The Counterintuitive Approach to Attracting Your Specific Person…

You’re just about to discover the ONE thing you must understand to become magnetic to your specific person

If you want to attract your specific person, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, you’ll discover how to manifest your specific person by changing your energy and predominant vibration.

When I say “specific person,” I relate primarily to your soulmate or twin flame, someone you desire to attract into your life, someone you want to share your life with and have an amazing, loving relationship with.

But you can also use it to be magnetic to money and new opportunities.

What you’ll discover in this post you can use to improve all areas of your life.

For example, you can change your energy to make money, or new, aligned clients chase you. You may use it to be chased by vibrant health and unstoppable energy.

But first things first… let’s release all the negative energy of frustration you may be holding onto…

manifest your specific person with ease

I understand how frustrating it is when you try it all and can’t attract your specific person or result. You visualize, affirm, and want, and nothing happens.

I know what it’s like to feel defeated. But you came across this post for a reason, and you can quickly release the energy of feeling defeated and like it’s not working by fusing yourself with the energy of HOPE.

Hope is higher on the emotional-vibrational scale than frustration, anger, and fear.

Also, be good and kind to yourself and understand that there’s no shame in feeling defeated because it’s all about learning, and you can use that negative experience to change yourself from within yourself.

So, let’s dive deeper! Even reading through this post to the end can transform your vibration and how you look at things. As Dr. Wayne Dyer put it beautifully: when you change how you look at things, the things you look at change.

Your energy might be vibrating at the level of not having and not being good enough.

And our goal is to be an Energetic magnet to your specific person or someone way better and more aligned for you (yes, entertain this possibility! I did and manifested someone I could not even possibly imagine…Way better than the specific person I originally wanted to be with…although I was also pursued by them).

Here’s one thing to understand:

Your energy needs to be free of resistance.

You manifest who you are, not what you want.

Resistance is created by opposing thoughts and energies. You may say you want to be with your specific person, but your energy vibrates at the level of “not having them and not being enough”. There’s the energy of wanting, needing, and not having, therefore not being good enough. There may also be energy of seeking validation and approval.

Your inner story is the opposite of what you want…

So, you need to change that story first.

Also, understand the LOA paradox. Once you get it, everything will flow to you.

And the LOA paradox is to be OK with not having your desire and embody the energy of peace and neutrality.

So, be OK with not attracting your specific person and focus on attracting your best self instead.

The Universe responds to your dominant energy and beliefs.

Other people reflect your dominant beliefs.

As Neville Goddard put it beautifully: Everyone is you pushed out.

But you can change your dominant story; now is the best moment to start.

We are all connected. Your energy either attracts or repels.

The important thing to do is to release resistance and create magnetic energy.

When you think of someone (SP), your energy is projected to them. So how do you feel about them?

People feel what you feel about you and about them…

What you think about them will either attract or repel them. The energy of needing is not a good energy to manifest from. Or even if you manifest from such energy, your success may not be long-term.

If you want long-term success, you must change your energy and mindset. And that journey never ends. You must keep going. Sometimes you may get off track and revert to your old self. But you will get up, brush yourself off, refresh your energy and keep going.

From my experience, the best energy is neutral:

“I am OK without you because I am my specific person, and I have everything I need already” – was my affirmation when I first discovered how important it was to embody the energy of neutrality.

And, guess what? I was pursued by my (at that time) specific person. But as I kept doing my inner work, growing and expanding, I outgrew my original desire, and the Universe sent me a man that was much more aligned with the best version of myself I chose to embody.

Of course, this is my story. Many of my readers manifested their specific person they wanted to manifest initially, and it was the best match for them.

But some outgrew their original desire and manifested a way better energetic match, for their highest good of all (and their original specific persons manifested the best matches for them; the Universe wants to help everyone for their highest good, and it is the best relationship agency!).

Keep affirming that everything always unfolds for the highest good of all!

So, remember that neutrality is the best energy to manifest from.

What makes you sexy is the energy of embracing your uniqueness and loving yourself.

OK, easier said than done.

It’s a process for some and easy for some.

Everyone is different.

Either way, everyone needs to get started somewhere.

And the best place to start is to love and celebrate yourself the best you can. The energy of gratitude and self-celebration is the energy of attraction.

Do what you love. Laugh, and follow your passion. Do positive affirmations. Be happy and follow your values. Meet new aligned people. Just thinking about those beautiful experiences can help you change and shift your energy.

Stop abandoning yourself to meet other people’s needs and values. And stop lowering your vibration just to fit in.

Discover who you are. Define your authentic self-confidence.

Make this inner energetic shift; activate yourself right here and now. Choose yourself.

Remember that you manifest who you are and that your reality reflects that. Stay true to yourself and your heart.

Your heart is always right, and living on your terms feels great. When you see your value and worth, others will see it too.

Please don’t do this to try to get them back. You do this work for you first, and attracting your SP, or new opportunities will be a byproduct of your personal transformation.

Claim it- I am changing and transforming for myself because it’s fun!

I LOVE investing in myself. I do it for me. I deserve to see myself as worthy. I treat myself right. By changing myself, I can change the world. But first, I must help myself!

Focus on your self-love and healing practices. Raise your vibration, and once again, do this for you, not from the energy of neediness but from the energy of prioritizing you!

Activate yourself now by choosing to leave the energy of neediness and stepping into the energy of joy, ease, worthiness, and unlimited self-love!

specific person

Recommended Book to Help You on Your Journey:

Self-Love Handbook will help you embody the energy of inner worthiness and self-love to supercharge your manifesting powers (including- manifesting your specific person!).

Now available on Amazon!


Wishing you all the best on your manifesting journey,

Until next time we meet,

Sending you lots of love from here,


Your friend and guide in conscious manifesting