you see yourself and how you show up.

Perhaps you did some manifestation methods before, and they didn’t work. I’ve been there too.

Maybe you even tried different courses and programs. And they didn’t work.

Well, as soon as you change your self-image and shift your mindset and energy, you’ll realize something interesting. Now, you can make pretty much any method work.

And you don’t need to do all of them! Just choose the one that resonates with you.

In this blog post, I dive deep into various manifestation methods to help you choose the one that works for you. 🙂

Step #6 Take Mindful Action (it’s fun!)

The word “attraction” has the word “action” in it.

Personally, I love finding a balance between Attraction and Action.

For example, the time I spend on inner work (such as mindset, energy etc.) and action (the most critical activities in my business and life; I mean, the Universe won’t be writing those books for me, right?).

Back to Aaron Doughty…

He designed his own action-based manifestation system inspired by Ester Hicks’ “intention segmenting” (creating a schedule around specific activities and intentions to stay in the flow).

As far as I can remember from watching his content back in 2018, his manifestation system was:

-wake up, cold shower & meditation

-make a video, edit it, upload it

-go to his full-time job (before he quit it to become a full-time YouTuber)

On some days, he would do daily videos after his full-time job in sales.

And as far as I can remember (please correct me if I’m wrong), after reaching a full-time income from his YouTube ventures, he quit his job, and so his schedule looked more or less like this:

-wake up at 5, cold shower, meditation

-breakfast (not too sure if he was fasting, I think he was into green smoothies too).

-record, edit, and upload a video

-gym, lunch

-afternoon- social media marketing to grow his brand

At the same time, he was learning a lot about digital marketing.

Evenings were for reading, learning, visualizing, and meditating.

He also mentioned using visualizations and deep self-image work to help him change his identity and show up as a successful YouTuber (even while still in his full-time job).

Now, everyone is different, and so are their goals.

So, create your own action plan, your own manifestation system.

I’m a big believer in doing what you’re passionate about.

In my case, it’s the Law of Attraction, mindset, self-growth, media, writing, and kindle publishing.

So, my daily system is based on what I love.

It’s important to stay true to yourself and your desires. Believe in what you do, and keep doing it!

Small, consistent actions are great for overcoming resistance.

Manifestation is all about the right mindset, energy, and strategy!

And this step is designed to inspire you to create the right strategy for you and your dreams.

Here’s a success story from a reader of mine:

He also manifested by bridging the metaphysical with the practical. In other words, he worked on his new affiliate marketing business (Action) daily.

He took it very seriously while, at the same time, he also stayed committed to daily meditation (Attraction).

Step#7 Stay Inspired by Other People’s Success Stories

Reading or listening to other people’s success stories, especially if they come from a similar background and you can resonate with their energy, is very inspiring and will help you stay in the high vibration.

One thing to be aware of – do not compare yourself to other people.

Everyone is on a different journey. Some people may need more time. You may need more time.

And that’s OK.

It’s not about creating some weird competition of fast manifestation success stories.

Whenever feeling doubtful, interview yourself and create your own success story. Seriously!

Because you are already successful!

Creating your own success story and being grateful for your desires, even before they manifest fully, help you live in the “as if it already happened” vibe.

Again, the Feeling is the SECRET!

This part is pure Attraction.

In the last step, we were in a very masculine energy of action, creating systems and strategy, so now, it’s time to balance it out with some good, relaxed -attraction- feminine vibes).

Oh…but successful manifestation requires both action and Attraction 😊

I LOVE to call it – The Law of Attr-Action 😊 (and I have a book under this title, written mostly for spiritual entrepreneurs to help them unleash the power of action and attraction; learn more here).


Step#8 Protect Your Mind from Toxic Energy!

Your mind and your time are your most valuable resources. Stay in high vibration. Avoid negativity.

But don’t judge other people for being negative.

We all once were in not-so-good vibes, right?

If you can, inspire them, make them realize there is another way.

But don’t infringe on them. People make different choices.

Simply do what you can and move on.

Keep shining your light!

It’s your journey and your manifestation.

Oh, and whenever you attract someone negative, into your life, don’t worry.

Simply affirm- Ok, so now I’m in the process of attracting at least 10 super positive high vibe people into my life! Because it’s fun!”.

Read More: 46 Powerful Affirmations to Block Negative Energy

Step#9 Practise Daily Gratitude and Kindness to Raise Your Vibration

This part focuses on Attraction and Spirituality (my definition of spirituality is – becoming a better, kinder, and more compassionate person).

Daily gratitude and kindness acts are among the best and fastest ways to help you embrace positivity and experience good feelings while letting go of impatience.

When desiring to manifest our dreams, we often tend to get too obsessed about them and put them on a pedestal, and we worry if it takes too long.

One of the biggest game-changers for me was practicing daily gratitude through journaling) and random acts of kindness. It feels good to help other people manifest some awesome stuff in their lives too.

So, ask yourself if you can help someone today?

Can you be kinder, nicer, more compassionate?

Can you call a friend or a family member? Can you text someone with a positive message?

Can you make a positive, uplifting quote and post it on social media to inspire someone?

Step#10 Trust the Process While Going Through Your Manifestation-How-To Blueprint (+ the Compound Effect of Manifestation)

You are learning, growing, and expanding. That alone is priceless because you amplify your manifestation powers.

The best way to erase negative feelings of doubt or resentment is to stay focused on the process of taking mindful action.

For example, as I’m building this blog, I occasionally come across feelings such as:

-comparing myself to other bloggers who have been blogging for years and are now very successful.

But then I remind myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day and that it’s all about the process.

I choose to stay inspired by other people’s success. If they could do it, then I can do it too!

One of the main pillars of this manifestation-how-to blueprint is focusing on goals and activities you’re passionate about.

Since I’m passionate about writing, creative media, helping people, and manifestation/self-growth, I know that it’s just a matter of patience.

This is the transformation I underwent over the last few years of deep inner work and investing in myself through coaching (mindset, spirituality, business), books, courses, and daily journaling.

In other words, I identified one of my biggest manifestation roadblocks, and I think this is very common in so many of us- the shiny object syndrome (and comparing ourselves to others!).

But then, I finally discovered the biggest secret.

I was my biggest manifestation how to.

I had to change my self-image, my actions, my energy, my mindset, and my behavior.

You can do it too!

Because you are the best manifestation how to!

The Law of Attraction and Conscious Manifesting works for you because you are the biggest Manifestation Secret.

You are powerful, and your mind (and heart) are stronger than you believe.

So…dedicate some time to You and the inner work.

Go through this simple manifestation how-to several times.

Yes, sometimes you may choose to change your desires, and that’s totally fine!

It’s like going shopping…and deciding to try different clothes on. It’s fun!

Then, you find something you like, and you… take it!

Well, this is how conscious manifestation works!

You give yourself the right to have. You choose.

And then you align by choosing to BE the person you can effortlessly have that what you desire.

To your success,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting

PS. Grab a FREE copy of my LOA Vibration Workbook & Audio HERE