How to Finally Manifest Your Soulmate (without trying so hard!)

Do you want to manifest your soulmate? Perhaps you’ve already tried to apply different Law of Attraction and manifestation techniques, but you feel like you’re missing something?

If that’s the case, don’t worry! In this post, you’ll discover at least several secrets that most manifestation teachers miss…

Not because they have bad intentions, but simply because they share their experiences and what they did (for example, which manifestation method they used) from their own perspective, mindset, and energy…that may not be aligned with yours…

Luckily now, you’re just about to discover…the real truth about soulmate manifestation…

The Real Truth about Soulmate Manifestation

Now, some people can simply follow the first manifestation technique they come across (for example, visualize) and manifest their soulmate almost instantly…

But I’ve never been one of those people. It never worked for me. I could see others “just do it”.

They could use pretty much any manifestation method to manifest their desires (soulmate, money, dream job).

Yet, it never worked for me (I share the full story in my book Manifestation Secrets Demystified).

But you know what? Thanks to my initial failure with LOA, I was forced to dive a little deeper to see what was holding me back from manifesting my soulmate (and other desires).

I realized that it’s NOT only about what we do, but how we do it…

And this is how the real Elena G.Rivers and her manifestation systems were born…

So that I can offer you some valuable tools to help you manifest your soulmate.

Because I know the biggest mistake that keeps people stuck on their soulmate manifestation journeys.

So, back to some manifestation gurus…I used to be very angry at them…some of them…or most of them…

Because I felt like they were deliberately not telling me the truth.

That resentment was bad energy, and now I can see it clearly.

But, here’s the thing…if you desire to manifest a better life (whether it’s manifesting your soulmate, more money, abundance, fulfilment, happiness, health, etc.) and you tried the Law of Attraction and manifestation techniques before, and they didn’t work for you, please, stop blaming yourself and others.

Instead, start off by being grateful for everything you’ve learned so far…

You probably already understand some tactics…and some lessons…

But, what you need is a system, a nice, holistic system that’ll make it all work for you…

And you’re just about to discover it…

So, here’s the #1 Truth You Need to Understand to Manifest Your Soulmate…

Before diving into our 3 soulmate manifestation secrets…the most important lesson for you to understand is that you need to heal from the past.

When I say: “heal from the past,” I’m referring to:

-healing from past relationships

-healing from any disappointments you’ve experienced on your manifestation journey

Now, there are many ways to experience spiritual and emotional healing.

One of the books I always refer my readers to is The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner.

I highly recommend you give it a try. His system works very fast, and you’ll experience the emotional freedom you deserve to “start fresh” and manifest your soulmate.

Another way to experience healing fast is through gratitude.

You can use a journal or a piece of paper.

Write down all your past disappointments and find as many things as you can to be grateful for.

Intend to see them as something good, something that made you stronger.

Now you know who you are, now you know what you want…

Oh, and remember when I mentioned people who can just pick some random manifestation technique and make it work for them…instantly?

From my observation and research…these are the people that are somehow free from past traumas. They either did their healing, or…they never really experienced any deep traumas.

Or…their minds are always focused on the positive. Automatically. I call these people Happy Flowers!

(and…I’m always getting closer to becoming one of them!).

But…the bottom line is this: if you tried LOA to manifest your soulmate and it didn’t work, it’s because you got some past trauma, disappointments, or baggage…and you simply need to let it go.

And, I got your back!

So, be sure to do the gratitude exercise.

As one of my spiritual mentors, Stuart Wilde (God Bless His Soul!), always said:

“Whatever happened to you, up until this point, intend to see it as something beautiful, something extraordinary”.

In self-development, it’s called perception…after all, it’s all about perception. And it’s not that much about what happens to us, but how we interpret whatever happens to us as something that happens FOR us.

In many cases, doing the gratitude exercise to heal the past can be enough to manifest your soulmate…or something cool and unexpected.

Personally, healing my past, finding peace within myself, and being grateful for the past relationships that didn’t work, even the abusive ones, helped me heal my past and attract my soulmate.

At first, the journey wasn’t easy. But it did work. Then, I taught my experiences to others…several friends of mine…and many, many readers.

Here’s another interesting thing…you probably already know this. If that’s the case, use it as a reminder…

We don’t manifest what we want. We manifest what we are…

So, when I write about manifestation, in most cases, I attract people with energy and a mindset similar to mine. And sometimes, I attract people whose mindset and energy are similar to mine from several years ago.

I think I attract them because, deep inside, they know that thanks to my experiences and lessons learned as a result, I have the tools to help them move forward. Or at least find some hope.

So, I attracted you. We’re on the same (or at least similar) vibe.

