Manifestation Crystals & Stones – Discover the Best Crystals for Manifesting Your Desires!

Manifestation crystals are one of the best ways to positively influence how we energetically show up in the world, therefore boosting our positive manifestation powers.

One of the main pillars of the Law of Attraction is the Law of Vibration– everything in this beautiful Universe is made of energy. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions carry a vibration of their very own.

On an energetic level, manifesting means getting into the vibrational match with your desires. The good news? You can use manifestation crystals to align with that very vibrational frequency you desire to attract.

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Best Crystals for Manifesting and How to Use Them

The first step is getting clear on what you desire to manifest into your life, and creating what I like to call, your manifestation blueprint.

(I have a simple to follow, step-by-step post to help you get clear on your desires and design your own manifestation plan, that includes mindset, strategy, and energy).

Using manifestation crystals can help you prepare for manifesting your desires on an energetic level, however, for optimal results, it’s important to choose crystals that clearly support your path.

For example, if you’re focused on manifesting more money, wealth, and success into your life, you will benefit a lot from using crystals such as Pyrite, Citrine, Green aventurine.

But, different goals and dreams may require different manifestation crystals to support your journey.

Manifestation Crystals to Attract a Specific Person


Rubies will connect you to the root chakra. They will help you unleash unlimited self-confidence, courage, and inner power, which is a very powerful vibration to be in, especially if you want to attract love, or a specific person into your life.


Tanzanite will help you raise your intuition, balance your emotions and be more intuitive, therefore helping you make better, aligned decisions.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is great for protecting yourself from negativity. It also helps open the heart chakra to promote love, self-love, and feelings of peace- a perfect vibrational match to attract a specific person and have an amazing time together.


Malachite opens your heart to unconditional love while promoting feelings of purity, oneness, and wholeness.

Lapiz Lazuli

Lapiz lazuli promotes feelings of deep relaxation, inner peace, and spiritual guidance.


Amethyst acts as a natural tranquilizer and emotional balancer. It also helps soothe anxiety and negative emotions you may experience such as fear of rejection.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Money


Citrine helps to unleash your inner confidence and ambitions without feeling overwhelmed. It also helps cultivate joy and optimism.


Pyrite is a very powerful protection stone that protects against all forms of negative vibrations working on the physical, etheric, and emotional levels.

Green Jade

Green jade eases the inner chatter of the mind while inviting feelings of harmony and peace.

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine is great to help you let go of old negative patterns and vibrations while encouraging you to find strength and space and courage.


Amethyst helps you release stress, fatigue, and anxiety you may experience while pursuing your money manifestation goals.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye helps promote focus, balance, and mental clarity so that you can make better decisions on your money manifesting journey.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Love

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart chakra to promote love, self-love, friendship, and holistic healing.


Aventurine is great for unleashing true compassion and empathy. It also encourages perseverance and authentic leadership- helping you to show up in the most authentic way so that you attract kind and loving people into your life.


Agate helps release inner anger, anxiety while helping in making your relationships better and stronger.


Garnet helps re-balance sexual energies while alleviating emotional disharmony.


Moonstone helps to enhance your intuition. It also promotes inspiration, success, and good fortune both in love and business matters.


Ruby helps to overcome any exhaustion and fatigue while balancing out your emotions and energy.

Best Crystals for Manifesting Success


Citrine helps boost positive feelings of optimism and belief in your manifesting powers.

Clear Quartz

 Clear quartz helps to amplify your energy by absorbing, storing, releasing, and regulating it. It can also help boost your memory and concentration.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz helps cultivate unconditional love and self-love while helping you believe and persevere on your manifestation journey.


Carnelian is empowering and stimulating. It also helps boost your courage, endurance, energy, leadership, and motivation.


Hematite can be used to protect and absorb any negative energies in your home. It’s also great to help you manifest from alignment while cultivating feelings of being grounded and confident.


Pyrite is great for taking care of your memory and focus. Perfect if you’re studying or trying to learn new information fast. At the same time, it offers protection from negative energies in your home or workplace.

Manifestation Crystals for Prosperity and Abundance

Green Moss Agate

Green moss agate helps to encourage a sense of deep tranquillity, peace, and emotional balance to manifest with joy and ease.


Selenite helps you get rid of old, stuck energy while unleashing your intuition and creativity.


Emerald is great for helping you unleash your inner wisdom while helping you make better decisions and boosting your mental capacity.


 Amazonite can help treat fatigue, trauma, and blocked energy while boosting your vitality.


Sunstone is a manifestation crystal that can really help you shine! It helps to eliminate fearfulness and stress while increasing vitality. It also encourages independence, motivation, and originality.

Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is a great manifestation crystal to help you unleash the optimal focus of your mind while promoting mental clarity. It also helps boost your motivation and creativity.

Best Manifestation Crystals for Health & Happiness

Black Tourmaline

Black stone helps with holistic purification. It can help cleanse your emotional body of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger, or any feelings of unworthiness, therefore, boosting your positive manifestation powers.


Obsidian is great to help you stay grounded and rooted in your inner wisdom and truth. It also has powerful metaphysical properties to help you stay protected against negativity.


Turquoise is a great purification stone. It helps to dispel negative energy and promote feelings of joy and happiness.


Amber is great for increasing the well-being of your body and home. It’s great to help you attract feelings of stability, support, and wholeness.


Ruby promotes physical and emotional healing, it also stimulates Tantric energy and enhances feelings of passion and motivation.


Bloodstone promotes endurance and physical strength. It can also help remove blocks that are keeping you stuck, while helping you revitalize your body and energy.


Moonstone promotes inner growth, strength, calmness, and intuition while boosting your inspiration and motivation to attract more success.

Best Crystals for Manifesting

How to Use Manifestation Crystals

There are many ways to use manifestation crystals, such as:

-wearing them or carrying them in your bag

-using them to set intentions

-placing them in your office, home, or bedroom

-using them for meditation, scripting, affirmations, or other manifestation methods to supercharge their power

It’s totally up to you, how you choose to use your manifestation crystals. Do what feels right for you and your lifestyle!

That being said…it’s also important to cleanse your manifestation crystals (at least once a month)by placing them in a bowl of Epsom salt, smudging it with incense, palo santo, or sage, using sound healing tools, or running them under fresh water.

Cleansing your crystals can be a manifestation ritual in itself…because it feels good to be taking care of your beautiful energy tools that help you manifest faster by unleashing a little bit of magic!

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