You’ve been trying to manifest your soulmate and felt like something was missing on your journey…and you attracted my content, and you didn’t click off until now!

And you know what? Just like you attracted me and this weird piece of content…

You’ll also attract your soulmate. Yes, you’ve already attracted the first step.

You just learned about what has been holding you back.

Maybe you already knew about what’d holding you back from manifesting your soulmate. Still, you simply didn’t have any resources and tools to move forward?

Well, now, you know…

Deep gratitude for healing the past.

So now, it’s time to dive into our soulmate manifestation secrets!

The following part should be easy. Once you heal from the past, everything is easy!

3 Proven Secrets to Manifest Your Soulmate

Secret#1 Start with Self-Love

Start off with deep self-love. Write down everything you love about yourself.

If, for some reason, you don’t feel like writing, say it all out loud, or even better yet, record it on your phone and listen to it.

Embrace self-love and bathe yourself in it.

Now, imagine, it’s your soulmate who says all those beautiful things about you!

Do this exercise at least once a day.

A great practice to have would be to write in your self-love journal every morning or evening. Or, if you don’t like writing, say it all out loud, in front of the mirror.

Works like magic!

Because to attract your soulmate and love, you must embody that love first.

Remember, you attract who you are.

So, choose to be in the vibration of love and self-love!

To dive deeper into self-love, I highly recommend you check out my book: Self-Love Handbook Magnified with the Law of Attraction.

Secret#2 Create Your Ideal Lifestyle (as if you were with your soulmate already)

So, many people like to start off by writing about their ideal relationship or soulmate.

And there’s nothing wrong with that…

But, this exercise is much more powerful because you take it to the next level.

You create and envision the lifestyle around being with your soulmate.

And, it’s a fantastic exercise for your subconscious mind…

In fact, your subconscious mind loves such games…

You see, your subconscious mind is the real deal behind the Law of Attraction. It’s like this internal GPS…And it understands the language of feelings, situations, images, and sounds…

So, do it now.

Ask yourself, what would a perfect day with my soulmate look like?

You may even do it twice. For example, ask yourself: what does an ideal workday with my soulmate would look like?

Would we be talking about our businesses or jobs, something we’re both passionate about? Would we support each other?

Then, ask yourself, what about the holidays and weekends? What would we do?

Create as many positive scenarios as you can and give them to your subconscious mind…

What would you be doing on Sundays? What about workdays? Would you drive to work together, if yes, what would you talk about?

Or maybe…would you both work from home? Or run a business together?

This little LIFESTYLE movie secret works like magic!

Because it speaks the language your subconscious mind understands…

Make your subconscious mind work for you, not against you, to manifest your soulmate…

Secret#3 Give Yourself the Feelings You’re Looking for NOW

First of all, from what place are you intending to attract your soulmate?

So many people are trying to manifest their soulmate to feel loved, whole, and complete.

And it never works for them. Or they can never manifest something that lasts.

I’ve been there too. This is why the first tip I gave you was self-love.

You need to love yourself first while feeling whole and complete.

But now…

What other feelings do you desire to experience with your soulmate?

Discovery, adventure, travel, support, security…etc.

Remember that the first step is to find these feelings and experiences within yourself.

For example, freedom and travel- you can always go on a short solo trip, just to give yourself some space to get to know new cultures, read, or align.

And you can always find support within yourself simply by embracing positive self-talk.

Small steps and inner changes always lead to massive transformations and extraordinary manifestations!

The bottom line is this- whatever it is you love about your soulmate (even before manifesting them into your life), be sure to find it within yourself and your current reality.

Everything is energy, and like attracts like. You can embody your desires and attract them simply by…fusing yourself with them.

So much more powerful than adding more manifestation techniques and things to do…

BEING is always more powerful than DOING. Especially when it comes to manifesting your soulmate!

Final Words

Choose to stay rooted in your empowering vision, positive belief, and patience.

The last one is so important!

Because it’s so easy to start comparing yourself to others who are already manifesting this and that…Especially if you’re on social media.

Remember, though…you’re unique…your energy is unique…and your journey is unique.

The process of manifesting your soulmate (even before they enter your life) is PRICELESS, because it will help you heal your past and raise your vibration.

It will help you embrace self-love, and gratitude, therefore making you a real magnet for an avalanche of positive manifestations.

So…embrace the journey and love it.

Because, most often than not, the real secret to manifesting anything…is to stop trying so hard.

So, embrace the present moment while being truly grateful, excited, and in alignment with who you really are.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it on Pinterest:)

If you’d like to dive deeper into manifesting your soulmate, check out my book:

Law of Attraction for Amazing Relationships: How to Drastically Improve Your Love Life and Find Ever-Lasting Happiness with LOA!

Until next time we meet,

Much love,
